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News Forum - Political inferno: Move Forward Party risks dissolution


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In a fiery political clash spanning over 36 hours, the fate of Thailand’s Move Forward Party (MFP) hangs by a thread, as the government mulls over dissolution. Amidst gripping revelations and bold declarations, former leader Pita Limjaroenrat takes a stand, challenging the very essence of democracy. Former MFP chief Pita Limjaroenrat delivered a resounding message, … …

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MFP isn't risking dissolution, they are at risk of dissolution. 

Yet another ploy by the establishment to cut any possible and reasonable difference for the country's citizens.

It's not the first time in recent memory, nor does it look like it's going to change.

Many Thais I know are frustrated and sad about the situation but also feel helpless because they feel powerless, regardless of how they vote or what they say they want.

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MFP cannot achieve anything under the current system where the army effectively controls the government no matter what elections try to pretend. The Thai people all know it as does the rest of the world. Sadly I believe ultimately the Thai army by its refusal to give up political power will prompt a civil war.

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And they worry about the Russian gambling corruption! Look no further.

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Pita Limjaroenrat is a great man. In a mature  civil state he would be an elected leader. Thailand is indeed fortunate to have him as he represents some of the wonderful qualities of Thailand.

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