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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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1 hour ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Actually law does have significance.. See the story below.

https://english-alarabiya-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/gulf/2020/07/15/-Saudi-Arabia-rules-in-favor-of-woman-living-independently-without-permission?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16983242615230&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fenglish.alarabiya.net%2FNews%2Fgulf%2F2020%2F07%2F15%2F-Saudi-Arabia-rules-in-favor-of-woman-living-independently-without-permission

Religious police have no power over anyone anymore. Not seen them in years. 

Sexes are freely mingling, family and single sections are pretty much gone. 

Not sure when you were last in KSA, but I'm presuming it's a long time ago. 

Things have changed. Time to get into the new school way of thinking.


Come join the party...


Unfree Culture that beheads unarmed protesters, tortures civilians and uses bonesaws on live humans is not in any way a “party”. 

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17 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

That doesn't alter the fact that the forum rule clearly does apply to you, an individual poster. 

And your continual bigotry is in violation of that rule. 

Insulting and denigrating people or their religion does not strengthen your argument. 

So you and this forum support Fascism which cannot be attacked here, when clearly it can, so rules do in fact apply to not attacking people not to attacking bad ideas like Islam / Fascism. Attacking Islam is not “ bigotry” it’s a moral duty for all free rational people. Why not convert ( if you haven’t already) to Islam if you love it so much along with your  beloved maniac Arabs. 

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

That’s a very selective representation of only the most recent calls for a pause or a ceasefire. Someone might think you had an agenda here 😉

Oct 18 - Brazil put forth a resolution for a humanitarian pause. All UN Council members voted in favor except the US who used their veto. 

It is all irrelevant anyway. Israel will do whatever it chooses to do while the US supports its Middle East proxy. John Kirby’s tears for TV were not shed in vain.

And that's a selective representation of what happen too: 


Speaking after the vote, US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield explained that the US wanted more time to let American on-the-ground diplomacy “play out.” The US had previously delayed voting on the resolution. Thomas-Greenfield also criticized the text for failing to mention Israel’s right to self-defense – a point later echoed by the British representative Barbara Woodward.


Clearly America felt it was too early to trick members into siding against Israel. 😉

"Proxy"?  You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 🤣 


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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

So you and this forum support Fascism which cannot be attacked here, when clearly it can, so rules do in fact apply to not attacking people not to attacking bad ideas like Islam / Fascism. Attacking Islam is not “ bigotry” it’s a moral duty for all free rational people. Why not convert ( if you haven’t already) to Islam if you love it so much along with your  beloved maniac Arabs. 

Still waiting for any post of mine where I've said I've supported Hamas and your apology for suggesting that I do, so we'll just add fascism to that I guess...😆😆😆

And there's nothing wrong with attacking Islam, Israel, Communism, Hamas, Timbuktu, whatever. You can argue your reasons for and against anything you like.

What is wrong is using language clearly designed to be inflammatory, clearly rude and offensive, and derogatory, which is in violation of forum rule 3 which I previously highlighted to you. 

The fact that you feel the need to resort to such language only makes your argument look weaker, and you more foolish.

On a personal note, my religion is none of your business.

And I'm happy that I've made great friends in the KSA, among some of the most hospitable people on the planet.

You have my sympathy if your experience was different. 


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13 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Albert Einstein said:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but those who watch them, doing nothing."

I am pretty sure he is WAAAY more talented in thinking business than Grumpish will ever be.
And you have proven it.

Mr. Einstein is reported to have beaten his wife and was a slob.  The takeaway is that on some subjects such as math and physics he was brilliant, but on others, he was an abject failure. Mr. Einstein repeatedly erred when it came to issues of common sense. It must pain you to know that Einstein was indeed a zionist and contributed financially to the state of Israel.

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1 hour ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Still waiting for any post of mine where I've said I've supported Hamas and your apology for suggesting that I do, so we'll just add fascism to that I guess...😆😆😆

And there's nothing wrong with attacking Islam, Israel, Communism, Hamas, Timbuktu, whatever. You can argue your reasons for and against anything you like.

What is wrong is using language clearly designed to be inflammatory, clearly rude and offensive, and derogatory, which is in violation of forum rule 3 which I previously highlighted to you. 

The fact that you feel the need to resort to such language only makes your argument look weaker, and you more foolish.

On a personal note, my religion is none of your business.

And I'm happy that I've made great friends in the KSA, among some of the most hospitable people on the planet.

