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64 year old with kidney disease dies after inoculation, daughter sees vaccination link


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A 64 year man in the northeastern Thai province Udon Thani died the day after he got a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The man’s daughter believes his death could be connected to the vaccine. Akkradet Thongkham reportedly died suddenly yesterday, which sent a combination of police and health officials to his house after being notified of his passing by his daughter, Wanthanee. Wanthanee told police her father had just finished eating lunch when his breathing became laboured and he passed out. She says she tried to administer CPR to her father, but it was no use. She continued on […]

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This is happening all over the world. And, in my opinion; it's only the start.

RIP fella.

Well done to TT for reporting.

Edited by snapdragon
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Loss of a family member or friend is always hard to take and especially when the clock stopped ticking from a not natural cause. 

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Deaths following vaccinations are extremely rare :- 2-5 people per million according to CDC. Unfortunately it happens, but the alternative is a lot more dying from the diseases vaccinations prevent or lesson.  The media announces all deaths even remotely attributed to a vaccine, because people have fears about them - which causes more fears. Are we going to ban cars because of the number that die every year in every country?  People die after undergoing dental treatments - but that never gets publicised.  Sad case as are all deaths - but dont let the fear mongers (media) affect you. Vaccines prevent millions of deaths every year - yes they do cause a few - but very very few. I am taking the annual flu shots - and will also take the covid shots - and I will continue to drive a car - and get my teeth fixed - and swim in the ocean. Life is too short to worry about all the things that can end it - I dont climb mountains, or ride on zip lines (in Thailand), or ride a motobike (in Thailand), or jump from a perfectly working aeroplane - but there are some risks that are more than worth it. 

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18 minutes ago, AussieBob said:

Deaths following vaccinations are extremely rare :- 2-5 people per million according to CDC. ...

Referring to CDC as a trustworthy source of information is highly questionnable.  They have morphed over time into the propaganda arm of Big Pharma (yes, contrary to what you might think they are NOT an independent government institution but depend heavily on Big Pharma grants).  Never bite the hand that feeds you...

It suffices to take a look at their website claim re the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines.  > https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html < see attached >

Apart from the dubious claims re safety and the flowery language (can/might) re effectiveness, they have the audacity of posting the outrageous LIE that the covid-19 vaccines are not experimental!  By now EVERYBODY that has done a tiny bit of research knows that these vaccines only did receive temporary emergency approval because there were no other approved remedies available (which explains the reason why ivermectin was taken off the approved drugs list).

CDC claims dd 15-june.JPG

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28 minutes ago, AussieBob said:

Are we going to ban cars because of the number that die every year in every country? 

If they would handle the car problem the same as Covid, there wouldn't be any car by now. 

I've heard that sitting and lying for too long will be banned too as it can cause chronic health problems. 

Walking will be banned too as it causes people to trip and die by accident. 

Breathing will be banned too as we might accidentally inhale something and cause lung problems. 

Thinking too much will be banned because it can cause mental health problems. 

You might think I'm kidding, but Google: dangers of.... And you'll see that everything has hazards attached ??? soon we may stand only, as I googled 'dangers of standing' and it said there's no risk. 

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1 hour ago, AussieBob said:

Deaths following vaccinations are extremely rare :- 2-5 people per million according to CDC. Unfortunately it happens, but the alternative is a lot more dying from the diseases vaccinations prevent or lesson.  The media announces all deaths even remotely attributed to a vaccine, because people have fears about them - which causes more fears. Are we going to ban cars because of the number that die every year in every country?  People die after undergoing dental treatments - but that never gets publicised.  Sad case as are all deaths - but dont let the fear mongers (media) affect you. Vaccines prevent millions of deaths every year - yes they do cause a few - but very very few. I am taking the annual flu shots - and will also take the covid shots - and I will continue to drive a car - and get my teeth fixed - and swim in the ocean. Life is too short to worry about all the things that can end it - I dont climb mountains, or ride on zip lines (in Thailand), or ride a motobike (in Thailand), or jump from a perfectly working aeroplane - but there are some risks that are more than worth it. 

