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News Forum - Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters


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Phuket is lined up to get some of the millions of Moderna vaccines arriving in Thailand now with plans to begin administering fourth vaccines – second booster shots – beginning later this month. The Phuket Provincial Administration Organisation has allocated budget money to procure 60,000 Moderna vaccines for residents of the province. Phuket has been among the most successful regions for tourism regrowth, as its Sandbox was the first location in Thailand to reopen at the beginning of July, 4 months before the rest of the country attempted to relaunch in November. But the increase in tourists and workers returning […]

The story Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters as seen on Thaiger News.

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40 minutes ago, Thaiger said:

Phuket is lined up to get some of the millions of Moderna vaccines arriving in Thailand now with plans to begin administering fourth vaccines – second booster shots – beginning later this month. The Phuket Provincial Administration Organisation has allocated budget money to procure 60,000 Moderna vaccines for residents of the province. Phuket has been among the most successful regions for tourism regrowth, as its Sandbox was the first location in Thailand to reopen at the beginning of July, 4 months before the rest of the country attempted to relaunch in November. But the increase in tourists and workers returning […]

The story Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters as seen on Thaiger News.

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Unfortunate that many in the rest of the country haven't been able to get a first mRNA jab yet, let alone a fourth.

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20 minutes ago, Stonker said:

Unfortunate that many in the rest of the country haven't been able to get a first mRNA jab yet, let alone a fourth.

Why? If four doesn't do the job does it really even matter?

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10 minutes ago, BraveNewFahrenheit said:

Why? If four doesn't do the job does it really even matter?

It obviously does to those who want them 😂!

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A GROSSLY INCORRECT and misleading statement in the Thaiger article "Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters".

The article states: Booster vaccines have been proven to be vastly more effective than the first 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, so PPAO officials are focusing on booster vaccines for the residents of Phuket in hopes of avoiding snags in the economic recovery.

In the official report by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) in UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 , Table 1b provides the Modeled probability for testing positive on COVID-19, : November 29, 2021 to 12 December 2021.


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosewhotestpositiveforcovid19

These numbers show that if you have Covid and have received 3 doses of the vaccine, you are 4.45 times more likely to test Omicron positive than if you are not vaccinated (and 2.26 times if you had 2 jabs).

You might argue that the above was only an estimate as calculated by the ONS based on limited data. 

BUT we now also have the real-life figures for Omicron from the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, and they show that people fully vaccinated are 8.12 times more likely to have an infection with Omicron than unvaccinated people

Source: https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html

> Booster-madness...

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1 hour ago, BlueSphinx said:

A GROSSLY INCORRECT and misleading statement in the Thaiger article "Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters".

The article states: Booster vaccines have been proven to be vastly more effective than the first 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, so PPAO officials are focusing on booster vaccines for the residents of Phuket in hopes of avoiding snags in the economic recovery.

In the official report by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) in UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 , Table 1b provides the Modeled probability for testing positive on COVID-19, : November 29, 2021 to 12 December 2021.


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosewhotestpositiveforcovid19

These numbers show that if you have Covid and have received 3 doses of the vaccine, you are 4.45 times more likely to test Omicron positive than if you are not vaccinated (and 2.26 times if you had 2 jabs).

You might argue that the above was only an estimate as calculated by the ONS based on limited data. 

BUT we now also have the real-life figures for Omicron from the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, and they show that people fully vaccinated are 8.12 times more likely to have an infection with Omicron than unvaccinated people

Source: https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html

> Booster-madness...

Excellent post! Thank you! 

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3 hours ago, Thaiger said:

he Phuket Provincial Administration Organisation has allocated budget money to procure 60,000 Moderna vaccines for residents of the province.

Good, that are 120.000 booster jabs, since they "just" give 50 mcg, instead of the full dose 100 mcg.

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1 hour ago, yetanother said:

"4th boosters" 

are you kidding me ? 

this is out of control

It is/will be the 4. jab, but the 2. booster!

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7 hours ago, BlueSphinx said:

A GROSSLY INCORRECT and misleading statement in the Thaiger article "Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters".

The article states: Booster vaccines have been proven to be vastly more effective than the first 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, so PPAO officials are focusing on booster vaccines for the residents of Phuket in hopes of avoiding snags in the economic recovery.

In the official report by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) in UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 , Table 1b provides the Modeled probability for testing positive on COVID-19, : November 29, 2021 to 12 December 2021.


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosewhotestpositiveforcovid19

These numbers show that if you have Covid and have received 3 doses of the vaccine, you are 4.45 times more likely to test Omicron positive than if you are not vaccinated (and 2.26 times if you had 2 jabs).

You might argue that the above was only an estimate as calculated by the ONS based on limited data. 

BUT we now also have the real-life figures for Omicron from the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, and they show that people fully vaccinated are 8.12 times more likely to have an infection with Omicron than unvaccinated people

Source: https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html

> Booster-madness...

Welcome to the vaccine treadmill. If the first two doses don’t work, why does another dose of the same product miraculously work?  I would make a conclusion, but then I would be called a conspiracy theorist and any post I made would be moderated!

glad to see the penny is dropping for more people on here that seem to more readily absorb the never-ending worldwide propaganda. More might get revealed now as a judge has ruled that Pfizer must produce all the documentation related to its vaccine in eight months rather than on the 75 years that they said they needed!