You have my sympathy if your experience was different. 

Once again, anyone not supporting Israel is supporting Hamas / Islam. It’s “ with us or against us” time.

This is Good vs Evil and no time for Impartiality or “ both sides” even- handed fence-sitting  duplicity.

Clear which side you’re on…… the wrong one.

My language here becomes stronger the more I’m attacked by the “ useful idiot” tyranny supporters.

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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

Once again, anyone not supporting Israel is supporting Hamas / Islam. It’s “ with us or against us” time.

This is Good vs Evil and no time for Impartiality or “ both sides” even- handed fence-sitting  duplicity.

Clear which side you’re on…… the wrong one.

My language here becomes stronger the more I’m attacked by the “ useful idiot” tyranny supporters.

Congratulations, you have managed to post without being offensive...


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7 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Still waiting for any post of mine where I've said I've supported Hamas and your apology for suggesting that I do, so we'll just add fascism to that I guess...😆😆😆

And there's nothing wrong with attacking Islam, Israel, Communism, Hamas, Timbuktu, whatever. You can argue your reasons for and against anything you like.

What is wrong is using language clearly designed to be inflammatory, clearly rude and offensive, and derogatory, which is in violation of forum rule 3 which I previously highlighted to you. 

The fact that you feel the need to resort to such language only makes your argument look weaker, and you more foolish.

On a personal note, my religion is none of your business.

And I'm happy that I've made great friends in the KSA, among some of the most hospitable people on the planet.

You have my sympathy if your experience was different. 

It seems that some here forget (conveniently?) that "Facist Islamist" KSA is an ally of pratically all Free "Rational" Democratic Western countries, including the "Rational" UK. When one thinks that KSA was about to close a US backed deal with Free Modern "Rational" Israel to normalise ties between the two countries, and now it is on hold cause Hamas had to destroy this. Extremism... As always, the extremists always do all they can to destroy peace amongst human beings, on every sides, because of their extreme ideology.

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And now a little bit of Middle Eastern humour to light the mood from the wonderful Noam Shuster-Eliassi. If only humour could be the ultimate weapon for peace, what a wonderful World it would be.


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20 hours ago, Pinetree said:

and with all due respect to the great genius, I would add, and politicians who call for a cease fire when continuing military action is the only sensible choice. 

Regarding my previous post quoting you... https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/report-qatar-to-reconsider-its-relationship-with-hamas-after-hostages-freed/

There you go, "the deportation of Hamas from Qatar" maybe not so unlikely then as I wrote just yesterday, which is personally the news I was hoping for. If Israel wants to destroy Hamas, this is it. Not an insane bombarding of civilians or a ground invasion in Gaza. Qatar knew very well from the start that after Oct 7 butchery, the current ongoing one in Gaza and an unprecented escalation that will with no doubt follow can only be stopped if they get ride of the Hamas heads whom are the only ones responsible of all this. Obviously as in all conficts/wars, secret diplomatic talks have been going from the start, but I did not think that so early such news would transpire in the media, and that it is Time of Israel reporting this is even better news, an outlet I would trust far more than any other Western ones on this subject and it seems, the only one reporting this at the moment.

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For the past two weeks I  have read about a water shortage and electricity shortage in Gaza. They say, the hospitals will close in a matter of hours and yet the hospitals are still open providing  dramatic videos of people in different types of distress, usually shouting and running about waving their arms.    I read about how dire the conditions in Gaza are and that the people cannot move about. And despite all that Gaza has still launched hundreds of missiles in the past two days. The launch sites are coincidentally in close proximity to hospitals, schools and high density residential buildings. Some of the missiles misfire (an estimated 10%) and are landing on the locals.  More interesting is that there is still electricity sufficient in Gaza to power the Hamas bunkers and tunnels, and the hospitals too. There are even water storage facilities deep within the tunnel system. Supposedly the IDF has knocked out the cell phone system, and yet the Gazans manage to do phone interviews, take videos,  and carry on. What a resilient group of people they are.

Hamas is reportedly sitting on large stores of fuel, water and food keeping it for the exclusive use of its fighters.  I don't know if that is such a good strategy. Every day now, the IAF  successfully targets a munition depot or fuel tank and it leaves the tell tale explosion damage. Hamas might as well share the resources before they are blown up.

