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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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6 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

What rubbish. KSA never been “open” in any sense.

Can only speak as someone who's lived there since over ten years. 

A few years back the law changed re allowing unmarried couples to rent hotel rooms together. Before this unmarried couples took big risks doing this. Of course, people always found a way but nevertheless could be very risky if reported. 

For gay men at this time, no such problems at all. Two men check into a room together and perfectly legal and fine. That was what I was referring too. 

For the gay men they would need to be caught in the act itself, whereas for the straight unmarried couple they only need to be in the room together and it's a problem. 

Anyways, very off topic so I'll say no more. If you need further education on life in KSA, feel free to pm me. 😄👍

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8 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Rule clearly written for Individuals. No civilized forum supports Fascism . As you obviously do.

So you're not an individual?

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7 hours ago, Manu said:

Well he is only saying that if you are not on his side and wish death to all Muslims in the entire world, so pro Islam (what does that mean? Never mind, it is what you should not be) or neutral (yes, even neutral). Show a bit of respect please to the only human side one should be on this planet. Well when I say all Muslims, it looks now all but not the 1.4 Muslims Israelis (or Arabs, don’t know, he is really confusing me now).

Those Israeli Arabs are not all Muslims. 
It is you who is confused and unable to deal with even moderate complexity.

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34 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Those Israeli Arabs are not all Muslims. 
It is you who is confused and unable to deal with even moderate complexity.


84% of them are Muslim though. A quite considerable chunk ...😄🤔



So just under a fifth of the Israeli population is actually Muslim .

About 18%


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27 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Those Israeli Arabs are not all Muslims. 
It is you who is confused and unable to deal with even moderate complexity.

Those what exactly, confused boy? Those of the 1,4 millions? Oh dear oh dear. In Israel there are some arab jews (jews who came from different arabic country years ago - your mate Pinetree tried to help you just earlier - did you read his post? I mean, did you understand why he posted that to you? Nope you did not obviously as usual, you made no research either and since you know NOTHING about Israel, then confusion again.). And besides those jews arab citizens you like (although confuseldly you said many posts ago you hated all arabs before switching to muslims realising I guess that some arabs are jews and live in Israel - yeah mate, I keep up with you, not easy and very confusing, but quite fun somehow), I am afraid to tell you AGAIN that there are also 1.4 millions arab muslim citizens too in Israel - MUSLIMS!!! 16.9% of the entire Israeli population precisely. Yeah, sorry, the ones you do not like. How dare you, Israel!!

Now,check this this time, will you? https://embassies.gov.il/UnGeneva/NewsAndEvents/Pages/Facts-and-Figures-Islam-in-Israel.aspx , if I constantly put countless sources with my posts it is because they are reliable and undisputable. You will like it too cause they come directly from the Israeli governement.

F*** this, that is what it says cause I know you won't check and I do not wish to play a non sense ping pong post with you forever:

"Israel is home to 1,454,000 Muslim citizens who enjoy full civil liberty and political freedom. 

•    Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of the State of Israel.
•    Most Arab citizens of Israel are Muslims, mainly Sunnis. Other branches of Islam in Israel include: Shia, Alawite, Ahmadiyeh, Sufi and Shazaliyeh. Islam is the second biggest religion in Israel after Judaism.
•    Jews account for 75.4 percent of the population, Muslims make up 16.9 percent, Christians 2.10 percent, Druze 1.70 percent and the rest of the population identifies otherwise, including a small Baha’i community."


Now I hope you are not too disapointed with the "Free Modern Israel" that you stand for so strongly, cause yes, there "most arab citizens of Israel are Muslims...",  do not worry though, some arab citizens in Israel are also jews - besides the 1.4 millions muslims, I hope you got it by now. Now if you disagree with the Israelis figures, go and dispute them with them the charmant way you know how to, I am sure they will listen to the moral judge of thethaiger's forum. Then, once the Israeli governement has changed its figures after you had a go at them for being wrong, or maybe threw all these 1.4 million muslims in the sea at your demand so there is none left, then you can come back and argue with me that there is not 1.4 million muslim citizens in Israel.

Talking about confusion... Have a nice evening.

