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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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On 10/21/2023 at 10:05 AM, Vigo said:

I have not claimed 40 beheaded babies. The evidence of the Hamas atrocities  is from Hamas itself. You have ignored the documentation provided. There is also an eyewitness claim that one Hamas member sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the the unborn child. I have not seen the documentation but watched the eyewitness statement.

I see we have now silently agreed that there were not even that one single "sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the unborn child". ;-) 

No matter hoe much you try to convince yourself thet "but but but there MUST have been!"

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Just saw the idiotic Piers Morgan interview the passionate heroic Mosab Hassan son of Hamas co-founder.

Hasan utterly exposes the evil of Hamas using the Gazans as human shields after condemning them to death by  creating this war.

He assigns zero blame to Israel. He states Palestinians don’t want another corrupt Arab state. 😡

Just a proper life for the kids with Hamas obliterated. He is scathing in his criticism for stupid foreigners supporting Hamas and absurdly blaming Israel.😔😏

That fool Morgan asking irrelevant shyte like “are you still in touch with your family there ?”and “ do you dream of returning ?”.Mosab dismissing this sentimental crap with” I don’t answer these questions”. 👍😎

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11 minutes ago, 1234567 said:

I see we have now silently agreed that there were not even that one single "sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the unborn child". ;-) 

No matter hoe much you try to convince yourself thet "but but but there MUST have been!"


11 minutes ago, 1234567 said:

I see we have now silently agreed that there were not even that one single "sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the unborn child". ;-) 

No matter hoe much you try to convince yourself thet "but but but there MUST have been!"

Only sick ghouls wish to dwell on such detail. FACT is that Hamas genocidally murdered 1400 Israeli civilians. Whole communities. Whole families. You come across as some absurd deranged Holocaust Denier.

SHUT IT you crazed anti-Semitic Fascist😡

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24 minutes ago, 1234567 said:

Ahh; like those pesky Jews in the Ghetto; sensless violence by terrorists?
I see. Your logic is that when someone occupies your land, kills you family, and puts you in a concentration camp: And you raise to defend, and don't just accept the genocide voluntarily, you are a terrorist?

An ITCHY-BITSY TEANY-MEANY fxxked mindset you have up there. Stay away from thinking business, because you are not sane.

Palestinian Arab population increased TEN TIMES from 700k to 7 million since 1948 so use of term “ genocide” is a ridiculous lie. Also Arabs kill themselves in their Millions fighting in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iran 1980-88 yet Not One Word about that but when Israel kill a few thousand Arabs in self defence the anti- Semitic world loses its collective deranged mind😡

It is not “ their land” after they either sold it to Jews or lost it after starting three genocidal wars to annihilate Israel and slaughtered thousands of Jews 1882-1947. Israel do not “ kill families” that’s an Arab speciality, Jewish and Arab families, Hamas don’t care about any human life. Hamas a Death Cult.

Gaza given by Israel  to Arabs to manage in 2005  but they turned it into a terror base. Gaza has a border with Egypt which Egypt have sealed for some time. No Arab state will now accept a single Palestinian. So clearly Gaza never been a “ concentration camp” Another Big Lie from anti- Semitic Corbyn type socialists,.

Gaza could easily have been another Dubai bur Hamas etc wrecked it 

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1 hour ago, 1234567 said:

What torturing are you babbling about?
Please; show us that camera.

Eight Thai farm workers murdered, you terror- supporting Hamas murder denier. 😡

Your “ Denial” posts are vile, sickening and infuriating you little fascist ponce.

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57 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Only sick ghouls wish to dwell on such detail. FACT is that Hamas genocidally murdered 1400 Israeli civilians. Whole communities. Whole families. You come across as some absurd deranged Holocaust Denier.