I must oppose these words; "The media announces all deaths even remotely attributed to a vaccine." This is simply not the case. In fact the opposite is true. The deaths due to the C-19 vaccine - as reported by the US system VAERS - is running at 6.000. Less that 10% of cases; for various reasons, are reported. In the UK - as reported by the Yellow Card scheme - the figure is 1300. And again this is vastly under-reported. I'm not in the know about Oz.

"Vaccines prevent millions of deaths every year - yes they do cause a few - but very very few." Again I feel that the opposite is true. In my opinion, there is NO vaccine that has prevented ANY deaths; ever. But, they have caused the deaths of millions; especially in Asia and Africa. Where do-gooders (?) and money-makers, have run riot with their cure-all jabs.



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58 minutes ago, AussieBob said:

Deaths following vaccinations are extremely rare :- 2-5 people per million according to CDC. ...

@AussieBob > I could not believe what you wrote there, so I looked it up.  Easy, I just googled your statement and it did lead me straight to the CDC website-page you referenced.

> https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

Three comments:

#1 - The 2-5 people per million you state, does NOT relate to deaths, but to the occurence of anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination

#2 - The site states: More than 324 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through June 28, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,718 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. By relating it to the number of doses, instead of the individuals having been vaccinated, they come to a number of 18 deaths per million doses provided.  Or approx 30-35 deaths per million vaccinees.  And this only relates to the 6 months since vaccine roll-out (and nobody knows about long-term effects) and it is well-known that adverse effects on VAERS are heavily under-reported.

#3 - The site mentions: Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. As of June 28, 2021, VAERS has received 780 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine.  Or how to lie with numbers: categorizing it as 'rare' when there are already 780 cases in the under 30 years of age vaccinees, for a serious heart-inflammation condition.

> Do your own research, the figures are available and don't rely on MSM to cherry-pick and explain them to you.

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@King Cotton  I think the conspiracy trolls from TV have arrived??  Can we request a 'report' option. I have used the 'ignore' option but maybe others will take the bait and end up in argument with trolls.  As another poster has stated in another post, if they are not quickly removed they will ruin this forum like they do all others.  

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39 minutes ago, AussieBob said:

@King Cotton  I think the conspiracy trolls from TV have arrived??  Can we request a 'report' option. I have used the 'ignore' option but maybe others will take the bait and end up in argument with trolls.  As another poster has stated in another post, if they are not quickly removed they will ruin this forum like they do all others.  

In King Cotton's absence I respond :-

if on PC you have a REPORT function in the '3 dots' menu.  On other devices this function may or may not appear and your detailed feedback is welcome in the SUPPORT section.  Backend boys will look into it.  The problem, that is.

Meanwhile, shoot me a message with the subject page URL and I will do what I can.

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I'm sorry but why report this? She claims it was linked to the vaccine? FFS

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3 hours ago, snapdragon said:

In my opinion, there is NO vaccine that has prevented ANY deaths; ever. But, they have caused the deaths of millions; especially in Asia and Africa.

Well, that pretty well rules out any sort of rational debate.

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10 minutes ago, Stonker said:

Well, that pretty well rules out any sort of rational debate.


If you think differently then let's discuss. I think the onus is on you to show that vaccines are worthwhile. But if you can't then fire a disease at me; and let's have the matter out.

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26 minutes ago, snapdragon said:


If you think differently then let's discuss. I think the onus is on you to show that vaccines are worthwhile. But if you can't then fire a disease at me; and let's have the matter out.



Edit: on second thoughts, add on tetanus,  Hep A and B, rubella, whooping cough, rotavirus, mumps, chicken pox, diptheria, rabies and yellow fever.  Polio will do for a start, though.




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2 hours ago, AussieBob said:

@King Cotton  I think the conspiracy trolls from TV have arrived??  Can we request a 'report' option. I have used the 'ignore' option but maybe others will take the bait and end up in argument with trolls.  As another poster has stated in another post, if they are not quickly removed they will ruin this forum like they do all others.  

Agreed a million percent, @AussieBob.