And then I am constantly told there is a genocide going on. No doubt there are non combatants dying when an Islamic missile misfires or an IDF bomb takes out a Hamas leaders, but genocide, well, I don't think so. There are a reported 7,000 fatalities in Gaza of which the vast majority are male martyrs. Targeting combatants isn't really a genocide. I would call it taking the trash out. Now, once again, I emphasize I do not  encourage, nor condone the loss of non combatants and it is dreadful. Unfortunately, many are family members of the Hamas targets. Perhaps Israel could offer safe  refuge to these people, allow them to temporarily  seek shelter on the other side of the fence in Israel. they can stay in the areas vacated by israelis who left because of the Gaza rocket  barrage. Hamas wouldn't  kill its own people would it? Gaza has an annual population  growth rate of just under 3%. that is quite high considering the fact that there is no immigration inbound.  Usually when there is a genocide there isn't a  population increase year on year for 50+ years.  And usually when there is a genocide, 7000 deaths is  the daily death total. Just ask the pros in Rwanda or Cambodia. Closer to home there is the ongoing slaughter of black africans by Arabs in the Darfur. Now that is a bonafide attempt at genocide. There is also the ongoing sectrarian  fighting in ethiopia. That too is a genocide. And I suppose we shouldn't forget the adventures in Yemen. 3 longterm ongoing genocides with millions at risk  and not one protest. Why are yemeni kids less worthy of attention? Is it because they arebeing slaughtered by  fellow muslims? I can understand why the  Africans are neglected, since they are not the  flavour of the day to sanctimonius Europeans and  both Russia and China can see eye to ey on their disdain for people of colour.  All very complicated.

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9 hours ago, Manu said:

It seems that some here forget (conveniently?) that "Facist Islamist" KSA is an ally of pratically all Free "Rational" Democratic Western countries, including the "Rational" UK. When one thinks that KSA was about to close a US backed deal with Free Modern "Rational" Israel to normalise ties between the two countries, and now it is on hold cause Hamas had to destroy this. Extremism... As always, the extremists always do all they can to destroy peace amongst human beings, on every sides, because of their extreme ideology.

Ally of economic convenience only not shared values.  KSA large terror supporter and yes on side of radical extreme Islam ( is there really any other kind.? No.) so suspended talks with Israel for dumb Arab Solidarity.

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13 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Congratulations, you have managed to post without being offensive...


I’ve also researched these “ Israeli Muslim Arabs” (18% Israeli populations).It’s not good .

Israeli Passport Holders Only. Not really Democratic. Use their Knesset Parliament MP’s to support “ Palestinians” and criticise Israel. Have better life of course in Israel so none chose to live under Arab rule. No surprise there. Protesting against Israel from comfort & safety of Free Rich Modern Western Israel.Typical.


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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

Ally of economic convenience only not shared values.  KSA large terror supporter and yes on side of radical extreme Islam ( is there really any other kind.? No.) so suspended talks with Israel for dumb Arab Solidarity.

"Our mission

We develop and maintain the long-standing relationship between the UK and Saudi Arabia. We build on the bilateral relationship between our two governments and peoples, especially in the areas of trade and investment, education, culture, energy and climate security, and defence."


I already knew the content of this page, but it would have taken you 1 minute of Internet search to find out about the amicable relationship between your Free Modern Civilised country and SA.

So yes economic convenience but also "education, culture, energy and climate security, and defence." That is quite a friendly program.

You know what, last year your ally SA helped your country to secure "the release of five British detainees held by Russia-backed forces in Eastern Ukraine". So what do we say to SA? Thank you.


I think it would have been more shameful if it had been only for economic convenience. But I guess you are the sort of people who have no moral issue of doing business with people that you strongly believe that they are the worse human beings on the planet. So let's do business with Russia next, what do you think?

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2 hours ago, oldschooler said:

I’ve also researched these “ Israeli Muslim Arabs” (18% Israeli populations).It’s not good .

Israeli Passport Holders Only. Not really Democratic. Use their Knesset Parliament MP’s to support “ Palestinians” and criticise Israel. Have better life of course in Israel so none chose to live under Arab rule. No surprise there. Protesting against Israel from comfort & safety of Free Rich Modern Western Israel.Typical.

Polite and researched posts. You  should rename yourself newschooler!

Try providing sources and links to back up what you say next time.


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1 hour ago, Manu said:

"Our mission

We develop and maintain the long-standing relationship between the UK and Saudi Arabia. We build on the bilateral relationship between our two governments and peoples, especially in the areas of trade and investment, education, culture, energy and climate security, and defence."


