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News Forum - CoE will be replaced by Thailand Pass, in development

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2 minutes ago, Stardust said:

But this was the same at the kung crash thats why many were surprised about the crash. But you not have to be guru just the numbers and a bit math. Just only the private houshold debts reaching 98% of the gdp this alone creates a huge liquidity shortage, then plus the state houshould deficits. Then you will need a huge influx of liquidity from outside of the country to compensate that. With the structure of the economy from Thailand it is only possible by tourism and foreign invests. Foreign invests went down since 7 years and tourism is gone. It is like 1-1=0. Only read the numbers and some math. And numbers are facts and they not care what they believe or their ideology. 

And currency rates have other factors, so don't make the mistake only watch on that number if you want to know the situation of the economy. This mistake they made exactly before the last crash. There are other numbers more important! 

For those mistaken that I am a tourist, I've lived here since 2008, but I do like to leave and be a tourist elsewhere and return. I have family in Lao but as of now impossible to go, Lao is basically closed, and return due to all the scams etc. 

36 minutes ago, Sgtsabai said:

For those mistaken that I am a tourist, I've lived here since 2008, but I do like to leave and be a tourist elsewhere and return. I have family in Lao but as of now impossible to go, Lao is basically closed, and return due to all the scams etc. 

They do say a fool and his money are soon parted.

17 hours ago, Soidog said:

Don’t laugh @gummy, I’ve just got one of my 7 kids to take this picture to prove it.


What did you smack your forehead on? That looks like it could be a nasty bruise. Too many 🤦‍♂️from reading the comments?

On 10/15/2021 at 2:56 PM, Jason said:

Proof of identity, proof of vaccination, proof of negative PCR test. If you ask me for more than that...forget it. I'll go the Seychelles instead. Thailand is anything but Covid free. Maybe they should let in anyone from countries whose number of active Covid cases is less than Thailand.

Probably an empty threat that authorities will ignore.  Since your hooked on Thai issues already, you'll be coming here no matter what. Does Seychelles have everything you want?

On 10/15/2021 at 7:25 PM, DoUKnowWhoIAm said:

This will make a huge difference... 😒

"reduce their time of seeking permission to enter Thailand from 3-6 to 1-3 days."


Are you talking about the waiting time on PCR-test upon arrival? 3-6 hours to 1-3 days. Some article I read, it only takes 1 night on SHA-ASQ.

4 minutes ago, DiJoDavO said:

In development? 

For foreign tourists coming here? 

*grabs popcorn*

I’m gonna stick my neck out and give another prediction on how this will go:

At 23:59:59 GMT the website will suddenly burst in to life. People will be able to upload their visa document (it’s no the same as uploading on the COE site before). They will be able to upload their passport page (No, not really the same as the COE process at all). They will be able to also upload their Covid health insurance certificate (And no, it’s not anything like the COE uploads). They can then provide details of their hotel (I know what you are thinking, but it’s not the same).  Finally they can upload details of their flight (ok, I’m not going to say this again. It is NOT the same as the COE). After a delay, you will be presented with a QR code that you can download to your phone (See. Nothing like the COE.  Although I would also print off the QR code document just in case). 

Simple you see and nothing remotely like the COE process. If you live in Thailand you had better stand clear. The tourists are coming by the millions. 

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On 10/16/2021 at 4:11 AM, Soidog said:

I still think these guys know exactly what they are doing. The very last thing they want right now is 1,000,000 tourists a month to arrive. It is deliberately being eased off slowly in order to do three things:

1.  Make local people believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I never ceased to be amazed how many Thais send me texts and links to news articles saying “good news”, “see you in Thailand soon”. They actually believe it. 

2.  Make foreign investors think they have a plan which they are pushing ahead with and we’ll ahead of regional completion such as Vietnam. Again, these people say in front of their trading desks in London Hong Kong and New York believe all this stuff. 

3. Buy a few more months to get vaccination levels much higher  

The last thing the Thai government want or need is mass tourism to return just yet. If they did, why limit the changes to 5 countries. Why not Spain and France and Norway and Sweden and Canada etc etc. These people are no fools. They are just evil and cynical.  

I'm not sure about if they really thought it through. Individually, Thai people can be smart, but when they all have some function and have to work together, nothing gets done. 

They always come up with an idea and they think they can make something out if it without a plan. So I think this kind of 3d chess thinking is not really possible for them as it requires a plan. 😅

When they go with the idea without plan it'll come with the usual huge amount of 'shit, we forgot about this.... And that..... And what about this then?' 

