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News Forum - Police arrest 21 people at Pattaya party violating Covid-19 decree


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10 hours ago, Soidog said:

Are you a “Farang” ? 

Yes. I do fall into that general category. I am a New Zealander or sometimes called a "sheep-shagger" LOL

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17 minutes ago, MARCO said:

Hi Soidog.  "Interesting"  comment.  But first who are my "own people"? Do I smell a little racial superiority in that comment? For all you know I could be African ...... but I'm not. And I have no idea who they are too.  Could be German, English, Norwegian, American etc .......... who knows.

What I do  now is they fall into a well known and often used category "farang". A word used commonly by nearly all Thais and certainly a lot of Westerners. No-one, unless they are struggling with some self identity issues, cares less about the use of this word.  Just like Westerners will use the all encompassing categories such as "Asian, Arab, African, Latino etc etc." Not ideal .. not really accurate .. but they do nvertheless.

And as this is a Thai Forum, it should not be unusual for many members to use such a term.  And as for being derogatory you need to harden up a little son. Translated it simply means "Foreign Bird Shit" Or put another way, a shitty foreigner. Hardly the most offensive term.  So before you have too many more beers, lighten up a little LOL.

And by the way your forum ID is "Soi dog"  This is a term only used in Thailand. Please dont tell me you use this name as  "you think it somehow endears you to the Thais?" (you really need to get out more)

An excellent response that more than justifies the 'Like' that I accorded to your OP. So many strange views followed that, IMO.

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14 minutes ago, MARCO said:

Hi Soidog.  "Interesting"  comment.  But first who are my "own people"? Do I smell a little racial superiority in that comment? For all you know I could be African ...... but I'm not. And I have no idea who they are too.  Could be German, English, Norwegian, American etc .......... who knows.

What I do  now is they fall into a well known and often used category "farang". A word used commonly by nearly all Thais and certainly a lot of Westerners. No-one, unless they are struggling with some self identity issues, cares less about the use of this word.  Just like Westerners will use the all encompassing categories such as "Asian, Arab, African, Latino etc etc." Not ideal .. not really accurate .. but they do nvertheless.

And as this is a Thai Forum, it should not be unusual for many members to use such a term.  And as for being derogatory you need to harden up a little son. Translated it simply means "Foreign Bird Shit" Or put another way, a shitty foreigner. Hardly the most offensive term.  So before you have too many more beers, lighten up a little LOL.

And by the way your forum ID is "Soi dog"  This is a term only used in Thailand. Please dont tell me you use this name as  "you think it somehow endears you to the Thais?" (you really need to get out more)

Asian, African, Latino are terms to describe people from a particular geographical or continental area of the world. Loose in terms of specifics of culture, but a generalised geographic term. European would best describe me in those terms. I agree Farang is used by most Thais but years ago the N word was used by most white people to describe Black people. Thankfully the world has progressed and thankfully the term is used less frequently. Hopefully one day, the Thais will receive a higher standard of education to understand an Argentinian is different from a Norwegian. In that sense I don’t blame or take offence at Thais using the term Farang as it’s not their fault for being uneducated. 

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13 hours ago, MARCO said:

Footnote to my previous comment ........ take a good look at the Farang in the photo.  This 'high class' guy cant even wear a mask properly, Says it all really.

It's a designer mask. Gucci, Prada et al. Only the HiSo are allowed to wear the.

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11 minutes ago, King Cotton said:

An excellent response that more than justifies the 'Like' that I accorded to your OP. So many strange views followed that, IMO.

We will have to agree to disagree here @King Cotton  I have no problem with Thais using the word Farang. It’s part of their culture and their language. It’s similar to Mexicans using Gringo. It simply doesn’t sit well with me when I hear it from those the Thais would call Farang. It’s no big deal and well off topic 👍🏻

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11 minutes ago, Soidog said:

We will have to agree to disagree here @King Cotton  I have no problem with Thais using the word Farang. It’s part of their culture and their language. It’s similar to Mexicans using Gringo. It simply doesn’t sit well with me when I hear it from those the Thais would call Farang. It’s no big deal and well off topic 👍🏻

Thanks @Soidogfor that equitable approach to what did become off-topic. When @MARCOmade his initial comment, however, I regarded the 'farang, etc' term as a fair and realistic view of how A typical Thai would have viewed the foreigners' behaviour, as if they were words coming from a Thai, rather than a 'farang', as you evidently read it.

