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Covid-19 round-up for expats 3: Are countries helping Thailand?


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With so much information swirling around the reopening of Thailand and the international tourism and vaccine distribution for foreigners, we thought we’d round up some updates for our readers about what your home country says about if you should travel to Thailand and how they are helping with a vaccine and the Covid-19 situation inside the Kingdom. The information in these reports is mainly about the United States, United Kingdom, European Union nations, and Australia. You can read each report here: Covid-19 round-up for expats 1: Should you travel to Thailand? Covid-19 round-up for expats 2: Will your country give […]

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Why no mention of China?

America has done nothing, nothing so far except empty promises. Ditto UK and the EU.

An embarrassment of future help but with a cost. Well lets see.

Edited by Poolie
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I am an American and I will come as soon as there is no quarantine.  I feel more safe in Thailand cities than some of American cities. 

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Why would the world give vaccines to Thailand ? Thailand is not poor. It is only through greed incompetence and corruption that the supply has dwindled . 

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8 minutes ago, TerryC said:

Why would the world give vaccines to Thailand ? Thailand is not poor. It is only through greed incompetence and corruption that the supply has dwindled . 

Too true! The powers-that-be need to be taking a long, hard look at themselves, the way things are shaping-up lately.


Hello, TerryC and welcome to Thaiger Talk

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King Cotton

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2 hours ago, Slugger said:

Why no mention of China?




You mean the country that started this horrific mess? Do you really want to head down that rabbit hole? Honestly I can't believe you even asked that question, it requires a certain level of blindness to do so. 

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2 hours ago, Thaiger said:

Thailand had originally declined to participate in the COVAX programme back inn February, ...

"originally" suggests that Thailand has since changed its position.

That is NOT correct, as Thailand has NOT joined the Covax programme.

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1 hour ago, TerryC said:

Thailand is not poor. It is only through greed incompetence and corruption that the supply has dwindled.

The supply hasn't "dwindled", it's always been limited but potential suppliers simply weren't approached as they should have been over six months ago, regardless of whether the chosen main supplier / manufacturer would be able to supply or not.  That never happened, and that's the sole reason for Thailand's shortage of vaccines.

... and while "greed"  may well be the major factor, "incompetence and corruption" are simply an easy excuse for that which has less and less credibility for many here.

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2 hours ago, Slugger said:

Why no mention of China?

America has done nothing, nothing so far except empty promises. Ditto UK and the EU.

An embarrassment of future help but with a cost. Well lets see.

UK has done nothing!

Apart than already given Thailand cheap vaccines, and set up manufacturing of the AstraZeeaca with essentual UK management, because if not the Thais who cannot read a map, or add three single numbers together without a calculator, could even not manufacture toothpaste!

Thais are going to sell this vaccine at a big profit to anyone in the next countries.

Meanwhile the government and authorities are becoming dollar millionaires

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3 hours ago, Slugger said:

Why no mention of China?

America has done nothing, nothing so far except empty promises. Ditto UK and the EU.

An embarrassment of future help but with a cost. Well lets see.


China has caused this mess. There is even a big chance that the virus indeed escaped from a lab. But even if this is not the case they are for 100% responsible for this virus and should be held financially responsible for it.


And then they sell vaccines that don't work.


What do you expect from the US and Europe? There are plenty of countries that have been able to buy vaccines. That Thailand has done this too late is not the fault of the US or of Europe.


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"Thailand had originally declined to participate in the COVAX programme back in February, citing the concern that joining the program would increase the cost of vaccines and bring delayed and uncertain vaccine deliveries that Thailand could avoid by going it alone."

They seem to have created the delays and uncertainties just fine by themselves.


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2 hours ago, TobyAndrews said:

UK has done nothing!

Apart than already given Thailand cheap vaccines, and set up manufacturing of the AstraZeeaca with essentual UK management, because if not the Thais who cannot read a map, or add three single numbers together without a calculator, could even not manufacture toothpaste!

