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Well I’m going to be 73 years old soon , I suppose getting to this age is in some way a bonus and I should really count my lucky stars that I've made it his far without to many serious health issues or life changing upsets. 

The problem I’m now constantly having is that I can’t get the thought out of my mind that at my advanced age my time here on earth is running out. I've now become obsessed with checking out online obituaries just to see at what age other people passed away . When I see some one has passed away say at the age of 90 , seeing that fact some how gives me hope that I to could reach that same advanced age before I kick the bucket . Then I see that some one has passed away at my current age , and that makes me feel downhearted and depressed.☹️

I really wish I could come across an antidote that would shake me out of this age related dying obsession , but my over active mind just won’t let me forget that I’m now on the slippery slope leading to my cremation .

Just wondering if there may be any others here that like my self are in the later stages of life and may be having the same or similar   ‘’ I’m going to die soon ‘’   thoughts . And if so can you offer me guidance on how to cope with my obsession. 



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 You're only 73 and healthy ...?

What you complain about ? Having to die one day ? All of us will die one day .

You should be happy that you made it that far and enjoy every day you have without thinking about death .

My mother died when 94 , but suffered ( we did ) from her Alzheimer for 10 years ... incontinent , unable to recognize or remember anybody , her life was suffering , as did we who cared for her .

May be that is what you want ?

It is only natural to consider one's mortality when you get into your seventies. Nothing wrong with that, when it is proportional in your other thoughts.  Obvious reactions are to keep active, (golf, swimming, walking?)  but above all, keep your brain active.  Ways to do this, read a lot of none fiction, register to do some low level online teaching, get a good group of friends that you can debate issues with, out of a bar scene that is. Do more of what you always love to do, be that cooking, eating great food, travelling around, having pets; whatever, just do more of it.  Number one for me is to have an active sex life.  Okay, not as you had in your youth, but don't abandon the benefits, both physical and mental of a good sex life, or at least a regular one. 

Finally, come to terms with the obvious and unavoidable fact of your own eventual death.  It comes to all living things, so you need to be mentally accepting of that.  I am not at all religious and so i'm happy with the fact that when i am dead, i will not know it, so why worry about something that you can't control and that you will not know anything about.

If you need to debate it more and you just need a person to debate \with, PM me any time. 

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  On 5/9/2022 at 3:40 AM, Pinetree said:

 Number one for me is to have an active sex life. 


Yes the most important but also need to make sure the rest of the body is up for it e.g. sufficient calcium intake to make sure the pelvis bones are in tip top condition for the rigorous thrusting and pumping. 

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Horses for Courses.

A few blokes I've known over the years seemed to get a second wind.  Next thing I knew they were showing me a video of them screaming Yee Haw, hair on fire, as they threw themselves out of an airplane for the first time at 75.  Sky diving!  Because, why not!  😄

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  On 5/9/2022 at 2:00 AM, Lumpy_Custard said:

Well I’m going to be 73 years old soon , I suppose getting to this age is in some way a bonus and I should really count my lucky stars that I've made it his far without to many serious health issues or life changing upsets. 

The problem I’m now constantly having is that I can’t get the thought out of my mind that at my advanced age my time here on earth is running out. I've now become obsessed with checking out online obituaries just to see at what age other people passed away . When I see some one has passed away say at the age of 90 , seeing that fact some how gives me hope that I to could reach that same advanced age before I kick the bucket . Then I see that some one has passed away at my current age , and that makes me feel downhearted and depressed.☹️

I really wish I could come across an antidote that would shake me out of this age related dying obsession , but my over active mind just won’t let me forget that I’m now on the slippery slope leading to my cremation .

Just wondering if there may be any others here that like my self are in the later stages of life and may be having the same or similar   ‘’ I’m going to die soon ‘’   thoughts . And if so can you offer me guidance on how to cope with my obsession. 




Reborn rich and good looking. Nothing to fear.

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My mum died during COVID aged 74. I was speaking to her on the Tuesday and she was absolutely fine, and then she was dead on the Friday. 

You never know what time you have left. 

I suggest you spend less time thinking and more time doing. You're a long time dead. 

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Firstly, Condolences on your loss.

The same applies to hoarding cash and assets. 

If one calculates one has enough to age 100 on ones present budget, then one should really start doing those bucket list things, if this lockdown and Ukraine war has not taught us that time and opportunity can be stolen in more ways than death, then nothing will. 

Money comes and goes, as long as one has the capacity to dream up ways to make it, whereas time only goes...

Travel while you can, wise up and do drugs! Either take mushrooms, understand the universe, and remove your fear of death, or go out on a blazing rockstar drug and hooker binge; there's good reason Rockstar's do drugs, and are willing to risk death in doing so, there's also a reason the man goes to great lengths to stop you, and it's not for your wellbeing! Learn to pilot any craft thats always fascinated you, visit that fabled land, go on a world cruise, volunteer for Ukraine in any capacity, eat in a few of the worlds best restaurants, or just read a hudred great books you've always wanted to, whatever, just don't get found dead of frailty in front of a flatscreen. or die drunk on a motosai coming home from a sad Thai bar.

Edited by Zorba_the_Geek
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  On 5/9/2022 at 2:00 AM, Lumpy_Custard said:

Well I’m going to be 73 years old soon , I suppose getting to this age is in some way a bonus and I should really count my lucky stars that I've made it his far without to many serious health issues or life changing upsets. 

The problem I’m now constantly having is that I can’t get the thought out of my mind that at my advanced age my time here on earth is running out. I've now become obsessed with checking out online obituaries just to see at what age other people passed away . When I see some one has passed away say at the age of 90 , seeing that fact some how gives me hope that I to could reach that same advanced age before I kick the bucket . Then I see that some one has passed away at my current age , and that makes me feel downhearted and depressed.☹️

I really wish I could come across an antidote that would shake me out of this age related dying obsession , but my over active mind just won’t let me forget that I’m now on the slippery slope leading to my cremation .

