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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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5 hours ago, ChicagoExpat said:

Exactly.  The men who founded the modern scientific age were nearly all men of faith -- Bacon, Newton, Copernicus, Lavoisier, Faraday, Mendel, Heisenberg, Fleming, Kepler, Galileo, Linnaeus, Joule -- and not just in a "most people back then were kind of religious" way.

Thing is those guys had to appear to be religious otherwise their demise was swift. 

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2 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Thing is those guys had to appear to be religious otherwise their demise was swift. 

Not always. Darwin, a man who was savaged and ridiculed by religious  people, was studying to become a Church of England minister. It was at Christ's College Cambridge that he met Prof. Henslow  and soon became an adherent of the  concept  of natural theology, or more simply expressed as God worked his divine intent through nature. Most of the  supporters of this position had a background in theology. 

A close reading of Darwin's works will show it is in many ways guided by a Christian theology of equality and divine guidance. If only the critics of natural selection and Darwin bothered to read his work or to learn of his influences: His grandfathers were active abolitionists and Protestant Christian.  One never sees such enlightenment from some other religions which do not allow for interpretation or modification. I note that many forms of Christianity have come about through reinterpretation and analysis, much as Judaism has evolved. It is quite remarkable they they both have the ability to evolve and adapt. After all, Leviticus in the Bible of Chhristians and Jews calls for some rather strict beliefs, which neither group follows today. Whereas, some other religions do not allow any deviance, let alone discussion of intent. Yes, many wrong deeds have occurred because of Christianity and Judaism, but at least they are evolving for the better.

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4 hours ago, 23RD said:

78 year old former Serviceman Jim Henderson attacked by Pro Palestinian supporters in Edinburgh as he was selling poppies in support of The Royal British Legion truly shocking. 


I read and saw the reports. Made me sick to the core. When I think of the number of my family members who volunteered for active service with their reward being insulted by the arrival of people who have no respect for the local culture, or traditions and who disrespect their sacrifice, I become angry. However, I then remind myself of the Asians, and people of colour who also volunteered for service and the important contribution of the Indian army in holding the line in SE Asia and the loyalty of the Gurkhas etc., and I appreciate that the issue is only in respect to a certain demographic and I must not allow my anger to blind me, as these non "white" veterans  and their family members are as insulted and hurt by the political opportunists and fifth columnists as any other veteran is.  Scotland has a real gem in its first minister as he is more concerned with having a Gaza protest than honouring the Scottish veterans. . 🫢  How it must pain the veterans knowing that their first minister's priority is not the welfare of Scottish nationals.

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5 minutes ago, Vigo said:

I read and saw the reports. Made me sick to the core. When I think of the number of my family members who volunteered for active service with their reward being insulted by the arrival of people who have no respect for the local culture, or traditions and who disrespect their sacrifice, I become angry. However, I then remind myself of the Asians, and people of colour who also volunteered for service and the important contribution of the Indian army in holding the line in SE Asia and the loyalty of the Gurkhas etc., and I appreciate that the issue is only in respect to a certain demographic and I must not allow my anger to blind me, as these non "white" veterans  and their family members are as insulted and hurt by the political opportunists and fifth columnists as any other veteran is.  Scotland has a real gem in its first minister as he is more concerned with having a Gaza protest than honouring the Scottish veterans. . 🫢  How it must pain the veterans knowing that their first minister's priority is not the welfare of Scottish nationals.

Definitely Vigo some things are sacred I can see things coming to a head in London this weekend there has been a call for all Veterans in The UK to get out and honor the 11th and rememberance Sunday. 

I have a feeling it will be like the BLM protest a few years back when Veterans turned out in large numbers at the weekend to protect  War Memorials and Monuments and the great unwashed didn't turn up. 

The radical Islamist and the useful idiots need to learn their history. 

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10 hours ago, Khunmark said:

Yes. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Many of the great philosophers were also men of faith. I’m not a person of faith but there are sufficient people on the planet that are,  to support the idea that spirituality is an inherent part of what it means to be human.

Spirituality is an evolved Human trait.  To be both Religious and Scientific requires the mental gymnastics  of regularly switching between Rationality (Science) & Irrationality (Faith). Doable, especially if person also links their Spirituality with their Faith I suppose,  but this practice itself has to be intrinsically Irrational.

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SoSo much science in the Qur'an...

