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Medications in Thailand.


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I am wondering the availability of medications in Thailand that we require a prescription back home.

Here is a list and wondering if others take them and if so how are the getting them.

Xarelto (Rivaroxaban 10mg) blood thinner,  Eliquis (apixaban 5mg) blood thinner,  Atenolol (atenolol 50mg) blood pressure,  Perindopril (perindopril erbumine 4mg) Pantoprazole (pantoprazole 40mg) heartburn/reflux, Rosuvastatin (rosuvastatin 10mg) cholesterol, Seroquel (quetiapine 300mg) Bipolar disorder.



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Hi Rick.  I can't answer the specifics, but whatever you have on prescription in your home country, you can get here , on prescription, from a clinic or hospital. Not sure if you are trying to side step the process, but no need here. As a reassurance, I find the medical; faculties here, and the availability of medications, far easier and superior to my home Country of the UK.   

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They are all available here.

Most of the meds can be bought from a pharmacy without an Rx. 

The blood thinners will most probably need to be prescribed from a hospital, after having an INR test.

The Seroquel will also require a hospital clinician appointment. 

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  • 10 months later...

Hello everyone.  I am wondering if anyone has confirmed that you can buy a generic version of Eliquis in Thailand?  Does anyone know the cost for 5mg tablets? I'm from Canada and I can get a generic version for .66 CAD per pill.  The cost appears about 4x more expensive in SE Asia which I am finding hard to believe so I thought I would ask here if anyone has had the same search.

Thanks so much for any help.

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