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Troubled vaccine registration site replaced by hospitals


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Abraham Lincoln famously advised people not to change horses midstream, but with the ever-changing vaccine rollout, the Thai government seems intent on test-driving the entire herd in the middle of the flood. A Tourism Authority of Thailand press release today confirmed the Department of Disease Control announcement of yet another new Covid-19 vaccine registration plan for foreigners. After the Thailand Intervac website launched less than a month ago, it was immediately plagued with data leaks, exposing all users’ personal data, and countless problems with sign-ups. The Ministry of Public Health and the DDC has now scrapped the website and are […]

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Hospitals are now only taking reservations for over 60's neighbors tried yesterday, 3 weeks ago the same place was registering anyone. 

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As of now only 2 hospitals are open for preregistration. One of those two is already sold out and they only offer Sinovac or Astra Zeneca.

Does anybody expect they will be overwhelmed with applications for an appointment.


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6 minutes ago, 9S_ said:

And now there’s over 9,500 cases! Wow

The number of positive tests (please don't call positive tests CASES) is not very meaningful when:

# it is not clear how many people have been tested, and where those tests have been taken (random testing, targeted testing, hospital admissions, etc.);

# when there is no follow-up, and it is not clear whether those initial positive tests, turned out to be actual infections needing  hospital treatment.

In the NewSpeak jargon of the covid-sociopaths every positive test is called a 'case', and such a positive test-result is perceived as almost a death sentence.  Yes, Covid is real, I am not denying that but this fear-mongering with numbers out-of-context is mainly fuelling panic and hysteria. 

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Very obvious now that control of virus has been lost..

Thailand must appeal to other countries for vaccine and help now or all hope will be lost 

US has offered and before India offered vaccine before... this must be accepted ASAP...

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1 hour ago, BlueSphinx said:

The number of positive tests (please don't call positive tests CASES) is not very meaningful when:

# it is not clear how many people have been tested, and where those tests have been taken (random testing, targeted testing, hospital admissions, etc.);

# when there is no follow-up, and it is not clear whether those initial positive tests, turned out to be actual infections needing  hospital treatment.

In the NewSpeak jargon of the covid-sociopaths every positive test is called a 'case', and such a positive test-result is perceived as almost a death sentence.  Yes, Covid is real, I am not denying that but this fear-mongering with numbers out-of-context is mainly fuelling panic and hysteria. 

Thailand does not update its testing numbers in any meaningful way. The reported numbers on Worldometer.com haven't changed in at least a week. So you are correct that we have positive tests with no total context. The positivity rate, from an epidemiological perspective, is a very important number to know.

I can understand the official over-handling of the disease however. This thing is new to us and we know so little about it. The last major zoonotic event - the 1918 flu epidemic - killed 50 - 100M people around the globe. We don't yet have a handle on long COVID where debilitating symptoms persist for months to ???. We don't know ???, because it's still new to us. Also awaiting explanation are the neurological and cardiovascular effects seen in mild to moderate cases: loss of gray matter, arterial plaque formation, pericarditis, etc. Because this is new to us.

Given that newness, I'd rather a government play it safer than maybe they have to rather than go all "jobs and the economy" and kill 600+K as they have done and are doing in the US.

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2 hours ago, BlueSphinx said:

The number of positive tests (please don't call positive tests CASES) is not very meaningful when:

# it is not clear how many people have been tested, and where those tests have been taken (random testing, targeted testing, hospital admissions, etc.);

# when there is no follow-up, and it is not clear whether those initial positive tests, turned out to be actual infections needing  hospital treatment.

In the NewSpeak jargon of the covid-sociopaths every positive test is called a 'case', and such a positive test-result is perceived as almost a death sentence.  Yes, Covid is real, I am not denying that but this fear-mongering with numbers out-of-context is mainly fuelling panic and hysteria. 

Mostly agree BlueSphinx.

The biggest problem with testing, as far as I can see, is that of using a test that is worthless; and indeed called fraudulent by many. That test is the PCR. It was evolved for use in laboratory conditions. The inventor himself - Dr Kary Mullis - said many times, that it should NOT be used as a diagnostic tool outside the strictly controlled environment of the lab'. Dr Mullis unfortunately is not here to witness the absolute abuse that his Nobel winning invention is being subjected to (died? in mid 2019).

Mostly, the PCR test has been used, either by those who don't know how to properly use it, or by those that know very well how its results can be manipulated. Manipulated results!!?? Run the cycles above 30 and the magnification is such that old chopped up bits of virus - that may have lay dormant for year - are brought out. Above 40 cycles; even a grape or ham sandwich will show positive. In the UK; cycles as high as 44 have been the norm. This measure of amplification makes a mockery of science.

The redefinition of the word 'cases' is a big issue. I'll explain: Nowhere in the medical and medical-scientific world has a 'case' have an ambiguous definition. Not, that is, until C-19 arrived on the scene. In medicine a case is an infection. In C-19 the case is taken to be someone who has the possibility of infection. It's an scientific abomination of the highest order.