We will show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth” (Quran; 41:53).

truly amazing that an illiterate man should know such things unknown to man at that time 




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5 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Spirituality is an evolved Human trait.  To be both Religious and Scientific requires the mental gymnastics  of regularly switching between Rationality (Science) & Irrationality (Faith). Doable, especially if person also links their Spirituality with their Faith I suppose,  but this practice itself has to be intrinsically Irrational.

There are unanswered questions beyond the realms of science, that many find unsettling. And it is in the void of understanding that many find comfort through religion. Some of the more impressive intellects I have met are religious, they don’t interpret their holy book literally. As for the concept of religion being created as a tool to control the masses, I don’t subscribe to that theory.

There is no doubt throughout history that the church has abused its power in various ways. However, like the myth of nationhood, the original concept of faith was to present before the masses a common ideal. Sans such myths we would be locked in a cycle of violence and revenge with our neighbouring clans. The unintended consequence of all this is that the myths of nationhood and religion have created mega clans and the major conflicts unfolding presently are testament to this.

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1 hour ago, Khunmark said:

There are unanswered questions beyond the realms of science, that many find unsettling. And it is in the void of understanding that many find comfort through religion. Some of the more impressive intellects I have met are religious, they don’t interpret their holy book literally. As for the concept of religion being created as a tool to control the masses, I don’t subscribe to that theory.

There is no doubt throughout history that the church has abused its power in various ways. However, like the myth of nationhood, the original concept of faith was to present before the masses a common ideal. Sans such myths we would be locked in a cycle of violence and revenge with our neighbouring clans. The unintended consequence of all this is that the myths of nationhood and religion have created mega clans and the major conflicts unfolding presently are testament to this.

Free Nations are not violent, do not war on each other and are defensive in nature.
Widespread Rationality, Education & Democracy  triumphs over Aggression.  
Only Tyrants launch wars.Tyrants include Religion and Priests.

Tyrants preside over various fake countries. Like Arab “ Nations”, Latin American countries, African lands.

All unnatural borders / countries set arbitrarily by West. Still Primitive Tribes.

UK is no myth. Most successful political Union of Free Peoples and most influential empire in history. 
Standing for important values of freedom, human rights, tolerance, democracy, secularism.

No Religion Required. 

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7 hours ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

SoSo much science in the Qur'an...

We will show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth” (Quran; 41:53).

truly amazing that an illiterate man should know such things unknown to man at that time 


This is as much a reference to science as it is a prediction of whether or not Manchester United will win its next match, or whether or not Princess Leonor of Asturias will be matched with Prince Nikolai of Denmark to produce the most beautiful progeny of a European Royal family.

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6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Free Nations are not violent, do not war on each other and are defensive in nature.
Widespread Rationality, Education & Democracy  triumphs over Aggression

What was WW2?


6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Only Tyrants launch wars.Tyrants include Religion and Priests

That would make Maggie Thatcher a tyrant for declaring war on Argentina over the Falkland Island; a war which has subsequently been compared as to, two bald men fighting over a comb.


6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Tyrants preside over various fake countries. Like Arab “ Nations”, Latin American countries, African lands.


Define a ‘fake country’. Because you label something fake, doesn’t make it so.

6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

All unnatural borders / countries set arbitrarily by West. Still Primitive Tribes.

Including Northern Europe? A quick glance at a map of the historical borders in this region have been particularly fluid as recent as the past century.


6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

UK is no myth. Most successful political Union of Free Peoples and most influential empire in history. 
Standing for important values of freedom, human rights, tolerance, democracy, secularism.

Not withstanding to conflict with the Republic of Ireland.

6 hours ago, oldschooler said:

No Religion Required. 

The absence of a theocracy had little to do with the UK’s preeminence amongst nations until the mid 20th century. Of far more consequence was the glorious revolution. The monarchy was the single biggest impediment to progress to individual nations in Europe prior to the 20th century. 

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5 hours ago, Vigo said:

This is as much a reference to science as it is a prediction of whether or not Manchester United will win its next match, or whether or not Princess Leonor of Asturias will be matched with Prince Nikolai of Denmark to produce the most beautiful progeny of a European Royal family.

Was also just a general introduction to the topic. 

