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What I'd like to do is explore the reasons why we get ill and sick.

Let me lay my cards on the table. I studied the body, and how it actually delivers energy to those parts of the body that need it at different times. Both at a teaching hospital, and at University. When we eat a piece of Christmas pud (or cake) what happens to it, and how does it eventually allow us to move, think and react? That sounds rather simplistic; but if we substituted Christmas pud, or cake, for general food and drink, it then begins to makes more sense. This, of course, is the upside. Lovely grub! The down side is what did we do wrong if the pud makes us ill? Did it not agree with us (nuts)? Were there germs on the sixpence? Did we eat too much of it? Did we wash it down with too much cola, or beer? Did we go for that 10 minute daily jog too soon? The body will tell us, If we can read it, and understand that it will look after us, if we look after it.

We get sick; but what does that actually mean? And what is actually happening in our bodies to make us feel poorly? Why do illnesses do us harm, and even kill us? Why do we get the runs? Why do we get headaches? Why do we get rashes? Why do we shiver when cold, or sweat when we are hot. Coughs and colds, and the dreaded C word, are everywhere; or so we are led to believe!

If this post gets you thinking, and you'd like to hear what I've got to say and discuss with me; then let's get to it. But!! Be prepared to read some stuff that you've never even thought of. And definitely not read anywhere else.

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Good topic Snapdragon.

I have always believed in the mantra "you are what you eat".  Sad to see so many Thai's consuming western-style fast foods, processed crap and sugary product.

Each downunder visit the over-weight young to middle age folk really stand out, hard to miss, ... pun intended :)

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Gradually, as the baby in the womb develops, it attains the attributes that will make it a complete being. After a short while in mum's tum the muscles are in place. The 400 eggs (some of which will hopefully be fertilised later), are in place. As are the fibres, that will later enable baby to walk, fight and do all sorts of humanly things. Also developed are the 9 or so, systems of the body. Many are vulnerable early on in life.

Baby pops out, and with any luck at all it will soon be nestling up to mum, and sucking. Wonderful food; mother's milk. Unless it's contaminated of course. How could that be? It's true that mother's milk goes through different stages to be made, but what if there is a toxin within the milk itself? A big worry for mothers who have had a gene therapy. But, let's not get into jib-jabs too early.

The baby grows. It learns, through its senses, what it likes, and what it doesn't. Baby can hear, smell, experience touching and soon will be able to see. It's body, although very vulnerable, is the very start of a fortress, that will stay with it forever. Well, almost forever. In the end it will fail itself.

Between birth and death, the body will have many battles (not as in war, which can also do harm), but childhood diseases, accidents, drugs and both electrical and chemical toxicity. The body's systems are constantly at work. Each working with the others to keep the body tickedy-boo. As soon as the fortress's defence is breached, cells, blood and energy are rushed to the site to fight the intruder. It then works feverously (pun intended) to eliminate what it thinks is the enemy and restore normality.

So what is the enemy? Well it's anything that upsets the body's well-being. This enemy could be as simple as too much alcohol, bad food, toxic air etc. It also includes medicine and injections and vaccines, and gene therapies. How does this 'enemy' get into the body? A number of ways. Through breathing in toxins. Through eating and drinking poisons. And of course by ingesting medicines, and the skin being breached by a injection/jab/shot.

But what about germs? I don't believe a healthy human can usually get sick through 'germs'. There could be exceptions to this of course. Imagine a germ that has been biologically altered in a lab and is free to wreak havoc. This leads us on to a word that is banded about everywhere; viruses. In my opinion, a virus does not, and indeed cannot, cause sickness. And I'll tell you why.

Good place to end the post; viruses. What say you?

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What are viruses?

Medical dictionary definition: 'Any of a large group of sub-microscopic infectious agents that are usually regarded as non-living extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, animals, and plants.'

I don't agree. The word has far too much compromised licence. It actually comes from a Latin meaning 'poisonous secretion'. Before that - and it's along while ago - virus was interchangeable with venom in everyday language.

