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THE WUHAN FILES Bombshell clues that ‘PROVE’ China hid Covid lab leak in ‘cover up of the century worse than Watergate’

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COVID was leaked from a Wuhan lab in the "cover up of the century" that is "worse than Watergate", former intelligence chiefs and diplomats have claimed. 

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) - a high security facility specalising in coronaviruses - has been in the eye of the storm as questions rage over whether Covid could have escaped from its lab.

Sharri Markson’s bombshell book is released today.

The Sun is hardly the most reputable publication, but it's a nice read.



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While I firmly believe the virus was cultivated in a lab and accidentally released, without firm, hard evidence, it's unlikely we'll ever know the full truth.

All the circumstantial evidence (as apparently cited in the book) can be manipulated (by either side) to "prove" (or disprove) the theories.

For example. Citing there was a "cell phone blackout" in the area around the WIV is circumstantial. One side can say it was done to prevent word of an outbreak from spreading. The other side could deny there was a blackout, or claim it was just a network or cellphone tower problem. Where's the "proof" there even was a black out ?

Citing that the military carried out an "anti-coronavirus military exercise" months before the outbreak ? Where is the proof it was an "anti-coronavirus" exercise and not just some routine training ?

To the vast majority of civilians, seeing army troops doing anything while wearing a gas mask could be thought of as them doing some kind of "bio-warfare" activity.
Or they were doing routine "tear gas" training like we used to love to do once a year in the Canadian army.

For me, the key was the virus itself. It was known early on that covid-19 had features that were only found in a type of bat virus and a type of pangolin virus.
Even in the West, scientists started figuring out that the virus couldn't have come solely from "infected bats" but must have had an "intermediary host".  Like a pangolin. 

As pangolins are not native to China, it would be literally impossible for those 2 different types of viruses to mix together anywhere outside of a lab.

But they still wanted to believe that somehow, infected bats "pissed on" infected pangolins, the 2 different coronaviruses combined, then those pangolins pissed on some different bats and the virus mutated again, just before those bats were bought, undercooked and eaten.

In a market where pangolins would have been rare (as they are endangered and smuggled into China from Malaysia/Indonesia). And where the bats being sold probably would not only be in a different area, but wouldn't be there long enough for all that to happen in the first place. I highly doubt that any of the animals sold in those markets are there for more than a few days before being bought, butchered and eaten.

And I think that is why the Chinese army went into that market and burned it to the ground with flamethrowers - so that no evidence would ever be found that the virus didn't originate there.

(A theory even the Chinese stopped pushing as soon as they found a more plausible excuse.)

China had plenty of time to erase any evidence, long before anyone started to question the "infected bat" theory and start looking a little closer at the facts.

And it's highly unlikely anyone will ever come forward and admit to what happened, if any such person is still among the living even.

People tend to forget who really runs China. They forget what the Communist Party is, how ruthless they can be and the lengths they'll go to, to protect their power. 
They know what could happen if the people started learning the truth (not just about covid) and they know what the likely outcome of a civil uprising would be (all of them with their heads on pikes - if they were lucky).

That is why they are so ruthless in attacking anyone who suggests that the virus may have come from one of their labs. Where everyone knows they had been studying those exact same viruses and experimenting with them for years.

The Communist Party controls (and censors) most of the media inside of China so the majority of what the people see/hear is carefully controlled and designed to make the CCP look good (and everyone else look bad).
It's propaganda, plain and simple, and something communist (and other political systems) have used since ancient times.

The difference is, in the "West", the governments can't control the media the same way. So if you have a "news" outlet that likes to spew out complete crap, there will usually be another one that will counter it and another one that may try to just report the facts without bias.

It's very rare in the West for all media outlets to march in lockstep with whatever crap the gov't is trying to peddle.

Even in Thailand. A lot of people tried to push the idea that Thailand had a massive corona infection way back at the beginning of 2020 and the gov't "covered it up".
Which would have been virtually impossible even if it was still "General" Prayut in charge and not "Prime Minister" Prayut.
As they couldn't control all the media or prevent them on reporting about things like overcrowded hospitals full of people with "flu like symptoms" and morgues overflowing with bodies and temples running cremation ceremonies 24/7 to try and keep up with the bodies.

You know, like was happening in other places that had massive outbreaks that were being reported. 

But in China it's a different story and people really have no idea just what they (the communists) are capable of.

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5 minutes ago, kerryd said:

While I firmly believe the virus was cultivated in a lab and accidentally released

If by "cultivated" you mean "studied with no thought given to procedural safety", I'm with you. The pictures of how things were sampled, handled, and tested makes one wonder why it didn't happen sooner.