I could continue but probably better in expat chat ..😆😆

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I am not one for conspiracy claims, but the recent conflict of interest and overt bias that has been exposed and  hushed up by major news outlets is upsetting. Honest Reporting has identified 6 freelance journalists (4 based in Gaza) who have an association with Hamas and who were embedded with Hamas during its attack and are shown gleefully recording the images. These are people who are  accredited to AP, New York Times  Reuters, CNN and others.   Earlier today, I saw an announcement from CNN that it had cancelled the contract with its implicated journalist. Not a word from any major news organization. New York Times is silent. So is BBC, CBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg, AFP, Al Jazeera et al.



And these same journalist then complain when they are inadvertently  injured during Israeli actions?  MSM has a serious, serious issue of fairness and impartiality on its hands if it is indeed true that it has relied on Hamas propagandists for news reporting from the region.


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50 minutes ago, Vigo said:

MSM has a serious, serious issue of fairness and impartiality on its hands if it is indeed true that it has relied on Hamas propagandists for news reporting from the region.

A few bad apples doesn’t spoil the bunch. I get it that you want the world to hear their news only from Israel’s approved sources but POTUS parroting the lie about 40 beheaded babies already showed us the folly of that. It’s a war and both sides lie. 

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4 hours ago, Fanta said:

A few bad apples doesn’t spoil the bunch. I get it that you want the world to hear their news only from Israel’s approved sources but POTUS parroting the lie about 40 beheaded babies already showed us the folly of that. It’s a war and both sides lie. 

"First casualty of war is the truth...."

"Hiram Johnson (1866-1945) - a Progressive Republican senator in California. His actual quote, 'The first casualty, when war comes, is truth', was said during World War 1. He died on Aug. 6, 1945, the day the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima."

As has been proved.

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5 hours ago, Vigo said:

Not a word from any major news organization. New York Times is silent. So is BBC, CBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg, AFP, Al Jazeera et al.

Four international media outlets have denied accusations they had prior knowledge of the October 7 attacks by Hamas on southern Israel after an article by a pro-Israel media watchdog group HonestReporting questioned their work with Gaza-based freelance photojournalists … “Reuters categorically denies that it had prior knowledge of the attack or that we embedded journalists with Hamas on October 7,” Reuters said, responding to the article and subsequent allegations by Israeli government officials.“Reuters acquired photographs from two Gaza-based freelance photographers who were at the border on the morning of October 7, with whom it did not have a prior relationship,” it said. “The photographs published by Reuters were taken two hours after Hamas fired rockets across southern Israel and more than 45 minutes after Israel said gunmen had crossed the border. Reuters staff journalists were not on the ground at the locations referred to in the HonestReporting article,” Reuters added.


That came out yesterday. Take it for what you will. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 7:11 AM, Khunmark said:

What was WW2?

That would make Maggie Thatcher a tyrant for declaring war on Argentina over the Falkland Island; a war which has subsequently been compared as to, two bald men fighting over a comb.

Define a ‘fake country’. Because you label something fake, doesn’t make it so.

Including Northern Europe? A quick glance at a map of the historical borders in this region have been particularly fluid as recent as the past century.

Not withstanding to conflict with the Republic of Ireland.

The absence of a theocracy had little to do with the UK’s preeminence amongst nations until the mid 20th century. Of far more consequence was the glorious revolution. The monarchy was the single biggest impediment to progress to individual nations in Europe prior to the 20th century. 

WW2 started by Nazi Germany invading Free Poland.

Argentinian Invasion of UK Lands started the Falklands War. 
Fake country is any nation with artificial borders drawn by others.

Europes borders changed naturally after wars along ethnic / language lines

UK never at war with Republic of Ireland. UK created ROI 1922.

Religion the biggest impediment to Progress, until it wasn’t after 1730 Enlightenment. 

You implied Religion necessary for western civilisation.  It was Not.

Absolute English Monarchy Removed 1645. First Nation to do this.

GR Constitution 1689. UK created 1707. Euro Enlightenment1730. British Empire starts around 1740. 

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1 hour ago, EdwardV said:

Four international media outlets have denied accusations they had prior knowledge of the October 7 attacks by Hamas on southern Israel after an article by a pro-Israel media watchdog group HonestReporting questioned their work with Gaza-based freelance photojournalists … “Reuters categorically denies that it had prior knowledge of the attack or that we embedded journalists with Hamas on October 7,” Reuters said, responding to the article and subsequent allegations by Israeli government officials.“Reuters acquired photographs from two Gaza-based freelance photographers who were at the border on the morning of October 7, with whom it did not have a prior relationship,” it said. “The photographs published by Reuters were taken two hours after Hamas fired rockets across southern Israel and more than 45 minutes after Israel said gunmen had crossed the border. Reuters staff journalists were not on the ground at the locations referred to in the HonestReporting article,” Reuters added.