Do we have any? Yes! Millions, if not billions of them. All of us. Can they cause us harm? No! Definitely not. Why not? Well firstly, they are not alive, and secondly, they can't replicate; although they can change their form, by one virus particle joining onto another.

Let's look at an analogy. The Ford Cortina. We all know what the Cortina looks like, and it is easily recognisable among other cars. Now if we were to absolutely dismantle it, there would be a few thousand bits of this and that. Then each bit was was bashed with a lump hammer. And then a ten year old kid was asked to point to 100 pieces (say) of Cortina junk; and a picture taken of each chosen piece. Next step is to take the images to a computer. Then feed in the images, and ask the clever computer to look at a 2021 model Bentley and reconstruct the Cortina. That's it. The images would be compared to the Bentley and with a bit of computer licence the new Cortina would appear. The new car would be unrecognisable. 99.9% computer guesses and 0.1 actual Cortina. Let's get back to the virus. The ones we see on the TV and in the papers and on the internet are computer generated.

Let's get back to the first sentence in the post. What are viruses? They are chomped up bits of cells. One thousand times smaller than yer average call, and 100 times smaller than a germ. They are absolutely everywhere. In our bodies, in the air, on plants and on all surfaces.

To find a virus particle in the body means there has been a battle; between sells. The body then tries to get rid of these virus particles. Cough; and a few thousand go. Runny poo; another few thousand. Sneeze; tens of thousands sprayed into the air or tissue. A rash; a few thousand more. And most importantly they take bits of the defeated cell with them.

So what's all the fuss about? This virus is a killer. Right! Absolutely no way! Viruses do not, and cannot cause illness. They are dead, inert and harmless. They have never been isolated although have been computer generated  (back to the bits of the Cortina). And indeed cannot be. There is also an accepted scientific criteria designed to establish a causative relationship between a microbe and a disease called: Koch Postulates. A virus cannot get past first, or any of the four bases.

Louis Pasteur convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease. His "germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria A virus cannot pass this.

So if it's not germs or viruses what does make us sick?

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Mr Smith; just home from work and feeling tired. "I have to go have a lay down dear." he tells the wife. "I don't feel so good. I think I'm coming down with something. I'm boiling hot." The dutiful wife is soon at the bedside with a cold flannel, chicken soup and paracetamol at the ready. She thinks her measures will all help get hubbies temperature down. "Can't eat anything dear. Just some water please."

Next day things are the same. "I think I'll call Dr Jones. You don't seem to be getting any better." The Doc arrives and takes Joe's temperature and pulse. Looks down his throat and quickly examines his tongue. "Nothing to worry about Mr Smith. Just a bug going around. Take this prescription for some tablets. Take one of each every six hours. Take the paracetamol if you feel uncomfortable, and keep up with the cold compress. Here's a seven day sick-note Mr Smith." Off goes the Doctor.

Mr Smith never mentioned that for a few days the guys that look after the Estate, had been using 'glyphosate' to kill the weeds around the industrial buildings. And the good Doctor never asked him what he had been up to recently and if he had been ding anything differently.

A few days later the fever has gone, but there's a nasty rash around the stomach and inner thighs and a dull headache. "Call the Doc again for me dear. Say that I've got these rashes. And a headache; despite taking paracetamol."

The wife does as requested. After a quick chat with the Doctor's Assistant she gets off to the pharmacy (which luckily is in the same building as the surgery) and returns with steroid based cream; and more pills.

Many will have experienced similar to Mr Smith. In this scant case study it was the 'glyphosate' that caused the sickness. Perhaps protective clothing was not used. Perhaps some got on Mr Smith's hands and he didn't wash it off fully before eating his sarnies.

The modern way of practising medicine is to treat the symptoms rather than investigate the causes. The symptoms are the body reacting to a toxin or poison that has inadvertently breached the body fortress.

