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News Forum - Donald Trump faces arrest, but is back on Facebook


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This weekend marked some highs and lows for former US President Donald Trump. Just one day after announcing his supposedly-triumphant return to Facebook, Trump claims that he expects to be arrested this coming Tuesday. It would mark the first time in US history that a president was arrested or faced criminal charges while occupying the …

The story Donald Trump faces arrest, but is back on Facebook as seen on Thaiger News.

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They need  to keep Trump in play for as long as possible, especially if they field Sleepy Joe again, to keep the Republicans divided.

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I absolutely despise Trump and I believe he committed real crimes(Georgia and Maro-A-Lago docs case)


Unless these NY indictments include the very illegal activities that Trump Organization has already been found guilty of in civil case

Then bringing these payment indictments 1st is so stupid

It will sully the real serious charges coming after 


But I have a feeling the indictments will include more than the payments














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The NYC DA needs to prosecute Trump so he doesn't get away with all his shenanigans and scams.

Nixon got away with prolonging the Vietnam War to win his election.  Proof found after 30 yrs.
Reagan most likely had a hand in Iran Hostage delay (known as The October Surprise).  New info last week to substantiate this (not full proof).
Biden's "Hunter Biden" problem with possible collusion.
Trump's games with Russia, Saudi Arabia (Kushner getting 2 B loan) and Campaign Finance.

These high level politicians need to be held accountable.

This list doesn't even account for Congress and their insider trading and lobbying money.

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