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31 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:


84% of them are Muslim though. A quite considerable chunk ...😄🤔



So just under a fifth of the Israeli population is actually Muslim .

About 18%

Great, I actually gave an old source from the Israeli governement from 2016, it was 16.9% of the population then. So a litle more now. Jesus, I hope we are not going to be responsible for some kind of heart failure when he sees my source first, and then yours.

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4 hours ago, Manu said:

Those what exactly, confused boy? Those of the 1,4 millions? Oh dear oh dear. In Israel there are some arab jews (jews who came from different arabic country years ago - your mate Pinetree tried to help you just earlier - did you read his post? I mean, did you understand why he posted that to you? Nope you did not obviously as usual, you made no research either and since you know NOTHING about Israel, then confusion again.). And besides those jews arab citizens you like (although confuseldly you said many posts ago you hated all arabs before switching to muslims realising I guess that some arabs are jews and live in Israel - yeah mate, I keep up with you, not easy and very confusing, but quite fun somehow), I am afraid to tell you AGAIN that there are also 1.4 millions arab muslim citizens too in Israel - MUSLIMS!!! 16.9% of the entire Israeli population precisely. Yeah, sorry, the ones you do not like. How dare you, Israel!!

Now,check this this time, will you? https://embassies.gov.il/UnGeneva/NewsAndEvents/Pages/Facts-and-Figures-Islam-in-Israel.aspx , if I constantly put countless sources with my posts it is because they are reliable and undisputable. You will like it too cause they come directly from the Israeli governement.

F*** this, that is what it says cause I know you won't check and I do not wish to play a non sense ping pong post with you forever:

"Israel is home to 1,454,000 Muslim citizens who enjoy full civil liberty and political freedom. 

•    Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of the State of Israel.
•    Most Arab citizens of Israel are Muslims, mainly Sunnis. Other branches of Islam in Israel include: Shia, Alawite, Ahmadiyeh, Sufi and Shazaliyeh. Islam is the second biggest religion in Israel after Judaism.
•    Jews account for 75.4 percent of the population, Muslims make up 16.9 percent, Christians 2.10 percent, Druze 1.70 percent and the rest of the population identifies otherwise, including a small Baha’i community."

Now I hope you are not too disapointed with the "Free Modern Israel" that you stand for so strongly, cause yes, there "most arab citizens of Israel are Muslims...",  do not worry though, some arab citizens in Israel are also jews - besides the 1.4 millions muslims, I hope you got it by now. Now if you disagree with the Israelis figures, go and dispute them with them the charmant way you know how to, I am sure they will listen to the moral judge of thethaiger's forum. Then, once the Israeli governement has changed its figures after you had a go at them for being wrong, or maybe threw all these 1.4 million muslims in the sea at your demand so there is none left, then you can come back and argue with me that there is not 1.4 million muslim citizens in Israel.

Talking about confusion... Have a nice evening.

Clearly the main subject is maniac Arabs that want  Israel gone. That would be over 99% of all  Arabs 
Obviously not applicable to Israeli Arabs. Always Exceptions that serve to prove the rule…. as here.

No such thing as “Jew Arabs” or “ Arab Jews”. They are Israeli Arabs.

Your written prowess,  intellectual level and debating skills are seriously lacking.

Your first sentence, for example, just five words, is a complete mess.

Your post is full of lies, misrepresentation and false terms / conclusions.

Pinetree Post proved my point that not all Israeli Arabs are Muslim, as you ignorantly surmised.

My factual knowledge of Israel, and my resultant conclusions, is certainly sufficient for the subject at hand

Not disputing the presented official figures coming from UN, Israeli or other reputable Western sources.

One important observation is that living in a democracy often ( not always) tempers the usual Islamic madness prevailing in all Arab & Muslim states ( All Unfree with No Rights and Religious Lunacy).

But having 1% moderate ( Israeli) Arabs is not saying much positive about Arabs as a group is it? 
Quite the opposite in fact.



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5 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:


84% of them are Muslim though. A quite considerable chunk ...😄🤔



So just under a fifth of the Israeli population is actually Muslim .

About 18%

Way less than 1% All Arabs though. That leaves over 99% of Arabs  wanting Israel gone.And that includes the very few Christian or Druze ( rational) Arabs outside Israel, mainly  in Egypt and Lebanon.
My original point was that because of the above situation you present,  the “apartheid”claims against Israel are an absurd & obvious Lie.