In this thread, I will postulate and promote the view that germs and viruses do not contribute to, or cause, sickness or disease, but rather toxins, poisons and lifestyle.

Back to Mr Smith. The fever, tiredness and rashes, were all positive signs that his body was trying to rid itself of the poison that breached its defence. But what did the consultation with the doctor result in? Yes; more toxins the already-under-pressure body had to deal with.

Next post; the 'immune system'.

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  On 6/30/2021 at 9:27 AM, King Cotton said:

Great topic and fascinating opening posts. Get ready for tending your inbox, once the topic gets spotted!


I'm confident that I can robustly defend my stance. I hope to write in a very easy-to-read style; far removed from the usual scientific jargon that I've slogged my way through, down the years, to get at the truth,

Also confident that I can get some posters to think differently about illness, disease and inevitably C-19 and the jabs. Maybe help them to reassess their own situations.

I'll happily comment on any disease of the past (that I'm aware of) and give my views on it.

I'm not a Doctor. My study was energy systems and applied physiology.

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The Immune system.

The word 'immune' is generally taken to mean; Protection from outside influences. Resistant to a certain entity that might attack it, with a view to do harm or change its nature. For instance waterproof clothing. A computer antivirus, paint etc.

More specifically the body's 'immune system' is the body's ability to resist infection. And diving in deeper: The presence of antibodies, which are a special, and specific, kind of blood protein that is synthesized in lymphoid tissue in response to a particular antigen. It circulates in the plasma to attack the antigen to render it harmless'. Breathing in someone else's dodgy germs can, perhaps trigger our immune system.

Got it now!?

Well, I don't subscribe to much of the above. I don't believe there is an 'immune system' per say. I do not think that germs can be 'caught' from another person. And I don't believe the body manufactures specific antibodies to fight increasing numbers of diseases, that it might be subjected to. Does the body take note, of a bad thing it is subjected to, so it can brush it off in the future? I say it doesn't. Of course, in saying that, I'm then inferring that vaccines - of any sort - are useless. (Another post)

So the human body is defenceless then?! Certainly not. The body is an absolute fortress. It has evolved through millions of years to be our first-class defender to things that might harm us. The skin is a big protector. The lungs do a great job of stopping toxins getting into our blood. The stomach will sort through the ingested grub and liquids; taking out what it needs and sending the rest down the pan. And so on. The body has intricate and complex systems; lots of them. They work with each other to maintain a positive optimal state within the body.

But - to avoid getting too much complication - I'll condense it down to three, that if properly cared for, will look after us:

The chemical
The electrical
The emotional

The first concerns us with three basic entities; food, drink and air.
The second is the balance of the body's electrical mechanisms.
The last is our emotional well-being and state of mind.

I content that it is not germs that make us sick. Not viruses that make us sick. Not epidemics that make us sick.

It is the unbalancing of any the three states (above) that are responsible for sickness and illness.

Next post: food, drink, 5G and the war on human emotions.

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Food and drink.

Began typing yesterday, and before too long I'd accumulated well over 2000 words. Far, far to much (don't want to turn you good readers off), and this was just on food and drink. 5G will have to wait for another time. And I've chucked out much of my original text for readability's sake. Don't want to sound too much like a nerd.

The body is a complex, self-regulating, inter-connected, living organism. The substances that support these metabolic processes are obtained from food and drink. The body digests food, it's broken down and sent to various organs and tissues, where bio-chemical reactions occur. The fundamental and primary reason for eating food is to supply the body with nutrients. Why? To quote the eminent Dr Russell; "Every second of every minute, of every day, thousands of bio-chemical reactions are happening, in all cells, in all tissues of the body. The primary purpose of eating is to support these processes."

This process, in other words, is the body's maintenance in action.

Manufactured food:: In the western world, is now a substantial part of our diet. And unfortunately, this food is being sent, sold and consumed by billions of people worldwide.

Processed foods:: The food industry manufactures food products, and the result of mass processing, is the contamination of food by synthetic chemicals.

