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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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11 hours ago, Vigo said:

A genocide requires that a population  be reduced. The arab population you reference keeps increasing. Perhaps you could ask your friends in  Turkey, Iran, Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas to  give some tips? After all, Turkey gave us the Armenian genocide and the Kurdish genocide , Iran has been implicated in the Kurdish genocide and the creation of 12 million Syrian refugees along with  its Hamas and Hizbollah militias in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

Where is the evidence to support your claim that Israel is responsible for the victims of the Hamas attack? No innuendo please, no arab  false claims, just the evidence


You are trying hard to "forget" some teany-meany details here:
In the early 1900s in Israel, the Jewish population was in thousands.
Now they are over 7 MILLION.
OK; maybe they have bred like rabbits, and the plane loads imported on daily basis just die away due to "Hamas being bad"? 
But the fact is that very high /up to 95%) of Israeli Jews have NOTHING to do with Judaism or Semitims nor the Palestinian territory, if you look into their family history. They are brought in, if they invent to have some 25% of Jewish blood, given the Israeli citizenship (like many US politicians have been awarded even that they have NEVER set their foot in the country), given a piece of land and become settlers. Ukrainians, Russians, whoever wants to be a settler and claims to be partly Jew.

IN THE MEANTIME; 6 000 000 (six MILLION) Palestinians are forced out from their homes, and this is growing daily. PLUS in Gaza there are gaged 2,2 MILLION people of which most are displaced in some manner. Plus West Bank, that is shrinking daily due to the Jewish settlers attacking people, homes, live-stokc, crops.

Settlers are given housing above Palestinian hoes, spitting and throwing their garbage on the Palestinains living downstairs. 

Israeli Jews have outnumbered Palestinians due to GENOCIDE.
Palestine and Israel: Mapping an annexation | Infographic News | Al Jazeera


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21 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Only sick ghouls wish to dwell on such detail. FACT is that Hamas genocidally murdered 1400 Israeli civilians. Whole communities. Whole families. You come across as some absurd deranged Holocaust Denier.

SHUT IT you crazed anti-Semitic Fascist😡

Just repeating to remind yoyu:
As it is now OBVIOUS that there WERE NO "40 beheaded babies"; we are still waiting you to show your claim of "sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the unborn child".

Just let us see that it is true, and you did not invent it! Shouldn't be so difficult, if it really happened? Or...?

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12 hours ago, Vigo said:

A genocide requires that a population  be reduced. The arab population you reference keeps increasing. Perhaps you could ask your friends in  Turkey, Iran, Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas to  give some tips? After all, Turkey gave us the Armenian genocide and the Kurdish genocide , Iran has been implicated in the Kurdish genocide and the creation of 12 million Syrian refugees along with  its Hamas and Hizbollah militias in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

Where is the evidence to support your claim that Israel is responsible for the victims of the Hamas attack? No innuendo please, no arab  false claims, just the evidence

Very closely related to your "revolutionary views of Palestinian demographics" that put you in a SLIGHTLY ridiculous light...:

Before the WWII the Europe occupied by Germany had the Jewish population of 2 400 000 people; according to the Jewish Encyclopedia.
After the war 3,8 million "Holocaust survivors" were awarded financial compensations by the German goverment.

It is tragic how the remaining 6 million were perished... 🤨

(It is OBVIOUS why questionizing the Holocaust story is forbidden. Because more deeply you dig into it, more obvious it is why it must be silenced. You just CAN'T let people know details, or challenge it. EXACTLY like RT is banned; Julian Assange is in prison or Nelson Mandela was a "terrorist"; like Hamas is now "terrorist". 
Simply factors that do not serve the Anglospherian colonizers.)

Edited by 1234567
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2 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Actually it is Israel that has been firing for 75 years.
Please, learn some facts about the existence of Hamas, and the number of casualties. This crap of yours is purely pathetic in the light of NUMBERS and FACTS.