Just wondering if there may be any others here that like my self are in the later stages of life and may be having the same or similar   ‘’ I’m going to die soon ‘’   thoughts . And if so can you offer me guidance on how to cope with my obsession. 




Explore magic mushrooms, I'm totally serious. The best (cubensis cyanosis) grow in Thailand, anywhere there's Buffalo grazing, go online and educate yourself. Then, take a trip, you'll cure your fear of death, I guarantee you!

I'm 61. A good place to start is watch Joe Rogans psychedelic interviews or any Paul Stamets talk on YouTube. 

Dont let fear of criminalisation steal this life-changing experience from you, to hell with those benighted fools. Your time is running out! Dont die never knowing.

Edited by Zorba_the_Geek
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  On 5/9/2022 at 2:00 AM, Lumpy_Custard said:

The problem I’m now constantly having is that I can’t get the thought out of my mind that at my advanced age my time here on earth is running out


This might be your problem you're thinking about it to much.

There's one thing you'll never be able to bet on in life and that's when your number is gonna get punched.

Tonight a few 20 something year old's will die in RTA's on the roads here others will OD last week a 22 year old Aussie fell to his death from a balcony in Phuket .

There the sad statistics as they hadn't lived a life yet.

So Lumpy_Custard put it out of your head and keep moving forward and hopefully when it happens you won't know anything about it.

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Thank guy’s for your comments and advice. I know only to well that some will say , look stop your whining and be thankful that you have made it this far . Deep down I know that so far I've been very lucky in my past never having a serious illness or medical complaint , as apposed to several close retired friends who succumbed to medical issues and passed away at a younger age than my self. I’m not or have ever been a religious person , but after saying that may be having a strong religious belief that may offer the possibility of life after death / reincarnation , sounds inviting and a spiritual crutch that may be comforting to some devotees as they approach the end of their natural life span. 

I lead a fairly routine and some what rural lonely life out in the sticks , where the nearest city is  about a 160 km round trip away . The majority of my close retired expat friends have sadly all passed away , which only leaves me the weekly small meeting of other expats from the surrounding area . Those weekly retired expat get togethers generally consist of consuming large quantities of Chang beer and complaining about Thailand .

Another area which is causing me some concern is this. At 73 years of age may be its now time to stop worrying and fretting about the watching what I eat syndrome along with the ever present ‘’ get some exercise ‘’  advice . Surely there must come a time when you reach such an advanced age where no matter what amount of controlling your eating habits or daily running on a treadmill is not going to make one iota of difference to the out come when it comes to prolonging your life span . 

Your thoughts on the above  would really be appreciated.👍

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Well lumpy I'm 12 years younger than you and I do live a balanced life here. I excercise by walking(6 miles everyday) and playing golf, I play guitar and paint sometimes. Yes I enjoy a drink but not everyday, and ignore the Thailand haters. Life is for living no matter what age you are not dwelling on death as it comes to us all eventually. Keep the brain active and sit back and enjoy, do things that you've always wanted to do. You cannot dwell on what if, what might be scenario enjoy your time only.good luck

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  On 5/25/2022 at 12:52 AM, Geo said:

Well lumpy I'm 12 years younger than you and I do live a balanced life here. I excercise by walking(6 miles everyday) and playing golf, I play guitar and paint sometimes. Yes I enjoy a drink but not everyday, and ignore the Thailand haters. Life is for living no matter what age you are not dwelling on death as it comes to us all eventually. Keep the brain active and sit back and enjoy, do things that you've always wanted to do. You cannot dwell on what if, what might be scenario enjoy your time only.good luck


Hi Geo

Thanks for the encouragement its appreciated. Currently I seem to have lost the will and enthusiasm on many fronts. Getting more motivated is some thing I must try and do . I don’t have any real close local friends to talk to , so I tend to be seeking advice and feed back within this forum. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am of a similar age to the OP and have similar thoughts. Passed all the major milestones and shrugged them off but recently having turned 74 it occurred to me "firk, this is getting serious". Not been out of Thailand for 10 years and I realise how lucky I have been with my health. The main concern, the elephant in the room, is senility and/or being generally incapacitated and being unable to care for myself. I am looking at making plans for possible future problems. For the moment no immediate worries, as has been said just carry on living sensibly. 

Edited by Wanderer
  • 1 month later...

My mum will be 99 come DecemberI'm 71 and in good nick considering my past of alcohol abuse,50 Gauloises a day (stopped at 40)a mild cocaine habit for 20 years and working in a stress job as a cook.I hope they pass the law that allows those over 75 to decide the time they die.I have nobody to wipe my arse if I become bedridden.Untill then I've just booked a flight to Thailand for November,four weeks in pattaya! Bring it on.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a good job that will allow me to consider retirement in about five years.

Once that time comes I don't plan to not have any time to worry about my mortality, I plan to live every day as if it is my last (but be kind to others always). I will complete my bucket list and grow old disgracefully 😛.

I ride motorbikes, drink beer, whiskey and a little red wine and I plan to go into my grave at 100MPH screaming 'how much fun was that'.

Live every day as it comes, you have no control over when the reaper comes for you so enjoy life until the day you cant. 

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I too am 73.  Two years ago I lost my closest personal friend who had pancreatic cancer.  Despite facing certain death he remained happy.  When I asked him how he replied he had a great life, far better than most. 

For me, so long as I am healthy the fact that I have rounded third base and heading home really does not bother me.  I look forward to doing some traveling and candidly don't worry that one day like with everyone it will be my time to go. 

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