In the 1800's the adulteration of food was of major concern. This was the primary reason for countries to bring in food standards through regulation. ((A real-time case of adulteration is in Cambodia where rice-wine was fortified with methanol, causing injuries and deaths)). Inevitably the adulteration and contamination of food, led to changes. In 1960, UK regulation created; 'The 1860 Food Adulteration Act'. In the US, it was in 1906, when the; 'Pure Food and Drug Act' came into effect. This gradually morphed into the; 'Food and Drug Authority' (FDA) in 1930. These administrations may have started out with good intentions (?), but in effect gave the green light to big food, and big business, and big pharma.

The European Food safety Authority (EFA) followed suit and have on their web-site; ",,, that chemicals used to simulate, preserve and stimulate food and drink, may cause adverse 'effects',,,,,," But goes on to say,,,, "They are not harmful, unless the body is exposed to them for a long time or taken in high doses." What does this mean? The build up of mercury in the brain or toxins in the liver are OK, unless an individual has an effect, or dies??!!

The induction of substances that are not beneficial as nutrients are, to the body; poisons. These poisons usually are dealt with by the body's maintenance system. However, in many cases they are not. They are either too toxic or in too large quantities for natural excretion. If not removed, they are then 'stored' in the body, where, if they accumulate, can cause severe damage to tissues and organs.

And what of these modern natural foods!? Straight from the farmer's field into our mouths. Well, many have been sprayed in the fields with, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. These sprays are, on the whole, poisons. They are not eliminated by a rinse under the kitchen tap or by being placed in the fridge.

In my opinion the authorities and administrations that concern themselves with the food processes have been severely compromised. Natural healers are deemed to be indulging in quackery and those that stand against putting nasty things in our mouths or injected into us and deemed to be 'nutters' or even worse.

A healthy diet will include all the foods necessary, including vitamins and minerals. What is not healthy is food that has dyes added, or preservatives added, or sweeteners added, or been contaminating in the field by some toxic filth that once in the body cannot easily be eliminated.

What to do? Unfortunately the 'science' is not on food's side. Nor do the authorities seem to care much about us. The WHO is in my view, causing far more harm than good. Natural food and remedies have been under attack for over 100 years. So the enlightened must go against the WHO advice and take control for themselves.

The first thing is cut out all unnecessary food additives. Try to determine the origins of food. The pork trotter may look tempting, but if the poor pig had a dozen injections for this and that? Next, stick to a diet that is actually good in terms of nutrients. Keep cooking to a minimum. Better to eat a lightly cooked carrot than a soft over-cooked one. Broccoli should be crunchy. Fruit should be crisp. Up to half of food intake should be fruit and vegetables.

And what of drinks? Good clean water is essential. Bad water has been one of the major causes of premature death down the centuries, and it's vitally important. Beer! One glass, every now and again, will do little harm. Slice of birthday cake sir!?

Good place to end it on; beer and cake.

Next post; the electrical system of the body and 5G.

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I'm going to hold off posting the latest of the series - the electrical system of the body and 5G - for a couple of reasons.

One is a Freedom of Information Request in the UK about the 5G roll-out from someone that I'm in contact with. The reply is expected shortly and will contain interesting data.

Secondly is the startling news about the Pfizer 'jab'. A Spanish laboratory has analyzed the contents of the actual injection and found it to contain Graphene Oxide. Not a minute amount either, but more than 90% of the injected substance is Graphene Oxide. They (the clinic) also found just minute traces of DNA in the samples.

Apart from the fact that this has been kept top secret, Graphene Oxide a toxic destroyer of healthy human cells. It attacks the cells by basically slicing them open. The body maintenance will have an impossible task on its hands to remove this poison from its system once it's injected (more info' as I research further). But it should be added that Graphene Oxide also interferes with the electrical balance of the body. There is also the probability that it could render body tissues magnetic.

