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News Forum - How to deal with long distance relationships


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The complexities of maintaining a long-distance relationship can frequently resemble navigating a vessel through arduous weather conditions. Please be assured that you are not isolated in this journey. This written piece serves as a guiding tool, penned to facilitate a route in a calmer, more manageable direction. The narrative will concentrate on the critical facets … …

The story How to deal with long distance relationships as seen on Thaiger News.

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As far as Thailand is concerned, most long distance relationship remain intact as long as the man sends money regularly to the woman in Thailand. Once the money inflow stops, everything stops. "No Money..No Honey"

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Maybe I am just weird but I never got "love sick"


I have had many long distance relationships and even now, my wife spends periods of time in Thailand I am fine alone.........

Miss my wife but I wouldn't ever say I am torn up about it......


Even when she was stuck in Thailand for over a year during covid,I missed her but just did my own thing.........


I am a grown adult.........

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5 hours ago, Marc26 said:

I am a grown adult.........

And therein lies the difference, I would suspect from others.  The older, more mature and less likely to be swayed by temporary distractions, the easier it is to maintain a "long distance" relationship.

For the first 10 years of my marriage I worked in other countries, while my wife stayed home with my stepkids, while they went to school.  The longer we were married the easier it became.

Frequent texting and the occasional vid call made things even easier.

When the kids were approaching uni graduation I was told, "It's time to come home. I don't want to be alone."

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17 hours ago, MrStretch said:


When the kids were approaching uni graduation I was told, "It's time to come home. I don't want to be alone."


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