I already knew the content of this page, but it would have taken you 1 minute of Internet search to find out about the amicable relationship between your Free Modern Civilised country and SA.

So yes economic convenience but also "education, culture, energy and climate security, and defence." That is quite a friendly program.

You know what, last year your ally SA helped your country to secure "the release of five British detainees held by Russia-backed forces in Eastern Ukraine". So what do we say to SA? Thank you.


I think it would have been more shameful if it had been only for economic convenience. But I guess you are the sort of people who have no moral issue of doing business with people that you strongly believe that they are the worse human beings on the planet. So let's do business with Russia next, what do you think?

No doubt we do business with all kinds of crap nations, principally China, KSA, Mexico,Egypt, Nigeria, India and previously yes Russia. Those above co-operations are a mere diplomatic facade complimenting the business relationships considered necessary for UK interests.Elected Politicians make those difficult complex decisions then hand off to Business for the detailed execution. It IS only Business. Occasional useful Intel too.

If UK had kept our Gulf & Far East Oil & Gas Interests we wouldn’t need any of these degenerates.

But no,we complied with the “ self determination rights” of these primitive savages and gave it all away.

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24 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Polite and researched posts. You  should rename yourself newschooler!

Try providing sources and links to back up what you say next time.


Links not really applicable here. Oren History MA Guy ( You Tube “ Travelling Israel” Source). 
Classified as “ opinion” then ….. to comply with forum rules😏

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16 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Congratulations, you have managed to post without being offensive...


Surely would have offended somebody somewhere. 
Certainly the deranged anti- Semitic “ Socialist” crowd…….

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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

Links not really applicable here. Oren History MA Guy ( You Tube “ Travelling Israel” Source). 
Classified as “ opinion” then ….. to comply with forum rules😏

And that’s your source, an obscur tour guide  making videos on YouTube (how original), obviously as far right as can be (so your league) but hey, he has 180k subscribers - must be a reliable source then. Don’t you realise just the slightest how embarrassing you are? I tell you something, don’t like to go too much on my private life here but I have to tell you this: I was in Israël in July/August. Once I happened to find myself to be on the side of one these massive protests in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu’s judicial reforms, there were probably more people there than your YouTuber has subscribers, they had been protesting every Saturday for months and they were all worried and angry as for them, the very core of the democratic Israël was at stake with that reform (and yes quite a few Palestinian flags floating from the leftists and centrists pro-democracy you hate so much, yes they were jews but don’t worry, it doesn’t make you an anti-Semite to hate them). Now if you had been magically transported from where you are in the in the middle of this and started to educate them about their country with your tour guide source and your extreme rhetoric and your complete madness, you would have been instantly kicked in the ass all the way back to the Uk so hard that kick in the ass would have been. But you know what, I am not even taking the piss of you anymore, there is something very unhealthy about you and your constant hateful rage. You should calm down a little, it is therhaiger’s forum, your words, my words, everyone’s words have 0 meaning or consequences but the importance you give them which should be 0, it is just about passing some time debating on things, no problem if it is heated sometimes, that’s the fun of it. But you are far beyond that, I don’t even know what else to say to you.

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Oren guy is secular socialist and always presents FACTS which align with Wikipedia, for example.

Being an “obscure” individual is Irrelevant. 

He detests the Netanyahu (Coalition) Govt. and those failed “reforms”

He also interestingly describes on the splits in Israeli Society. 
How many subscribers he has is important only to silly “social media” types like you.

Secular /Traditional  /UltraOrthodox /Arab Split.
Ultra Males in different privileged world of (50%) no work/ No national service/ Constant Torah studies 

Secular the largest single group but not a Majority. Arab Citizens uncooperative, supporting terror etc.

Secular are of course divided Left -Centre -Right

Arab “Democrats” Don’t Actually Exist.
All Jews openly or privately detest these backward unfree Arab savages, Israeli or Not.

What does it tell you that Conservative Netanyahu Govt. democratically elected.
Obviously that No one else is is Trusted to safeguard Israel and its People.

I would not propose to “ educate” Israelis, an absurd suggestion only from your angry false imagination. 
I am not “ unhealthy” or “ hateful” or “ mad” or “ extreme”; those terms belong to your Hamas friends and their criminal western supporters like you.

