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News Forum - Israel’s supply cut reveals state’s cruel, dehumanising intentions towards Palestine


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Acknowledging that “these conflicts can seem far away,” Biden insisted in a rare Oval Office address that they remain “vital for America’s national security” as he prepared to ask Congress for billions of dollars in military assistance for both countries. “History has taught us when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction,” Biden said. “They keep going. And the cost and the threat to America and the world keep rising.” ... He’s expected to ask for $105 billion on Friday, including $60 billion for Ukraine, much of which would replenish U.S. weapons stockpiles provided earlier. There’s also $14 billion for Israel, $10 billion for unspecified humanitarian efforts, $14 billion for managing the U.S.-Mexico border and fighting fentanyl trafficking and $7 billion for the Indo-Pacific region, which includes Taiwan. The proposal was described by three people familiar with the details who insisted on anonymity before the official announcement. “It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations,” Biden said.


He's right you know. 😉 Also, it's nice when you have a rich uncle. 💰 I would assume some of that $10B in unspecified humanitarian aid would be going to the Palestinians. 🤏 

"The crew of the guided missile destroyer USS Carney, operating in the northern Red Sea earlier today, shot down three land attack cruise missiles and several drones that were launched by Houthi forces in Yemen," Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Thursday. Ryder said the Pentagon wasn't certain what the missiles and drones were targeting, but they were launched north along the Red Sea, potentially toward targets in Israel. The Carney shot down the missiles over water, but Ryder wouldn't offer more details about the downing of the drones.


Just putting it out there. 💪 

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On 10/14/2023 at 11:27 PM, Vigo said:

Immigrant jews, 1 million come from Arab countries. they were expelled and lost all possessions. Please state how you will deal with this.

In respect to the  local jewish community that existed before partition, what will you do with them? Before partition west bank was part of Israel. it was lost in 1948 to Jordan and then recaptured in by Israel in 1967. Do they  get to go back or are they permanently banished?

In respect to much of Gaza which is not populated by the actual original residents, but other arab immigrants, should they be expelled?   Much of lands "palestinian" arabs claim as theirs is actually Bedouin or Druze land. Will Bedouins  lose their land rights? Will Druze be expelled?

How will you make all the many factions of Arabs in Israel live in harmony under your one grand state?  History shows that Arabs are very good at hating and killing each other. There are not many Israeli arabs willing to give up freedom and  opportunity in favour of living slave like under Iranian style sharia law.

Without arguing about how many Arab "immigrants" are forced into Gaza; for the sake of YOUR argument:
What right has the Jewish state to commit CONTINUOUSLY war crimes? No matter WHAT ethnicity are there? Does it some how in your idiotic mind justify the killing if they are Arabs, or if they are 900 000, 1 000 000 or 2 200 000??? WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION TO SHOOT THEM, and burn with white-phosphorous? What is the right to commit a collective punisment?

Let me spell that to you dumbo: THERE IS NO!

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On 10/16/2023 at 2:36 AM, Vigo said:


Documents found on dead Hamas terrorists reveal plan to target children: reports Other documents show Hamas hit squads were directed to 'achieve the highest level of human losses' and then take hostages as human shields.

You want photos. Fine. is children's bedroom where child was murdered bloody enough?. Do you like the bloodied sheets? is the burnt  baby that had been bashed against the wall, with the room then set on fire satisfying for you?

Need more? There are  some more burnt infants; Do you like the one of the  stabbed  baby? And then you  will probably enjoy the one of the  young woman who had her clothes ripped off as she was sexually assaulted while be driven back as a hostage. Those Hamas males sure respect  women. Do you have a similar view?

All of these images are taken from Israeli Government initial first response image recording. There are many, many more that cannot be released because they are very extreme and upsetting to civilized people.

I see you are a bit thick, so let me repeat the question, in a bit other words:

WHERE, ohh, WHERE are the proofs of "40 beheaded babies" done by Hamas?
Let us see! PLEASE!

(No, a babbling of IDF soldier, how he "saw them" is equally credible than if Nazi Gestapo soldier saw a Jew killing babies.)


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On 10/15/2023 at 4:02 PM, 23RD said:

Some useful idiots in London yesterday it's not often I praise the French but they did have the moral courage and common sense to ban these rallies in support of a proscribed terrorist organisation. 


Why don't you try and kill you OWN kids instead? Surely get good vibes to see some tiny hands blown off, and those bastard toddlers barbequed away! We can then yell "Where is your kid? Your kid is in the barbeque!" Just like the Jews shouted when they burnt the family of small Ali.