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5 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

So you're not an individual?

I write and speak always about IDEAS and EVENTS rather than Individuals.😎

I will occasionally dismantle Idiot Posters here though……can’t resist 😏😅 

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Thousands of West Bank Palestinians with work permits allowing them to work in Israel are staying home in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Israel has placed a complete closure on the West Bank checkpoints, blocking the entry of Palestinian workers. If prolonged, the closure may result in losses in the billions of shekels and spell disaster for an already ailing economy. The Israeli military regularly imposes a ban on Palestinian workers’ entry to Israel after major attacks on Jewish settlers in the West Bank or following an attack inside Israel, but those closures typically don’t last long. In this case, though, many workers fear that the closure will last a long while. Israel says security reasons are behind its decision not to allow Palestinian workers into the country. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, about 140,000 West Bank Palestinians worked in Israel in the first and second quarters of 2023. Most work in agriculture or construction ... “It’s an act of collective punishment. We provide good work for a reasonable income. We didn’t do anything. If Israel has a problem with Hamas, we shouldn’t pay the price,” Na’aman said.


Not do anything? I have a feeling the West Bank riots supporting Hamas and recent history of killing Israelis probably have given the government pause and rightly so. That said, whatever economic damage is being caused by blocking entry for workers is nothing like that will be suffered by those in the Gaza Strip. That's because Israel intends to never let them enter for work again. If Gaza can't build a functioning economy after Israel withdraws, it will depopulate by choice.   


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6 hours ago, Pinetree said:

They exist to this day. 

Believe what you want since you can’t prove what doesn’t exist.

Extract from Wikipedia “ Jewish Population by Country”


“Remnant and vanished populations

The above table represents Jews that number at least a few dozen per country. Reports exist of Jewish communities remaining in other territories in the low single digits that are on the verge of disappearing, particularly in the Muslim world, as their reaction to the birth of Israel in 1948 was the persecution of Jews in nearly all Muslim lands; these are often of historical interest as they represent the remnant of much larger Jewish populations. For example, Egypt had a Jewish community of 80,000 in the early 20th century that numbered fewer than 40 as of 2014, mainly because of the forced expulsion movements to Israel and other countries at that time. Despite a 2,000 year history of Jewish presence, there are no longer any known Jews living in Afghanistan, as its last Jewish residents Zablon Simintov and Tova Moradi, fled the country in September and October 2021 respectively.

In Syria, another ancient Jewish community saw mass exodus at the end of the 20th century and numbered fewer than 20 in the midst of the Syrian Civil War. The size of the Jewish community in Indonesia has been variously given as 65, 100, or 18 at most over the last 50 years. In Yemen due to the ongoing civil war, the Yemenite Jews have faced persecution by the Houthis, who have demanded they convert to Islam or face mandatory expulsion from the country. The Israeli military has conducted operations evacuating the population and moving them to Israel. On 28 March 2021, 13 Jews were forced by the Houthis to leave Yemen, leaving the last four elderly Jews in Yemen.According to one report there are six Jews left in Yemen: one woman; her brother; three others, and Levi Salem Marahbi (who had been imprisoned for helping smuggle a Tora”

Tunisia : 1,200 Jews; Egypt : 200; Syria: 200. Egypt once had 80,000 Jews…….

savage culling or driving out of Jews by Arabs since 1948 the 1967 is Pure Genocide. Yet is Never Mentioned.


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13 minutes ago, EdwardV said:

Thousands of West Bank Palestinians with work permits allowing them to work in Israel are staying home in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Israel has placed a complete closure on the West Bank checkpoints, blocking the entry of Palestinian workers. If prolonged, the closure may result in losses in the billions of shekels and spell disaster for an already ailing economy. The Israeli military regularly imposes a ban on Palestinian workers’ entry to Israel after major attacks on Jewish settlers in the West Bank or following an attack inside Israel, but those closures typically don’t last long. In this case, though, many workers fear that the closure will last a long while. Israel says security reasons are behind its decision not to allow Palestinian workers into the country. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, about 140,000 West Bank Palestinians worked in Israel in the first and second quarters of 2023. Most work in agriculture or construction ... “It’s an act of collective punishment. We provide good work for a reasonable income. We didn’t do anything. If Israel has a problem with Hamas, we shouldn’t pay the price,” Na’aman said.