Both sides have a great deal of blood on their hands, it is not a one sided conflict. When the state of Israel was being created, the prefered solution was a shared state, but zealots, both Jewish and Arab, rejected it. And, like the partition of India that was forced on the British in much the same way, it was a failure - the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price.

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2 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Very closely related to your "revolutionary views of Palestinian demographics" that put you in a SLIGHTLY ridiculous light...:

Before the WWII the Europe occupied by Germany had the Jewish population of 2 400 000 people; according to the Jewish Encyclopedia.
After the war 3,8 million "Holocaust survivors" were awarded financial compensations by the German goverment.

It is tragic how the remaining 6 million were perished... 🤨

(It is OBVIOUS why questionizing the Holocaust story is forbidden. Because more deeply you dig into it, more obvious it is why it must be silenced. You just CAN'T let people know details, or challenge it. EXACTLY like RT is banned; Julian Assange is in prison or Nelson Mandela was a "terrorist"; like Hamas is now "terrorist". 
Simply factors that do not serve the Anglospherian colonizers.)

Holocaust denier? That puts you firmly the conspiracy theory nut job camp. 

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4 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And Santa Claus is flying, Earth is flat and Gingerbread man is the culprit?

Sure! A bit of challenge to you to get the world believe in your imagination. Especially that nowadays we have free information from everywhere, and EVERY SINGLE PIECE of your babbling is very easy to overcome with about 3 seconds of Googling.

I mean you are the emobiment of dumbness!
READ some books, and wake up, m0r0n! You are making yourself of cl0wn!

You only forgot the problem of weight-control and obesity in Gazan diet 😅 😂 🤣😅 😂 🤣

You answer Facts with unsubstantiated unhinged garbage.

I already outed you as a demented fascist Holocaust Denier thus lacking any credibility on anything.

You assign statements to me that I never made.

You refuse to accept the Hamas Genocidal Terror Murders with which Hamas Deliberately started Total War.

Total Wars are always launched by Tyrannies against Free People who end them… with Total War.

Total War involves No Separation between. Military & Civilian and No Limitation / Proportion on Response.

Thus infant midgets like Hamas should not logically attack military giants like Israel.

Unless, like Hamas, they want to ignite a Larger Conflict by Committing Suicide …. taking Gazans along too.

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8 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And who tortured them? 
No matter how much you want to believe in something of your imagination; it does NOT make it truth.

Do NOT try to feed that bull5h1t of "beheaded babies" or "tortured hostages". That imagination of yours does not fly very far.

You are no denying the atrocities. There is no denying that the Arab attackers beheaded their victims. There was no differentiaiton between the thais and the Israelis.

Watch this Thai victim statement that shows how he struggled to suvive. look at the  knife wound to his neck. look at the bite marks as the arab attacked him. That is what Hamas did.


The israelis have collected  the videos from the Arab  murderers and have shown the videos to  the media. Al Jazeera won't show the violent assaults, nor will  the western media because it would be too "incendiary". Israel hesitates to release them because family members don't want the vicitims subject to ridicule. These videos will be shown at some point.

Your denials are unfounded. The media who have seen the  Hamas recorded videos state that the videos support the  claims of horrific atrocities. This is why the Israelis are upset and why they will not be held back by world views.




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6 hours ago, Grumpish said:

Both sides have a great deal of blood on their hands, it is not a one sided conflict. When the state of Israel was being created, the prefered solution was a shared state, but zealots, both Jewish and Arab, rejected it. And, like the partition of India that was forced on the British in much the same way, it was a failure - the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price.

A shared state was certainly not the modus operandi of the architects of Zionism. In fact, the native inhabitants were not even informed of what was brewing.

From Balfour in a 1919 memorandum to parliament, ‘For Palestine we do not propose even to go through a form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country’ and ‘the four great powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far more import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.’

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48 minutes ago, Vigo said:

You are no denying the atrocities. There is no denying that the Arab attackers beheaded their victims. There was no differentiaiton between the thais and the Israelis.