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Soidog said:

I’m gonna stick my neck out and give another prediction on how this will go:

At 23:59:59 GMT the website will suddenly burst in to life. People will be able to upload their visa document (it’s no the same as uploading on the COE site before). They will be able to upload their passport page (No, not really the same as the COE process at all). They will be able to also upload their Covid health insurance certificate (And no, it’s not anything like the COE uploads). They can then provide details of their hotel (I know what you are thinking, but it’s not the same).  Finally they can upload details of their flight (ok, I’m not going to say this again. It is NOT the same as the COE). After a delay, you will be presented with a QR code that you can download to your phone (See. Nothing like the COE.  Although I would also print off the QR code document just in case). 

Simple you see and nothing remotely like the COE process. If you live in Thailand you had better stand clear. The tourists are coming by the millions. 

They didn't say flight number would be required!🤣 Everything is so much better now.

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, ace035 said:

Are you talking about the waiting time on PCR-test upon arrival? 3-6 hours to 1-3 days. Some article I read, it only takes 1 night on SHA-ASQ.

No, they're saying that the current waiting time for a CoE is 3-6d, while with the new Thailand Pass- system, they claim it'll be cut to 1-3d. But of course, it's just plain rubbish, and it won't make any impact at all on a tourists decision whether to travel to Thailand or not.

The processing time is very different on embassies around the world, and I can't see why this new system would be better. The requirements are basically the same as before. And the more applications, the longer processing time, I would've thought. I know people who've waited for weeks and even missed their flights. While in my case, I got a CoE twice, and on both occasions it took less than 12h. They don't know what they're talking about.

The PCR testing on arrival is even more obscure, will it be done at the airport, or on arrival at a SAH+ hotel? How many SAH+ nights do you need to pre-book for your Thailand Pass? Let's say its 1 night, what happens if the result is delayed? No one knows.


If you ask me, it would've been better if they just kept the current CoE system as it is, until 70% of the population is vaxxed, then just scrap the whole thing.



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This is the latest flowchart though bugger all about how many nights in an ASQ ! I believe its only 1 but a) how do you get there b) where do you get your PCR test c) is it delivered to you or the hotel d) once it comes through can you get out immediately ? 


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7 minutes ago, Benroon said:

This is the latest flowchart though bugger all about how many nights in an ASQ ! I believe its only 1 but a) how do you get there b) where do you get your PCR test c) is it delivered to you or the hotel d) once it comes through can you get out immediately ? 


Their little cartoon mentioned a website. I checked. It's not there yet. (http://www.thailandpass.go.th/)

I think their data flow might need a pump.

  • Haha 1
33 minutes ago, JamesE said:

Their little cartoon mentioned a website. I checked. It's not there yet. (http://www.thailandpass.go.th/)

I think their data flow might need a pump.

Yep - but if you google the site it comes up with the excerpt below, note 'will exist' - which basically buys them another 2 weeks to rescind it all ! 😄

The MFA / Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently announced that the Certificate of Entry (COE) will be replaced with the "Thailand Pass" system starting November 1st, 2021. The "Thailand Pass" online registration system will exist on https://thailandpass.go.th, and should be accessible by November 1st, 2021.


6 minutes ago, Benroon said:

should be accessible by November 1st, 2021.

Oh, so that will be helpful. "Should" is always so reassuring when you're looking to drop a few grand on vacation.

I'm sticking with my analysis that they really don't want a lot of tourists and, while making things "easier" looks like they're trying, they're not really trying hard enough to meet the goals set by TAT. There's no way that is accidental.

So they crater the high-season to keep the numbers modest and the workers back in their villages as they continue to vaccinate people and work at rebuilding the rest of the economy.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Soidog said:

I’m gonna stick my neck out and give another prediction on how this will go:

At 23:59:59 GMT the website will suddenly burst in to life. People will be able to upload their visa document (it’s no the same as uploading on the COE site before). They will be able to upload their passport page (No, not really the same as the COE process at all). They will be able to also upload their Covid health insurance certificate (And no, it’s not anything like the COE uploads). They can then provide details of their hotel (I know what you are thinking, but it’s not the same).  Finally they can upload details of their flight (ok, I’m not going to say this again. It is NOT the same as the COE). After a delay, you will be presented with a QR code that you can download to your phone (See. Nothing like the COE.  Although I would also print off the QR code document just in case). 

Simple you see and nothing remotely like the COE process. If you live in Thailand you had better stand clear. The tourists are coming by the millions. 

Agree - and here is another less likely prediction - but definitely possible (slightly).  Bocelli walks on stage to give his performance at 5 minutes to midnight and away he goes singing beautifully.  Problem is he cannot see that there is no one there - someone in authority forgot to remove the 11pm curfew.  BiB get a complaint from the Thai locals about loud noises - the BiB come and arrest him for breaking the curfew 😆

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, JamesE said:

Oh, so that will be helpful. "Should" is always so reassuring when you're looking to drop a few grand on vacation.