That came out yesterday. Take it for what you will. 

Mossad job to have known. Massive Unforgiveable Intelligence Failure.
Shows Israel had no informants in Hamas ….. that is almost unbelievable….. if in fact true……. 

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6 hours ago, Fanta said:

A few bad apples doesn’t spoil the bunch. I get it that you want the world to hear their news only from Israel’s approved sources but POTUS parroting the lie about 40 beheaded babies already showed us the folly of that. It’s a war and both sides lie. 

Screw MSM. Haven’t listened to or read them in years. well, except Sport & Some General Commentaries but never “news”
cease this “ beheaded babies” did they / didn’t they panto game ; irrelevant  emotional sideshow.
your “ both sides” shyte won’t wash here either.
No moral equivalence between Democratic Western Defensive Israel & Uncivilised  Unfree Arab Savagery. 
That those babies & 1400  Israelis  were murdered & mutilated horrifically by Hamas is not in dispute.

israeli sources= Israeli govt. direct; for me at least, whom I do fully support & therefore generally believe.

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

A few bad apples doesn’t spoil the bunch. I get it that you want the world to hear their news only from Israel’s approved sources but POTUS parroting the lie about 40 beheaded babies already showed us the folly of that. It’s a war and both sides lie. 

Not a few bad apples. It was the core group of Gaza freelancers who supply much of the  western  world with photos and "reporting". These media companies have a near monopoly on reporting from the Gaza strip and they are providers of the information upon which other media outlets rely.  Western media companies were provided with Hamas approved designated "journalists". Those media companies did not disclose this crucial fact to their readers/viewers and client news organizations.  This is different than a newspaper sending a journalist to a country and having that journalist allowed to work or refused to enter as we have seen in Thailand. It was a blueprint for abuse. These media companies were either stupid or irresponsible. In contrast,  Al Jazeera and Al Arabya use their own personnel when reporting from Israel. 

You see nothing wrong with  media companies lying. Ok, that's speaks to your personal morality.  Well, this was not lying. It was an operational practice that was a flagrant violation of the media companies' public statements for years, and their claims of unbiased reporting. It is outright fraud.  They had a duty to disclose  the conflict of interest and they did not. Instead, they have been employing Hamas propagandists. They did not just damage their own credibility, but other organizations as well. 

One of the reasons why it has been so difficult for the US and EU governments to assist their dual nationals  leave Gaza is that Hamas has for many years blocked the entry of foreign diplomats and consular staff. For example, there was no registration of citizens as there is in Thailand. Blocking foreign diplomats interferes with transparency. Blocking foreign media also allows  Hamas to control the agenda and to feed false information with impunity. These media outlets did not disclose this.


Please stop making the false allegation that President Biden claimed there were 40 beheaded babies. Please show me where he stated that. You cannot, because he never said it.  Al Jazeera did report the following comment" “I never really thought that I would see, have confirmed, pictures of terrorists beheading children,”.  One of he media spokespersons for the President attempted to walk back the statement because there was a realization that it could cause a violent response. The fact is that his reference to a beheaded baby was understandable and supported by the documented evidence. He was commenting on many of the photos which showed decapitated bodies and severed limbs.  Hamas apparently burnt some children alive. In one photo, the infant or child's head appears to be separated from the body. It speaks to your overt prejudice that you still deny that Hamas did this.



Yes, children were stabbed to death. Some appear to have had their heads smashed against the wall. The photos are available. Here is an image of a child stabbed. Do you deny this occurred?



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11 hours ago, Fanta said:

A few bad apples doesn’t spoil the bunch. I get it that you want the world to hear their news only from Israel’s approved sources but POTUS parroting the lie about 40 beheaded babies already showed us the folly of that. It’s a war and both sides lie. 


