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Life in the Isaan Boonies.

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  On 9/26/2024 at 3:40 AM, SnapDragon said:

Well yes and no.

I remember an episode with Sharon from Tilbury, in the Cortina. 


''Yes dear.''

''There's something stinking right in me.''

''Oh Shar. You are witty.''

''Not your little Gibraltar silly. Something sharp in me bum.''

She told all her mates about it. Tried to fix the spring. No good. Had to buy a new back seat down the scrap yard.

But enough of past glory in the Cortina. What about the new arrival?

Delivered yesterday.


Mrs Snaps bought it on the www. ''Bank not good. Something wrong with it. You pay for it. I'll make you nice cup of tea.''


So Snaps,  have you figured what's wrong with the Ford yet?  And did you get your cup of rosey? 

  On 9/27/2024 at 12:21 AM, NonThaiKiwi said:

So Snaps,  have you figured what's wrong with the Ford yet?  And did you get your cup of rosey? 


A couple of things are not right. First the seat is very low. Can move it back, and can get the back to decline, but can't yet suss out how to actually raise the seat. Think I'm gonna need a couple of pillows. 

The other thing is; can't figure out how to open the bonnet (hood in US). A couple of village people in the know, have looked at it and as yet can't we look at the engine.

It's a bit of a dilemma with the Mrs. If I get a nice cuppa, without clapping, whistling or even asking for one, for sure it will cost me some dosh. The tell-tale sign is when she comes to my corner of the lounge and starts talking sweet. Like telling me how nice my new hat is. Sometimes I can stop that by offering money. At other times money is not enough.

Gonna take the car to Ban Dung today for a check through. See if it was worth all the dosh.

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Mr Owl, check out the VIN number, should be in down where the dash meets the windshield, then google the VIN, should tell you what make and model it is, you can use that information to look up the owners manual to find the Hood Latch Release. I'm guessing its a button thats had the little white Smybol for it rubbed off. Lots of heat and humidity in Thailand after all. 

Good Luck with the Ford, Or, Found On Road Dead's as we call 'em🤣🤣🤣

Edited by IsaanJeeperCreeper
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Snaps in the boonies here. It's the first of October 2024.

Lottery day today. Gonna be 6 million baht richer by the end of the day. Numbers this time are 7, 8 and 2 and 0 as side offerings. My perfect number would be 787802.

Did another nut cut last week. Just under the tonne. Don't think we will get much more each cut until wet season next year, when the effect of the water systems kick in.


Full up.


Put the ropes round to stop any bunches from falling out.


Went to a different place to sell. 



930 kilos all told. Price has gone up to 6.4 baht a kilo.


Next cut about 16th of the month.

On the way back from the wholesalers I bought a water tank. Quite cheap at 2,700 baht. Was marked up at 2,900, but I got a discount cause the lady said I was hansom man. Good job the Mrs was not with me. I'd dropped her off on the way, in Ban Dung, to get a massage.


That's two I have now. Enough for the water systems later this year.

Made up a new chog-chog yesterday. Have 5 now, and all are OK in their own right. But I like the bamboo shafts. This one was made with the bamboo from the one that got busted n August.


The new car visited the garage for a through check up. Found out a few things. Discovered where the bonnet catch was. How to access the dip stick. How to set the time and date on the dash display.

There are a couple of actions that Mrs Snaps is finding difficult though. How to release the handbrake and steering lock. In the garage, we topped up with gas, for the air-con, and got the washers working. So that's it; just like a new car.


There was big water fun at Big C.

Two big pools. One for the slide and the other for lap swimming.

What yer holding yer nose for dear?



And for the serious swimmer.


Opposite Big C, next to the 20 baht shop, there is major construction.


Mrs Snaps has heard that it's gonna be a MAKRO.



And there's more. At the north end of town, a Global House is being constructed. the Mrs, who knows everything, is sure that Ban Dung is gonna be a new isaan province. We will see.

The Leccy place has a new wall; and it's looking good. Should be finished this month (October).


Just along from us,  in our soi, the house-build is steaming ahead.


Internal work is underway.


The kittens; Wagger, Mimi and Lala, are really active now.

Getting their little claws into everything.


We did go to Udon in the end. On the way I took the opportunity of visiting Sum Sao Wat to see progress on the huge building at the back.

New flight of steps.


The upstairs rear had been blocked up.


And rendered.


Gong at the ready.


On my way back to the Mazza, I found something saddening.


Three sculptures had been smashed.




Last day tomorrow for Mildred at school. Then it's a three week half-term break. Her exam results are a mixed bag so far. Only scored 45% for Thai history. But got 85% for maths, and a stonking 90% for health education. Not yet found out what that entails. should get the other results today or tomorrow.

