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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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23 hours ago, Karolyn said:

The irony with right wing anti-Islam, is their crime is not to be cucked.

More gibberish again😒you don’t know what you’re talking about do you ? 😩😂

being “ pro- Islam” or “ neutral” is clearly supporting evil. 

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3 hours ago, oldschooler said:

More gibberish again😒you don’t know what you’re talking about do you ? 😩😂

being “ pro- Islam” or “ neutral” is clearly supporting evil. 

Just reminding you of forum rule 3:

"Do not defame, insult, bully, or harass, any other member, person, or organisation. Be respectful of a person’s country, race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, education, career choice and age."

That's not really respectful is it??

🤔🤔🤔 `\/(°^°)\/`

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The French president stated that their two countries face the same terrorist enemy, referring to Hamas in Palestine, the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq and the Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon. The French leader is proposing that the same international coalition already fighting Islamic State should now try to put an end to Hamas.


Seems leaders are finally coming to the realization the only way this ends, is to end Hamas. ☠️

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9 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Covered this already when dismissing stupid “Apartheid” claims.

Such Israeli -Citizen Arabs are clearly ISRAELIS and obviously part of Free Modern Israel.

Doctors -Engineers -Parliament Members, and loyal IDF military in Western Democracy.
1.4 million free civilized Arabs then amongst what 350 million unfree surrounding primitive Arabs ? 

ZERO Jews are Citizens of any Arab state I imagine or sitting in Arab Govts.

Clear the regional Apartheid then is only by Arabs who drove out 99% Jews in 1967. 

So yes it’s (still) very simple.

"Covered this already when dismissing stupid “Apartheid” claims."

Confusion again. I do not blame you, with the very few posts I write here, it can get confusing once in a while cause, you know, we need to think before we write, right? Not letting ourselves being taken over by emotions to try to stay objective, right? With your phenomenal rate of posts in this forum, surely you do not have a minute to think what you write? And surely not a single second to think of what others write / have written.

When an Apartheid system from Israel is mentioned, for example from various sources I gave previously from Israeli former generals, the former head of Mossad betwen 2011-2016, etc... they talked about against how Israelis (some Israelis, settlers, overlooked massively by IDF and covered more and more recently by new policies created by the members of the Far-Right within the governement, while some other Israelis are actually doing their best to protect basic human rights), treat Palestinians in the West Bank, NOT in Israel.


"Moreover, clauses addressing the distribution of water completely ignore the division of the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C in other articles of the Interim Agreement. Israel retained all powers in Area C, which covers about 60% of the West Bank, and Palestinians need its consent – given sparingly – for virtually anything: every new drilling, every water grid that connects neighboring Palestinian communities, and every wastewater treatment facility, which inevitably have to be built far from residential neighborhoods, must pass through Area C. This policy has led to sharp differences in daily per capita water consumption among Palestinian communities. While the agreement allows Israel to export water from inside the country to West Bank settlements, it precludes the Palestinian Authority from transporting water from one part of the West Bank to another. This creates an absurd situation, as the Palestinian Water Authority produces water at a negligible cost in the Qalqiliyah, Tulkarm and Jericho Districts but cannot deliver it to other Palestinian communities, sometimes mere miles away, due to Israel’s refusal. The resulting discrepancies in water consumption among the various Palestinian districts are staggering: in 2020, daily per capita water consumption in Bethlehem and Hebron Districts was 51 liters, while in Qalqiliyah District it was almost three times greater – 141 liters."


So I responded to your sentence "These obvious savages are all Genocidal Tyrannical Herd Fascists" ??, your thought of ALL MUSLIMS that you write clearly post after post in this thread, I write back mentioning that they are over 1.4 million MUSLIMS in Israel, and you come back with this "Israeli -Citizen Arabs are clearly ISRAELIS". Magically, the word "muslims" (brrrrrr...) disapears. But you shoud have written this: "Israeli -Citizen MUSLIMS are clearly ISRAELIS" (which I would have agreed with you - so close but so far... "citizen Arab Muslims" would have worked too - but I can see how hard it must be for you). So for you, when Muslims are citizens of Israel, they become just "arabs"?? They become just "civilized arabs" ? Or is it that you agree that they are some "civilized" Muslims somehwere in this world? That's a huge improvement, congratulations. Yes they are still muslims, you know, going to the mosque, they pray 5 times a day, etc... So are they good muslims to you then? Ah, switching back very conveniently to "arabs" (again!!) which is showing 2 things. Well the first is very obvious: your blind hate, I never read anyone ever so full of hate for a certain group of human beings. The second is your complete ignorance. Actually there is a third one: you are such an hypocrite.