Not do anything? I have a feeling the West Bank riots supporting Hamas and recent history of killing Israelis probably have given the government pause and rightly so. That said, whatever economic damage is being caused by blocking entry for workers is nothing like that with will be suffered by those in the Gaza Strip. That's because Israel intends to never let them enter for work again. If Gaza can't build a functioning economy after Israel withdraws, it will depopulate by choice.   

Not trusting Arab Muslim Savages has always been Reasonable Common Sense for Safety & Survival not any Collective Punishment.History of that term? Shooting an entire village for attacks of a few in WW2 ? Oh and didn’t Arabs wipe out many Israeli Villages starting 1882 ? “ Collective Punishment permitted by Arabs just not Israel who must of course adhere to western standards being western an’ all. High Stench of Hypocrisy…..

Koran / Hadiths clearly calls for all Jews to be Murdered. Remind me what book these animals profess to follow, obey,  be inspired by and cannot be reformed by even one word ? Yeah it’s the same book ain’t it ?

Wasn’t  it Collective Punishment when the entire Arab World genocidally assaulted Israel in 1947, 1967 & 1973 ? Then Hamas this month ? Yeah it was ….. payback’s a bitch ain’t it ? Surprised Israel’s been so tolerant last 75 years…….


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1 hour ago, oldschooler said:

I write and speak always about IDEAS and EVENTS rather than Individuals.😎

I will occasionally dismantle Idiot Posters here though……can’t resist 😏😅 

That doesn't alter the fact that the forum rule clearly does apply to you, an individual poster. 

And your continual bigotry is in violation of that rule. 

Insulting and denigrating people or their religion does not strengthen your argument. 

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4 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Clearly the main subject is maniac Arabs that want  Israel gone. That would be over 99% of all  Arabs 
Obviously not applicable to Israeli Arabs. Always Exceptions that serve to prove the rule…. as here.

No such thing as “Jew Arabs” or “ Arab Jews”. They are Israeli Arabs.

Your written prowess,  intellectual level and debating skills are seriously lacking.

Your first sentence, for example, just five words, is a complete mess.

Your post is full of lies, misrepresentation and false terms / conclusions.

Pinetree Post proved my point that not all Israeli Arabs are Muslim, as you ignorantly surmised.

My factual knowledge of Israel, and my resultant conclusions, is certainly sufficient for the subject at hand

Not disputing the presented official figures coming from UN, Israeli or other reputable Western sources.

One important observation is that living in a democracy often ( not always) tempers the usual Islamic madness prevailing in all Arab & Muslim states ( All Unfree with No Rights and Religious Lunacy).

But having 1% moderate ( Israeli) Arabs is not saying much positive about Arabs as a group is it? 
Quite the opposite in fact.

Now I will confuse you even more. Do you know that there are also in the Arab World between 10 to 15 millions Arabs that are also Christians in countries in the Middle East ((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Christians) )? So do these Arabs also want "Israel gone"?? Are those Arab Christians also bad to you or moderate? Right, only the Muslims Arabs are bad to you. Well aparetnly not the 1.4 millions in Israel. Why don't you stop using the word "Arabs", and use clearly the word "muslims" when you are sure that it is applicable to your hate, it will be easy for you and also for me. Forget about Arabs.

When I mentioned to you about "Muslims" citizens in Israel a few posts ago, so 1.4 million of them, 16.9% of Israel population (in 2016, now even are more actually as Thedirtydurian post showed you), it was just because I asked the question, since you keep saying that ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD - "do these 1.4 Muslims citizens Isrealis are also bad", without EVER mentioning the word "Arabs" at all, never mind Arab Jews, totally irrelevant in my question so why would I? It was a very simple question, (Are the 1.4 million Mulims living in Israel bad too in your opinion??) which you made it complicated with your confusion with the word "Arabs". But you are saying now in this post that they are "moderate". Altough you use the word Arab in your confusion AGAIN, but that is what you meant, right, that the 1.4 million of Muslims citizens of Israel are moderate, right? Forget about Arabs Jews, forget altogether about the word Arabs, I am only asking about the Muslims! That is all I was asking then, that is all I am asking you now. So thank you for agreeing that not ALL muslims are bad, as you kept saying the last 50 posts. That is all I wanted to know. Obviously, since everyting is civilized and good in Israel in your opinion, I thought you would said that straight away, and the idea was to develop the debate towards other muslims in other places, etc... We will never get to that now. You got stuck with the confusion with the words Arabs, Jews, Muslims and there you are still now.