Unfortunately some posters (three in particular spring to mind) are interested in nothing but Thai-bashing and abusing, whatever the topic, while others are just interested in conspiracy theories, again whatever the topic, to de-rail any rational debate, dismissing any recognised sources.

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3 hours ago, AussieBob said:

@King Cotton  I think the conspiracy trolls from TV have arrived??  Can we request a 'report' option. I have used the 'ignore' option but maybe others will take the bait and end up in argument with trolls.  As another poster has stated in another post, if they are not quickly removed they will ruin this forum like they do all others.  

I don't always agree with people, but I'd never report someone. You can tell your side, and they tell their side. If it looks stupid to most people, they'll just figure out who is right for themselves. 

Let's keep this forum free and not like forums where you get thrown out for saying the slightest thing wrong. Lately if you want to say something you will have to tiptoe around already wherever you go. 

What's even the use of a forum if everyone agrees with each other? Then someone just says something that you know already. And you'll be like, yes, yes, that's right. And someone has to read that all too, who also agrees, and sits there like: I knew it, I agree too. That doesn't benefit anyone. 

If you are smart enought to know you're right, you should show it too with arguments, but not to silence others. That shows only how less you trust that your own opinion is right. 

*I partly agreed with your original post btw*?

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37 minutes ago, Stonker said:

Agreed a million percent, @AussieBob.

Unfortunately some posters (three in particular spring to mind) are interested in nothing but Thai-bashing and abusing, whatever the topic, while others are just interested in conspiracy theories, again whatever the topic, to de-rail any rational debate, dismissing any recognised sources.

Compared to my reaction to @AussieBob , I do believe tho that purely racist, or violent behavior should be banned. I agree here, but we shouldn't go that far that we ban something when we interpret it wrong. For example with jokes.

TV is screwed up because they say racist stuff about Thai people any minute. But other people get thrown out for racism because they say there's something wrong with western people ?

I know it's a bit off topic, but moderator, please don't remove this, or else it'll become like Phuket Sandbox, where you go to have fun time, but nothing is allowed?

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2 hours ago, Stonker said:


Edit: on second thoughts, add on tetanus,  Hep A and B, rubella, whooping cough, rotavirus, mumps, chicken pox, diptheria, rabies and yellow fever.  Polio will do for a start, though.


Yes! Let's start with 'Polio'.

A little background:: Polio is the abbreviation of Poliomyelitis, and is generally defined as an 'infectious viral disease that effects the central nervous system'.

First descriptions of polio came to light in the late 1700s. Although the condition was not named polio until a hundred years later. The symptoms of polio (paralysis) have been with us for a couple of thousand years. In the 1700's and 1800's the paralysis condition was thought to be brought on by arsenic, quicksilver and lead poisoning. Later Phosphorous, cyanide and carbon-monoxide were add to the list. It's interesting to note that mercury and arsenic were common remedies used by doctors, during these times.

DDT was also used extensively during the early 20th century and it was shown conclusively that outbreaks of polio were linked to its use. In the last 80 years or so, DDT was largely phased out and replaced by parathion, an organophosphate, which is no less toxic; but less persistent. There is clear evidence that to show that toxic chemicals give rise to cases of paralysis that had been diagnosed as polio.

In 1954, Dr Salk's Polio Vaccine was used for the first time. In 1977 a group of doctors reported that the mass vaccination program in the US had resulted in a significant rise in polio cases.

In 1988 the CDC announced that polio was virtually eradicated. But this was not so. The disease was rife in India, where the use of DDT was, and still is, widespread. Also in other countries. The use of liberal amounts of DDT is used to eradicate mosquitoes.

Promising to eradicate polio. Bill Gates took his program to India. Through his billion dollar investment, he took control of India's National Advisory Board and started vaxxing children; big time. It was an absolute disaster. Causing paralysis to nearly half million children. In 2017 the Indian Government chased gates out of their country. Polio rates dropped massively. But DDT is still being used so polio is still about.

In the west, polio rates had dropped significantly as the results of toxins and poisons were becoming better known, and 'safer' chemicals began to emerge.

