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News Forum - Top virologist explains reduced potency of Omicron infections


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A leading virologist and health expert in Thailand has laid out his beliefs on Omicron’s lack of potency and why it’s a step in the right direction. Dr Yong Poovorawan is the chief of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University and has been a top advisor on Covid-19 in Thailand since the pandemic began. Now he’s taken to Facebook to outline the details of how the Omicron infections result in weaker symptoms than previous variants. With the Omicron variant spreading rapidly, daily infections have surged worldwide, but the death rate has […]

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39 minutes ago, Freeduhdumb said:

Second Thai Doc in the know with Good news... Is the government listening?

Do you live under a rock? Good news hasn't been allowed for a long time already. Especially since 2020.

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18 minutes ago, yetanother said:

"Over 9 billion vaccines have been given worldwide and Dr Yong believes that billions of people have immunity now"

no mention of which vaccines, their separate effectivenesses against particular variants, age groups, side effects, boosters.....doesnt seem particularly fact-based

That does seem rather odd. Quite well understood, even in the scientific community, that this crop of newly invented vaccines have a brief shelve life of effectiveness. With each progressive mutation, even less so. 

These "vaccines" are based on prophylactic properties for temporary measures - hence, the repeated shots, boosters, etc - and doesn't create long lasting immunity.

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He is nothing but a publicity seeking regurgitator of what all can read in tabloid newspapers. Where is his research paper published in a reputable medical journal? It does not exist!

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1 hour ago, DesperateOldHand said:

That does seem rather odd. Quite well understood, even in the scientific community, that this crop of newly invented vaccines have a brief shelve life of effectiveness. With each progressive mutation, even less so. 

These "vaccines" are based on prophylactic properties for temporary measures - hence, the repeated shots, boosters, etc - and doesn't create long lasting immunity.

Oh, so you're a virologist? Even if you were, your last statement has no veracity unless you are able to see into the future as vaccines have only been given for less than 2 years and boosters for far less. So, please keep your unfounded and flippant opinions to yourself!

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15 minutes ago, Jahbu said:

Oh, so you're a virologist? Even if you were, your last statement has no veracity unless you are able to see into the future as vaccines have only been given for less than 2 years and boosters for far less. So, please keep your unfounded and flippant opinions to yourself!

welcome to the forum.

perhaps saying something like "we are all entitled to our opinions but i disagree with you and here is why..." would be a bit more appropriate instead of telling someone they can't speak.  

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38 minutes ago, Jahbu said:

Oh, so you're a virologist? Even if you were, your last statement has no veracity unless you are able to see into the future as vaccines have only been given for less than 2 years and boosters for far less. So, please keep your unfounded and flippant opinions to yourself!

You ain't a virologist unless you predict death and misery, isn't it? 😂

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10 hours ago, Thaiger said:

A leading virologist and health expert in Thailand has laid out his beliefs on Omicron’s lack of potency and why it’s a step in the right direction. Dr Yong Poovorawan is the chief of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University and has been a top advisor on Covid-19 in Thailand since the pandemic began. Now he’s taken to Facebook to outline the details of how the Omicron infections result in weaker symptoms than previous variants. With the Omicron variant spreading rapidly, daily infections have surged worldwide, but the death rate has […]

The story Top virologist explains reduced potency of Omicron infections as seen on Thaiger News.

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The same people that caught Covid a year ago are going to get it again. Antibodies from vaccination or previous infection don't last forever. The same people that overwhelmed hospitals before are poised to be going right back. Because that is who they are. They are perpetually sick and a constant strain on the health care system, even before the pandemic.

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1 hour ago, Pompies said:

He is nothing but a publicity seeking regurgitator of what all can read in tabloid newspapers. Where is his research paper published in a reputable medical journal? It does not exist!

Thailand does not have dominant Omicron population to begin with to do a proper research paper? Maybe he can add value to whether one can get Beta, Delta and Omicron all together at one time and will the fully Vax resident of Thai die from it will be beneficial to the community.

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I'm an American, 73 yo with diabetes living in Pattaya who has been vaccinated with 2 Pfizer shots the second of which was in March 2021. I'd like to get a booster but am being denied because I'm being told the Thai government won't allow 3 Pfizer shots.  None of the health officials here know when a booster will be available for me. Does anyone here know what my options are to get a booster in Thailand? 

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38 minutes ago, Lawyers_Guns_and_Money said:

The same people that caught Covid a year ago are going to get it again. Antibodies from vaccination or previous infection don't last forever. The same people that overwhelmed hospitals before are poised to be going right back. Because that is who they are. They are perpetually sick and a constant strain on the health care system, even before the pandemic.

So, they should stay healthy and keep fit, because no matter vaccine or not, they will eventually get it. Mostly these are the unhealthy people and the old people. 

