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The Frolicsome Kick of the Limerick, as pioneered by Edward Lear and others

 Anyone feeling that creative urge to write poetry like those crazy dudes, who for centuries have kept the Limerick river flowing?

Like the tried and tested favourites that somehow I’ve remembered for over 60 years . . .


There was a young lady from Tottenham,

Who’d no manners, unless she’d forgotten ‘em,

At tea at the vicars,

She tore off her knickers,

Because, she explained, she felt hot in ‘em.


There once was a man from Montrose,

Who’d no pockets in all of his clothes,

When asked by his lass

Where he carried his brass,

He said “Darling, I pay through the nose.”


Or the utterly nonsensical ones like this old favourite . . .

There once was a man from Dunoon,

Who always ate soup with a fork.

He said "Since I eat

Neither fish, fowl nor flesh,

I should finish my dinner too quick."


Here’s my rework: just as silly but with a nice hubby & wife twist

There was a young man from Dunoon,

Who always ate soup with a fork,

When asked by his wife

If he might try a knife,

He said “Darling, don’t be so absurd.”


And, for when the Limerick meter grows tedious, anything goes . . .

I always eat peas with honey,

I’ve done it all my life,

They do taste kind of funny,

But it keeps them on the knife.


Anyone feeling the urge to be just as frolicsome as Edward Lear and his pals?

Whilst there are countless Limericks on Google, I'm looking for members' original creations and who knows . . . there may be a BAFTA-like award up for grabs . . . the TTALW award in our case!

Nonsense, innuendo or just sublime poetry . . . anything goes as long as it’s not too rude!


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  • 3 months later...
  On 10/6/2021 at 3:38 AM, King Cotton said:

The Frolicsome Kick of the Limerick, as pioneered by Edward Lear and others

 Anyone feeling that creative urge to write poetry like those crazy dudes, who for centuries have kept the Limerick river flowing?

Like the tried and tested favourites that somehow I’ve remembered for over 60 years . . .


There was a young lady from Tottenham,

Who’d no manners, unless she’d forgotten ‘em,

At tea at the vicars,

She tore off her knickers,

Because, she explained, she felt hot in ‘em.


There once was a man from Montrose,

Who’d no pockets in all of his clothes,

When asked by his lass

Where he carried his brass,

He said “Darling, I pay through the nose.”


Or the utterly nonsensical ones like this old favourite . . .

There once was a man from Dunoon,

Who always ate soup with a fork.

He said "Since I eat

Neither fish, fowl nor flesh,

I should finish my dinner too quick."


Here’s my rework: just as silly but with a nice hubby & wife twist

There was a young man from Dunoon,

Who always ate soup with a fork,

When asked by his wife

If he might try a knife,

He said “Darling, don’t be so absurd.”


And, for when the Limerick meter grows tedious, anything goes . . .

I always eat peas with honey,

I’ve done it all my life,

They do taste kind of funny,

But it keeps them on the knife.


Anyone feeling the urge to be just as frolicsome as Edward Lear and his pals?

Whilst there are countless Limericks on Google, I'm looking for members' original creations and who knows . . . there may be a BAFTA-like award up for grabs . . . the TTALW award in our case!

Nonsense, innuendo or just sublime poetry . . . anything goes as long as it’s not too rude!



There once was man from Bangkok
On Thiagher forums he posted no schlock
He said with a grin
While out in Hua Hin
There are things you should just not mock.

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I heard this rhyme when I was a young boy at school and it implanted poetry into my veins,. so it wasn't all bard then.

There was old man from Leeds 

Who swallowed a packet of seeds

From out of his bum

A geranium sprung

And his balls were covered in weeds.

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  On 1/26/2022 at 6:40 AM, Faraday said:

If only Geronimo came 

With his wit, we'd be put to shame

But sadly he's not 

But I won't forgot 

This rhyme is really quite lame


Faraday drinks wine the Australian way

From a middy he made out of clay
He'll drink from morning till night 
Untill he loses his sight
Then he'll walk with a Ned Kelly sway. G'day.
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  On 1/26/2022 at 1:41 PM, BlueSphinx said:

It was in Connecticut in a well that drowned my auntie Eve.

And even years later my uncle drank the water only through a sieve.

By John O'Mill

= = = = =

And here the original in dutch language

In Connecticut
in een waterput
verdronk m'n tante Eefje.

Nog jaren later
dronk mijn oom 't water
uitsluitend door een zeefje.


It does make more sense in Dutch BS. 😂😂😂

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