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News Forum - Is kaeng som the worst dish in Thailand?


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Is an innocent soup, kaeng som, really the worst dish in Thailand? Thai foodies have, once again, risen to the bait set for them by another bizarre “Best of” listicle generated by the unsupervised children working at Taste Atlas. kaeng som the worst dish in Thailand. This week’s deliberately-insulting clickbait is a listicle called 100 …

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Clickbait garbage is correct!  Kaeng Som is delicious. healthy and nutritious.  And my wife doesn't use chili paste, but a base of onion, lemon grass, garlic and galangal which 1st lightly roasted before making into a paste.  Chilis are added along with other ingredients and may be removed, not eaten, if so desired.

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30 minutes ago, KaptainRob said:

Clickbait garbage is correct!  Kaeng Som is delicious. healthy and nutritious.  And my wife doesn't use chili paste, but a base of onion, lemon grass, garlic and galangal which 1st lightly roasted before making into a paste.  Chilis are added along with other ingredients and may be removed, not eaten, if so desired.

Sounds tasty - I am going to have to have a go at cooking that. These best of\worst of list are generally complete garbage, I suspect often compiled by the same idiots that think that the count of mentions in social media relates to how good something or someplace is.

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35 minutes ago, Grumpish said:

Sounds tasty - I am going to have to have a go at cooking that. These best of\worst of list are generally complete garbage, I suspect often compiled by the same idiots that think that the count of mentions in social media relates to how good something or someplace is.

Exactly! It's the collection of opinions that don't matter to create a story out of nothing. But yeah we clicked it, so it worked.

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18 hours ago, Soidog said:

Is that the dish with what looks like pieces of foam carpet underlay mixed in? I’m pretty sure it is and it’s very tasty. 

It's one version, kaeng-som-cha-om, and yes, very tasty.   Cha-om omelet on it's own is also a personal favourite.


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I clicked on the source link in the article  and there is no Thai dish in the top 100. Certainly no Kaeng Som.

It appears the list has been amended.

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They are all 'the worst dish in Thailand' .   🤣

I've never been a fan of Thai food.  I think it massively over rated and full of all kinds of stuff I either don't like,  (coriander, Lemon Grass to name 2)  or wouldnt want to know about (MSG, sugar, too much salt) .  However, each to his own. 

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3 hours ago, HiuMak said:

Food and taste is subjective to every individual.

Not everyone is a fan of blue cheeze.

I just love blue cheese, and so does my Shih Tzu, who is a connoisseur of fine foods. 

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38 minutes ago, Pinetree said:

They are all 'the worst dish in Thailand' .   🤣

I've never been a fan of Thai food.  I think it massively over rated and full of all kinds of stuff I either don't like,  (coriander, Lemon Grass to name 2)  or wouldnt want to know about (MSG, sugar, too much salt) .  However, each to his own. 

Fair enough. I quite like Thai food but if everyone had the same tastes, world cuisine would be boring. 

I read through the top 100 again and only “agreed” with three of them - Natto, Macaroni Kraft dinners and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. All rubbish in my opinion.

Russia and the USA had the most entries and most of the UK classics were there. Steak and kidney pie, black pudding, scotch eggs etc. The Aussies got a run too with their Vegemite on toast. Only about 5 Asian dishes out of 100, all from Japan, Philippines and India. Nothing from Korea, which I find baffling.

I can’t think of any Thai dish I’d have in my bottom 100, except maybe fried bugs at the night market.

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2 hours ago, BigHewer said:

Vegemite on toast.

I am not normally a food fascist, but anyone found with Vegemite should be jailed, as if it was a Class A drug and then banned from LOS for life.  Same for Marmite, Veggie spread,  anything remotely Vegan, Quorn, and Macdonald's.     

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