Thais are going to sell this vaccine at a big profit to anyone in the next countries.

Meanwhile the government and authorities are becoming dollar millionaires

Well said Toby. Slugger needs a reality check 

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"Arbeit macht frei".  "Work will set you free." Banner headline over the gates to Auswitchz. Eerily prescient with the re-education China is currently meeting out to those that disagree with the CCP, and a major worry for those that love this country (Thailand) and see it setting itself up as the great oppressor's lapdog.

The notion of China as any sort of benefactor, to Thailand or multiple other Asean / AsiaPac countries it is busy taking over, is not only ignorant, but grossly offensive to anyone with even the slightest understanding of history and humanity.








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11 hours ago, EdwardV said:

You mean the country that started this horrific mess? Do you really want to head down that rabbit hole? Honestly I can't believe you even asked that question, it requires a certain level of blindness to do so. 

Despite that I do not like Chinese at all, they are loud and unpleasant people - same as the Yanks by the way - China has not caused this mess.

Please google 'first covid cases Italy' and you will find a very interesting Reuters article about it. Covid was present in Italy in September 2019. This is 3 months before it was found in Wuhan.


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US citizens abroad are required to pay taxes in the US even if they were not physically in the US for the entire year. Standard US response, we can help with information on local vaccine programs, but nothing more. My question to Biden is what are we getting in return of paying double taxes, in or country of residence and in the US, double taxation ! Or is it just membership fees to join the American big daddy of the world with absolutely nothing in return. No taxation without vaccination !!!

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13 minutes ago, Sam said:

US citizens abroad are required to pay taxes in the US even if they were not physically in the US for the entire year. Standard US response, we can help with information on local vaccine programs, but nothing more. My question to Biden is what are we getting in return of paying double taxes, in or country of residence and in the US, double taxation ! Or is it just membership fees to join the American big daddy of the world with absolutely nothing in return. No taxation without vaccination !!!

Oh dear, Sam! You do seem more than a little miffed by the US tax situation. Only yesterday, though, another US poster was at pains to point out that this double-taxing was offset by some standard refund or allowance. Any substance there?


Anyway, hello, Sam and welcome to Thaiger Talk

Please feel free to tell us a bit about yourself in 'Introductions'. It's good to pick-up on those sometimes differing regional or geographical perspectives.

And check-out the Guidelines, too, when you get a free minute. They're there to help us all enjoy our time here.

Happy posting

King Cotton


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I have been on a campaign to get a policy change to enable vaccination by the USA embassy. I have communicated with most all of agencys including cdc. FEMA, nih, and many politicians and news outlets. The frustrating part is not being able to talk with anyone who can do anything. I find my government unapproachable. I just paid over 50000 dollars in income tax and I cannot get a jab in the arm. Definitely taxation without vaccination.

I have had people at the us embassy confide that they themselves had not been vaccinated. How is this not like Benghazi?

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10 minutes ago, Vintageamerican said:

I have been on a campaign to get a policy change to enable vaccination by the USA embassy. I have communicated with most all of agencys including cdc. FEMA, nih, and many politicians and news outlets. The frustrating part is not being able to talk with anyone who can do anything. I find my government unapproachable. I just paid over 50000 dollars in income tax and I cannot get a jab in the arm. Definitely taxation without vaccination.

I have had people at the us embassy confide that they themselves had not been vaccinated. How is this not like Benghazi?

Another sad post about the lack of US aid and I have to agree, you more than have a point! Looks like a little lip-biting will be necessary . . . sorry!


Hello, Vintageamerican and welcome to Thaiger Talk

Please feel free to tell us a bit about yourself in 'Introductions'. It's good to pick-up on those sometimes differing regional or geographical perspectives.

And check-out the Guidelines, too, when you get a free minute. They're there to help us all enjoy our time here.

