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News Forum - Mother of the daycare massacre killer says sorry

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Thailand’s Department of Health released a video of the mother of the daycare centre massacre killer issuing a heartfelt apology for the tragedy while more details emerge about the lack of urgency by the police to the killing spree. The mother of the former police officer who murdered 37 people, including 24 children, in Nong Bua Lamphu province, northeast Thailand, delivered her message via video to say she is sorry for her son’s actions. The woman, dressed in a black blouse, delivered a solemn apology, adding she did not attend funerals of the victims cremated on Tuesday because she was “mentally exhausted” […]

The story Mother of the daycare massacre killer says sorry as seen on Thaiger News.

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It is unfair that the mother should receive death threats because of the actions of her son!

But it is about time that many of the mothers in this country starting bringing up their sons to be responsible adults.

I see some parents do a really good job with their children's upbringing and their sons are a credit to them.

I also see many parents (especially mothers) that mollycoddle their sons (but not their daughters), pay to keep them out of trouble and seem to do their best to turn them into narcissistic brats! These boys never seem to grow up and never take responsibility for their actions. They have this sense of entitlement that they have done nothing to earn. Many are still living with and off of their parents into their 40's and 50's.

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Someone saying sorry makes sense if they had a responsibility that was not lived up to. It's an admission of having messed up and an implied intention of doing better next time. The police saying sorry (they did) makes sense; the mother saying sorry (she did) makes no sense.

(NB: it would take a whole lot of details before I'd even consider the possibility that someone might bear some responsibility for actions by matured offspring).


Independent of the above, the bulk of the article is about observations of the killer before the incident: scary behavior, scary statements, a scared neighborhood, a scared village chief, … The article and its sources are probably dramatized for effect, but I still suspect they're fairly true.

Psychopaths don't need need guns to go out with a bang (a knife or even teaspoon will do) and drugs are not the main cause of psychopathy, so even though a battle against gun and/or drug abuse may have benefits, even at best it's still going to do no more than erode the rim of the real problem.


21 hours ago, Boddown said:

Wow the police response is an interesting fact

sounds just like that American mass shooting in that school. They are to scared to get killed themselves so they wait around for the special forces ... Most forces will wait for a special unit if they dont have guns, unfortunate here they all have guns so no excuse really. Personally gun or not if I knew what was happening id be in there. It still makes me very angry thinking about what he did.

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