"Pinetree Post proved my point that not all Israeli Arabs are Muslim, as you ignorantly surmised." (see above)

"My factual knowledge of Israel, and my resultant conclusions, is certainly sufficient for the subject at hand".

Your "factual knowledges", you are saying now? Pffff.... I would love just once for you to provide some sources from where you get those "factual knowledges", I am always up for a laugh.

It always pains me to see people making a fool of themselves, somehow even you now (not that much, just a little). I suggest, since you do not read posts, or at least not properly, and suddenly never sources provided with posts, you do not do any research either and your mind has blocked any knowledge you could learn from the sources I provide or anyone's that does not hate all muslims (remember, Muslims, not Arabs, stop using the word Arabs), even the ones coming directly from Israel, I suggest that you PM your mate Pinetree so he can explain to you the basics. Surely you will trust what he says, right? I totally disagree with pratically everything he says but at least he knows the basics and most likely more unlike you.

Now I am DEFINITELY done with you and this ping pong posting non sense, it is not what I call a debate, well I do not even know how to describe that. Also I am starting to feel the taste of insanity of too much online forum writing with only non sense out of it as it is seems it is what your life looks like - I do not like it. And now, I realise I have missed my 7am morning swim - the sun rise and the calm sea are still in front of me though. I am going to have a swim now to wash out this slight taste of insanity. Have a good day.

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On 10/14/2023 at 10:18 PM, Grumpish said:

You have very clearly taken a side. I have not,

Albert Einstein said:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but those who watch them, doing nothing."

I am pretty sure he is WAAAY more talented in thinking business than Grumpish will ever be.
And you have proven it.

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46 minutes ago, 1234567 said:

Albert Einstein said:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but those who watch them, doing nothing."

and with all due respect to the great genius, I would add, and politicians who call for a cease fire when continuing military action is the only sensible choice. 

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US-led resolution calling for “humanitarian pauses” (vetoed by Russia and China)

For: Albania, France, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Against: Russia (vetoed), China (vetoed), United Arab Emirates

Abstained: Brazil, Mozambique

Russia-led resolution urging “humanitarian ceasefire” (failed to get enough votes in favour)

For: Russia, China, UAE, Gabon

Against: UK, US

Abstained: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland


Russia and China once again putting politics ahead of everything else. 

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1 hour ago, EdwardV said:

US-led resolution calling for “humanitarian pauses” (vetoed by Russia and China)

For: Albania, France, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Against: Russia (vetoed), China (vetoed), United Arab Emirates

Abstained: Brazil, Mozambique

Russia-led resolution urging “humanitarian ceasefire” (failed to get enough votes in favour)

For: Russia, China, UAE, Gabon

Against: UK, US

Abstained: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland


Russia and China once again putting politics ahead of everything else. 

That’s a very selective representation of only the most recent calls for a pause or a ceasefire. Someone might think you had an agenda here 😉

Oct 18 - Brazil put forth a resolution for a humanitarian pause. All UN Council members voted in favor except the US who used their veto. 

It is all irrelevant anyway. Israel will do whatever it chooses to do while the US supports its Middle East proxy. John Kirby’s tears for TV were not shed in vain.


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2 hours ago, Pinetree said:

and with all due respect to the great genius, I would add, and politicians who call for a cease fire when continuing military action is the only sensible choice. 