It cannot be fully eradicated, and there is fear that exposure to the 5G technology will cause untold damage.

Links available on PM.

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Do vaccines make for a more healthy body?

The vast majority of babies are born perfectly healthy. They cry; well who wouldn't coming from a dark, comfortable and relatively quiet environment into a hospital ward where shouts of 'it's a boy' ring around the room. After a quick wash, and slap on the bum, he is thrust onto mother's breast. It's a whole new world! Babies only do three things (to quote Kevin Keegan); "Eat, poo and sleep". Or was it sleep, eat and poo? Nice one Kev'.

The weeks slide by, and it's time for the first of a series of jabs. "This is protect baby from those nasties Mrs Smith." "I'm not sure I want him to get an injection so young doctor." "You don't want baby to die do you Mrs Smith?" "Of course not!" "But is there any risk to him?" "Not at all Mrs Smith." And the needle slides effortlessly in. Now baby is protected from one of many diseases. And some weeks later. "Another jab for baby is due Mrs Smith. Clinic at nine tomorrow morning." And so it goes on.

Time races by, and soon Robert is a young man thinking of starting a family of his own. Sees a girl who he likes the look of in the pub, and starts chatting. Hand on the knee. Nudge nudge, wink wink. Confetti and rice everywhere. Honeymoon in Devon.

"How many kids would you like honey?" "I'd like five." "What! Five!?" "Wish I'd asked you before we jumped the broom." Gentle poke in the ribs. "Never mind; we'll compromise; two and a half." "Tell me Lulu dear. Were you fully vaccinated as a child?" "Never had one! Parents didn't do me." "What about you Bob?" "Oh! I had all the jabs a-going. Mum was never one to make a fuss." "So what about our kids then?"

Kids will be along soon enough. Louise and Robert are both healthy. One was fully jabbed, the other not.

"Mum! Can I ask you a question?" "Sure Louise; fire away." "Why wasn't I vaccinated as a Kid?" "Your father was in Burma during the war, and he knew stuff." "Stuff! Like what?" And daughter listened, as her mother explained; stuff. "And that sat well with me, cause I didn't like hospitals back then. Dismal places; long corridors, cobwebs."

"What about you Bobby love? Why did your parents get you jabbed?" "It was the done thing. Doctor said it was best for me ; so they went ahead. "

Very scientific that; on both sides. Why should a baby get vaccinated? And what might happen if it didn't?

The promoters of vaccines will have you believe that their jabs have saved millions of lives - not only down the years - but now; in real time. And you will be much safer with a few jabs; especially when you are done as a youngster. Why is that? "Well giving the jabs early, will help baby develop an immunity against disease. Specific diseases need different vaccines. So the more diseases; the more jabs. The body remembers the jabs with its onboard memory. When the real-deal germs and viruses arrive, the antibodies spring into action, and soon have it sorted." This is the 'germ theory'. People get sick supposedly because of specific germs, and vaccines ensure that the illnesses, that the jabs were for, do not take hold.

So what is a healthy body? I say it's one that is equipped to fight off all the nasties that it will encounter; natural or otherwise. The human body is a marvellous bit of kit. It has evolved through millions of years to be naturally healthy. It is in constant maintenance mode. The body is a fortress. The skin stops things getting in and allows fluids out. The lungs filter out nasties, and the digestive system takes what it needs and disposes the waste. The blood takes nutrients around the body and works, in conjunction with the lungs, to ensure we get oxygen in and CO2 out. What could possibly go wrong? Well things do go wrong. Babies get sick. Kids get ill and adults wither away; sometimes before old age sets in. There have always been premature deaths, and also times of mass deaths.

What will happen to the new born not having jabs? How could baby possibly survive without those jabs? Could she ever be really healthy?

Those that don't subscribe to the 'germ theory' will say that local environments, a balanced lifestyle, and good nutrients will ensure excellent health.

