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Personal T&G obstacles


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I am booked to go to Thailand Apr 27 to June 5th


Two small obstacles/annoyances I have, but not a huge concern............


I would like to book a 5 day T&G package but my wife is going to Thailand for a month before me

So if we want her to stay at my hotel

I need to book Day 1 and 5 T&G separate, then days 2/3/4 and move rooms................again not a huge deal


Day 5 Test..........

I am not going to book anything for after day 5 because if I test positive, then I lose money on bookings

I plan on heading to Kanchanaburi for 2-3 days after Day 5 test/stay over but will just have to book things that day


Again, not huge deals but minor annoyances............

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