SHUT IT you crazed anti-Semitic Fascist😡

The FACT is that Israel has genocidally murdered approximately 10 000 more Palestinians for the last 75 years, is keeping a full and pure Apartheid towards them, keeping 2 200 000 people in a concentration camp and closing everything going in or out, has attacked every single neighbour of it, has breached more UN resolutions than the WHOLE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!, is keeping nuclear arm program secretly and refusing to sing the international agreements about it; not letting the arms inspectors to inspect that program and in the meantime has moaned for 35 years to Iran about such (Iran HAS NEVER attacked any country and HAS let the inspectors in), has breached EVERY SINGLE agreement about the land division on Palestinina territories, has evicted 6 000 000 people from their homes and at the same time receive plane loads of foreigners to live in the settlements, that have merely the claim of having 25% Jewish blood but no other connection to the area...

These are the FACTS.

And another fact that is now starting to come alight, is how it was Israeli army responsible of at least some part of these Israeli victims.
But I am sure the above listed FACTS are enough already to make you look pathetic.

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13 hours ago, Vigo said:

...They say, the hospitals will close in a matter of hours and yet the hospitals are still open providing  dramatic videos of people in different types of distress, usually shouting and running about waving their arms.    I read about how dire the conditions in Gaza are and that the people cannot move about. And despite all that Gaza has still launched hundreds of missiles in the past two days. The launch sites are coincidentally in close proximity to hospitals, schools and high density residential buildings. Some of the missiles misfire (an estimated 10%) and are landing on the locals.  More interesting is that there is still electricity sufficient in Gaza to power the Hamas bunkers and tunnels, and the hospitals too. There are even water storage facilities deep within the tunnel system. Supposedly the IDF has knocked out the cell phone system, and yet the Gazans manage to do phone interviews, take videos,  and carry on. What a resilient group of people they are.


But I am sure that you agree that that also work the other way around; OOOOORRR is it only one-way street? ;-)

That Israelis are moaning about security, rockets, terrorists and threats, but STILL they are happily living in concerts and normal life. I ma sure you don't see any problem in their living, as you don't see the problems of Palestinians; right?
"What a resilient group of people they are."

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On 10/22/2023 at 10:15 PM, Grumpish said:

And before Hamas there was the PLO, and before the PLO there was...

You seem to be carefully avoiding Hamas's indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets, year after year, with their random firing of rockets into Israel. Or are you taking a view based on the primitive tribal "if you are not my brother you are my enemy" stance? Instead try to understand the history of this conflict,  going back to when Palestine was a part of the Ottoman empire.

And you are not aviding any itsy-bitsy teany-meany part, of Israel every 2 years having bombed Gaza, have you?
You simply did not remember, right? You are not avoiding obvisouly; it just is not relevant in your pervert mind if the Jews kill. That does not count?
Nothing to see here! 

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13 hours ago, Vigo said:


And then I am constantly told there is a genocide going on. No doubt there are non combatants dying when an Islamic missile misfires or an IDF bomb takes out a Hamas leaders, but genocide, well, I don't think so. There are a reported 7,000 fatalities in Gaza of which the vast majority are male martyrs. 

Are you a total 1D10T trying to babble these stories of "overweight Gazans willingly lock themselves in, martys dying, no genocide at all, nooo nooo nooo!"
Who are trying to fool? Yourself?
How is your flat-Earth project going?

You cannot be that DUMB to NOT to see that it is a pure genocide going on, for 75 years, and the fatalities are OVERWHELMIGLY civilians; 45% are children.
You have a severely disturbed brain, and I wish you stay FAR away from any kids, if child-killing gives you these kicks! DISGUSTING!

Edcuate yourself a bit, and come again babbling about "overwight Gazans" and "majority are male martyrs". That is the DUMBEST crap we have seen here!

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5 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Oren guy is secular socialist and always presents FACTS which align with Wikipedia, for example.

Being an “obscure” individual is Irrelevant.

That's as far I could read you...  Youtube and now Wikipedia. And in order to get properly informed, let's all listen to obscure youtubers. Thanks.