I wonder how many bad apples were really amongst the 36 Palestinian journalists already killed since Oct. 7 (+5 others)? https://rsf.org/en/israelpalestine-war-41-journalists-more-one-day-killed-first-month-israel-palestine-war

This is the reaction live on air of one that is not dead yet, who is from the Palestine Authority's TV Channel, so quite the opposite of Pro-Hamas... (source: The Guardian)


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2 hours ago, Vigo said:

Not a few bad apples. It was the core group of Gaza freelancers who supply much of the  western  world with photos and "reporting".

Sigh…. do you honestly believe we are stupid enough to fall for this?  Your aim is to discredit the journalists enough so we think everything they claim is a lie. Newsflash - anyone not blinded by faith already treats everything about war with skepticism so there is no need for you to pile in with your weak attempt to silence all opposing voices. 

2 hours ago, Vigo said:

You see nothing wrong with  media companies lying. Ok, that's speaks to your personal morality.  Well, this was not lying.

My morals are fine. Your motivation and methods are obvious. 

2 hours ago, Vigo said:

I never really thought that I would see, have confirmed, pictures of terrorists beheading children,”.

So POTUS said it while a story of 40 beheaded babies is top news in a media storm. The Jewish lobby is strong in the US Govt so it comes as no surprise that we haven’t seen John Kirby crying for the 4000+ dead Palestinian children or Blinken threatening Israel into helping the non combatants in Gaza. I was surprised that Biden is so feeble and disrespected that he is used as a pawn in an information war.

2 hours ago, Vigo said:

One of he media spokespersons for the President attempted to walk back the statement because there was a realization that it could cause a violent response. The fact is that his reference to a beheaded baby was understandable and supported by the documented evidence. He was commenting on many of the photos which showed decapitated bodies and severed limbs. 

Bullsh*t. Biden was fed a lie about terrorists actively beheading children, not amputees. Even a pre schooler would struggle to believe your excuses. 

2 hours ago, Vigo said:

It speaks to your overt prejudice that you still deny that Hamas did this.

Ha ha! Suck it. Your manipulation is as clear as writing on a wall.


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55 minutes ago, Fanta said:

Sigh…. do you honestly believe we are stupid enough to fall for this?  Your aim is to discredit the journalists enough so we think everything they claim is a lie. Newsflash - anyone not blinded by faith already treats everything about war with skepticism so there is no need for you to pile in with your weak attempt to silence all opposing voices. 

My morals are fine. Your motivation and methods are obvious. 

So POTUS said it while a story of 40 beheaded babies is top news in a media storm. The Jewish lobby is strong in the US Govt so it comes as no surprise that we haven’t seen John Kirby crying for the 4000+ dead Palestinian children or Blinken threatening Israel into helping the non combatants in Gaza. I was surprised that Biden is so feeble and disrespected that he is used as a pawn in an information war.

Bullsh*t. Biden was fed a lie about terrorists actively beheading children, not amputees. Even a pre schooler would struggle to believe your excuses. 

Ha ha! Suck it. Your manipulation is as clear as writing on a wall.


Let's stick to the facts and not your unsubstantiated claims.

 Much of the  western media relies on feeds from the core news aggregators services. Reuters and AP are two of the largest. This is not about discrediting journalists. I note that the responses from the news organizations that contracted their services, have distanced themselves from their activity and do not refer to them as "journalists".  In at least two cases, I see the redefining of activity as "freelance photographer". 

I do believe some of the news reporting I see from war zones although the bias of some "journalists" is obvious  . I suppose from your position, you must support Hamas here because of the  Russian litany of war crimes in Ukraine. This gives you an opportunity to question the western media's coverage of the Ukraine invasion.  

My motivation is solely the failure of the implicated news organizations to respect their own code of ethics and to declare the potential conflict of interest. I note that in the past CNN has been good at that, as have several other US based news suppliers such as Bloomberg and Scripps. Reuters and AP have screwed up bigtime and they know it. Some heads will roll because these employees were not properly vetted.

In respect to your continued and intentional presentation of false information of 40 beheaded babies, you made a claim and were asked to provide  the source. You cannot provide evidence of President Biden making the statement because he never did. You instead repeat a lie, toss out the usual hateful conspiracy claim of a jew plot because of a powerful jew lobby.  You have done everything you can to  avoid answering the request to provide a link to your claim.  