But, as is often the case, if opposing views and their posters can agree to disagree, so much for the value of good forum use.



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9 minutes ago, King Cotton said:

Thanks @Soidogfor that equitable approach to what did become off-topic. When @MARCOmade his initial comment, however, I regarded the 'farang, etc' term as a fair and realistic view of how A typical Thai would have viewed the foreigners' behaviour, as if they were words coming from a Thai, rather than a 'farang', as you evidently read it.

But, as is often the case, if opposing views and their posters can agree to disagree, so much for the value of good forum use.



Thanks @King Cotton  I will try to be as  magnanimous as you when I read the term Farang Kee Nok next time 😉
We will all disagree with each other  occasionally but this is a great forum and opposing views is what makes the world and this forum go round. Cheers 👍🏻 

Perhaps I should change my ID to “Street Dog” or Callejeros as the Mexicans call them so as not to offend 😂

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37 minutes ago, Soidog said:

Asian, African, Latino are terms to describe people from a particular geographical or continental area of the world. Loose in terms of specifics of culture, but a generalised geographic term. European would best describe me in those terms. I agree Farang is used by most Thais but years ago the N word was used by most white people to describe Black people. Thankfully the world has progressed and thankfully the term is used less frequently. Hopefully one day, the Thais will receive a higher standard of education to understand an Argentinian is different from a Norwegian. In that sense I don’t blame or take offence at Thais using the term Farang as it’s not their fault for being uneducated. 

Actually Soi Dog we are not that far apart. When I had the privilege to visit Thailand on business  over 2o years ago I hated the term Farang.  But I just put up with it as I wouldn't necessarily hear it that often.  My wife (Thai) would occasionally use it when referring to other Europeans and I remember telling her one day  ........ how would you like to be described as an Asian all the time?  She got my point.

Unfortunately I slowly started using the term myself with her family members, not in an offensive way, but more so to identify a type of person I might be discussing, (Thai verse non-Thai).  So I think my usage of the term kinda stuck. By the way my wife is a Nurse with a Batchelors Degree in Health Science so I dont think is about education ..... more habit with a little bit of cultural ignorance. Something not only found with Thais.

The only thing that really makes me angry as a New Zealander is to be called an Australian.  Now that is really offensive!!!!! LOL

PS: Enjoyed the debate.  Hope no offense taken.  Cheers

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4 minutes ago, MARCO said:

Actually Soi Dog we are not that far apart. When I had the privilege to visit Thailand on business  over 2o years ago I hated the term Farang.  But I just put up with it as I wouldn't necessarily hear it that often.  My wife (Thai) would occasionally use it when referring to other Europeans and I remember telling her one day  ........ how would you like to be described as an Asian all the time?  She got my point.

Unfortunately I slowly started using the term myself with her family members, not in an offensive way, but more so to identify a type of person I might be discussing, (Thai verse non-Thai).  So I think my usage of the term kinda stuck. By the way my wife is a Nurse with a Batchelors Degree in Health Science so I dont think is about education ..... more habit with a little bit of cultural ignorance. Something not only found with Thais.

The only thing that really makes me angry as a New Zealander is to be called an Australian.  Now that is really offensive!!!!! LOL

PS: Enjoyed the debate.  Hope no offense taken.  Cheers

Thanks @Marco. Yes I’ve followed a very similar path to yourself. I also use the term in a joking way with friends. I recall some years ago while working in Atlanta walking down a corridor in an office and a black guy in front of me shouted “Hey N***er to a black guy in front of him. I had a mix of confusion and fear of what the response would be. They both embraced and laughed with each other. 