At least you can hurray if someone else does it? And then we ban you if you DARE to open your mouth! "Freaking terrorist moaning about justified good kill!"

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3 hours ago, 1234567 said:

I see you are a bit thick, so let me repeat the question, in a bit other words:

WHERE, ohh, WHERE are the proofs of "40 beheaded babies" done by Hamas?
Let us see! PLEASE!

(No, a babbling of IDF soldier, how he "saw them" is equally credible than if Nazi Gestapo soldier saw a Jew killing babies.)


I have not claimed 40 beheaded babies. The evidence of the Hamas atrocities  is from Hamas itself. You have ignored the documentation provided. There is also an eyewitness claim that one Hamas member sliced open a pregnant woman and killed the the unborn child. I have not seen the documentation but watched the eyewitness statement. I don't think the paramedic who was traumatized  was imagining the event, however,  I have not presented that event. I am waiting for the documentation to be  published first.

You are quick to cast "blame". just as was done with the lie that an air strike destroyed a hospital killing 500. The evidence shows it was failed Palestinian missile, resulting in about 100 casualties. No bomb crater from an IDF ordinance, but lots of evidence of a dud missile that crashed dropping its warhead and fuel onto the hospital parking lot with  injuries consistent with such an event. The best part was that the Al Jazeera cameras caught the missile launch failure and then the detonation with no IDF aircraft even close by.  You are so consumed with hate that you cannot think straight and the hate is now consuming you.

Israel is going to remain. The world isn't rushing to the Palestinian side because they are seeing through the lies, and manipulation. Sure the usual groups are protesting but that just supports the Israelis indirectly. Now that the Iranian backed Houthi have launched missiles, stopped by the USN, we can see who is behind this war. 

All through this the largest refugee community in the world, larger than that of the Palestinians, and more unjust has been ignored by the protestors and palestinians. 12 million Syrians are refugees. Most are shunned by the arab world or treated  like garbage by Erdogan's Turkey. The west has  taken millions of Syrians in, but you won't see them at the protests. Instead they are asking these protestors and  Palestinians why they refused to help them and instead helped Assad, Iran and Russia make them refugees. The Syrian refugees, like the Kurds know what it is to be a refugee without the billions of USD/Euro in aid money that the Palestinians have received.  This war is being used by the   arab political factitions and iran. It isn't about palestinian freedom or aything so noble. And now you have Gaza reduced to rubble in some parts. it will be a  damp winter for some and a life of luxury for Hamas leaders in Qatar.

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The US and its allies have been urging Israel to be strategic and clear about its goals if and when it launches a ground invasion of Gaza, warning against a prolonged occupation and placing a particular emphasis on avoiding civilian casualties, US and Western officials told CNN ... “Our advice to them isn’t ‘Don’t do it,’ because we completely respect their right to go after Hamas and that means going after them wherever they are,” a NATO defense minister told CNN. “So it’s not ‘Don’t do it,’ but it is ‘Think about what happens and have a strategy, not just a tactical maneuver.’ We expect Israel to act within international humanitarian law, but we understand that they’re dealing with an enemy here.”


Israel’s defense minister gave more details about the country’s military plans for Gaza on Friday, implying it has no intention of running the territory after its operations wind down ... “There will be three stages,” the defense minister said. “We are now in the first stage – a military campaign that currently includes strikes, and will later include maneuvering, with the objective of neutralizing terrorists and destroying Hamas infrastructure.” The second phase will involve operations at a lower intensity, with the objective of eliminating “pockets of resistance,” he said. The final stage will “require the removal of Israel’s responsibility for life in the Gaza strip.”


The first two stages are pretty clear, it's that last one that is interesting. No doubt there will be some form of fence/wall, and a different article mentioned a buffer zone (read dead zone ☠️). However, the phrase "removal of Israel's responsibility for life" can mean a lot and none of it good for the citizens of Gaza. I have to assume it would include cutting off the area of any contact and interaction with Israel. No more crossing into Israel for work, no more water, electricity and such. Of course, you have to assume that comes with a level of independence in return. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that will lead to some level of depopulation as I can't imagine Egypt stepping up to replace the loss. 

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4 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Why don't you try and kill you OWN kids instead? Surely get good vibes to see some tiny hands blown off, and those bastard toddlers barbequed away! We can then yell "Where is your kid? Your kid is in the barbeque!" Just like the Jews shouted when they burnt the family of small Ali.