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10 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Does any of the "facts" you listed, somehow make the quoted wisdom invalid?

Do you know, that David Ben-Gurion also said:
"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural; we have taken their country..."


You take the quote out of context.

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8 hours ago, 1234567 said:

The FACT is that Israel has genocidally murdered approximately 10 000 more Palestinians for the last 75 years, is keeping a full and pure Apartheid towards them, keeping 2 200 000 people in a concentration camp and closing everything going in or out, has attacked every single neighbour of it, has breached more UN resolutions than the WHOLE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!, is keeping nuclear arm program secretly and refusing to sing the international agreements about it; not letting the arms inspectors to inspect that program and in the meantime has moaned for 35 years to Iran about such (Iran HAS NEVER attacked any country and HAS let the inspectors in), has breached EVERY SINGLE agreement about the land division on Palestinina territories, has evicted 6 000 000 people from their homes and at the same time receive plane loads of foreigners to live in the settlements, that have merely the claim of having 25% Jewish blood but no other connection to the area...

These are the FACTS.

And another fact that is now starting to come alight, is how it was Israeli army responsible of at least some part of these Israeli victims.
But I am sure the above listed FACTS are enough already to make you look pathetic.

A genocide requires that a population  be reduced. The arab population you reference keeps increasing. Perhaps you could ask your friends in  Turkey, Iran, Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas to  give some tips? After all, Turkey gave us the Armenian genocide and the Kurdish genocide , Iran has been implicated in the Kurdish genocide and the creation of 12 million Syrian refugees along with  its Hamas and Hizbollah militias in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

Where is the evidence to support your claim that Israel is responsible for the victims of the Hamas attack? No innuendo please, no arab  false claims, just the evidence

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8 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Are you a total 1D10T trying to babble these stories of "overweight Gazans willingly lock themselves in, martys dying, no genocide at all, nooo nooo nooo!"
Who are trying to fool? Yourself?
How is your flat-Earth project going?

You cannot be that DUMB to NOT to see that it is a pure genocide going on, for 75 years, and the fatalities are OVERWHELMIGLY civilians; 45% are children.
You have a severely disturbed brain, and I wish you stay FAR away from any kids, if child-killing gives you these kicks! DISGUSTING!

Edcuate yourself a bit, and come again babbling about "overwight Gazans" and "majority are male martyrs". That is the DUMBEST crap we have seen here!

I have not made any reference to flat earth. There is no denying that Hamas uses child terrorists, both to directly attack and as human shields. There is a video already posted showing Hamas proudly displaying its training of children aged 10-15.  Hamas intentionally hide their military sites within civilian populations.

You are trying to turn around the child killing situation. It is Hamas that offers up its children to die. It is Hamas that offers the culture of martyrdom.  It is not child killing if one defends against an armed terrorist intent on causing harm. One of the sad realities in middle east conflicts is that the locals use people that westerners consider children, for their combat forces. In Iraq and Afghanistan western personnel regularly came up against armed teenagers. Those kids were just as lethal if not more so than 30 year olds. In parts of Africa such as Liberia, and Congo 10 year olds are used. When western personnel defend against such people, along come the  holier than thou contingent to lecture on how they are child killers. Hamas officials intentionally do their business from family compounds, the same way Osama Bin laden hid in a dwelling surrounded by his children and his  wives. they love their kids so much that they intentionally put them in harm's way. That speaks volumes as to their mentality. 

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14 hours ago, 1234567 said:

The FACT is that Israel has genocidally murdered approximately 10 000 more Palestinians for the last 75 years, is keeping a full and pure Apartheid towards them, keeping 2 200 000 people in a concentration camp and closing everything going in or out, has attacked every single neighbour of it, has breached more UN resolutions than the WHOLE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!, is keeping nuclear arm program secretly and refusing to sing the international agreements about it; not letting the arms inspectors to inspect that program and in the meantime has moaned for 35 years to Iran about such (Iran HAS NEVER attacked any country and HAS let the inspectors in), has breached EVERY SINGLE agreement about the land division on Palestinina territories, has evicted 6 000 000 people from their homes and at the same time receive plane loads of foreigners to live in the settlements, that have merely the claim of having 25% Jewish blood but no other connection to the area...