I contend that polio is brought about by toxins. And cannot be passed on from one person to another, either through breathing on each other, or by touching..


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7 hours ago, BlueSphinx said:

They have morphed over time into the propaganda arm of Big Pharma (yes, contrary to what you might think they are NOT an independent government institution but depend heavily on Big Pharma grants).

What? CDC is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services and has never been independent. It also takes exactly no grants from outside entities except for its entire budget which is provided by the taxpayers. Get your facts straight before you make up new ones.

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2 hours ago, snapdragon said:


If you think differently then let's discuss. I think the onus is on you to show that vaccines are worthwhile. But if you can't then fire a disease at me; and let's have the matter out.

Nonsense. Our job is not to prove you wrong because you will just say all the evidence comes from sources controlled by the Rothschilds and our belief has been burned into our brain by the space lasers and microchips in the vaccines responding to the 5G.

If you make an assertion, say, "no vaccines have ever worked", then it's up to you to provide the data and facts and SOURCES you use to make such an assertion. Otherwise, EVERYTHING you say is just the mindless drivel of an incurious drone.

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28 minutes ago, JamesE said:

Nonsense. Our job is not to prove you wrong because you will just say all the evidence comes from sources controlled by the Rothschilds and our belief has been burned into our brain by the space lasers and microchips in the vaccines responding to the 5G.

If you make an assertion, say, "no vaccines have ever worked", then it's up to you to provide the data and facts and SOURCES you use to make such an assertion. Otherwise, EVERYTHING you say is just the mindless drivel of an incurious drone.

"Our job is not to prove you wrong because you will just say all the evidence comes from sources controlled by the Rothschilds and our belief has been burned into our brain by the space lasers and microchips in the vaccines responding to the 5G."

I've posted a piece on polio. Have a read, and prove that I'm wrong. Defend your stance. What about a discussion on vaccines?

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3 minutes ago, snapdragon said:

I've posted a piece on polio. Have a read, and prove that I'm wrong. Defend your stance. What about a discussion on vaccines?


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1 hour ago, snapdragon said:

Promising to eradicate polio. Bill Gates took his program to India. Through his billion dollar investment, he took control of India's National Advisory Board and started vaxxing children; big time. It was an absolute disaster. Causing paralysis to nearly half million children. In 2017 the Indian Government chased gates out of their country. Polio rates dropped massively. But DDT is still being used so polio is still about.

Sorry, but this is just absolute rubbish.

The alleged figure claimed on facebook was 47,000 not half a million, and he was never sued as claimed or "chased out of the country".

It never happened. Try reading the Fact Check in India Today, dated August 4 2020.


2 hours ago, snapdragon said:

I contend that polio is brought about by toxins

You can contend what you like, but if all those with any expertise or knowledge disagree with you then you're just wasting everyone's time.


59 minutes ago, snapdragon said:

I've posted a piece on polio. Have a read, and prove that I'm wrong.

Yes you have and it was garbage from start to finish and that's being more than generous.

Fact-checking the facebook based rubbish about Bill Gates took about 20 seconds, but that's 20 seconds wasted that I won't be getting back.

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8 hours ago, JamesE said:

What? CDC is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services and has never been independent. It also takes exactly no grants from outside entities except for its entire budget which is provided by the taxpayers. Get your facts straight before you make up new ones.


Hi @JamesE > No offense meant, but before accusing me of 'not having my facts straight' you could have done an easy Google fact-check yourself.

> https://www.ashclinicalnews.org/online-exclusives/cdc-pressed-acknowledge-industry-funding/

The CDC Foundation, is authorized by law to accept donations to “support and carry out activities for the prevention and control of diseases, disorder, injuries, and disabilities, and for promotion of public health.” The CDC Director is authorized by law to accept such funds from the CDC Foundation.

During fiscal years 2014 through 2018, the CDC Foundation received $79.6 million from companies like Pfizer, Biogen, and Merck.

In addition to Congressional Appropriations, CDC receives approximately $12 million in global funding through foundations and other donors including the Bloomberg Family Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the CDC Foundation.


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