At least you can hurray if someone else does it? And then we ban you if you DARE to open your mouth! "Freaking terrorist moaning about justified good kill!"

We're you drinking the Ya Dong last night by any chance my old China 555555

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Let's add a bit of logic here; there is logically no such thing as a 'war crime'. The stronger one, the one that wins sets the rule's and exacts the 'justice', or the revenge, however you phrase it. The moral high ground, if there can be such a thing in war, lies with the one attacked.  Were the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan a war crime?  Answer no, because the Allies won.  Did my father, a Bomber Command Flight Engineer, commit war crime's with his part in area bombing, no, because the Allies won. In my years of training in the RAF, preparing to drop high yield weapons on the USSR and its allies, was this training to commit war crimes?  Not in my book and i would not have hesitated to carry out that mission and would have done so with a clear conscious.  The Israelis were attracted first in this latest conflict.  They have sworn to destroy Hamos and its infrastructure and supporters, will they commit war crimes? Good question, not if they win. Those on here that throw the phrase 'war crimes' around are not thinking straight, unless that accusation is leveled at terrorists and other losers. General Mattis was right. 


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32 minutes ago, Pinetree said:

Let's add a bit of logic here; there is logically no such thing as a 'war crime'. The stronger one, the one that wins sets the rule's and exacts the 'justice', or the revenge, however you phrase it. The moral high ground, if there can be such a thing in war, lies with the one attacked.  Were the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan a war crime?  Answer no, because the Allies won.  Did my father, a Bomber Command Flight Engineer, commit war crime's with his part in area bombing, no, because the Allies won. In my years of training in the RAF, preparing to drop high yield weapons on the USSR and its allies, was this training to commit war crimes?  Not in my book and i would not have hesitated to carry out that mission and would have done so with a clear conscious.  The Israelis were attracted first in this latest conflict.  They have sworn to destroy Hamos and its infrastructure and supporters, will they commit war crimes? Good question, not if they win. Those on here that throw the phrase 'war crimes' around are not thinking straight, unless that accusation is leveled at terrorists and other losers. General Mattis was right. 

Unwritten rule is that yes winners and/ or those attacked first get a “pass”.

WW2 and Israel- Hamas conflict are / were Defensive Total War.
Started by Fascists. Finished by Democracies / Allies.

With Total War, military cannot be separated from supporting integrated civilians. 

Hence UK / US Aerial Bombings were not a War Crime.

Also strong case that such activity shortens war thus saving many lives.

Ukraine get such pass as (a) invaded & (b) absolute brutality / genocidal/ atrocities on Ukraine by attacker Russia.  Democracies always get a pass as they are defending and don’t (overtly) attack first……

So is a Ukrainian who’s family has been butchered by Russians , or not, and who shoots an duly unarmed surrendered passive Russian pow, guilty of a war crime ( Geneva Convention) ? Yes of course. Will he be tried for such ? No.

Now SASR Ben Roberts - Smith ( on the “ winning” democracy side) WAS convicted of war crimes.

But that took a massive campaign by his fellow operators to take that to court to save reputation of SASR and gain psychological closure for affected operators rather than punish an individual. 

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40 minutes ago, 23RD said:

Don’t give ‘em the” oxygen of publicity”. Ignore All Fools. 😎

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48 minutes ago, Pinetree said:

Let's add a bit of logic here; there is logically no such thing as a 'war crime'

What? The truth of the matter is that, regardless of winner or loser, aggressor or victim, the most powerful party determines who is prosecuted for war crimes. Claiming that crime committed against non combatants during war does not constitute a war crime is just wrong. Are you trying to head off any accusations of war crimes against Israel ? 

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17 minutes ago, Fanta said:

crime committed against non combatants during war does not constitute a war crime

Correct, it does not necessarily count as a war crime, more collateral damage in the pursuit of a war objective, hence area bombing and the Japanese atomic attacks. Not everyone not carrying a weapon is a 'none combatant'.  Those who actively sustain and succors those with the weapons are legitimate targets in war. This is standard Military thinking, that seems to be ignored, or is unknown,  by many in the general population. In answer to your question, I understand the reality of the Israeli position and the realties of urban warfare. 

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9 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Why don't you try and kill you OWN kids instead? Surely get good vibes to see some tiny hands blown off, and those bastard toddlers barbequed away! We can then yell "Where is your kid? Your kid is in the barbeque!" Just like the Jews shouted when they burnt the family of small Ali.

At least you can hurray if someone else does it? And then we ban you if you DARE to open your mouth! "Freaking terrorist moaning about justified good kill!"