Thanks for the debate. It’s never easy on a text form to debate effectively but it was a good one. No offence taken and hope likewise with you 👍🏻

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7 hours ago, Ronaldus said:

Stop this nonsense. Covid is not going away even with vaccinations. Lock downs don't work please look at the data. 2 years jail for being human. This has to stop 

Probably the most sensible comment...

"Lock downs don't work" - The only clear scientifical evidence that suggests that lockdowns do not work is the INDEPENDANT study of Professor John Ioannidis from Stanford Uni. There is so far no other scientifical evidence whatsoever showing that lockdowns would work / has worked.

"covid is not going away even with vaccinations" - well numbers publicly available to anyone is clearly starting to show that, the best example being Iceland: 93% over 16 years old are fully vaccinated and they have their biggest outbreak since the beggining right now. UK on 17/08 (last numbers available): 33 646 new cases, 170 deaths  - very close to numbers in Thailand, UK have over 70% fully vaccinated (all open in the UK, all closing/closed in Thailand - does that make sense??). And some US states, Israel, and on and on...

"2 years jail for being human"... Indeed!!! People all over the world need to be very careful with their liberties taken away, history has shown that when it is gone, it rarely comes back. I will pass the Australian case, and go straight to the most frightning case, and far more authoritarian than Thailand too... that wonderful "human rights" country, France (my own country as it happens). Since early this month, if you are not fully vaccinated, you are banned of taking a train, going to shops, bars, restaurants, cinemas, etc... You need to shown a QR code to prove that you have been fully vaccinated. Everyone knows now that even fully vaccinated, you can catch the virus and transmit it just as much as people not vaccinated (even The Guardian had to eventually publish it https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/10/delta-variant-renders-herd-immunity-from-covid-mythical ). So why France is doing that? And others? 100 000s of people are protesting on the streets of France as I am writing this, not doubt that rubber bullets and tier gas will be flying in huge numbers as it did against the Yellow Vests movement since Dec. 2018, doing thousands of victims (many eyes, hands, feet losts, all sorts of injuries and even 2 deaths)...far more than on the streets of BBK this year...

And there are more signs leading toward this more and more authoritian path the world seems to be taking. The "new normal" world it is called. I do not know why, I have no rational explanation why this is going this way, but what seems to be obvious, it is very worrying, insane...

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4 hours ago, MARCO said:

Hi Soidog.  "Interesting"  comment.  But first who are my "own people"? Do I smell a little racial superiority in that comment? For all you know I could be African ...... but I'm not. And I have no idea who they are too.  Could be German, English, Norwegian, American etc .......... who knows.

What I do  now is they fall into a well known and often used category "farang". A word used commonly by nearly all Thais and certainly a lot of Westerners. No-one, unless they are struggling with some self identity issues, cares less about the use of this word.  Just like Westerners will use the all encompassing categories such as "Asian, Arab, African, Latino etc etc." Not ideal .. not really accurate .. but they do nvertheless.

And as this is a Thai Forum, it should not be unusual for many members to use such a term.  And as for being derogatory you need to harden up a little son. Translated it simply means "Foreign Bird Shit" Or put another way, a shitty foreigner. Hardly the most offensive term.  So before you have too many more beers, lighten up a little LOL.

And by the way your forum ID is "Soi dog"  This is a term only used in Thailand. Please dont tell me you use this name as  "you think it somehow endears you to the Thais?" (you really need to get out more)

Well constructed, Marco - 

As it appears yet, more than a substantial number will ever get it.


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Understandably Large gatherings possibly are superspreader events.

I do sympathise with these party goers too. Just now life is existing and not living.

In Malaysia covid is taken very seriously.  I work offshore and before going offshore here is the criteria.

2 dose vaccine undertaken 

2 weeks total isolation and PCr tests.

Go offshore up to 8 weeks. 

Some people do 4 months on ships.

Come ashore must do 7 day quarintine in total isolation before allowed to see anyone. If 

If to go offshore again the 14 day quarintine must be done and the same roto.

No physical contact allowed wife, girlfriend, children and even hotel staff. Heavily policed.