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6 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Just reminding you of forum rule 3:

"Do not defame, insult, bully, or harass, any other member, person, or organisation. Be respectful of a person’s country, race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, education, career choice and age."

That's not really respectful is it??

🤔🤔🤔 `\/(°^°)\/`

Well he is only saying that if you are not on his side and wish death to all Muslims in the entire world, so pro Islam (what does that mean? Never mind, it is what you should not be) or neutral (yes, even neutral). Show a bit of respect please to the only human side one should be on this planet. Well when I say all Muslims, it looks now all but not the 1.4 Muslims Israelis (or Arabs, don’t know, he is really confusing me now).

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12 hours ago, oldschooler said:

More gibberish again😒you don’t know what you’re talking about do you ? 😩😂

being “ pro- Islam” or “ neutral” is clearly supporting evil. 

Islam is hated because its masculist and monotheistic. With its Greco-Roman & Persaic roots, not to nention the roots of the Quran in the Biblical tradition, Islamic civilization is all but European.

It is hated for its similarities to the West, not for its difference. You can hate brown Moslem immigrants, but not black immigrants; what is inescapable yet inconsistent, must always have explanation.

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People never hate Islam the religion, they always have swarthy Caucasoids in mind, rather than black or oriental Moslems. I think the countries with most Moslems, are Malaysia and Indonesia, but the stereotypes are never applied there. People don't object to the faith of Islam itself, then, do they?

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7 minutes ago, Karolyn said:

Islam is hated because its masculist and monotheistic. With its Greco-Roman & Persaic roots, not to nention the roots of the Quran in the Biblical tradition, Islamic civilization is all but European.

Can you explain that in simple English please 🤨

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47 minutes ago, McTavish said:

Can you explain that in simple English please 🤨

Even a sound bite of beeps in morse code might be more easier.

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Islam is hated because it preaches that Islam is  the last true faith, that everyone else either converts or dies it is the most backward religion on the planet. It is anti women, anti gay, anti anything that doesn’t conform with their medieval thought processes. It is a backward religion that is bathed in the blood of innocents how it is called ‘the religion of peace’ is beyond me. There are over two billion Muslims in the world and they have won a total of 12 Nobel prizes, the Jewish population comes to approximately 0.5 percent of the planet and yet they have won 182 why do you think that is? 

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19 hours ago, oldschooler said:

No. Time for “ talks” with these unreasonable irrational animals was over really in 1947 when they declined a UN offered Arab state then genocidally assaulted the new state of Israel. Could the European Jews have “ talked” to Nazis ? Same Here. All that “talk” for 75 years between Arab attacks ? Complete Waste of Time.

Arabs lie like Breathing…..Action Only from now…….


19 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Covered this already when dismissing stupid “Apartheid” claims.

Such Israeli -Citizen Arabs are clearly ISRAELIS and obviously part of Free Modern Israel.

Doctors -Engineers -Parliament Members, and loyal IDF military in Western Democracy.
1.4 million free civilized Arabs then amongst what 350 million unfree surrounding primitive Arabs ? 

ZERO Jews are Citizens of any Arab state I imagine or sitting in Arab Govts.

Clear the regional Apartheid then is only by Arabs who drove out 99% Jews in 1967. 

So yes it’s (still) very simple.


From Google:  

African Jewish communities include: Sephardi Jews and Mizrahi Jews who primarily live in the Maghreb of North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia, as well as Sudan and Egypt. Some were established early in the diaspora; others after the expulsion from Iberia in the late 15th century.