A step into the past. The biggest step in eradicating smallpox was improved sanitation. It is little known, that injections to cure Smallpox were mandatory in England during the 1800s. Such carnage was caused (60,000 dead in one ten year period in England), that the bill was reversed in Parliament some thirty years later. There were cities that set about to improve their sanitary conditions. Their death counts were catastrophic. One of these was Leicester, and another was Cleveland in the US, where sanitary reforms took place, and vaccinations were abolished.

Cities at that time were often stinking places. Clean water and raw sewage were in close proximity. Food was basic, dirty, and of poor quality. Personal hygiene; non-existent, A body would have great difficulty remaining healthy under such conditions. The countryside was the better place to be until things improved after WW11. Although In the 1950s, especially in the east, Londoners were often subjected to smog so bad that people had to walk in front of buses with a lantern to show the way. Respiratory illness was rife. This paints a picture of an unhealthy environment; and so it was.

The conditions of living were, and still are, essential aspects of a healthy body; as important as food and drink. Although that's a known fact, it doesn't stop filth being pumped into our rivers and poisons dumped onto the land. The seas and oceans are also places that accumulate rubbish in huge quantities. A healthy environment is essential for a healthy humans. As are nutrients. Fresh, clean food and uncontaminated water.

The most important environmental development that ended Polio was the disuse of DDT. In the US, it's use, and the damage it was causing, was brought to the attention of JFK, who vowed to change things. But due to a tragedy, the plans were put on the back-burner; and DDT not banned until 1972.

So what of Lulu and Bobby's new born; a girl?

There are no inoculations and medicines that are 100% 'safe'. They all carry some risk. Some much more than others. If baby gets through to teenage years unharmed by the jabs, she should be OK. But wait! She is not going to have any. Does that make her any the more vulnerable? I say absolutely not!

Vaccines do not make a body more healthy. A good environment, healthy eating, and being free from electrical influences does. A bit of exercise helps; as does peace of mind, and a loving home.

Next post. Modern medicines. Why they can be so damaging, and how they are pushed upon a naive public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 1918 Spanish Flu

Many words have been written about the 1918 Spanish Flu. Books and medical papers abound. There is dispute about this sorry period of world history. Not so much on the death numbers, but more on why and how the causalities actually died.

But there is another battle; it raged throughout the period and still does. The battle is a scientific one. There are two sides; one is the 'germ theory' advocates, and the other is the 'terrain theory' of what causes illness, sickness and death. It is the 'germ theory' that is today the more accepted view of the causation of disease.

It's not surprising that this is the more accepted view, from WW1 onward medicine has been hijacked by Big Pharma. There is very big money in keeping people, not only unwell, but dependent upon medicine, simply to stay healthy. Not only that, but it lets off the hook, somewhat, those who have been for more than a century polluting the land, rivers and oceans with filthy poisons. But back to the Spanish Flu. The germ theorists would have us believe that this was a virus. A virus that had not been seen before, and of such contagion that it could not be contained. The germ theorists of the time were convinced that Pfeiffer's bacillus was the culprit; causing a combination of pneumonia and influenza.

The terrain theorists see things differently. They contend that the deaths started much earlier; around 1915, and faded away in about 1924/25. Making the span about 10 years.

Germ proponents believe that normally the body's immune system is basically at rest. It reacts to a germ or virus, that finds its way into the body, by attacking it. And if fortunate to overcome it, will produce a specific anti-body, the details of which are stored away, and when confronted by the same germ or virus again, will spring very quickly into action and stop it taking hold as before. This is also the concept of vaccines. A vaccine, either with a part of the real thing, or a copy/simulation is given to the human and gradually over the course of a few weeks, the body produces the anti-bodies. These anti-bodies are much quicker to work second time around and from then on. In 1918 the virus that was causing the deaths was tested in labs throughout the world and animal experimentation was commonplace. But not just animals. The 'volunteers' for these experiments, almost all being medicines, were civilian prisoners, army objectors and caught deserters.

