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News Forum - New refugee screening system stirs fear among asylum seekers


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Bangkok is home to a church where Vietnamese refugees find a temporary haven from lives fraught with fear of arrest or deportation. This is because Thailand, having not signed up for the UN Refugee Convention, does not have a system in place to differentiate between refugees and other migrants, resulting in thousands of individuals living … …

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5 hours ago, Thaiger said:

Thailand, having not signed up for the UN Refugee Convention, does not have a system in place to differentiate between refugees and other migrants

And looking to europe, they better still keep it that way.

Till they really find a solution, how to get quickly rid of asylum abusers.

No one can expect, they start doing the same mistakes like in the western world. Thailand is still on the way to a real social system for their own people.

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1 hour ago, Guest1 said:

Thailand, having not signed up for the UN Refugee Convention

How I wish that the UK was not signed up to this charter for economic migrants posing as refugees too!

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