Thing is, as it has always been in history, time will tell if it was sensible or not, the present never does. The question is: will this choice achieves its goal, the destruction of Hamas, that is if it has not pissed off the region and eventually the whole world with insane innocent casualties before it could happen with as a result an obvious escalation of the conflict? (That will surely not bring peace for Israel for a long time to come, nor anybody else around and further ). Like many experts of the conflict or of the region I have heard saying, unless they go to war with Qatar protecting quasi the whole head of the organisation, it will not achieve its goal (unless qatar decides to kick them out as part of a deal, but it seems very unlikely). This insane bombarding and an invasion might also just create a new generation of kids becoming so psychologically insane from it that they will be easy recruiting targets for the next generation of terrorists for the Hamas leaders safely pampered in luxury hotels in Qatar, even worse than ever. That is the kids that are not already dead or capable of not jumping upside down every time a door slams. How is that very probable scenario is going to bring peace and a safe life for anyone? And if this scenario happens, everyone would then say sometimes in the future that it was not a very sensible choice after all. 

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5 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Albert Einstein said:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but those who watch them, doing nothing."

I am pretty sure he is WAAAY more talented in thinking business than Grumpish will ever be.
And you have proven it.

I won't deny that my intellect would be no match for Albert Einstein's.

However, it is more than a match for those who are only capable of justifying and supporting terrorism and attempting to rather unsuccessfully insult anyone that does not support their tribe. A mindset of "if you are  not my brother you are my enemy" does no more than fuel the endless cycle of violence.

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8 hours ago, Manu said:

Now I will confuse you even more. Do you know that there are also in the Arab World between 10 to 15 millions Arabs that are also Christians in countries in the Middle East ((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Christians) )? So do these Arabs also want "Israel gone"?? Are those Arab Christians also bad to you or moderate? Right, only the Muslims Arabs are bad to you. Well aparetnly not the 1.4 millions in Israel. Why don't you stop using the word "Arabs", and use clearly the word "muslims" when you are sure that it is applicable to your hate, it will be easy for you and also for me. Forget about Arabs.

When I mentioned to you about "Muslims" citizens in Israel a few posts ago, so 1.4 million of them, 16.9% of Israel population (in 2016, now even are more actually as Thedirtydurian post showed you), it was just because I asked the question, since you keep saying that ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD - "do these 1.4 Muslims citizens Isrealis are also bad", without EVER mentioning the word "Arabs" at all, never mind Arab Jews, totally irrelevant in my question so why would I? It was a very simple question, (Are the 1.4 million Mulims living in Israel bad too in your opinion??) which you made it complicated with your confusion with the word "Arabs". But you are saying now in this post that they are "moderate". Altough you use the word Arab in your confusion AGAIN, but that is what you meant, right, that the 1.4 million of Muslims citizens of Israel are moderate, right? Forget about Arabs Jews, forget altogether about the word Arabs, I am only asking about the Muslims! That is all I was asking then, that is all I am asking you now. So thank you for agreeing that not ALL muslims are bad, as you kept saying the last 50 posts. That is all I wanted to know. Obviously, since everyting is civilized and good in Israel in your opinion, I thought you would said that straight away, and the idea was to develop the debate towards other muslims in other places, etc... We will never get to that now. You got stuck with the confusion with the words Arabs, Jews, Muslims and there you are still now.

"Pinetree Post proved my point that not all Israeli Arabs are Muslim, as you ignorantly surmised." (see above)

"My factual knowledge of Israel, and my resultant conclusions, is certainly sufficient for the subject at hand".

Your "factual knowledges", you are saying now? Pffff.... I would love just once for you to provide some sources from where you get those "factual knowledges", I am always up for a laugh.

It always pains me to see people making a fool of themselves, somehow even you now (not that much, just a little). I suggest, since you do not read posts, or at least not properly, and suddenly never sources provided with posts, you do not do any research either and your mind has blocked any knowledge you could learn from the sources I provide or anyone's that does not hate all muslims (remember, Muslims, not Arabs, stop using the word Arabs), even the ones coming directly from Israel, I suggest that you PM your mate Pinetree so he can explain to you the basics. Surely you will trust what he says, right? I totally disagree with pratically everything he says but at least he knows the basics and most likely more unlike you.

Now I am DEFINITELY done with you and this ping pong posting non sense, it is not what I call a debate, well I do not even know how to describe that. Also I am starting to feel the taste of insanity of too much online forum writing with only non sense out of it as it is seems it is what your life looks like - I do not like it. And now, I realise I have missed my 7am morning swim - the sun rise and the calm sea are still in front of me though. I am going to have a swim now to wash out this slight taste of insanity. Have a good day.

