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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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8 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Your third paragraph is completely at odds with the rest of your post.
 ALL Islam is Demented -Violent -Genocidal.
It’s passive sheep cannot be separated from the active wolves.

Islamics cannot be “ cherry- picked”. They’re all evil ratbags 😡

Actually they are quite nice in CM. But yes they are brainwashed like a cult but I do not think all evil in CM. Just unlucky to be born inot that situation I think. Now in the south here they can be a bit nasty but still on the whole ok.

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2 hours ago, Pinetree said:

Your ignorance does you no favours mate.  27% of Israel's citizens are not Jewish, that is 2.5 million people. They still have the King David Star as their National symbol, even Muslim citizens.  I snuggest that you refrain from sprouting stuff you dont understand. 

Ok. I can also look at it another way like Water, Fire, Earth and Air if that makes you happy.  But I sort of see it how I see this symbol but for these people.


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During negotiations, Hamas said it would allow foreign nationals to leave Gaza if "a number of" wounded Palestinians could leave as well. But upon vetting the list, officials discovered that about a third of the people listed as wounded Palestinians were Hamas fighters, according to a senior administration official. Originally, Hamas would not allow anyone to leave Gaza, the official added. "That's what kind of complicated and took a while for it to get worked out," they said. The official said that the US, Egypt and Israel rejected that Hamas fighters be allowed to pass through the crossing, pointing to countering Hamas' demand as a reason for the timing of getting foreign nationals and wounded Palestinians out of Gaza. Wounded Palestinian civilians who were ultimately able to leave Gaza were not Hamas fighters, the official said, adding later that Qatar and Egypt were "critical" in making this happen.


It’s hard to cut deals with people who are untrustworthy. 

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34 minutes ago, EdwardV said:

During negotiations, Hamas said it would allow foreign nationals to leave Gaza if "a number of" wounded Palestinians could leave as well. But upon vetting the list, officials discovered that about a third of the people listed as wounded Palestinians were Hamas fighters, according to a senior administration official. Originally, Hamas would not allow anyone to leave Gaza, the official added. "That's what kind of complicated and took a while for it to get worked out," they said. The official said that the US, Egypt and Israel rejected that Hamas fighters be allowed to pass through the crossing, pointing to countering Hamas' demand as a reason for the timing of getting foreign nationals and wounded Palestinians out of Gaza. Wounded Palestinian civilians who were ultimately able to leave Gaza were not Hamas fighters, the official said, adding later that Qatar and Egypt were "critical" in making this happen.


It’s hard to cut deals with people who are untrustworthy. 

HAMAS cannot be negotiated with. Their stated aim is to kill all the Jews in Israel. One of their leaders even reiterated that yesterday.

Starting to think the best way to get rid of all these terrorist groups is to get rid of the religious extremists in Iran who are holding their own population hostage. 

Cut the head off the snake.

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

HAMAS cannot be negotiated with. Their stated aim is to kill all the Jews in Israel. One of their leaders even reiterated that yesterday.

Starting to think the best way to get rid of all these terrorist groups is to get rid of the religious extremists in Iran who are holding their own population hostage. 

Cut the head off the snake.

Getting rid of the arsaholas has long been a desire and thought. But one must also think that Muhammad was just a mere glorified Warlord. It’s no wonder that religion can never be peaceful. They essentially worship a murderer. And no wonder they hate Jews as he was poisoned by a Jewish woman after the battle Khaybar. Not saying they are all bad but  Islam was born from violence and that is one of the roots for their evil. 

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18 minutes ago, HolyCowCm said:

Getting rid of the arsaholas has long been a desire and thought. But one must also think that Muhammad was just a mere glorified Warlord. It’s no wonder that religion can never be peaceful. They essentially worship a murderer. And no wonder they hate Jews as he was poisoned by a Jewish woman after the battle Khaybar. Not saying they are all bad but  Islam was born from violence and that is one of the roots for their evil. 

All religions are born from violence. The sole reason for their existence is for a few people to control the masses. 

Read these holy books. They are all full of contradictions. 

The unbelievable thing is we now have a Speaker of the House in the US who claims dinosaurs were on Noahs arc. The earth is only 6000 years old.