I'm sticking with my analysis that they really don't want a lot of tourists and, while making things "easier" looks like they're trying, they're not really trying hard enough to meet the goals set by TAT. There's no way that is accidental.

So they crater the high-season to keep the numbers modest and the workers back in their villages as they continue to vaccinate people and work at rebuilding the rest of the economy.

Sorry James, but you are wrong about that (underlined).  They are that disjointed and disconnected from what it takes to manage things in a country.  Senior Military people are often not the best at managing 'dissent' or alternative views to any given situation.  Usually, they are not at all used to being questioned, and often they are unable to accept criticism.  Mistakes of the past are not discussed because they are irrelevant to the task at hand (in their mindsets). 'Planning' is about implementing exactly the 'orders' as given - and they are not about questioning them, or the validity of the directed implementation of them.  Remember: "yours is not to question why, yours is to do or to die". 



  • Like 3
2 hours ago, JamesE said:

Oh, so that will be helpful. "Should" is always so reassuring when you're looking to drop a few grand on vacation.

I'm sticking with my analysis that they really don't want a lot of tourists and, while making things "easier" looks like they're trying, they're not really trying hard enough to meet the goals set by TAT. There's no way that is accidental.

So they crater the high-season to keep the numbers modest and the workers back in their villages as they continue to vaccinate people and work at rebuilding the rest of the economy.

A friend near me in Udon went back to Pennsylvania for a family emergency.
He's hoping to return mid-November.
Originally he was going to call the Thai consulate in NYC for advice. I said I bet they don't know what will be happening, as the government don't even know yet.
This is his reply just now:

"As for the Thai consulate in NYC, I didn't call them, but I did some snooping around in the "Farangs stranded in Thailand" group and learned that Covid insurance will most likely still be required and that the "no quarantine" after Nov. 1st will still involve 1 day of quarantine at an ASQ until you get tested. THEN, you have to stay in a "blue zone" for 7 days...you can move about freely and choose a cheaper hotel, but you would have to stay in a mysterious "blue zone" that nobody really seems to understand yet."


  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, Bluesofa said:

A friend near me in Udon went back to Pennsylvania for a family emergency.
He's hoping to return mid-November.
Originally he was going to call the Thai consulate in NYC for advice. I said I bet they don't know what will be happening, as the government don't even know yet.
This is his reply just now:

"As for the Thai consulate in NYC, I didn't call them, but I did some snooping around in the "Farangs stranded in Thailand" group and learned that Covid insurance will most likely still be required and that the "no quarantine" after Nov. 1st will still involve 1 day of quarantine at an ASQ until you get tested. THEN, you have to stay in a "blue zone" for 7 days...you can move about freely and choose a cheaper hotel, but you would have to stay in a mysterious "blue zone" that nobody really seems to understand yet."


Perhaps " Blue zone" in Thai should be translated to Twilight zone?

  • Haha 2
31 minutes ago, Bluesofa said:

A friend near me in Udon went back to Pennsylvania for a family emergency.
He's hoping to return mid-November.
Originally he was going to call the Thai consulate in NYC for advice. I said I bet they don't know what will be happening, as the government don't even know yet.
This is his reply just now:

"As for the Thai consulate in NYC, I didn't call them, but I did some snooping around in the "Farangs stranded in Thailand" group and learned that Covid insurance will most likely still be required and that the "no quarantine" after Nov. 1st will still involve 1 day of quarantine at an ASQ until you get tested. THEN, you have to stay in a "blue zone" for 7 days...you can move about freely and choose a cheaper hotel, but you would have to stay in a mysterious "blue zone" that nobody really seems to understand yet."


This "Blue Zone" narrative has been around for a while. It's basically the borders of the Sandbox when you don't have the benefit of jellyfish infested waters surrounding an island to keep the tourists confined. I wonder if they're going to have a mechanism to hop Blue Zones? Arrive in BKK, test negative and then off to CM? No problem, though. They have week and week to figure out how it's all going to work.

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3 minutes ago, JamesE said:

This "Blue Zone" narrative has been around for a while. It's basically the borders of the Sandbox when you don't have the benefit of jellyfish infested waters surrounding an island to keep the tourists confined. I wonder if they're going to have a mechanism to hop Blue Zones? Arrive in BKK, test negative and then off to CM? No problem, though. They have week and week to figure out how it's all going to work.

They could always order more of the very sucessful sa-mart BMWs, one for every tourist. And with the sheer number of generals in this country, you could put one in each car!  

  • Haha 2

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