You are incapable of understanding & processing plain English and summarising matters.

You have made up your mind long since. You can’t get to grips with concept of “All Arabs ….except 1%”.

I said earlier that Christian Arabs as well as Israeli Arabs appear moderate and Civilised. 

Subject and problem is clearly maniac anti-Semitic Muslim Arabs (99%) not the 1% Israeli or Christian Arabs.

I have answered all your points in bold as you in fact acknowledge with your circular bs rant.

Islam is a Massive Problem Everywhere so if we widen the conversation away from Arabs  then we see Pakistanis and Iranian  Mullahs for example are also off-the- scale violent irrational religious fanatics.


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2 hours ago, Manu said:

Thing is, as it has always been in history, time will tell if it was sensible or not, the present never does. The question is: will this choice achieves its goal, the destruction of Hamas, that is if it has not pissed off the region and eventually the whole world with insane innocent casualties before it could happen with as a result an obvious escalation of the conflict? (That will surely not bring peace for Israel for a long time to come, nor anybody else around and further ). Like many experts of the conflict or of the region I have heard saying, unless they go to war with Qatar protecting quasi the whole head of the organisation, it will not achieve its goal (unless qatar decides to kick them out as part of a deal, but it seems very unlikely). This insane bombarding and an invasion might also just create a new generation of kids becoming so psychologically insane from it that they will be easy recruiting targets for the next generation of terrorists for the Hamas leaders safely pampered in luxury hotels in Qatar, even worse than ever. That is the kids that are not already dead or capable of not jumping upside down every time a door slams. How is that very probable scenario is going to bring peace and a safe life for anyone? And if this scenario happens, everyone would then say sometimes in the future that it was not a very sensible choice after all. 

Israel have a Civilisational Total War of Survival to Win …. Or Perish.

Israel therefore care ONLY about their own Violated Citizens.

Israeli actions are completely justified and not remotely “ insane”.

Israel are a Free Western Democratic Civilised State. Hamas are the Complete Opposite.

Hamas Gaza Govt. are responsible for their own Citizens, who elected Hamas.

Hamas have effectively condemned their own citizens to death by their murderous crimes and clearly care nothing for their people. Hamas being a Religious Death Cult not any National movement.

Was UK concerned in the slightest about children of Fascist Germans dying in WW2 ? No, they were not.
Did anyone expect them to be ? No. UK was then in same position as Israel now. It’s not rocket science.

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22 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Can only speak as someone who's lived there since over ten years. 

A few years back the law changed re allowing unmarried couples to rent hotel rooms together. Before this unmarried couples took big risks doing this. Of course, people always found a way but nevertheless could be very risky if reported. 

For gay men at this time, no such problems at all. Two men check into a room together and perfectly legal and fine. That was what I was referring too. 

For the gay men they would need to be caught in the act itself, whereas for the straight unmarried couple they only need to be in the room together and it's a problem. 

Anyways, very off topic so I'll say no more. If you need further education on life in KSA, feel free to pm me. 😄👍

Written Law has no significance there.

Rulers & Mullahs do what they want.

They often use the blanket charge of “ Corruption on Earth” .

I also lived and worked in KSA for two spells of five years😩

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51 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Written Law has no significance there.

Rulers & Mullahs do what they want.

They often use the blanket charge of “ Corruption on Earth” .

I also lived and worked in KSA for two spells of five years😩

Actually law does have significance.. See the story below.

https://english-alarabiya-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/gulf/2020/07/15/-Saudi-Arabia-rules-in-favor-of-woman-living-independently-without-permission?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16983242615230&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fenglish.alarabiya.net%2FNews%2Fgulf%2F2020%2F07%2F15%2F-Saudi-Arabia-rules-in-favor-of-woman-living-independently-without-permission

Religious police have no power over anyone anymore. Not seen them in years. 

Sexes are freely mingling, family and single sections are pretty much gone. 

Not sure when you were last in KSA, but I'm presuming it's a long time ago. 

Things have changed. Time to get into the new school way of thinking.


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