Islam claims to be the religion of peace but anyone who is not a muslim should be killed. Anything they do not agree with is haram but one of Mohamads wives was 12 years old.

I could go on with all the other religious texts like Judaism, Buddhist, Hindu all of them. 

Dont get me started on some of the Popes we have seen. 


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2 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

HAMAS cannot be negotiated with. Their stated aim is to kill all the Jews in Israel. One of their leaders even reiterated that yesterday.

Your observation is not totally correct. They want to kill all Jews worldwide. Listen to their rhetoric; they are the same playbook as the rest of the feral religion's manifesto.

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30 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

But one must also think that Muhammad was just a mere glorified Warlord

Nothing but a disillusioned murdering plagiarist who decided paedophilia might be a fun way to enjoy life.

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Not that it was hard to figure out:

“There are discussions in Israeli media that the Israeli army will get into phase two of its operations in Gaza starting from next week. This means tactical land operations inside Gaza. So what Israel wants to do before that is to have all the civilians leave to the south,” he said. “So what they’re [Israel’s army] doing is depriving the civilians stuck in northern Gaza from any means of living. So they’ve hit water tanks, hit civil facilities, hospitals and even UNRWA schools where people are taking refuge. Soon, people will be left with no option but to go south,” Qarmout added.


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9 hours ago, HolyCowCm said:

I don't think church and state in this case can be separated.

It Can & Is.Israel is an Advanced Secular Western Democracy.

Israel does contain Ultra Orthodox Jews who live separate different lives from Secular (Normal) Jews actually  who run the country. 

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6 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

HAMAS cannot be negotiated with. Their stated aim is to kill all the Jews in Israel. One of their leaders even reiterated that yesterday.

Starting to think the best way to get rid of all these terrorist groups is to get rid of the religious extremists in Iran who are holding their own population hostage. 

Cut the head off the snake.

You are quite right. The  root of the problem is Iran and of course the opportunistic Russians. Having Iran cause problems is in Russia's best interest. Had the peace deal gone through between KSA and Israel, I am pretty certain, Israel would have had the permission of the UAE and KSA to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. It was in iran's own interest that Hamas attack Israel and create problems in the Arab world. And of course Erdogan who has delusions  of having  influence over the  Arab world like the Ottoman Empire of a long gone era, can't stand the idea that the Arabs would  take control of their own affairs  in the region and block out Turkey.

The only thing containing Iran right now is the fear of the powerful USN on patrol and the French military presence. Whatever negativity one may have about the USA, it is the reason why Hizbollah and Iran have not entered the Gaza war and it is the USA and France who are keeping the war from spreading throughout the middle east.  And in fairness to Russia, it is its  military presence in Syria, that has kept Syria in line and maintained a semblance of stability.  If a peace deal can be worked out in the Ukraine (some way, some how, Iran  may not be able to count on the Russians for assistance, as the cost of US helping Russia out, will be distancing from Iran by Russia.

So many chess pieces on the board and once again the palestinians are pawns, while the Israelis are perhaps  castles at best. Powerful, but constrained to forever work in a straight line manner and dependent upon the best moves of other more powerful  pieces.

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President Joe Biden suggested Saturday there have been some advances in U.S. attempts to persuade Israel to pause military strikes on Gaza for humanitarian reasons. In a brief exchange with reporters as he left St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Biden was asked if there was progress, and he responded, “Yes,” but did not share specifics. This comes after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with his Arab counterparts Saturday. He disagreed with them on the need for an immediate cease-fire and made clear the furthest he would go was backing a pause for aid to reach civilians in Gaza. Blinken said a cease-fire would leave Hamas in place.


A pause would give those wanting the complete destruction of HAMAS the political cover to continue the effort. There will be no ceasefire. Oh and the USS Eisenhower battle group has taken up station with the USS Ford in the eastern Med. Just saying. 

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Well, Qatar supposedly is home to the main billionare Hamas funder and boss, but we cannot blame Qatar as they canot prove any wrong doing. The Hezbollah leader is jealous of not being in the news and decided to pump his fist and rear his bobble head at Israel. Pakistan and their humanitarian love to their muslim brothers is deporting over 2 million displaced scared Afghans back to Afghanistan all the while reports of them taking their assets and beating them up leaving them really desitute only to if lucky go back and be able to sell their daughters off to get respectable money in order to carry on their family's good name and tradition.