I'll not go into how the PCR test actually works. That deserves a section on its own. And would also sent the thread wildly off-topic.

Why is the word 'case' being used in this way? In a word; fear. When people are scared they are more likely to comply.

Edited by snapdragon
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1 hour ago, JamesE said:

The last major zoonotic event - the 1918 flu epidemic - killed 50 - 100M people around the globe.

Can't agree James.

The millions of deaths, that started about 1915 and continued until well into the 19-twenties, was not the result of an epidemic. Far from it. Essentially it was the result of the WW1 war, but not completely. The huge amounts of drugs the troops were administered played its part. Ladies who worked with extremely toxic ingredients, outside of the front line, were also greatly affected. And then there was Radar.

Let's discuss!

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3 hours ago, TSS said:

great! must travel to dark red covid city to (possibly) register for crappy vaccine. nice.

No, you can only register / pre-register at a hospital in the area where you are registered.


Of the 18 million eligible to register nationwide (over 60, medical conditions, etc), only those in the area covered can register - not the entire 18 million at two hospitals in Bangkok!


Once they've been done (supposedly within two weeks), then registration and vaccination will be open in the provinces around Bangkok (supposedly by the end of the month), then it will be extended nationwide (supposedly by the end of August).



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4 hours ago, BlueSphinx said:

The number of positive tests (please don't call positive tests CASES)

Positive tests are cases by the medical definition of the term you yourself gave.


2 hours ago, snapdragon said:

That test is the PCR. It was evolved for use in laboratory conditions. The inventor himself - Dr Kary Mullis - said many times, that it should NOT be used as a diagnostic tool outside the strictly controlled environment of the lab'.

The test IS only used in laboratory conditions.  The samples are taken elsewhere, by a technician, then tested in a laboratory.

2 hours ago, snapdragon said:

Mostly, the PCR test has been used, either by those who don't know how to properly use it, or by those that know very well how its results can be manipulated. Manipulated results!!?? Run the cycles above 30 and the magnification is such that old chopped up bits of virus - that may have lay dormant for year - are brought out.

Uninformed and untrue.

The number of cycles required depends on the method used, and different manufacturers use different methods and so require a different number of cycles - many require over 30.


- and for what it's worth, if a virus is only "dead cells" as you've claimed elsewhere, they can't be "dormant".  It's not physically possible for something which is dead to be dormant making your absurd comments even more asinine.

2 hours ago, snapdragon said:

 In the UK; cycles as high as 44 have been the norm.

This is totally untrue, unsubstantiated, and simply a lie.


2 hours ago, snapdragon said:

Above 40 cycles; even a grape or ham sandwich will show positive. 

So what?  It's an absurd observation since if the tests are used according to the manufacturers' instructions grapes and ham sandwiches can't be tested.


It's as moot as saying that a thermometer is useless to check a person's temperature to see if they have a fever because if you test a cup of coffee it indicates the cup of coffee also has a fever; or saying that a tape measure can't be relied on to measure height or length because it may not be pulled taut. 


The tests, like anything else, simply have to be used in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.


Name any instance where they haven't been and the results have been accepted.  Any at all.




Edited by Stonker
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There is not really a system to track vaccinations, people can get 2, 3 or more jabs if they want, i got 1 jab of AZ and asked hospital what's the proof of vaccination, they said, if i need a proof, tell to call them. This means, i can register for Moderna <sarcasm here> Pfizer or anything else after getting second shot of AZ (i am pretty sure AZ x 2 is the best deal right now in Thailand) and wait for my alternative jab as a booster.

In a meantime, there are millions of people still waiting for the first shot. Living here for long enough, i am sorry to say, but when Thais hear "free" they will take 5 jabs if they can. Just look at Phuket, it's not enough they had 2, now they ask for mRNA booster now... those sandboxes are becoming a blackholes for everything in Thailand

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Well alexpty I got vaccinated last Thursday for Astra zeneca and I have both copies of my vaccination paper copy and electronic copy. I was vaccinated through the government hospital here in khon kaen and it was free. Now have date for second jab sent to me via my online account with them. 

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I was given jab 1 of Sinovac and at that time given an appointment for jab 2 exactly 4 weeks later.  Don't know if it'll completely keep infection free (I survived NY at it's height so not really worried) but I will be free.  For me getting the vax was the lesser of 2 evils.  Negative PCR tests to travel can add up monetarily pretty quickly.

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  • 1 month later...

hi registered at BNH hospital they sent my appointment date and time which was 11 am but told me to come 30 mins earlier i arrived 10.30 registered and had my injection 11.01 told me to wait then after 20 mins gave me a certificate  to show I've had the jab can not complain and everyone really helpfull so thumbs up for them

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9 hours ago, fitzs106 said:

hi registered at BNH hospital they sent my appointment date and time which was 11 am but told me to come 30 mins earlier i arrived 10.30 registered and had my injection 11.01 told me to wait then after 20 mins gave me a certificate  to show I've had the jab can not complain and everyone really helpfull so thumbs up for them

Makes a nice change to hear such positive comment and thanks for this, your second post on the forum.

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King Cotton

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