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Visa in Sydney Consulate.

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I'm in Sydney for a few weeks, and have started my non-imm. O visa online. Opened account and have all the documents downloaded, (incl. Thai bank guarantee). Being helped by my computer literate son. After a couple of hours of frustration the result was zilch. We've given up. The Thai website doesn't work properly at all. 

Has anyone else tried and failed or actually got their visa?

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I have helped several people get Non Imm B and Non Imm O through the online evisa system.

I've never known one to not get the visa, since they all have had the proper paperwork when applying.

The approval is not instantaneous.  Once you have uploaded all of your supporting documents and information, it generally takes 2 - 5 days, depending on holiday schedules. The applications are reviewed and approved by a human, not a computer.

As for the site "not working properly", I've never heard anyone else complain that.  It may not work like you think it should, but it has worked for everyone else I've spoken with.

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The passport and photo at the beginning won't "drag" onto their spaces, and the "Next" button (after personal info), won't work.

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