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News Forum - How to get a teaching licence Thailand 


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38 minutes ago, Pinetree said:

I'm not sure why you are continuing to engage with this guy Cowslip, or however he terms himself. By his very posts, he is showing his profound ignorance of education, training and learning. He's ether a troll, a wind up merchant, or ............,,,,,, (add your own word here)  

Well taken. I am actually done wasting my time with that person. Senseless to engage in first place. 

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On 8/5/2023 at 5:19 PM, cowslip said:

bit of tha cliche, that...but there is certainly a lot of foreign people in teaching in Thailand who wouldn't cut the mustard elsewhere

Any decent teacher ain't gonna be working in a Thai government school for 30k a month. I mean, why would they?! 

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49 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Any decent teacher ain't gonna be working in a Thai government school for 30k a month. I mean, why would they?! 

but they do!

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17 minutes ago, cowslip said:

but they do!

But they don't. 

Show me a BA. Ed, PGCE, QTS teacher working for 30k a month in a Thai government school and I'll show you a liar. Why would anyone in their right mind choose that?! 

Sad fact is that the vast majority of foreign "teachers" in Thailand are not qualified to teach in their home countries. 

Just being  "jowkohng passat" does not make you qualified to teach. A degree in something and a weekend TESOL cert ain't much either. 


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14 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

But they don't. 

Show me a BA. Ed, PGCE, QTS teacher working for 30k a month in a Thai government school and I'll show you a liar. Why would anyone in their right mind choose that?! 

Sad fact is that the vast majority of foreign "teachers" in Thailand are not qualified to teach in their home countries. 

Just being  "jowkohng passat" does not make you qualified to teach. A degree in something and a weekend TESOL cert ain't much either. 

you said "decent teacher: - now you are citing bits of paper - I don't think you would make a very good teacher regardless of you qualifiv=cations - you just want to make stereotypes and generalisations to support an unfounded prejudice.

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2 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

But they don't. 

Show me a BA. Ed, PGCE, QTS teacher working for 30k a month in a Thai government school and I'll show you a liar. Why would anyone in their right mind choose that?! 


Because they don't need the money and want to help where they think is needed most?


I am not saying there are many in that circumstance but if I wanted to teach full time, I thankfully wouldn't need the money and would much rather teach in a govt school that probably needs my help way more than a private school



But in general, I do think you are correct

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On 8/5/2023 at 5:20 PM, cowslip said:

The response of a 12 year old?

You're confusing ad home with a response based on evidence that you might not personally like.

Yes…. when taken out of context, extracted from my full sentence….. an unworthy tactic given your notified teaching record….. poor example of debating to your students….. momentary lapse of judgement perhaps. 

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11 hours ago, cowslip said:

you said "decent teacher: - now you are citing bits of paper - I don't think you would make a very good teacher regardless of you qualifiv=cations - you just want to make stereotypes and generalisations to support an unfounded prejudice.

Unfounded prejudice... 😆😆

Just realistic mate. I'm from the UK. Every teacher in the UK near enough will have those 'bits of paper' as you call them. 

Why do so many thai 'teachers' think that even though they're not qualified to teach high schools in their own country, that's okay for Thailand. 

You wouldn't be one of them would you.... 🤔🤔🤔🤔


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9 hours ago, Marc26 said:

Because they don't need the money and want to help where they think is needed most?

I am not saying there are many in that circumstance but if I wanted to teach full time, I thankfully wouldn't need the money and would much rather teach in a govt school that probably needs my help way more than a private school

But in general, I do think you are correct

Might always be the odd one, agreed, but I'd guess we're talking very low numbers. 

Maybe Cowslop is one such guy.... 

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4 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Might always be the odd one, agreed, but I'd guess we're talking very low numbers. 

Maybe Cowslop is one such guy.... 

Yes I fully agree that it would be the absolute exception and not the rule


I'd have zero desire to work a full schedule after retiring and we are living in Thailand 8-9 months out of the year



Bit after we did a charity drive this year at my wife's old elementary school 

I could envision teaching there and be insanely satisfied I was helping those kids 

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I have no intention of teaching in Thailand, however if I did, I would be hesitant on the basis of stories I’ve heard concerning two things;

1) A constant meddling with the curriculum by the ministry for education.

2) Friction between foreign teaching staff and local teaching staff, due to different pay rates.

Can anyone shed light on either of these issues?


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