These are the FACTS.

And another fact that is now starting to come alight, is how it was Israeli army responsible of at least some part of these Israeli victims.
But I am sure the above listed FACTS are enough already to make you look pathetic.

You “ pathetically” ignore pertinent FACTS, Arab Nazi Supporter.

That Gaza is an autonomous state with Egyptian border and heavily funded so can’t be any “ concentration camp” . That Israel has two million ( hostile)  Arab Citizens. So can’t be “ Apartheid”. That Arab population there increased ten times since Israel formed So can’t be any Israeli “genocide”.
UN consistently anti-Semitic with little legitimacy. No resolutions against Iran who have no human rights and attack Israel via Its proxies Hamas & Hezbollah and whose Govt have declare genocidal war on Israel. 
No agreement on land in Palestine ever been reached as Arabs reject everything then launch sustained attacks against Israelis. Arabs rejected UN & then Israel offer of Arab state FIVE times. Those lands held by Israel after Arabs lost them through losing three wars Arabs started. Before those was Jews always BOUGHT Arab land to settle. 

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14 hours ago, Manu said:

That's as far I could read you...  Youtube and now Wikipedia. And in order to get properly informed, let's all listen to obscure youtubers. Thanks.

WHO identifies FACTS is Irrelevant. Facts are Facts. Nothing wrong with reputable Wikipedia.
Or any sources who have not been properly discredited. 
You also fail to provide contradictory facts and sources, a sure sign of having no case when dismissing others factual cases. 

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14 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Are you a total 1D10T trying to babble these stories of "overweight Gazans willingly lock themselves in, martys dying, no genocide at all, nooo nooo nooo!"
Who are trying to fool? Yourself?
How is your flat-Earth project going?

You cannot be that DUMB to NOT to see that it is a pure genocide going on, for 75 years, and the fatalities are OVERWHELMIGLY civilians; 45% are children.
You have a severely disturbed brain, and I wish you stay FAR away from any kids, if child-killing gives you these kicks! DISGUSTING!

Edcuate yourself a bit, and come again babbling about "overwight Gazans" and "majority are male martyrs". That is the DUMBEST crap we have seen here!

The genocide is entirely from the Arab & Iranian side on Jews. 

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14 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And you are not aviding any itsy-bitsy teany-meany part, of Israel every 2 years having bombed Gaza, have you?
You simply did not remember, right? You are not avoiding obvisouly; it just is not relevant in your pervert mind if the Jews kill. That does not count?
Nothing to see here! 

The Civilised Jews kill ONLY in self- defence. uncivilized .Arabs& Iran  kill from irrational hatred and write down their genocidal policy……Arabs kill and displace Millions of other Arabs yet little ever said …… 

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15 hours ago, 1234567 said:

And you are not aviding any itsy-bitsy teany-meany part, of Israel every 2 years having bombed Gaza, have you?
You simply did not remember, right? You are not avoiding obvisouly; it just is not relevant in your pervert mind if the Jews kill. That does not count?
Nothing to see here! 

You are avoiding Hamas firing rockets at random, usually civilian, targets, year after year after year.And  do try to avoid using insulting language simply because someone does not agree with your very one-sided opinions.

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20 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Eight Thai farm workers murdered, you terror- supporting Hamas murder denier. 😡


And who tortured them? 
No matter how much you want to believe in something of your imagination; it does NOT make it truth.

Do NOT try to feed that bull5h1t of "beheaded babies" or "tortured hostages". That imagination of yours does not fly very far.