Now that is tough. So although vaccinated this is my work.

I lived in Bangkok at phetchaburi Rd. I left it beginning march 2020. Still hope to get back but looks like maybe next year.

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The point is restrictions not help at all.

Closing beaches pools tediculoud in a beachresort  like Pattaya and jomtien.!

Nobody tells me that covid exist on the sea or pool?

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14 minutes ago, Reindevos said:

The point is restrictions not help at all.

Closing beaches pools tediculoud in a beachresort  like Pattaya and jomtien.!

Nobody tells me that covid exist on the sea or pool?

I guess there are always going to be conflicting views on the restrictions issue. Sorry I missed your debut post the other day, but thanks for that!

Hello, Reindevos and welcome to Thaiger Talk

Please feel free to tell us a bit about yourself in 'Introductions'. It's good to pick-up on those sometimes differing regional or geographical perspectives.

And check-out the Guidelines, too, when you get a free minute. They're there to help us all enjoy our time here.

Happy posting

King Cotton

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17 hours ago, Soidog said:

Thanks @King Cotton  I will try to be as  magnanimous as you when I read the term Farang Kee Nok next time 😉
We will all disagree with each other  occasionally but this is a great forum and opposing views is what makes the world and this forum go round. Cheers 👍🏻 

Perhaps I should change my ID to “Street Dog” or Callejeros as the Mexicans call them so as not to offend 😂

I think the same like you about the phrase "farang kee nok". One of my children is in the university and since covid they are making this group talks (all Thais online so I aske the what they think or translate "Farang kee nok" so it can mean : scum, garbage, lower race, cheap charly, live long time in Thailand but a cheap charly and thrash, so it depends also in which context the rest of the sentence is. But if people thinks it is ok calling people scum or mention them as a lower race it is up them but to tell others its ok thats something else. The "salim" often use this language about to be a superiour race or racist phrases. When people with a Thaifamily tell me they use such phrases often it really surprise me and I think they also not understand well Thai.

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5 hours ago, Stardust said:

I think the same like you about the phrase "farang kee nok". One of my children is in the university and since covid they are making this group talks (all Thais online so I aske the what they think or translate "Farang kee nok" so it can mean : scum, garbage, lower race, cheap charly, live long time in Thailand but a cheap charly and thrash, so it depends also in which context the rest of the sentence is. But if people thinks it is ok calling people scum or mention them as a lower race it is up them but to tell others its ok thats something else. The "salim" often use this language about to be a superiour race or racist phrases. When people with a Thaifamily tell me they use such phrases often it really surprise me and I think they also not understand well Thai.

Hi Stardust.  I know we are all off topic now but I found your comments intriguing.  That's because I understood the word 'nok' to just mean 'bird'.  Farang is self explanatory and 'kee' meant 'shit'.

So if you translate it accurately its not that strong an insult. So I cant see how the context of a sentence could change the literal translation to mean other far stronger connotations.  But then again Im not Thai and my general use is quite poor even after 20 years of visits and some long time stays.

Therefore I was quite suprised my use of the term caused offence to a few members.  By the way what does "salim" mean?  Cheers.

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51 minutes ago, MARCO said:

Hi Stardust.  I know we are all off topic now but I found your comments intriguing.  That's because I understood the word 'nok' to just mean 'bird'.  Farang is self explanatory and 'kee' meant 'shit'.

So if you translate it accurately its not that strong an insult. So I cant see how the context of a sentence could change the literal translation to mean other far stronger connotations.  But then again Im not Thai and my general use is quite poor even after 20 years of visits and some long time stays.

Therefore I was quite suprised my use of the term caused offence to a few members.  By the way what does "salim" mean?  Cheers.

I didn't wanted to go into deep into the word kee because it is worth than my translation or from the Thais I talked with. Salim are extreme royalists and nationalists and think they are the master race and class. But the word Salim come from the Thai sweet with many coulours because they changed a lot of time their colours (yellow, green etc. ). One thing you should not use the word kee in connection with people because it means shit, poo poo, dirty, garbage etc. Thank you

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