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Pfizer new antiviral Covid treatment

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Bad news for Merck (and patients):

Molnupiravir isn't as effective as first thought, setting it further apart from Pfizer's Paxlovid (assuming Pfizer don't have disappointing news later as well)


On 11/17/2021 at 8:10 AM, Bob20 said:

Pfizer doesn't produce ivermectin. Merck does, and could have made a huge amount of money since the start of the pandemic, except for the fact that they say it doesn't work.

Now why would big pharma, only keen on making money according to some, not have taken advantage of the situation? They didn't just -not- promote it and openly said it doesn't work, but they didn't even produce huge stockpiles for the ones who wanted to buy it voluntarily! That says enough really.

Just came accross this 10 days old post...

How wrong again... Merck's patent on ivermectin expired in 1996 (https://www.scielosp.org/article/bwho/2004.v82n8/562-562/) so Merck cannot make a penny out of Ivermectin.

Instead Merck makes a huge amount of money here https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/14/merck-drug-prices-us-healthcare-big-pharma

So obviously this is a coincidence that Merck made a statement a while back saying that Ivermectin is useless for covid. Honest question here: do you believe that?

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