Are you Arab by chance or perhaps a Jew for Nazis, like a Turkey voting for Xmas, or Uighur loving CCP ?  
I ask because <deleted content>

Only reasons for a rational civilized person to support Fascist Murderers Hamas <deleted content> against Free Democratic Righteous Restrained Defensive Western Country like Israel or UK 👍😎😌are:-

(a) anti -semitism ( b) historical ignorance (c) Fascist ( d) insane / irrational (e) dumb follower of socialist ( anti- Semitic) rhetoric. Or all five possibly ….😠

All such hate clearly starts and finishes with Anti -Semitism 😡
Why do certain, often unsuccessful jealous people  hate Jews.?
Simply because Jews are Successful. 😩


Edited by BigHewer
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On 10/18/2023 at 10:08 AM, Manu said:

Sure you "skimmed my post", that is what we do when we are short of arguments.

Yes I got that in all your many posts already, that is what it is all about for you, it is very very clear, like I said, I read posts unlike you before quoting anyone or rabitting on what anyone is supposed to have said. Apart from that, anything new? Like... any quote? No? Ah, where are they, those bloody quotes? All these people talking about them surely they must be somewhere? No?

Use of the overused puerile “very” (x 2!)is (like “racist”) a sure sign of low irrational intellect.😩

You persistently missed the importance my word IF right at start of my original post which gave you the benefit of any doubt and also exempts me from proving anything you said or didn’t say.

 No interest in “quoting” posters here.
I simply occasionally respond with my views. 
I don’t play childish “gotcha” games here either. 

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9 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Without arguing about how many Arab "immigrants" are forced into Gaza; for the sake of YOUR argument:
What right has the Jewish state to commit CONTINUOUSLY war crimes? No matter WHAT ethnicity are there? Does it some how in your idiotic mind justify the killing if they are Arabs, or if they are 900 000, 1 000 000 or 2 200 000??? WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION TO SHOOT THEM, and burn with white-phosphorous? What is the right to commit a collective punisment?

Let me spell that to you dumbo: THERE IS NO!

You have already lost your rude pathetic ignorant fascist -murdering supporting case to a clearly superior mind. consequently you will find little further interest here in engaging with you only dismissing or ignoring you. As I have done here separately, <deleted content>

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9 hours ago, 1234567 said:

Why don't you try and kill you OWN kids instead? Surely get good vibes to see some tiny hands blown off, and those bastard toddlers barbequed away! We can then yell "Where is your kid? Your kid is in the barbeque!" Just like the Jews shouted when they burnt the family of small Ali.

At least you can hurray if someone else does it? And then we ban you if you DARE to open your mouth! "Freaking terrorist moaning about justified good kill!"

It’s Hamas and all crazed fascists that “kill their own kids”’ then assign them “ martyrdom”

Democracies don’t do that, <deleted content> 
Free people are Accountable and can swiftly be removed on “ no confidence” basis 

Edited by BigHewer
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5 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Use of the overused puerile “very” (x 2!)is (like “racist”) a sure sign of low irrational intellect.😩

You persistently missed the importance my word IF right at start of my original post which gave you the benefit of any doubt and also exempts me from proving anything you said or didn’t say.

 No interest in “quoting” posters here.
I simply occasionally respond with my views. 
I don’t play childish “gotcha” games here either. 

Like I said, too extremist for my taste. That you choose a different way to answer the same post of mine… yes you already answered that post but different hateful bla-bla-bla, probably forgot with all these hours you spent here, spreading hate one after another that you already did. I was only logically asking to someone that said I am supposed to have said something to quote me to have said that, but never it is happening. Maybes I wonder I said that? But people that said I that havw said that never showed when or where . I guess I am wrong and you are right.  I hope it makes you and your forum, where you are supposed yo be the intellectual source (I am really struggling not to be more ….) at all time on every subject happy. What an idiot you are. Think about it; you are!

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18 minutes ago, Manu said:

Like I said, too extremist for my taste. That you choose a different way to answer the same post of mine… yes you already answered that post but different hateful bla-bla-bla, probably forgot with all these hours you spent here, spreading hate one after another that you already did. I was only logically asking to someone that said I am supposed to have said something to quote me to have said that, but never it is happening. Maybes I wonder I said that? But people that said I that havw said that never showed when or where . I guess I am wrong and you are right.  I hope it makes you and your forum, where you are supposed yo be the intellectual source (I am really struggling not to be more ….) at all time on every subject happy. What an idiot you are. Think about it; you are!

