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News Forum - Horror on Rama II: Bridge collapse kills five, injures 20

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The death toll from a devastating bridge collapse on Rama II Road has climbed to five, with 20 others injured as emergency crews race to find more victims. The tragic incident, which unfolded in the early hours of today, March 15, has thrown Bangkok’s infrastructure safety into question. A loud bang shattered the silence at … …

The story Horror on Rama II: Bridge collapse kills five, injures 20 as seen on Thaiger News.

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Looks like such incident have become a common occurance in BKK. There are many such incident in the past which has happend. What is the out come of that investigations? Who is being charged in court? Are there any heads being rolled? Looks like everything is NFA - No further action

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"has thrown Bangkok’s infrastructure safety into question"

ROFLOL - infrastructure safety has been questioned for many years in Thailand and found wanting.  Anyone with any experience of building practices all over Thailand, knows that 'safety' and 'compliance' are not a major concern - making as much money as possible is the number one concern. 

Likewise, the only possible solution is enforcement - the rules are there and they are clear - but slip an inspector a brown envelope and it is all approved - and there is no accountability when things like this happen. Everything and everyone goes into 'face saving' mode - knowing that before long another disaster or media event will take them off the 'front page'. 

Inevitable and unavoidable - this is why Thais wear/carry amulets for 'luck'.  It is also why Chinese and many other 'richer' tourism sources is slowing down post the Covid boom.  Same for large foreign investment projects.  Fear of lack of safety, crime and corruption - Thailand is finally paying the price.

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