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Calling all Writers!

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I wondered whether TT membership might welcome a ‘writing’ section –  a ‘Writers Workshop’, maybe – where any members who have done (or are doing) any serious writing, with the majestic hope of getting their work published, can air their views and maybe share their problems, perceived obstacles and any other difficulties that they’re currently trying to overcome.

Just an idea at this stage, with me just one of the many millions billions of wordy souls, harbouring a super-optimistic belief that their words may be good enough to get into print.

Any early views on this broad topic will be much appreciated and then we can see where a ‘Writers Workshop’ might lead.



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  On 10/5/2021 at 7:23 AM, King Cotton said:

I wondered whether TT membership might welcome a ‘writing’ section –  a ‘Writers Workshop’, maybe – where any members who have done (or are doing) any serious writing, with the majestic hope of getting their work published, can air their views and maybe share their problems, perceived obstacles and any other difficulties that they’re currently trying to overcome.

Just an idea at this stage, with me just one of the many millions billions of wordy souls, harbouring a super-optimistic belief that their words may be good enough to get into print.

Any early views on this broad topic will be much appreciated and then we can see where a ‘Writers Workshop’ might lead.




To get the ball rolling, I'll briefly summarise my writing activities and ambitions.

  1. Got three works e-published during the past 5-years, via Amazon Kindle, all of which I had big hopes for and all of which have struggled to reach the dozen sales threshold. Yes, virtually NIL SALES 🤨
  2. Recently submitted a 140-page political drama novel to 2 publishers' agents - one UK and one US - both of whom have politely said 'no thank you'.
  3. Should I take those first 2 'No's as a fair sign that my novel is just not up to it, or should I go through that quite intensive submission process a few more times, just to either get my nose really rubbed in the smelly stuff . . . or get that longed-for email saying 'Yes'?
  4. I'm now struggling to get my writing head back on, after all the Covid distractions, with another title that I really think may cut the mustard, but it's just so hard to get that dreaded writer's block thrown out the window.

Well, that's where I am . . . any more author ambitions out there?

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I have been writing for many a year. However, most of my writing has been business related in some way. From speeches for other people through to Company Operating and Training Manuals, I have written a lot when I think about it. Some real good stuff too. Sadly, most with rights retained by the people needing the work done!

I did start writing two items several years ago. The first was a book combining all of the common sense business knowledge I have accumulated across the years. It was targeted at small business owners. One day I might actually finish it off!

The second was a Science Fiction novel, but later shelved that. Having read so many books over the years, I kept feeling I was writing what I had read, more than creating my own original thoughts! The "Plagiarism" checkers had a bit of a work out over the years. 

When writing, there are days the "effluent" just flies through the fingers onto the keyboard. Those are the days when I can punch out pages and pages of text with little drama. Other days, I struggle to get a paragraph going and usually end up writing sentences that may or may not be later joined together. Those days I would often find myself crossing over into different projects as the thoughts came up in random.

Some days, I just go and have a shower. For some reason, letting the water just flow across the head is smoothing. I have often come out and immediately been back into a flow of writing.

Perhaps I have just cleared more "effluent" out of the brain, letting it flow down the sink!

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 I struggle to get a paragraph going and usually end up writing sentences that may or may not be later joined together.


Very well said @Smithydog, that sums me up pretty accurately as i tend to write in blocks when developing an article/story. I know the subject, done the research, know how its going to start, middle and ending and its just a simple case of getting words onto word. When i struggle I will do a couple of lines for each block then join the dots.

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  On 10/5/2021 at 9:27 AM, Smithydog said:

I have been writing for many a year. However, most of my writing has been business related in some way. From speeches for other people through to Company Operating and Training Manuals, I have written a lot when I think about it. Some real good stuff too. Sadly, most with rights retained by the people needing the work done!

I did start writing two items several years ago. The first was a book combining all of the common sense business knowledge I have accumulated across the years. It was targeted at small business owners. One day I might actually finish it off!

The second was a Science Fiction novel, but later shelved that. Having read so many books over the years, I kept feeling I was writing what I had read, more than creating my own original thoughts! The "Plagiarism" checkers had a bit of a work out over the years. 

When writing, there are days the "effluent" just flies through the fingers onto the keyboard. Those are the days when I can punch out pages and pages of text with little drama. Other days, I struggle to get a paragraph going and usually end up writing sentences that may or may not be later joined together. Those days I would often find myself crossing over into different projects as the thoughts came up in random.

Some days, I just go and have a shower. For some reason, letting the water just flow across the head is smoothing. I have often come out and immediately been back into a flow of writing.

Perhaps I have just cleared more "effluent" out of the brain, letting it flow down the sink!


Thanks, @Smithydog. Some great comments, there . . . the shower therapy especially!

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I like writing, and I have done it professionally. But I don't think it's a skill you can learn like some other things, even if you can practice it. You can only write properly, even in practice mode, if you have the right mood. When you do, it's easy in the extreme. Words and sentences, just flow with ought thought, like playing an instrument, or riding a bike. But days you can't just get into writing, and everyone has those days, and whoever you are, or whatever you've published, your writing will suck that day

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