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News Forum - FDA urge parents to be cautious after several children ate cannabis edibles in southern Thailand

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urged parents to be cautious after several children in southern Thailand were hospitalized for consuming cannabis-infused edibles. The FDA was informed that the children had eaten chocolate cookies that contained high levels of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which the FDA did not approve. The cookies were labelled “Twix …

The story FDA urge parents to be cautious after several children ate cannabis edibles in southern Thailand as seen on Thaiger News.

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9 minutes ago, Khunmark said:

It beggars belief that cannabis is allowed to be packaged and sold in child friendly products such as cookies and jellies. 



....and sold to children?

1 minute ago, Khunmark said:

And the FDA never anticipated that children would present to emergency departments, as a result of this oversight?





The same unparented kids are probably drinking Smirnoff Ice, or other alcopops.

I am a 100% supporter of legalization (let's not pretend it is anything else), but I agree with @Khunmark; it is just awful how incompetent the authorities have been.

I want to see a reasonable law passed and a series of regulations that can effectively govern all aspects of the sale of weed, ranging from quality control, proper labeling which clearly states how much of the drug is in a product, the THC content, and 'Child-Repellent' labeling and packaging. Moreover, I have no issue with reasonable rules and regulations as to where to smoke; I wouldn't want my condo stunk up by a Pot-Head neighbour. Finally, I am good with rules and regulations governing the sales; as a general rule of the thumb, place the same restrictions on weed as you do on alcohol.

Done right, weed is a cash crop for farmers, a tourism booster, and an all around good thing to replace the evils of alcohol.

The issue here is Governance, not weed.


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4 hours ago, Shade_Wilder said:

 The issue here is Governance, not weed.

Right on... I have no idea how anyone survives without "governance"... all kidding aside... nanny statism is not the end all... education and awareness helps but the participants have to be willing and able

Looks like they are trying to establish a permanent market for cannabis in the country as they know that they cannot fully depend on tourists for that market to flourish.....good job Thailand for finding a way to boost the cannabis market in the country. 

7 hours ago, Khunmark said:

3 year old girl with a taste for vodka? Give me a break.

Looks like pop.


If the parents aren't keeping cannabis infused goodies out of reach, the kid could be consuming anything.

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1 minute ago, Chaimai said:

Looks like pop.

If the parents aren't keeping cannabis infused goodies out of reach, the kid could be consuming anything.

Yes, goes back to bad parenting again. In the case of the older kids, could be an adult is buying the stuff for them, could be someone breaking the law by selling it to them (yes, I did both for booze and baccy when I was a teenager, far more years back than I care to remember, but I also knew that I was well and truly in for it if my parents found out).

  • Haha 1

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