Terrain disciples believe that Spanish Flu is a misnomer. There not being one symptom, or even a few; but a myriad of them, that often resulted in death. The evidence for it not being a virus or germ, is compelling.

Firstly a look at the ages of those that suffered. The age range 20 to 40 years of age covers virtually all the deaths. Although it was mostly males that died initially, there were many women also. Women in the military, and those involved with making, and assembling weapons of war. There were common exposures to Chlorine, the ingredients of TNT and other toxins.

The conditions in the trenches, and on the front lines, were atrocious. The military combatants were often up to their wastes in filth. Hygiene was not even a factor to be considered, and floating dead bodies the norm. Gas was employed big time. The average military man would be given a variety of injections and the use of aspirin, and other drugs, heavily deployed. Food was insufficient and of very poor quality. The transport of drinking water in jerry cans was the norm.

At the end of the war, millions of personnel, from many countries, returned home with had serious infections, physiological problems and and insurmountable psychological trauma. Stress played its part, and in came the psychological drugs. In 1918 the deaths count was massive, but then subsided a little. It was said that there were two waves. After the first there was a huge medical intervention. People were given as many as many as 24 different injections and medicines at one sitting; both men and women. The so called second wave then started. It worth reminding ourselves that medicines at that time were loaded with heavy metals and poisons.

There was considerable research also into how this disease could be transferred. Commonly it involved taking an infected person and trying to infect others. Coughing into people faces, putting 'snot' up other's noses, were the norm in these experiments/research. The records of these experiments are well documented, and further support the contention that the 1918 Flu epidemic was not a contagions disease, but the result of WW1 and the medical profession.  

The death count is reckoned to be upwards of 20 million; worldwide.

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  On 7/16/2021 at 9:33 AM, snapdragon said:

The 1918 Spanish Flu

Many words have been written about the 1918 Spanish Flu. Books and medical papers abound. There is dispute about this sorry period of world history. Not so much on the death numbers, but more on why and how the causalities actually died.



Hi Snap, thanks for this very interesting post on the origins of the Spanish Flu.  And glad you did take up posting again on this thread that you launched after a 1.5 week break.  Looking forward to further episodes in this series.

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  On 7/16/2021 at 1:22 PM, BlueSphinx said:

Hi Snap, thanks for this very interesting post on the origins of the Spanish Flu.  And glad you did take up posting again on this thread that you launched after a 1.5 week break.  Looking forward to further episodes in this series.


There are plenty of topics surrounding health that I'd like to post. From the black death up to covid.

It's interesting to note that during the Spanish Flu era, mask wearing was the done thing, and, just as today, any media outlet questioning the official narrative was quickly silenced. Also not so well known, was the amount of military personnel jailed for refusing the jabs; thousands.

It there is interest, I'd like to do a short essay on 'Typhoid Mary'.

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  On 7/16/2021 at 5:29 PM, Andrew Reeve said:

Yes snapdragon, i would like to read your view point on Typhoid Mary


I don't know that much about Mary Mallon, but my ancestors made their fortune harvesting Blue Point oysters off of Long Island, New York. These were the only oysters that Her Majesty Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland would allow to be served in Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle.
I would first take a swill of Bristol whiskey, give sweet Mary a giant smack on the lips, take her forcibly by the hand, over my shoulder and be on the first ship to Junk Ceylon.  

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  On 7/16/2021 at 7:17 PM, JTCarius said:


I don't know that much about Mary Mallon, but my ancestors made their fortune harvesting Blue Point oysters off of Long Island, New York. These were the only oysters that Her Majesty Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland would allow to be served in Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle.
I would first take a swill of Bristol whiskey, give sweet Mary a giant smack on the lips, take her forcibly by the hand, over my shoulder and be on the first ship to Junk Ceylon.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting topic, I recall my biology teacher telling us kids that the body is 60% water or thereabouts depending upon age / sex etc.