Watch this Thai victim statement that shows how he struggled to suvive. look at the  knife wound to his neck. look at the bite marks as the arab attacked him. That is what Hamas did.


The israelis have collected  the videos from the Arab  murderers and have shown the videos to  the media. Al Jazeera won't show the violent assaults, nor will  the western media because it would be too "incendiary". Israel hesitates to release them because family members don't want the vicitims subject to ridicule. These videos will be shown at some point.

Your denials are unfounded. The media who have seen the  Hamas recorded videos state that the videos support the  claims of horrific atrocities. This is why the Israelis are upset and why they will not be held back by world views.

Are you a bit simple, or just want to force yourself to see things that are not there. Let me repeat you:
The Thai was in a fight with assumingly Palestinian, but as the video says; in a FIGHT. 
He was NOT tortured. He was in the conflict, where people TEND to fight, and not read poems to each other, nor sing to each other, dumbo!

The shear fact is that this "fight" is very much fought by the Israelis, but it is equally very much propable that in the alleged attack Palestinians attacked.
The Thai guy's luck was that the attacker fighter was Palestinian, because if it was a Jew, he would not be alive. Palestinians tend to fight the aggressor with knives, when the Jews fight; they do it with white-phosphorous and explosive bullets.


And if there are recorded videos of "horrific atrocities"; then you can easily show those videos?

Do not forget the "sliced throat of the pregnant woman" you saw last night...😅 😂 🤣

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5 hours ago, oldschooler said:


Total War involves No Separation between. Military & Civilian and No Limitation / Proportion on Response.


Aha? And that is exactly what Israel is doing now every day; "a separation between military and civilian..."

How EXACTLY is Israel separating those 2, by its bombing indiscriminately all the Gaza?
Could you pinpoint us the technical specification of a bomb choosing who it kills?
Please! Show that you are right, and Israel is not committing "total war".
😅 😂 🤣

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7 hours ago, Grumpish said:

Both sides have a great deal of blood on their hands, it is not a one sided conflict. When the state of Israel was being created, the prefered solution was a shared state, but zealots, both Jewish and Arab, rejected it. And, like the partition of India that was forced on the British in much the same way, it was a failure - the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price.

If it was "prefered" then Isreal could have respected the Oslo agreement, or at least now show that they want it, by STOPPING the settlement building.
I see you have not a clue of real world, but let me spell the FACT to you:

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6 hours ago, Grumpish said:

Holocaust denier? That puts you firmly the conspiracy theory nut job camp. 

And a PROUD denier! Because it is widely proven fact that there were NO "6 million Jews".
(I have some reading from the early 20th centry newspaper articles if you need...)

Buuut you can just push your thumbs deep into your ears, squueze tight your eyes, and yoddle yourself in front of the mirror "6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, ..."
That'll make the annoying facts disappear!😅 😂 🤣


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7 hours ago, Grumpish said:

Both sides have a great deal of blood on their hands, it is not a one sided conflict. When the state of Israel was being created, the prefered solution was a shared state, but zealots, both Jewish and Arab, rejected it. And, like the partition of India that was forced on the British in much the same way, it was a failure - the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price.

Absolutely spot on, thanks for that comment. The Israel - Palestine conflict is even more the perfect example of this. But one has to be completely neutral and certainly totally objective to have somehow a view that is the closest to reality. Not sure why it is so difficult for some here since nobody here are Israelis nor Palestinians, nobody here live in either country. I supect all of them to never have even been in Israel neither, certainly not in Palestine. A mistery to me

For example, I read many posts here saying that Palestinians always refused a peace process as if their vague knowledges put in writing in comments on the tiny online forum of thethaiger are final and unchallengable - not sure where people get their information from but it is not that simple, is it?