Busy at the bus stop.


The chickens always seem ready for grub at Bella's farm. She is still in Singapore. Not seen her for 12 months.


Last week end we got all the fish out of the two concrete tanks and put them into number 7 pond.


Pulled the tank plugs and caught the fish as they came down the outlet pipe.



Released them into number 7 pond.


This wet season has certainly done the plants good.

Outside house.



Man City have been rumbled. Just don't let them score more than you. Three draws on the spin. This year's Championship is gonna be a real cracker. Baggies only just top, although the Owls put 3 past them at the w/e. Bolton have hit a bit of form in Div 3.


Although the euca cutters are well away, we are still repairing their damage and clearing the mess. The road leading to farm one is virtually impassable. The boss of the cutter team says he will send a tractor to sort it. I don't think he will. Can't see it. Not yet done the under-road pipe. Evert time I go walkabout, round the farm. I pick up a bag of trash.

When it's not raining it's very warm. I reckon the wet season is coming to an end. Mrs Snaps says there will be big rain this week.

Me and Mildred saw a really big pinkie in pond 7 last week. Must be one of those we put in last February. Has grown really fast.

Been looking into using a DeWalt air pump, run on solar, to lift water out of the deep-well pipe. Not the next system,, that will hopefully be put in this month, but the one after that.

Can't always make sense of what is occurring round the world. Biden says peace, and a ceasefire, is essential in the ME, but keeps sending bombs.  Wonder what they are being used for. Trump says he gets on well with Zelensky and Putin. Not sitting on the fence there. Sir K  Starmer has spent 4k pounds on two pairs of designer glasses. Very nice they look too. Get mine from the 20 baht shop. And Lady Starmer has had her underwear bought for her. Mrs Snaps buys her own. But spends far too much. Nice work if you can get it though Mrs Starmer. 

Who is gonna be the new UK Tory leader? Things are getting interesting.

Baht very strong at he mo. In the west, all major currencies are going south.  The £, now just about hanging on to 43; down from 47 two months ago.

The Mrs has sent away for a cover for her new car.

Should have started my monthly fast today. But i felt a little hungry so I've put it off til tomorrow.

Another post in the week. Thanks for visiting.

Isaan magic.


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  On 10/1/2024 at 10:11 AM, IsaanJeeperCreeper said:

Another top notch post Mr Owl. I feel like I've known you for years after having read your posts that stretched back for so long. Hope you have many more in you still sir. 



Well thanks for those encouraging words bud.

The wife's car-cover arrived earlier. Quite a fancy one, with little ears for the side mirrors. 


Put it on and it started to rain. Before that though, I'd had a wager with the Mrs. Every time it rained I would give her money.  Every rain-free day from now til the end of the year I would get a nice cup of Rosy - when ever I wanted - without any moaning. Two downpours, have left me 200 baht poorer. But it's the beginning of the month, so plenty of time for me to get some wins under me belt. When Mildred came home from school, she told me it hadn't rained in Ban Dung today. Luck of the draw that.

The Thai lottery drew earlier today. Both my predicted numbers, 7 and 8, came up. But those sixes! 666 came up three times today.

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It's  October 6th 2024.

Snaps in the boonies here.

I didn't win the lottery last time. Never mind. What would I do with 6 million extra baht. Just give it to the Mrs to buy gold. Always another time.

Went to the number 4 market on Friday. Bought a new pair of specs. Rated -1.25. Paid more than I usually do. Mrs Snaps got a pair also. Two baht change out of 200 for the two. Not yet worn them. Gonna keep them for a special occasion.

Also bought 200 big pinkies. Mildred looked after them while I went for the car.


Went straight to the farm after we finished shopping. Put 100 in number 7. 50 in number 6. 25 in ponds 3 and 5.


A couple of days earlier, went to the daily market in Ban Dung. Was as busy as I've seen it.



Plenty of fish. I was looking for live creatures.


I was tempted by the frogs. Mildred explained that they would jump away and we would not see them again. So decided against getting them


Finished up buying 7 terrapins. 50 baht each. Kept them in the mazza over night.



Let then go next morning.


Mildred was at school, so Mrs Snaps did the bizzo.


The wall at the front of the Leccy place is finished. Don't know what it supposed to be for. Just a waste of moneyl Anyone wanting to get in to help themselves to free leccy, just has to go to the side. Must have cost best part of  million baht.


Bought my cheese in MAKRO last week.


That's my breakfast sorted of a couple of months.

Found an interesting item while I was in there. I asked the Mrs to spill the beans.  She said the stuff kills 99.9%  of viruses. Interesting! Best not to let Billy G know.