I am “ embarrassing” only to you in your twisted terror- supporting, fact- dismissing mind.

Only you are “ embarrassed” with your unlettered incoherent rants against my Reason - based arguments, which you have clearly have neither read - processed- understood- accepted, as all rational free conservative folk here already have. I see you have 0-1 supporters here, for example.

You are not able to properly mock me as you bring no intellect or pertinent contradictory facts.

No point in hating evil vermin; only identifying -detesting- separating it from civilised people. 

Oren guy no more reliable than any other random Civilised educated Israeli who presents FACTS and REASON. He makes 100% more sense than you, your misguided lying Arab” friends” ( who would cut your infidel throat in a heartbeat) and almost any “ Muslim” Arab.

However, I did listen to the incredibly brave son of a Hamas Leader who REALLY deeply understands Hamas as he was one of them before spying for Israel for ten years and he also spoke out against Hamas at the UN in front of the speechless “ Palestinian” Leaders. He called Hamas “ the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people”. He should know better than Anyone, right ?

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On 10/26/2023 at 11:15 PM, Vigo said:

Mr. Einstein is reported to have beaten his wife and was a slob.  The takeaway is that on some subjects such as math and physics he was brilliant, but on others, he was an abject failure. Mr. Einstein repeatedly erred when it came to issues of common sense. It must pain you to know that Einstein was indeed a zionist and contributed financially to the state of Israel.

Does any of the "facts" you listed, somehow make the quoted wisdom invalid?

Do you know, that David Ben-Gurion also said:
"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural; we have taken their country..."


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On 10/12/2023 at 1:33 PM, Vigo said:

kidnapping Thai farm workers and torturing them on camera won't win you any friends in Thailand,

What torturing are you babbling about?
Please; show us that camera.

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On 10/10/2023 at 8:20 PM, Vigo said:

murdered at the  dance festival were most likely supporters of peaceful relations with the Arabs. That's what they get for letting their guard down.

15th October Israeli State Radio aired some interviews of Israeli survivors of the 7th October:
Those survivors told in that recording, in their own voices, how many of the dead of that day were killed by ISRAELI snipers; from ISRAELI side. And crossfire; coming mostly from Israeli shooters.
That recording was later taken down very quickly; but I happen to have it saved. As do many others and as has Israeli State radio confirmed later.
Now isn't that annoyning?

I have a video of Israeli border patrol soldier asking why in September were large number of their guns confiscated by IDF. So that they did not have the needed tools for patrolling and reacting.
In September also there were civilian Israelis who raised question about the lack of security measures, and they questioned about the concert organizing: Israeli goverment stated how the security level is "easening".

That border is the world's most controlled border: Technology is the MOST advanced and nothing bigger than a rat can move there without noticing and causing an immediate alarm. It is pure technology. The state of the art level.
Israel has combat forces and combat helicopters within 5 minutes of the area.
And yet; FOR FREAKING 7 HOURS the paragliding and pick-up armed hoodloms were able to hold Israeli army at bay?!?! YOU GOT TO BE A M0R0N TO BELIEVE THAT!!!

Many reports are airing up, how Hamas has treated well the prisoners. How one Israeli on the report went back to thank them when released. How the old lady on the wheelchair told how she was given medical care.

It is ABOSLUTE B0LL0CKS that there is "torturing", and "40 beheaded babies". This "torturing" bu115h1t is TOTAL FAKE NEWS, aired by Israeli hasbara machine.

If Israel is facing a hostage situation, can you make any sense of resolving that by BOMBING everything?!?! You got to be kidding to not to see that they are NOT insterested in even their OWN casualties. A hostage situation goes with negotiations. If that is dried up, then ground forces, commandos, etc. NOT BOMBING.

You defending Israel, are simply refusing to use your brain!

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On 10/22/2023 at 8:21 PM, Pinetree said:

The judicial killing by Israel is far from senseless.  It is a military action of defense, planned and executed to remove a terrorist threat to the Nation.  Hardly senseless. Hamas killings on the other hand is indeed senseless violence by terrorists. 

Ahh; like those pesky Jews in the Ghetto; sensless violence by terrorists?
I see. Your logic is that when someone occupies your land, kills you family, and puts you in a concentration camp: And you raise to defend, and don't just accept the genocide voluntarily, you are a terrorist?

An ITCHY-BITSY TEANY-MEANY fxxked mindset you have up there. Stay away from thinking business, because you are not sane.

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