The chat developed into the chemical balance within the body and how easily it is disturbed and the effect it has on the whole system, such as not enough salt, too much sugar, too much seratonin etc etc, but what struck me as most interesting was the theory that "lunatics" were so called because the gravitational pull of the moon dictates the tides, and can also dictate the temperament of a person, hence the name, literally "illness caused by the moon", but it was not just restricted to poor mental health or mental illness.

With regards to some of the points raised, Smallpox was not spread due to poor sanitation, Cholera, typhus, TB and typhoid were, but Smallpox was not. Smallpox is spread via the Variola virus through bodily fluids, crust material from scabs or face to face contact.

Don't google the images though ! :(

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  On 6/30/2021 at 4:39 AM, snapdragon said:

Let me lay my cards on the table. I studied the body, and how it actually delivers energy to those parts of the body that need it at different times. Both at a teaching hospital, and at University.


Let me lay my cards on the table.  I didn't.

So  what actual qualifications did you leave the teaching hospital and uni with, since you're suggesting you were doing courses of study while you could have just been a perverted porter?

  On 7/6/2021 at 1:22 PM, snapdragon said:

Secondly is the startling news about the Pfizer 'jab'. A Spanish laboratory has analyzed the contents of the actual injection and found it to contain Graphene Oxide. Not a minute amount either, but more than 90% of the injected substance is Graphene Oxide. They (the clinic) also found just minute traces of DNA in the samples.


Has it really?

Could you name the lab, and give  a link to their published findings, supposedly by Dr Jose Luis Sevillano, published by Pablo Campra Madrid, a professor at the University of Almeria?

The University has actually described the report as "an unofficial report by a university professor about an analysis of a sample of unknown origin with a total lack of traceability" which hardly inspires confidence, particularly when Campra Madrid admits the vial supposedly containing Pfizer was of "unknown origin".

Or are you just going by what Dr Jane Ruby says, who  despite claiming to be a "medical expert" has no medical qualifications at all but has a doctorate in psychology?

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  On 8/3/2021 at 11:23 AM, Stonker said:

Could you also explain how the "graphene oxide" has somehow become colourless and clear, when a 1% concentration would make the vaccine dark brown or black, let alone a 99.9% concentration as actually claimed?


I think what is happening here is some research and testing by Pfizer, Some are the 'full monty', some are simply a placebo and others are laced with Graphene oxide. They would then be mote able to monitor what is happening on the ground. Have to bear in mind that big pharma has always avoided direct studies with a vaccine and a placebo in the past.

What bothers me with the graphine oxide is what happens to it when it's subjected to 5G. Thus is a twofold query.  If a batch of the shots are stored at a hospital and the hospital employs 5G, how will it effect the vials? Secondly, the graphene oxide in the body itself after being injected. Could this be the reason for the body being magnetised?

Interesting post Stonker.

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Dinner over, so my third and final instalment.

I've read Dr Jose's report, as I'm sure you have (?), so could you explain why he didn't separate the 99.9% of the vial contents he says were graphene oxide from the other 0.1%?

... how do you think he  could have separated them?

... and why did he only do the one test he says he did, which is completely subjective, and  no others?

Why that one?

... and if the vial was 99.9% graphene oxide why is it a clear, almost colourless liquid

Pretty basic stuff for someone with your academic and scientific background, but ......

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  On 8/1/2021 at 6:37 PM, Pongo said:

With regards to some of the points raised, Smallpox was not spread due to poor sanitation, Cholera, typhus, TB and typhoid were, but Smallpox was not. Smallpox is spread via the Variola virus through bodily fluids, crust material from scabs or face to face contact.


Smallpox caused by the Variola virus?! IMO, smallpox was a symptom of things seriously wrong with the body, not a disease that could be caught.

As I have stated a few times; I'm a terrain disciple. I don't believe that germs cause disease. And definitely not a normal virus. Why? Because they are dead matter. However I'm open to discuss the idea that a lab-produced bio-weapon could attach itself to a virus particle and be passed onto a person that could get ill-effects from it.

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