You label anyone who disagrees with your views as an idiot. You express shock when told that that you have given the impression of  bias. Perhaps you believe that because you use  nuanced terms and polite expressions,  they will pass as "spirited" debate. Maybe some will believe that, but for others it is seen as disingenuous.   One of the tools employed to indicate that you are fair minded is the "Some of my good friends are  negro" method  that was popular in some places where discriminatory practices against the Afro -American were a way of life. In your case, you always seem to have a close jew friend to offer up as an endorsement of your view, or you dig up a disputed quote from a discredited person.   Oh, and please save the next display of indignation as it is as believable as a Pallywood social media contribution. 

By the way the bodies of the Thai murder victims are being brought home now.  I wonder if the families would appreciate your insight into the motives behind the cruel and sadistic slaughter of their loved ones. 

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16 hours ago, 1234567 said:

I see you are a bit thick, so let me repeat the question, in a bit other words:

WHERE, ohh, WHERE are the proofs of "40 beheaded babies" done by Hamas?
Let us see! PLEASE!

(No, a babbling of IDF soldier, how he "saw them" is equally credible than if Nazi Gestapo soldier saw a Jew killing babies.)


Do you deny that Hamas murdered over 1000 civilians? 

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7 hours ago, Vigo said:


By the way the bodies of the Thai murder victims are being brought home now.  I wonder if the families would appreciate your insight into the motives behind the cruel and sadistic slaughter of their loved ones. 

My insight? And what is that supposed to be??? You do not know. You do not read my posts although I have repeated to you many times "my insigth", you did not reply when I provided to you my own quotes of what I said about Hamas which was not quite the same to what you wrote I was supposed to have said (which you do not know cause you do not read) but then you reply when I post something to someone else completely unrelated. Pffffff.... What is that paragraph supposed to be in any way related to what I said? You are just writing stuff just for the sake of writing stuff, on absolutely every single topic in this forum? "By the way the bodies of the Thai murder victims are being brought home now." If it was not such dramatic event, I would just take the piss of you post after post. But there, I could not care much. I told you that I was done with you, someone who believes weirdly is some kind of moral judge of a small online forum so busy "writing stuff" that he does not have anymore time to read anything anyone else writes. Done! No need to reply, I will not read you nor reply, keep yourself busy writing stuff.

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Well we can add another cut or blow to the Palestinians. Even their own type of people as Jordan and Egypt will not allow them as refugees into their countries. Too much bagage and risk with and not worth it.

And the way I see it, their very own Hamas fanatical d-heads really created this tragedy and hardship, so the Palestinians need to not be a bunch of buffalo religious sheep, stand up and uprise against their real enemy Hamas. Even if it is a son or daughter who needs be to be shunned or have a bullet put in in his or her radical terrosrist brain to stamp them out. If they can do this then it may be the answer to the region and the world being more receptive to them as a people.

But as it stands through the looking glass their little area is plainly a breeding ground or shelter for cockroach s c u m Muslim terrorists. Not saying there aren't some really great wonderful people there, but who is to know who is who with them and who is goign to try to decipher good from evil. They need to clean up their own cesspool and make it something someone is proud of and would like to take a holiday to. They have th sea right there, cannot be all that bad.

If you ask me, their ideal of in the name of Alah that rape and murder and thinking those who are not muslim are infidels need to be destroyed doesn't make their argument that they are about peace and love when their religion tends to make it look otherwise. Netanyahu and some of his bozos are not the best role models either, so on both ends need some house cleaning, but then again you have other factions like Iran, Qatar and a few others who are dirty as yellow snow or skid stained underware who are bent to all ends to destroy Israel and all the Jews. Europe sabatoged itself when they openly allowed and took muslim refugees in with kindness. Nothing good came of it and I really think it is over time to send the bad ones back to where they came from..

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38 minutes ago, HolyCowCm said:

And the way I see it, their very own Hamas fanatical d-heads really created this tragedy and hardship, so the Palestinians need to not be a bunch of buffalo religious sheep, stand up and uprise against their real enemy Hamas.

When has a silent majority ever risen up and removed radicals in power? 

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2 hours ago, Fanta said:

When has a silent majority ever risen up and removed radicals in power? 

I think you mean Silenced Majority too scared out of their wit's end living under the rule of Sharia Muslim radical buffalo frenzy thinking, or not armed enough and too passive except to run their mouths off for how opressed they are but maybe too ignorant to realise that if they got rid Hamas and the crazy radicals that life might actually not be how they are brainwashed to think it is. In this case ignorance is not bliss. 

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