Rabbin - Arafat peace process 1993-95

Now what really happened then that make people write Palestinians refused the peace process? Although Rabbin was an historical enemy of Arafat, it was such hope in 1993 for peace driven by these 2 great leaders for everyone involve: Israelis and Palestinians (and in essence, neihgouring countries). Although of course Rabbin had to deal with huge preassure from the extremists of his country on one side, Arafat had to deal with the terror actions of Hamas, the extremists of the other side. Nevertheless they continue the peace process, it was happening... and what? Rabbin was assassinated. By whom? Of course by an extremist, but what anyone would have never imagined is that it was going to be an Israeli extremist.

"The main fear among the security services was a Palestinian suicide bomber; Rabin himself could not imagine that he would be killed by a Jew."

There are plenty of sources out there explaning this. I found this article that explains this, which I decide to post the link to here cause it is neutral and objective, the only way to understand or at least get a realistic overview of the subject.


And then what happened after that? Netanyahu and his likud came into power, a side of Israel that never wanted the 2 states solution. They (he - Netanyahu) never wanted it then nor today, and the recent coalition with the most extreme far rights - religious extremists, that say loud and clear everytime they have the occassion that they want nothing else than the total annexation of the West Bank (very easily verified online for those who want to challenge that), shows very clearly what aim Netanyahu and his Likud and the Israelis voting for them is. But what really happened once Netanyahu took power over and over again over the years? For example, this...

"For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad."



Again, loads of sources out there, I choose to post the link of this article for 2 reasons: first, it comes from an Israeli journalist who lives in Israel and knows certainly more than anyone else here about a conflict in which she is in the middle of it. Secondly, it is published in the excellent Time of Israel, and I found to publish this OBJECTIVE article on Oct 8 (yes the next day) is very brave although this view was no secret in Israel before that, of course. Just for the ones who want to challenge any possible political affiliation so the objectivity of the Time of Israel:

"The Times of Israel has no partisan political affiliation. It seeks to present the news fair-mindedly and offers a wide range of analysis and opinion pieces." (https://www.timesofisrael.com/about/)

Olmert - Abbas peace process 2008

Yeap, again, not that simple. Very well sources article from the Jerusalem Post published in 2013,


But really, what Olmert is saying about this (in 2021)? How anyone can be objective on the subject if at least they are not listenig to what Olmert himself is saying ("Abbas never said no" to 2008 pace deal")?


So Thanks Grumpish for writing this "the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price." I have been writing nothing else in this thread since the start but somehow I get attacked hatefully and accused of disgusting things. Ok, obviously English is not my native language. But is it not that, is it? It is a complete lack of objectivity (and a huge amount of ignorance of course) driven by extremist hate and rage that lead to that. But wether it is on a tiny online forum related to Thailand or at a huge scale in the Middle East, it seems that it is always the extremist voices that are louder than of the ones who want only one thing, which is peace.

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1 hour ago, Manu said:

Absolutely spot on, thanks for that comment. The Israel - Palestine conflict is even more the perfect example of this. But one has to be completely neutral and certainly totally objective to have somehow a view that is the closest to reality. Not sure why it is so difficult for some here since nobody here are Israelis nor Palestinians, nobody here live in either country. I supect all of them to never have even been in Israel neither, certainly not in Palestine. A mistery to me

For example, I read many posts here saying that Palestinians always refused a peace process as if their vague knowledges put in writing in comments on the tiny online forum of thethaiger are final and unchallengable - not sure where people get their information from but it is not that simple, is it?

Rabbin - Arafat peace process 1993-95

Now what really happened then that make people write Palestinians refused the peace process? Although Rabbin was an historical enemy of Arafat, it was such hope in 1993 for peace driven by these 2 great leaders for everyone involve: Israelis and Palestinians (and in essence, neihgouring countries). Although of course Rabbin had to deal with huge preassure from the extremists of his country on one side, Arafat had to deal with the terror actions of Hamas, the extremists of the other side. Nevertheless they continue the peace process, it was happening... and what? Rabbin was assassinated. By whom? Of course by an extremist, but what anyone would have never imagined is that it was going to be an Israeli extremist.

