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Trash Talking Used to be Fun!

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I use Yahoo for my primary email, have for decades. I often would check out the Yahoo News section just to read the hilarious comments below each article. The sarcasm was thick, and the joy of having the best zinger was entertaining. But sure, often there was just pure cowardly hate as well. I have not been there in a long time- and this morning! Hey, where are all the comments??? Nothing! But I found this message:

Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.

So there you have it! Lets all stop talking to each other! Lets "connect" by being silent! That should help!

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1 hour ago, GMoney2312 said:

So there you have it! Lets all stop talking to each other! Lets "connect" by being silent! That should help!

People are too soft these days. The media whips people up to be outraged and it brainwashed them.

Even comedians need to change to pander to these types now. 30 years ago we would be in stitches laughing at comedians such as Keven Bloody Wilson. If he performed like that today there would be an outraged and he would be arrested.

It is the nasty pathetic agitators that thrive in this environment that end up forcing more and more rules against free speech. Feminists and feminine males are the main problem.

People just need to harden up. You can say anything you like to me and I should be able to say anything back.


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