And on the other hand many are the wrong color of the Islam side and will be murdered by the Tailiban, because regardless of anything, my Islam is better than your Islam and I will kill you to prove it! And anyone if not murdered because of my Islam is better than your Islam, then if prior to be in connection or in to the last government or a journalist as was not with the Taliban then you are guilty and will be executed and probably have your corpse paraded through the city and your head used as a bochi or footbal ball, target pratice or if you are really lucky then your head can feed one of the many starving abandoned not eaten street dogs, so on the bright side your life wasn't totally wasted. Not to forget their young boys will be subjected to anal penetration all under the name Bacha Bazi and it is ok under what they do as you are not a real man unless you hit a boys hershey highway or have the kid bobbing on ole long fellow. But homosexualtiy is banned and faces the death penalty.

Mean while millions of Afghan refugees in Iran are set to or are already being deported back to Taliban land. Lots of love there as well as Iran just cannot be outdone by any others if they can help it. And on just another note Iran's executions are up by 30% which brings this year of 2023 to look like a wonderful closing on Islam as buy my daughter, I kill your father and rape your mom and fondle your brother, but we all have one common ground of dilsike, and that is Isreal and the USA. On one note all these Islam people as whole can be proud of is they have managed to get the ignorant and the other Muslim people round the world to act up and protest, with USA nimrods heading that spot light.

This is done with a sort of tongue and cheek because it is all way too much being hypocritical two faced BS with no real moral or honest ground. And I was also thinking of Bernard Trink this morning.

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2 hours ago, EdwardV said:

President Joe Biden suggested Saturday there have been some advances in U.S. attempts to persuade Israel to pause military strikes on Gaza for humanitarian reasons

Ha! That is just political theatre. The US doesn’t need to persuade as they can easily coerce Israel into agreeing to a pause or a ceasefire. I wish Mossad happy hunting on their quest to locate the Hamas leaders hiding outside of Palestine. 

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1 hour ago, Fanta said:

Ha! That is just political theatre.

Agreed. However he is catching a lot of heat from his own left and this is a bone to throw them. No doubt it does the same for his allies. That said:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his government opposes any temporary ceasefire in Gaza unless Hamas frees all hostages.


A position I agree with at this time. Hostages first. Honestly I think the amount of strong arming power Biden has over Israel is somewhat over estimated. The two leaders are not besties. 

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8 hours ago, Fanta said:

The US doesn’t need to persuade as they can easily coerce Israel into agreeing to a pause or a ceasefire.

Seems you are not the only one who thinks the US has control over Israel:

Iran said that the United States would “be hit hard” if Washington did not implement a ceasefire in Gaza, the country’s Minister of Defence was quoted as saying by the semi-official Tasnim news agency on Sunday. “Our advice to the Americans is to immediately stop the war in Gaza and implement a ceasefire, otherwise they will be hit hard,” Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani said. After a surprise attack by Hamas against Israel on Oct. 7, the Israelis have sought to defeat the militant group. Iran considers the U.S. to be “militarily involved” in the conflict.


Besides the obvious saying of don’t bite off more than your ass can handle. The irony is the US was trying to get out of the Middle East. Biden had not even appointed a special advisor to the area. Preferring to allow the parties to resolve their own issues and concentrate other places. 

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36 minutes ago, EdwardV said:

Seems you are not the only one who thinks the US has control over Israel:

Only the wilfully ignorant would choose to believe that the US doesn’t have a degree of influence over Israel and visa versa.

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Israel and Its Strong Ally USA have undoubtedly warned Iran Turkey Egypt Pakistan not to interfere .  … or get Nuked by Israel , with US support. It’s that simple. Launch Hezbollah into Israel ? Launch your 4000 missiles in Iran at Israel ? Iran gets Nuked. Your move ….. no, right, thought so. Now Israel has a war to win….

Israel are not about to be wiped out by some sneak attack on Israel from all sides by these four Islamic hell holes. Should that ever commence, ALL World Islamic Capitals & Military are GONE. Same US protocol should any exploding Nuke in USA ever be traced back to any Islamic Govt. Or Proxy…….

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

a degree of influence over Israel and visa versa.