"The main fear among the security services was a Palestinian suicide bomber; Rabin himself could not imagine that he would be killed by a Jew."

There are plenty of sources out there explaning this. I found this article that explains this, which I decide to post the link to here cause it is neutral and objective, the only way to understand or at least get a realistic overview of the subject.


And then what happened after that? Netanyahu and his likud came into power, a side of Israel that never wanted the 2 states solution. They (he - Netanyahu) never wanted it then nor today, and the recent coalition with the most extreme far rights - religious extremists, that say loud and clear everytime they have the occassion that they want nothing else than the total annexation of the West Bank (very easily verified online for those who want to challenge that), shows very clearly what aim Netanyahu and his Likud and the Israelis voting for them is. But what really happened once Netanyahu took power over and over again over the years? For example, this...

"For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad."


Again, loads of sources out there, I choose to post the link of this article for 2 reasons: first, it comes from an Israeli journalist who lives in Israel and knows certainly more than anyone else here about a conflict in which she is in the middle of it. Secondly, it is published in the excellent Time of Israel, and I found to publish this OBJECTIVE article on Oct 8 (yes the next day) is very brave although this view was no secret in Israel before that, of course. Just for the ones who want to challenge any possible political affiliation so the objectivity of the Time of Israel:

"The Times of Israel has no partisan political affiliation. It seeks to present the news fair-mindedly and offers a wide range of analysis and opinion pieces." (https://www.timesofisrael.com/about/)

Olmert - Abbas peace process 2008

Yeap, again, not that simple. Very well sources article from the Jerusalem Post published in 2013,


But really, what Olmert is saying about this (in 2021)? How anyone can be objective on the subject if at least they are not listenig to what Olmert himself is saying ("Abbas never said no" to 2008 pace deal")?


So Thanks Grumpish for writing this "the extremists on both sides are still at each others throats and everyone else has to pay the price." I have been writing nothing else in this thread since the start but somehow I get attacked hatefully and accused of disgusting things. Ok, obviously English is not my native language. But is it not that, is it? It is a complete lack of objectivity (and a huge amount of ignorance of course) driven by extremist hate and rage that lead to that. But wether it is on a tiny online forum related to Thailand or at a huge scale in the Middle East, it seems that it is always the extremist voices that are louder than of the ones who want only one thing, which is peace.

I posted the wrong link for this...

But really, what Olmert is saying about this (in 2021)? How anyone can be objective on the subject if at least they are not listenig to what Olmert himself is saying ("Abbas never said no" to 2008 pace deal")?


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3 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And a PROUD denier! Because it is widely proven fact that there were NO "6 million Jews".
(I have some reading from the early 20th centry newspaper articles if you need...)

Buuut you can just push your thumbs deep into your ears, squueze tight your eyes, and yoddle yourself in front of the mirror "6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, ..."
That'll make the annoying facts disappear!😅 😂 🤣

And do you deny the extermination camps that were recorded by relieving allies in 1945?

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2 hours ago, 23RD said:

Another good example of a useful idiot of The Left demonstrating yet again they don't have a scooby.

The bloke in the video is using his ethnicity as an Arab to assert his credentials. The first question she should have asked him is are you Palestinian? The second do you reside in the occupied territories? I’m tipping this idiot doing the interrogating is just as clueless as her. The video you have posted is a nil all draw.

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15 minutes ago, Khunmark said:

The bloke in the video is using his ethnicity as an Arab to assert his credentials. The first question she should have asked him is are you Palestinian? The second do you reside in the occupied territories? I’m tipping this idiot doing the interrogating is just as clueless as her. The video you have posted is a nil all draw.

Yeap, she is certainly clueless, he knows that so he is trying to be the clever one by attempting to teach her a lesson. So here we have 2 people who defend strongly opinions without any or very few knowledges of what they are talking about. When some a little less clueless than these 2 talk about apartheid from Israel, it is in the West Bank. I wonder what outcome it would be from this guy having the same conversation with the same arguments with people like for example...