But what do they do first? Close all the gyms. Also in the past every park and beach, where you can do exercise. 

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14 minutes ago, Tommyg567 said:

I'm an American, 73 yo with diabetes living in Pattaya who has been vaccinated with 2 Pfizer shots the second of which was in March 2021. I'd like to get a booster but am being denied because I'm being told the Thai government won't allow 3 Pfizer shots.  None of the health officials here know when a booster will be available for me. Does anyone here know what my options are to get a booster in Thailand? 

Lie and state that you haven't gotten shots yet.

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Chasing the world population with boosters is a losing race... its just logistically impossible. And considering most of the southern hemisphere is under-vaccinated, expect another variant. Possibly the best thing to have happened in a less deadly omicron running its course. Presumably the next variant will be even less deadly (but I've hear medical talking heads say that's no guarantee), and this turns into just another corona virus (like cold and flu). But don't be fooled, recovered patients don't have "forever" immunity (that's like thinking if you get 1 cold you never get another). Which is just as ridiculous as believing vaccinated can't/don't/shouldn't get sick. Recovery or vax status has only as much relevance as the latest mutation will allow. The best development will be the virus grows less deadly over time... I hope we are on that path now. Then the immune compromised, elderly, and inclined can get the booster annually. That's an easier task.

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4 hours ago, yetanother said:

"Over 9 billion vaccines have been given worldwide and Dr Yong believes that billions of people have immunity now"

Mostly to wealth countries, it would seem. Considering a world population approaching 8 billion, and even with ~300 million recoveries (per https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/), the level of immunity globally is likely less rosy than "9 billion vaccines" would suggest. Not to mention immunity wanes over time.

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

welcome to the forum.

perhaps saying something like "we are all entitled to our opinions but i disagree with you and here is why..." would be a bit more appropriate instead of telling someone they can't speak.  

Not when such opinions and misinformation are stated with the claim of truth. This has been going on for far too long and it has caused fear, confusion, and worse, throughout the world. At this point in our society with the ease of spreading information around the world in seconds it is our responsibility to be ultra careful and diligent in what we say and claim. I have every right and reason to be angry and fed up with the wreckless and dangerous spread of clearly false information. 

In this case it couldn't be more clear. Claiming knowledge of long term effects when there has not been a long term yet, is obviously false on its face. I am a very patient and respectful person, but this has gone on way too long and way too far. If you want to rail against something, how about the devastion and extinction of thousands, if not closer to a million, of species on this planet, or the fact that big oil companies knew about the threat of global warming long before admitting to it, and their continued resistance to dealing with it. And there's plenty more...

Since vaccines have been given starting over a year ago deaths and cases with severe symtoms have gone down. Global deaths peaked last Jan 27 at 17,544, basically concurrent with the start of the global vaccine effort. Yesterdays fatalities were 7,520. Most of the deaths from Covid last year were found in unvaccinated people. Overwhelmingly so, according to the UK's Office for National Statistics vaccinated people had a 96% lower rate of death than unvaccinated people. 

Now I empathize with those who have serious levels of distrust of governments and the mass media; very much. There so many obvious reasons to deserve such. But, a global campaign to poison the world with so called vaccines (or some such other related claim) is not one of them. To back this claim of mine up, I ask you to use reason. Such a campaign would entail the coordination, cooperation, and basicaly, conspiracy of millions of doctors, health workers, beauracrats, technocrats, and others from all over the world.  Do you really think this is possible? What other example in history can you point to that required such massive international cooperation and for a devious end?  And who is controlling it? And how?

And why? To lower population? If so, this would be such a wreckless and random way to attempt such a massive, and basically insane, undertaking. If these people have had such incredible success at bringing millions of minions to their side, don't you think they'd have a much better and accurate plan?

And where is the hard evidence??? Evidence from various sources that have been around for a long time and have a proven track record of accuracy and legitimacy. And what about the millions of doctors, health workers, etc that wouldn't be involved in the conspiracy? You don't think they'd be seeing the discrepencies right before their eyes and blow the whistle? Again, I'm not talking about a handful, or even a couple of hundred of doctors/scientists crying foul (how many of these people are dying for attention, money, etc.?) No, if this were really a global conspiracy, there'd be tens of thousands of them.

I'm sure you've heard of the long used strategy by the powerful over history of "Divide and Conquer." What if this virus is like many before in world history, in that it can devastate/ upend society and the world is just trying to deal with it as best it can. And, at the same time, certain powerful players on the planet are disseminating misinformation to do exactly that to us; divide and counquer. It seems to me, that, intentional or not, it's working.



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I always go back to the 'safe level of alcohol weekly' researchers in the UK. They came up with the figure of 28, then thought 'hang on, thats bit high.'

So they halved it.

I've never believed a Government statistic since.

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