And what does  an act of vandalism in 2017 have to do with this? For someone  who throws the phrase "manipulation" about, you just provided an illustration of it with your large photo and initial version of a story as a means of distracting from the issue at hand. You are  trying to suggest that the   atrocities  of October 7 are an Israeli plot. What other reason could you have for posting an intentionally misleading out of date article?     What's your position now if the two kids detained were minors  and not actually jewish?  Did you know that that Petah Tikvah where the event occurred is considered a white trash city populated with a large number of  Russian immigrants, some are jews, while others are not.  As you know, the Russians are not the most civilized of people and are known for their anti social behavior worldwide. A large number of Russians escaped Russia pretending to be jews. (It must have been rather awful for them to have to do that.) 


You will find this articles is helpful in understanding the problems these Russian immigrants have caused. (They like to beat up religious jews too.)  However, israel rehabilitates and doesn't incarcerate, so I expect that they may find Jesus at some point and love their fellow man.   I  hope that you do as well and let go of all your hate. 

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2 hours ago, Manu said:


I wonder how many bad apples were really amongst the 36 Palestinian journalists already killed since Oct. 7 (+5 others)? https://rsf.org/en/israelpalestine-war-41-journalists-more-one-day-killed-first-month-israel-palestine-war

This is the reaction live on air of one that is not dead yet, who is from the Palestine Authority's TV Channel, so quite the opposite of Pro-Hamas... (source: The Guardian)

I don't know how many bad apples were amongst the  arab journalists who died. I would hope that most if not all were professional journalists doing their job, who were in the wrong  place at the wrong time. You are carrying on as if this is an isolated situation unique to this war zone. Journalism is a dangerous occupation.

Your data reference  is presented in a biased manner (it is also inaccurate). Why leave out the Israeli deaths? Are the deaths of Israeli journalists of any less value?   The current headcount as of November 9 from the Committee to Protect Journalists is  39 journalists and media workers confirmed dead: 34 Palestinian, 4 Israeli, and 1 Lebanese.

https://cpj.org/2023/11/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/#:~:text=As of November 9%2C CPJ's, and 1%2C400 deaths in Israel.

Using your own data source;  Nearly 1,700 journalists have been killed worldwide over the past two decades between 2003 and 2022, an average of more than 80 a year, according to an analysis published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). Iraq and Syria were the most dangerous countries to work in as a journalist, accounting for "a combined total of 578 journalists killed in the past 20 years, or more than a third of the worldwide total," RSF said. They are followed by Mexico (125), the Philippines (107), Pakistan (93), Afghanistan (81), and Somalia (78).

Is there a reason why you are not on a soapbox lamenting the 578 Arab journalist deaths in Syrian and Iraq? Are Arab lives less valuable than your palestinians?

I regret the loss of  life for any professional journalist. However, I also know some people call themselves journalists, and they are not. Some are propagandists, others are self appointed and others have delusions of self importance and put themselves at risk. It is a high risk job in some countries. Compared to other warzones, Israel isn't so bad. Not ideal, but much better than the region as a whole.

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49 minutes ago, Vigo said:

I suppose from your position, you must support Hamas here because of the  Russian litany of war crimes in Ukraine.

Pfft… I have already made it crystal clear that I do not support Hamas and have both condemned their actions while calling for their extermination. Your claim of otherwise is an outrageous lie. 

49 minutes ago, Vigo said:

You instead repeat a lie, toss out the usual hateful conspiracy claim of a jew plot because of a powerful jew lobby. 

So tiresome. The IDF started the lie of 40 beheaded babies and then Biden brings us a tale of beheaded children. And there is no hateful conspiracy claim of a Jew plot because there is no plot, no hate and no conspiracy. The Jewish presence is strong in the US government and that is a fact. IMG_2106.thumb.jpeg.2f3d46425320481e1abe4c723d2e0830.jpeg

The rest of your post is just garbage. 

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7 minutes ago, Fanta said:

Pfft… I have already made it crystal clear that I do not support Hamas and have both condemned their actions while calling for their extermination. Your claim of otherwise is an outrageous lie. 

So tiresome. The IDF started the lie of 40 beheaded babies and then Biden brings us a tale of beheaded children. And there is no hateful conspiracy claim of a Jew plot because there is no plot, no hate and no conspiracy. The Jewish presence is strong in the US government and that is a fact. IMG_2106.thumb.jpeg.2f3d46425320481e1abe4c723d2e0830.jpeg

The rest of your post is just garbage. 

Wow. That is a full house of Jews there. It is no wonder the US is strong on the backing. 

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