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9 hours ago, BraveNewFahrenheit said:

Why? If four doesn't do the job does it really even matter?

The obsessive and continuous push for short-lived periodic boosters is becoming a bit OTT.


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1 hour ago, Cg66 said:

Welcome to the vaccine treadmill. If the first two doses don’t work, why does another dose of the same product miraculously work?  I would make a conclusion, but then I would be called a conspiracy theorist and any post I made would be moderated!

glad to see the penny is dropping for more people on here that seem to more readily absorb the never-ending worldwide propaganda. More might get revealed now as a judge has ruled that Pfizer must produce all the documentation related to its vaccine in eight months rather than on the 75 years that they said they needed!

Aside all this, we should probably stop referring to them as vaccines - that's not really what they are. 

Not of the traditional definition and science.

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1 hour ago, DesperateOldHand said:

Aside all this, we should probably stop referring to them as vaccines - that's not really what they are. 

Not of the traditional definition and science.

Oh but they literally changed the definition of vaccine last year! Funny that we have also changed what an anti-vaxxer is as well...dont comply 100% with any gov't bs and you are antivaxx.

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Nah. It's a pass from me. I have 2 x Sino and 1 x Pfizer. I'm done. Forget 4th, 5th or whatever weird regime is cooked up in a Thailand no name hospital as being the next awesome thing, based on a sample size of 3.

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What a load of c**p I'm reading on here. What the ONS article actually discussed was the probability of vaccinated/unvaccinated people contracting the omicron variant. The essential point (conveniently ignored here) is that unvaccinated people were found to be more likely to contract other variants, and are more likely to be infected by 'a' Covid-19 variant than unvaccinated. This article gives some (accurate) info:


And that's just the chance of being infected. The key point about the whole issue is that the vaccines massively protect against illness and death. If you're not capable of interpreting stats these graphics from the UK tell you all you need to know:


Ignore the first peak, where deaths were measured but cases weren't (low testing) and ignore the omicron data where we're still waiting for real data. The second peak, before vaccination, in Jan 2021 showed a peak of 60k cases per day and 1250 deaths, before a lockdown kicked in. That's a mortality of 1 in 48, although asymptomatic cases really mean more like 1 in 100. I.e. dreadful.

The second wave from July-November showed an average of about 40k cases per day but the death toll was down to about 120 per day. This was after vaccination kicked in so the vaccines are obviously doing a fantastic job. In fact it is even better than that - about half of the ca. 120 per day were from the small proportion (10%) of unvaccinated population, PLUS the case numbers were pulled right down because the vaccines heavily reduced transmission rates.

So the stone cold FACTS are that the vaccines have been incredibly successful - the AZ vaccine alone has saved over a million lives so far. Countries like the US, where the vaccination percentage is much lower, are continuing to see a massive death toll, almost all of which is from unvaccinated people. 

Clearly omicron transmits much more easily but we already know that vaccination provides real protection, especially with a booster. It remains to be seen how the mortality figures will look with both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.



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20 hours ago, yetanother said:

"4th boosters" 

are you kidding me ? 

this is out of control

Make no mistake they are most definitely in control - gradually destroying our body's natural immune systems by way of something that's not a vaccine.

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21 hours ago, BlueSphinx said:

A GROSSLY INCORRECT and misleading statement in the Thaiger article "Phuket to get 60,000 Moderna vaccines for 4th boosters".

The article states: Booster vaccines have been proven to be vastly more effective than the first 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, so PPAO officials are focusing on booster vaccines for the residents of Phuket in hopes of avoiding snags in the economic recovery.

In the official report by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) in UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19 , Table 1b provides the Modeled probability for testing positive on COVID-19, : November 29, 2021 to 12 December 2021.


Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosewhotestpositiveforcovid19

These numbers show that if you have Covid and have received 3 doses of the vaccine, you are 4.45 times more likely to test Omicron positive than if you are not vaccinated (and 2.26 times if you had 2 jabs).

You might argue that the above was only an estimate as calculated by the ONS based on limited data. 

BUT we now also have the real-life figures for Omicron from the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, and they show that people fully vaccinated are 8.12 times more likely to have an infection with Omicron than unvaccinated people

Source: https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html

> Booster-madness...


I hate it when misinterpretations of valid data is used to construct misinformation (and how the unaware embellish and propagate it).

The OP seems to have done this not out of naivety, but with actual intent. For example, table 1b does not provide "the modeled probability for testing positive on COVID-19" as the OP claims. It does provide "the modelled likelihood of testing positive with an Omicron probable result in people who test positive for COVID-1", i.e. it shows how the distribution of the causing variant in infected cases changes. To put it anthropomorphically: the more jabs you've got, especially the previous variants throw in the towel quicker and in desperation start looking for the lesser vaccinated.

I reckon the OP would have a field day if e.g. 100% vaccination would be achieved, for then only the vaccinated would get Covid-19.

PS: don't bother with the last link. It just leads to a homepage instead of the study that was vaguely referred to.


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