Happy posting

King Cotton

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I make a new conspiracy theory. 
The virus is from Mars!

the Chinese sent a rover to Mars that secretly sent a sample back that contained the virus. To be sure the Mars sample was safe they sent it to the hunan lab where it escaped. The virus is mad about earth invading Mars and is intent on taking over humans brains making them into martians. The only way to stay human is to get vaccinated! ?

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The UK is doing absolutely nothing to help it’s citizens here I wrote to the embassy only the other day, and received a box standard fob off email back 


Thank you for your email.


The nationwide rollout of vaccines in Thailand began on 7th June. The Thai government has said it will include all foreign residents, starting with those over the age of 60 or with the following health conditions: 

Severe Chronic Respiratory Disease 

Coronary Artery Disease 

Chronic Kidney Disease (5th stage) 



Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy 


Obesity (over 100 kg or BMI greater than 35) 

If you meet these criteria you can register for a vaccine via the Ministry of Public Health website https://thailandintervac.com/ (registration opens daily at noon – 3pm). 


If you do not meet any of these criteria, you can register for a vaccine via https://thailandintervac.com/expatriates 

We are aware that vaccine appointments are currently full; however, the Ministry Of Public Health advises that more appointments will become available as soon as possible.   


The only vaccines that have been approved and procured for use in Thailand are AstraZeneca, Sinovac and Sinopharm. You may not be able to choose which you receive. You should contact the hospital or vaccination centre for more information if you have any concerns. The Thai government anticipates that Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be available by the end of the year. 

The only vaccine centres currently available are Vimut, MedPark and PhayaThai2 hospitals, which are all in Bangkok. It is anticipated that more locations will be added in future.  

As Provincial Offices manage the distribution of vaccines, some provinces may prioritise different groups or have different ways to register for a vaccine. You should check with your local provincial authority.  

The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) also anticipates that vaccines will be available at private hospitals throughout the second phase of the vaccination rollout. They will provide more information when available.  


We understand that the Government Pharmaceuticals Organization will place an order for 10 million doses of the Moderna vaccine on behalf of the Private Hospital Association. The first batch is expected to arrive in October and will cost 3800 baht for two doses. We will provide information about how to register for these vaccines when available. 


For more information on travel and living overseas during COVID-19, please visit the coronavirus (COVID-19) pages on our Travel Advice website.  

You can also sign up to our Thailand Travel Advice and UK in Thailand Twitter and/or Facebook pages to keep up to date with any future announcements.  


We will issue updates direct to your email when we receive updated information from The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) and Ministry Of Public Health relating to the vaccination programme in Thailand. If you would like to receive these updates, please reply to this email. 



Kind Regards,


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2 hours ago, 321BOOM said:

Despite that I do not like Chinese at all, they are loud and unpleasant people - same as the Yanks by the way - China has not caused this mess.

Please google 'first covid cases Italy' and you will find a very interesting Reuters article about it. Covid was present in Italy in September 2019. This is 3 months before it was found in Wuhan.

Who pay you for that nonsense? China is responsible for the whole mess this is proven by international investigations and sciencetists!

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16 hours ago, Slugger said:

Why no mention of China?

America has done nothing, nothing so far except empty promises. Ditto UK and the EU.

An embarrassment of future help but with a cost. Well lets see.

Your daily dose of nonsense! 

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13 hours ago, TobyAndrews said:

UK has done nothing!

Apart than already given Thailand cheap vaccines, and set up manufacturing of the AstraZeeaca with essentual UK management, because if not the Thais who cannot read a map, or add three single numbers together without a calculator, could even not manufacture toothpaste!

Thais are going to sell this vaccine at a big profit to anyone in the next countries.

Meanwhile the government and authorities are becoming dollar millionaires

would have thought they wanted to help but saving face is what this is about ? blocking outsider to help their own people is forbidden and would not look good for the current government

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Don't expect anything from Australia. Vaccine rollout here a shambles. Just put in an army top brass bloke to try and sort it out. Morrison does that so whenever something goes wrong he can blame someone else.

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