...like the former IDF General Amiran Levi


...like the former Head of Mossad from 2011 to 2016 Tamir Pardo


... like these 900 Israeli academics and public figures


etc... etc...

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39 minutes ago, Khunmark said:

The bloke in the video is using his ethnicity as an Arab to assert his credentials. The first question she should have asked him is are you Palestinian? The second do you reside in the occupied territories? I’m tipping this idiot doing the interrogating is just as clueless as her. The video you have posted is a nil all draw.

The point I'm making is her first sentence ' I'm not knowledgeable on the subject ' so why is she sitting there handing out literature?.

So Khunmark Bud I don't think it was a nil all draw as you put it I think the Arab Israeli make the Left Wing Mong Girl look a right CNUT which to be honest is never hard to do when you're talking to Liberal type people. 

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8 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And a PROUD denier! Because it is widely proven fact that there were NO "6 million Jews".
(I have some reading from the early 20th centry newspaper articles if you need...)

Buuut you can just push your thumbs deep into your ears, squueze tight your eyes, and yoddle yourself in front of the mirror "6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews, ..."
That'll make the annoying facts disappear!😅 😂 🤣

Widely proven - was that in the same YouTube video that had the proof that bigfoot existed and lived inside hollow earth?

And I am old enough to have heard, first hand from my parents generation, eyewitness accounts from people who liberated some of those concentration camps that you deny the existence of.

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8 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Aha? And that is exactly what Israel is doing now every day; "a separation between military and civilian..."

How EXACTLY is Israel separating those 2, by its bombing indiscriminately all the Gaza?
Could you pinpoint us the technical specification of a bomb choosing who it kills?
Please! Show that you are right, and Israel is not committing "total war".
😅 😂 🤣

Israel is not “bombing indiscriminately” (that’s a Hamas tactic). Israel is directly striking only military targets with munitions that explode upwards not sideways so minimising collateral civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. Hamas are locating command & control under hospitals which they keep operating.

That gives Israel a balanced decision to make, So in fact Israel (unlike Hamas) is trying to separate civilian and military, where possible, both for compassion and public relations reasons.But under Total War, begun by Hamas, they don’t have to.

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3 hours ago, 23RD said:

So Khunmark Bud I don't think it was a nil all draw as you put it I think the Arab Israeli make the Left Wing Mong Girl look a right CNUT which to be honest is never hard to do when you're talking to Liberal type people.

I have to say I am in total agreement with you on that last statement.

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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

Israel is not “bombing indiscriminately” (that’s a Hamas tactic). Israel is directly striking only military targets with munitions that explode upwards not sideways so minimising collateral civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. Hamas are locating command & control under hospitals which they keep operating.

That gives Israel a balanced decision to make, So in fact Israel (unlike Hamas) is trying to separate civilian and military, where possible, both for compassion and public relations reasons.But under Total War, begun by Hamas, they don’t have to.

During the years Israel has bombed tens of times the hospitals.
Show me ONE SINGLE evidence, that any of these hospitals had ANYTHING to do with Hamas!

Show it!

I think it goes to the same category of your babbling of "40 beheaded babies", "pregnant woman sliced throat", "torture of hostages"...

https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@14.0.2/assets/72x72/1f605.png https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@14.0.2/assets/72x72/1f602.png https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@14.0.2/assets/72x72/1f923.png

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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

Israel is not “bombing indiscriminately” (that’s a Hamas tactic). Israel is directly striking only military targets with munitions that explode upwards not sideways so minimising collateral civilian casualties and infrastructure damage. Hamas are locating command & control under hospitals which they keep operating.

That gives Israel a balanced decision to make, So in fact Israel (unlike Hamas) is trying to separate civilian and military, where possible, both for compassion and public relations reasons.But under Total War, begun by Hamas, they don’t have to.

Sooo, where is the "torture of hostages"?

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