And that is a much different bar being crossed than the term “coerce”. Israel is still a sovereign nation (I understand that’s a meaningless term to some), and throughout its history has done lots of things the US didn’t want done “and visa versa”.

It’s clear the US wants a pause in the conflict for political reasons, and Israel is having nothing to do with it for that reason. I’m not claiming you don’t have a point, just solid as you believe. 

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On 11/4/2023 at 8:31 PM, Rookiescot said:

All religions are born from violence. The sole reason for their existence is for a few people to control the masses. 

Sorry but that's nonsense.

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11 hours ago, Fanta said:

Only the wilfully ignorant would choose to believe that the US doesn’t have a degree of influence over Israel and visa versa.

Yes that still holds value and I also see it the same way. But to me it seems that the control that they once used to wean and weild at top spots may have decreased, but by all means the American Jewish collectively remain extremely influential and powerful across the board. I always looked at it that Israel and the Jewish in the USA are interchangeable by connection and bond. Maybe far greater than any US born muslim is when compared to their descent.

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On 11/4/2023 at 1:31 PM, Rookiescot said:

All religions are born from violence. The sole reason for their existence is for a few people to control the masses. 

Read these holy books. They are all full of contradictions. 

The unbelievable thing is we now have a Speaker of the House in the US who claims dinosaurs were on Noahs arc. The earth is only 6000 years old.

Islam claims to be the religion of peace but anyone who is not a muslim should be killed. Anything they do not agree with is haram but one of Mohamads wives was 12 years old.

I could go on with all the other religious texts like Judaism, Buddhist, Hindu all of them. 

Dont get me started on some of the Popes we have seen. 

Catholic Church no doubt started with excellent intentions although based on complete bs re.  “ miracles”, turn- the- other -cheek , son of god , all - are- sinners weirdo nonsense. Would have remained an obscure cult like Mormons but inexplicably given lift off when made the state religion of Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine overnight , Then when relocating to Rome, in conjunction with Crusades and later European Colonialism, swiftly became a Global Business of Money Making, Political Power - Generation and Authoritarian Population Control.1st Global Corporation !

They even “ divided” the World outside Europe between Spain & Portugal under Catholicism.

Japs went crazy when finding that out and killed/ expelled all the lice- ridden stinking Priests ! 

Koran a demonstrated “ cut and paste” from Torah and Old Testament. Hinduism simply preposterous.

Buddhism perhaps more a Philosophy or Way of Life than a Religion but has all the religious trappings like Priests, Temples  and Heaven / Hell. Different in that nothing forbidden. More “ actions have consequences” .

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The UN has been “utterly useless” in demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and Ukraine, Geoffrey Robertson, a human rights barrister, says. “There is no difference between the war crimes of Putin and Netanyahu. Both are indiscriminately killing civilians and yet the UN is utterly useless,” Robertson told Al Jazeera. “It is not fit for its purpose because the UN Security Council is nearly a talking shop,” he said, adding that the power to veto decisions does not help since every negotiation for a ceasefire in Ukraine has been vetoed by Russia while the US last week vetoed a ceasefire resolution in relation to Gaza.


There is a lot to what he says and the fact is the UN is broken at best, and worthless at worst. It’s time to fix it, or to create a replacement. 

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1 hour ago, EdwardV said:

The UN has been “utterly useless” in demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and Ukraine, Geoffrey Robertson, a human rights barrister, says. “There is no difference between the war crimes of Putin and Netanyahu. Both are indiscriminately killing civilians and yet the UN is utterly useless,” Robertson told Al Jazeera. “It is not fit for its purpose because the UN Security Council is nearly a talking shop,” he said, adding that the power to veto decisions does not help since every negotiation for a ceasefire in Ukraine has been vetoed by Russia while the US last week vetoed a ceasefire resolution in relation to Gaza.


There is a lot to what he says and the fact is the UN is broken at best, and worthless at worst. It’s time to fix it, or to create a replacement. 

Yes, It’s long since become the United Crap Nations.Tyrant Dominated.
Corrupt & Anti - Semitic to its core 

Time to form a separate United Free Nations in opposition. 

However that stupid Barrister ( proof they can exist !) is talking rubbish about Israel, a free western democratic defensive nation, being comparable to Russia an aggressive unfree tyranny .

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