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Meanwhile the CCP peoples daily is telling the Chinese it was a bio weapon released by the USA to attack them with! and they believe it  😷

1 minute ago, thai3 said:

Meanwhile the CCP peoples daily is telling the Chinese it was a bio weapon released by the USA to attack them with! and they believe it  😷

Of course they believe it. They have only ONE news source and an indoctrinated superior nationalistic view...

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12 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Meanwhile the CCP peoples daily is telling the Chinese it was a bio weapon released by the USA to attack them with! and they believe it  😷

Better than a holiday in a re-education facility for a few years until you see the error of your ways.

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How is this a bombshell when people knew about this well into last year??

The info presented in the article is old info. When it was raised last year it was decried as a dog-whistle for Asian hate. 

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1 hour ago, 9S_ said:

How is this a bombshell when people knew about this well into last year??

The info presented in the article is old info. When it was raised last year it was decried as a dog-whistle for Asian hate. 

It might be a Chinese bombshell that gets dropped on the Australian author. 🤣

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2 hours ago, JamesE said:

If by "cultivated" you mean "studied with no thought given to procedural safety", I'm with you. The pictures of how things were sampled, handled, and tested makes one wonder why it didn't happen sooner.

You are referring to the "accidental" release of the virus ? 

That has happened in the past. A few times. Even from the highest level labs (and not just in China).

If you are referring to them "cultivating" a new virus, that's something scientists around the world have been doing for over a hundred years now.

Often, to learn how to combat a virus or bacteria, you have to cultivate it and then subject it to various conditions to see how it reacts. 

As far back as 2015 it was known that the WIV was experimenting with "Chimera viruses" which are attempts to join two different types of viruses together to make a more lethal one.

Most bio weapons break down into two types.
Highly contagious/lethal, but with a short life span or,
Less contagious/lethal but with a longer life span.

The ideal weapon would of course be one that combines the lethality of one with the "long life" of the other. (For example, if they could combine a type of Ebola with a type of Influenza, creating a new virus that would be highly lethal and live long enough to be dispersed by air and still infect people when it got to ground level.)

With coronaviruses, scientists knew that one type of "receptor" on a certain type of coronavirus found in a certain species of bats was ideal for "attaching" to human cells, but it's other receptor was ineffective at "cleaving" into those cells to infect them.
(Like sticking a piece of gum to the underside of a table. It sticks there forever but doesn't do anything else.)

They also knew that a type of receptor in a certain coronavirus that infects pangolins was the opposite. It had a receptor that was ideal for cleaving into human cells, but it's other receptor was poor at attaching to them.
(Like a piece of gum that would eat through the finish and stain the table - if it could stick to it long enough without sliding off.)

That's how the scientists came to determine that the covid-19 virus couldn't have come directly from a bat, as no bat coronaviruses had that particular receptor.
So in the West, they decided the bat coronavirus must have had an "intermediary" host like a pangolin (or a petri dish or a combination of both) but they were still reluctant (for whatever reason) to say that it most likely happened in a lab even though the odds of this happening "naturally" were infinitesimal.

(All sorts of behind the scenes stuff going on as many of those labs co-operate and share data with each other. Or share "some" data. Or maybe the "co-operation" is a little more one-sided but they don't want to lay blame and risk losing that data/co-operation.

For example. A Chinese scientist was working in a Canadian level 4 lab in the summer of 2019. For some undisclosed reason, the cops raided the lab in the middle of the night and seized her computers and she, her husband and her students from China all had their security clearances revoked.

It was found out later that she had - legally - shipped samples of very deadly viruses back to her home lab - in Wuhan. Apparently that wasn't why the cops seized her computers and revoked her clearance though. We are still waiting to find out what that was all about.

Meanwhile, in Wuhan, hundreds of scientists probably conducted thousands of tests, mixing different types of coronaviruses found in different animals and studying the results.

No doubt the vast majority of the tests fail. It would be like trying to get goats and pigs to breed to make a new animal. Usually doesn't work.
But put two similar animals together and every so often it does. 

For example, horse and donkeys are different species, but similar. Mating a (male) donkey and a (female) horse to produce a mule.
(Or a male horse breeding with a female donkey to produce a "hinnie".)

