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News Forum - Tourism officials not bothered by US advice to citizens to avoid travel to Thailand

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1 hour ago, Faz said:

Try checking the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention website that was clearly mentioned as the source in the Thaiger article.


Level 4: COVID-19 Very High

I think you should first check you have the right source Fred.

Thanks Faz. My preferred source in travel information in the STEP program for American citizens. Since they haven't issue a warning since Nov I had my doubts. In spite I of this the covid threat throughout Thailand seems to be getting worse. This is not the time to relax restrictions and might be the time to go back to stronger measures. Thai people are actively talking about the needs for stronger measure and seem upset about relaxing things for foreign tourists. What I heard said today was,"we're Thai and should come first". The person wasn't hostile towards me but I understand his emotion. 

People are home quarantined if exposed and this seems to be well monitored.  The number of cases and hospitalized parient is quite high, we're as 6 months ago people were proud of low numbers. 

Stronger measures might be a good idea.


  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, LoongFred said:

Thanks Faz. My preferred source in travel information in the STEP program for American citizens. Since they haven't issue a warning since Nov I had my doubts. In spite I of this the covid threat throughout Thailand seems to be getting worse. This is not the time to relax restrictions and might be the time to go back to stronger measures. Thai people are actively talking about the needs for stronger measure and seem upset about relaxing things for foreign tourists. What I heard said today was,"we're Thai and should come first". The person wasn't hostile towards me but I understand his emotion. 

People are home quarantined if exposed and this seems to be well monitored.  The number of cases and hospitalized parient is quite high, we're as 6 months ago people were proud of low numbers. 

Stronger measures might be a good idea.

Haa is that why TAT was enticing Arabs to come and today TAT is welcoming Boat Tourist saying Phuket is safe after 4 Indonesians arrived in Phuket by Boat. How is this stopping the rise in Covid? Money Money Money.

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1 hour ago, LoongFred said:

My preferred source in travel information in the STEP program for American citizens

The official US travel advisories are issued by the Department of State. 


3 hours ago, Faz said:

Try checking the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention website that was clearly mentioned as the source in the Thaiger article.


Level 4: COVID-19 Very High

I think you should first check you have the right source Fred.

Got my Step notice on the 7th


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10 hours ago, Marc26 said:

You do understand how pandemics work right?

They move around and infect areas as go and places surge while other area's surge dissipate 

And you seriously can't be putting the US up ad some sort of success in Covid?

I mean that is laughable 

It is laughable for you to believe the numbers reported in Thailand, I wonder how they know what the numbers are in Thailand withe very few test done, I know they go to a temple and talk to a fortune teller.

Thailand is great for many things but not facts figures and science.

I am not from the USA by the way but I know which country I would want to be in if I needed medical facts.

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1 hour ago, JamesR said:

It is laughable for you to believe the numbers reported in Thailand, I wonder how they know what the numbers are in Thailand withe very few test done, I know they go to a temple and talk to a fortune teller.

Thailand is great for many things but not facts figures and science.

I am not from the USA by the way but I know which country I would want to be in if I needed medical facts.

Burkino Faso?

2 hours ago, JamesR said:

It is laughable for you to believe the numbers reported in Thailand, I wonder how they know what the numbers are in Thailand withe very few test done, I know they go to a temple and talk to a fortune teller.

Thailand is great for many things but not facts figures and science.

I am not from the USA by the way but I know which country I would want to be in if I needed medical facts.

I don't recall ever mentioning anything about #'s in Thailand 

May I interject - look American peeps have some of the best skiing in the world, whistler etc etc our American peeps have  the best beaches in the world , California etc etc so the only Americans that would be fussed about coming to Thailand are fully signed up sex pests yes ? 

This directive will be utterly meaningless to non sex pests given their options 

17 hours ago, Poolie said:

Well, seeing as how I'm not comparing Thailand with 'Murca that's a moot point. You shot your mouth off without thinking. So YOU 'do the math.' Have a nice day. 😃


8 hours ago, Marc26 said:

I don't recall ever mentioning anything about #'s in Thailand 

You said, "And you seriously can't be putting the US up ad some sort of success in Covid?"

I am assuming by success you must mean the American had more death/infections proportionally compered to Thailand, to know that you need numbers, hence my mention of numbers. 

3 hours ago, JamesR said:

You said, "And you seriously can't be putting the US up ad some sort of success in Covid?"

I am assuming by success you must mean the American had more death/infections proportionally compered to Thailand, to know that you need numbers, hence my mention of numbers. 

I think it's pretty safe to say you shouldn't put up the US against any country as some sort of success, in terms of Covid 

  • Haha 1
33 minutes ago, Marc26 said:

I think it's pretty safe to say you shouldn't put up the US against any country as some sort of success, in terms of Covid 

True as it is not a level playing field, countries like the USA and the West etc do mass tests, monitor the situation medically and many other countries do very little testing and so look like they have less cases/deaths proportionally  and thus can claim they  have done better job.

We the West have certainly have done much better with the vaccine roll out than Thailand as they could not organise a piss up in a brewery over this type of organisation. 

But Thailand is very efficient with other areas though for example planning permission for building a house , in the UK you have to jump through all sorts of hoops and spend six months or more getting permission, I had a house built near the beach in Rayong in 2019 and after a cheeky seven grand baht donation to the housing officer I had everything done in two weeks, great. 

2 hours ago, Marc26 said:

I think it's pretty safe to say you shouldn't put up the US against any country as some sort of success, in terms of Covid 

I think it’s extremely difficult to compare countries. For me, the variables which are so complex when it comes to comparisons are:

Testing regime: How many random tests are done each day. Access to free ATK’s or having to buy them.

Death Rate: What is the definition of a Covid death? Seems so different between countries.

Political structure: Comparison of liberal democracies with places such as China are impossible. Can you imagine for example what would happen if scenes of New Yorkers being pulled out of apartments to quarantine had been on the news.

Compliance of society: Western cultures see governments as servants of the people, who need to be accountable to the people. To be monitored, questioned, checked and investigated. Many other countries see their governments as some wise old uncle who knows what’s best. If they tell them wear a face mask, they do.

Balance of economy and safety of people: Most western countries have such high levels of social support that it’s imperative to keep the economy moving. Closing down and stalling supply chains decimates businesses, destroys investor confidence and cripples the economy. Others place put the burden of living back on the people and let them get on with it. Very little state support except for key industries such as Utilities, Aviation and Mining.

Access to vaccines and take up: This is one of the most complex areas  everything from corruption to profits to vaccines hesitancy.

Other Factors: These include population density. How mobile the population is. The climate and Indoor Vs Outdoor lifestyles.

You take all of the above (and most likely many more) and mix them all together with various degrees of emphasis on one or the other and the permutations are almost endless.  Consequently, while you can look at individual areas such as vaccination rates or deaths/100,000 and make some high level comparison, to claim one has done better than the other  remains difficult. The only thing I believe we can say about this pandemic, is that we learned little from previous ones, and most likely will learn nothing from this one  science once again has come to our aid and yet governments will quickly abandon research funds and spend their money on jet fighters and bombs. 


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