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3 hours ago, Grumpish said:

You are avoiding Hamas firing rockets at random, usually civilian, targets, year after year after year.And  do try to avoid using insulting language simply because someone does not agree with your very one-sided opinions.

Actually it is Israel that has been firing for 75 years.
Please, learn some facts about the existence of Hamas, and the number of casualties. This crap of yours is purely pathetic in the light of NUMBERS and FACTS.

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4 hours ago, oldschooler said:

The Civilised Jews kill ONLY in self- defence. uncivilized .Arabs& Iran  kill from irrational hatred and write down their genocidal policy……Arabs kill and displace Millions of other Arabs yet little ever said …… 

Would you like to see some videos of your "civilized" Jews in self-defending?
Start for example by Googling Baruch Goldstein. Let us read your babbling how that was "self-defence"; PLEASE! The stage is yours!

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4 hours ago, oldschooler said:

The genocide is entirely from the Arab & Iranian side on Jews. 

Ahh, maybe you should educate the world then; how these numbers are actually not true:


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4 hours ago, oldschooler said:

You “ pathetically” ignore pertinent FACTS, Arab Nazi Supporter.

That Gaza is an autonomous state with Egyptian border and heavily funded so can’t be any “ concentration camp” . That Israel has two million ( hostile)  Arab Citizens. So can’t be “ Apartheid”. That Arab population there increased ten times since Israel formed So can’t be any Israeli “genocide”.
UN consistently anti-Semitic with little legitimacy. No resolutions against Iran who have no human rights and attack Israel via Its proxies Hamas & Hezbollah and whose Govt have declare genocidal war on Israel. 
No agreement on land in Palestine ever been reached as Arabs reject everything then launch sustained attacks against Israelis. Arabs rejected UN & then Israel offer of Arab state FIVE times. Those lands held by Israel after Arabs lost them through losing three wars Arabs started. Before those was Jews always BOUGHT Arab land to settle. 

And Santa Claus is flying, Earth is flat and Gingerbread man is the culprit?

Sure! A bit of challenge to you to get the world believe in your imagination. Especially that nowadays we have free information from everywhere, and EVERY SINGLE PIECE of your babbling is very easy to overcome with about 3 seconds of Googling.

I mean you are the emobiment of dumbness!
READ some books, and wake up, m0r0n! You are making yourself of cl0wn!

You only forgot the problem of weight-control and obesity in Gazan diet 😅 😂 🤣😅 😂 🤣

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11 hours ago, Vigo said:

I have not made any reference to flat earth. There is no denying that Hamas uses child terrorists, both to directly attack and as human shields. There is a video already posted showing Hamas proudly displaying its training of children aged 10-15.  Hamas intentionally hide their military sites within civilian populations.

You are trying to turn around the child killing situation. It is Hamas that offers up its children to die. It is Hamas that offers the culture of martyrdom.  It is not child killing if one defends against an armed terrorist intent on causing harm. One of the sad realities in middle east conflicts is that the locals use people that westerners consider children, for their combat forces. In Iraq and Afghanistan western personnel regularly came up against armed teenagers. Those kids were just as lethal if not more so than 30 year olds. In parts of Africa such as Liberia, and Congo 10 year olds are used. When western personnel defend against such people, along come the  holier than thou contingent to lecture on how they are child killers. Hamas officials intentionally do their business from family compounds, the same way Osama Bin laden hid in a dwelling surrounded by his children and his  wives. they love their kids so much that they intentionally put them in harm's way. That speaks volumes as to their mentality. 

Maybe you are referring to this video?



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Israeli forces appear to be concentrating on the northern area of the Gaza Strip, in Beit Hanoun, and pushing down a bit further south from there. I am in Sderot, the Israeli border town overlooking Gaza. Continuous heavy artillery fire into Gaza continues.  The Israeli battery near here is firing several times a minute.  The town itself is almost deserted.


Seems the ground offensive has started. My guess is they will slowly move south flattening everything in their way

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