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45 minutes ago, Smiler said:

Islam is hated because it preaches that Islam is  the last true faith, that everyone else either converts or dies it is the most backward religion on the planet. It is anti women, anti gay, anti anything that doesn’t conform with their medieval thought processes. It is a backward religion that is bathed in the blood of innocents how it is called ‘the religion of peace’ is beyond me. There are over two billion Muslims in the world and they have won a total of 12 Nobel prizes, the Jewish population comes to approximately 0.5 percent of the planet and yet they have won 182 why do you think that is? 

Leviticus 20:13

“’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Terrible how the Bible advocates for this ....😓

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3 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Leviticus 20:13

“’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Terrible how the Bible advocates for this ....😓

I’m an atheist through and through, so quoting the Bible is wasted on me, but I don’t know of any Christian country in the world where these scriptures are taken literally as they are in Muslim coutries?

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21 minutes ago, Smiler said:

I’m an atheist through and through, so quoting the Bible is wasted on me, but I don’t know of any Christian country in the world where these scriptures are taken literally as they are in Muslim coutries?

The point was that it's easy to single out one book when it's not so straightforward as that. 

Plenty of what would be considered extreme views towards homosexuality displayed by Christian communities in the U.S. and Africa too.

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And oddly enough, having spent many years in Saudi before it was as open as it is now, it was far easier for gay men to have illicit relationships, then for straight couples.

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29 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

The point was that it's easy to single out one book when it's not so straightforward as that. 

Plenty of what would be considered extreme views towards homosexuality displayed by Christian communities in the U.S. and Africa too.

The trouble with all the so called holy books is they were written when nobody understood the world around them, god or gods were the explanation for natural events and here we are in the twenty first century and people still base their lives around the crap that is written on those pages it is one of the reasons there is so much hate in the world. 

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14 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Just reminding you of forum rule 3:

"Do not defame, insult, bully, or harass, any other member, person, or organisation. Be respectful of a person’s country, race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, education, career choice and age."

That's not really respectful is it??

🤔🤔🤔 `\/(°^°)\/`

Fascist Genocidal Tyranny, in any form, cannot be “ respected” by sane rational free people. 

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2 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

And oddly enough, having spent many years in Saudi before it was as open as it is now, it was far easier for gay men to have illicit relationships, then for straight couples.

What rubbish. KSA never been “open” in any sense.

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2 minutes ago, oldschooler said:

Fascist Genocidal Tyranny, in any form, cannot be “ respected” by sane rational free people. 

Whatever buddy. Just reminding you of the forum rule for the forum which you seem to enjoy espousing your views on 

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3 hours ago, Pinetree said:

From Google:  

African Jewish communities include: Sephardi Jews and Mizrahi Jews who primarily live in the Maghreb of North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia, as well as Sudan and Egypt. Some were established early in the diaspora; others after the expulsion from Iberia in the late 15th century.

Those communities haven’t existed since 1968 …..

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2 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Whatever buddy. Just reminding you of the forum rule for the forum which you seem to enjoy espousing your views on 

Rule clearly written for Individuals. No civilized forum supports Fascism . As you obviously do.

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3 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Leviticus 20:13

“’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Terrible how the Bible advocates for this ....😓

Religion = Fascism so hardly surprising 

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5 hours ago, Karolyn said:

People never hate Islam the religion, they always have swarthy Caucasoids in mind, rather than black or oriental Moslems. I think the countries with most Moslems, are Malaysia and Indonesia, but the stereotypes are never applied there. People don't object to the faith of Islam itself, then, do they?

Pure rubbish 😩deranged fools out in force here today 😩

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6 hours ago, Karolyn said:

Islam is hated because its masculist and monotheistic. With its Greco-Roman & Persaic roots, not to nention the roots of the Quran in the Biblical tradition, Islamic civilization is all but European.

It is hated for its similarities to the West, not for its difference. You can hate brown Moslem immigrants, but not black immigrants; what is inescapable yet inconsistent, must always have explanation.

Every word =deluded fantasy nonsense

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