Not long ago there was an article about 2 different species of Hawks that bred and produced offspring in California. 
(It's also the answer to which came first, the chicken or the egg. The egg came first, as a result of 2 similar species of birds mating. For example, an ancestor of a partridge mating with an ancestor of a grouse or something along those lines. Maybe something "environmental" happened that put the two species together and one thing led to  another and suddenly a new species we now know as chickens were born.)

Of course, people have been breeding "similar" species together for thousands of years. Goats, cattle, cats, dogs.
People have breed lions and tigers ("ligers"). Dogs, coyotes and wolves can interbreed.

No different than scientists trying to "breed" (or cultivate) new viruses in labs. And just like it nature, sometimes it works.

And sometimes it gets accidentally released into the public.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Earlier on Wednesday, Chen Xu, China’s ambassador to the UN in Geneva, told the UN correspondents’ association that Sago’s work should not be “politicised”.

“If we are going to send teams to any other places, I believe it’s not to China because we have received international teams twice already,” he said. “It’s time to send teams to other places.”

In August, China rejected the WHO’s calls for a renewed inquiry on the ground into the origins of Covid-19.
So, don't "politicise" it - by making it about politics. Uh huh. There's a reason teams have been sent to China twice, and why China has put such an effort into stymying those investigations.

Basically what the ambassador said was that the new investigation team won't be going to China.
So they will have zero chance of proving the virus originated there (naturally or not) or even if it originated there at all (like the Chinese want everyone else to believe).

Never mind that the virus has been studied in those "other places" - by experts who know how to track such things.

But the Chinese know, if they let a competent investigation happen, it will likely find that there is no possible way that "infected bats" infected other, already infected, animals which then infected a different set of bats that were subsequently bought, poorly cooked and then eaten by different groups of people.

A proper investigation might also turn up clues that people were being infected long before covid-19 was "officially" recognized.
Finding earlier cases could lead to narrowing down "patient zero" which would be the smoking gun as to the origins of the virus.

And you can bet the Chinese are never going to let that happen.


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There are arguments on both sides, but by far the most arguments are that China screwed up.  Besides the 'missing' Chinese doctors/people who spoke out about the 'alleged leak', the number one by far reason the virus was 'man made' is that despite the years and millions of man-hours of research and testing, they still cannot identify the intermediate animal host. Coronavirus cannot 'move' from bats to humans - that is a scientific fact - they must 'mutate' from bats through an intermediate animal host - and that mutation then has its genetic 'fingerprint' all over it, so to speak.  For the other two Coronavirus outbreaks the intermediate animal host was identified fairly early - for SARS it was a Civet and for MERS it was Camel.  The fact there there is no intermediate animal host strongly suggests that it was 'reverse manufactured' in a Lab doing research.  As William of Ockham said: 'The simplest solution is often the best one'  or as Spock often said: 'If you remove all other possibilities, then the one left is the only possible answer'. 


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On 9/29/2021 at 9:39 AM, kerryd said:

They forget what the Communist Party is, how ruthless they can be and the lengths they'll go to, to protect their power. 

And do you believe the majority of the other countries are not similarly ruthless and go to lengths to protect or gain power.  One only has to look at Stalin, to see his purges.  In the USA one has to only remember Richard Nixon and of course more recently with the fake dossier and use of the FBI to spy on their political adversary.



Edited by longwood50
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1 hour ago, Poolie said:

It all ignores the fact that covid 19 antibodies were found in Spanish sewer water months earlier.

Fact Check Much Poolie?  Very likely to have been a false positive - and it was not replicated in any subsequent tests. 

 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/07/fact-check-coronavirus-found-march-2019-wastewater-sample/5350878002/    So yes, we will ignore that.



Edited by Smithydog
Unnecessary perceived personal attack removed
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2 hours ago, longwood50 said:

And do you believe the majority of the other countries are not similarly ruthless and go to lengths to protect or gain power.  One only has to look at Stalin, to see his purges.  In the USA one has to only remember Richard Nixon and of course more recently with the fake dossier and use of the FBI to spy on their political adversary.


Hardly comparable - Stalin and Mao to USA elected POTUS.  I mean despite the claim by some, Nixon was no where near as tall as Stalin or Mao.

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Sharri Markson's book is the usual collection of conspiracy advocates, including the most famous of them all, orange clown, naturally none of the conspiracies them have been officially verified by credible sources.

The former Head of MI6 referenced in the book had also gone down the path of babbling nonsense, reminds one of another person who held a position of respect, Giuliani, prior to being utterly compromised and corrupted.

For those interested an article from The Atlantic, a credible source, reviewing the latest shenanigans concerning coverage of Covid 19 virus research.



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