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News Forum - US auto industry strike continues, workers demand 40% wage increase


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Remaining defiant in their stand for better pay, employees from the United States’ renowned Big Three auto manufacturers – General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis (the parent company of Dodge and Chrysler in the US) – continued to strike for a second day. The lack of agreement between the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and the companies … …

The story US auto industry strike continues, workers demand 40% wage increase as seen on Thaiger News.

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I remember reading about how the U.S lost market dominance to the Japanese in the 1980’s through a mixture of failure to innovate, absence of cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers and an entrenched culture of ill will between management and staff. All of the big three were staring down the barrel of oblivion with Ford being the only one struggle on their own steam.

A %40 increase is an ambit claim, as no company would be able service such a demand without a severe hit to its bottom line. Unless of course it’s passed on to the consumer.

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