Long time followers of the thread will be wondering if the leaning tree is still upright. Well not upright exactly; but continues to lean. Must be about 45 degrees now.


It was once a upstanding tree. Honest!.

I blame the catfish.


The new restaurant is doing great.


Ready for business this month for sure.


Shutters to keep out the road noise and dust.


Just need a new floor and all will ready.  Cm't wait to get me noodles.


Me and Mildred were waiting for the bus on the last day before the holiday. A little girl was collecting some flowers. Came over and gave them to me. How lovely.


On the same morning, after the bus had departed, I spotted a little dog sown the soi opposite. So cute.


It came over, and let me stroke it. Lady saw me, and came out to talk.

I asked her what breed of dog it was. ''It is Pekan.'' Never heard of that one. Nice dog though. Tiny little thing. I reckon our cat Ginger  is much bigger.


The house in our soi is nearing the stage where it could be moved into. Just a guy and his wife working now. Doing the rendering and fixing up the electrics.


Someone is having soil dropped. I have ordered a load for the palm farm. I do need some stone for the damaged road. This stuff not good enough for a road surface. though


Kittens have found a way to get up on the table. Mum must have shown them the route.


After the market on the 4th, we popped into Big C for a few items.

Water festival still on the go. There was a new exciting contraption for the kids. Three now; and a trampoline.


A young lady was watching me take some pics. She came over and I was surprised when she asked me in good English; ''Where are you from?'' ''Hi!'' I replied. ''I'm from London; England. Where is your father from?'' ''Pattaya.'' She said, and then swam off. Funny; but nice.



What is it with the number 5 recently,


And in Scotland there were just 3 matches.


I'm streets ahead on my forecasting of the Championship.



Marked out the foundations for the third solar system this afternoon. Bit tricky this one as it's right on the edge of our land, has an underground PVC pipe right in the way, and has water running through the very bit where I plan to erect the cells. More on this later. Kun is gonna try to divert the water.

Rain has finished. Went from wet every day, to nothing any day this month.

Me and Kun had a look at the underground pipe. Seems it is not damaged as we thought it might be.

Don't know her name, but we know her as Boyz's mum. She came on the borrow again yesterday. The Mrs was telling me she will never give back any dosh she borrows. So she has arranged for her to clear up round the house. It's a fair bit of work. But better to get a job sorted than just give away money. Mildred is already travelling  'free', on her bus, for the next 18 months.

Really pleased to see a koi, that Mildred released into the pond a week or so ago, come up for food today. Didn't see any of the pinkies in pond 7. Takes a few days for them to get confident and be seen.

Did a 36 hour fast last week. Feeling quite good. Although my left hip is stopping me walk normal. Have to keep on with the magnesium. Still doing my bathroom yoga.

It's gonna be quite busy this month. Busy?! Wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks for viewing. Seez ya next post in just a couple of days. 

Creepy skyline. Creeper take -over.creepytrees.png.d823cdbb70d5b71393b2e3576e5e6e45.png

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Good posts Snap. Glad you got the new car sorted. 

I think they ripped you off a bit for your 1.25 glasses.  Our local Monday market sells these for 50 baht!  Sprung loaded temple mounts too. 


I'm going to get 2 more pair this Monday as me and the missus are heading back to NZ on Thursday for a big break. 

Rain has pretty much missed us down here.  Humid as hell but not much rain at all.  Clouds look good tho. 



Also spotted a few big butterflies around the place... 


I'm gonna miss this place but will try and keep upto date with your posts. 

Keep em coming Snaps

Regards Andy 

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I’m certain he IS still alive but you know how it is with those arty types, everything happens in its own good time, can’t rush them… 🤣

I nearly wasn’t here this week Mr Owl, did myself a mischief at work on Tuesday.

Got my feet tangled up and went down like a 10yr old bag of rice 😢

7hrs at my local hospital (Australia) a CT scan and 5 stitches to the back of my head, very sore and sorry at the moment.

And I’m the one always telling Mr Owl to pack in the ladder work… 🙄🤣

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Life in the boonies.

Wow!! It's been hot up here. More like March weather than October. It normally don't bother me one bit if it's very hot. But! Working in it is a different matter.

Started on the third of the solar water systems last w/e. Didn't want to get behind the curve, so ordered the DC Pump and solar panels the week before.

Panels arrived. Mrs Snaps likes to take charge.


Not made in China; but in Thailand. Cheap enough. But no paperwork; or protective packaging.


However on the back of the panel there was a little sticker showing the important things.

Max voltage 49v. 550 watts. Weight 28kg. Dimensions; 2278mm x 1134mm x 30mm. Cell Tecnology; TOPCON

Made in Thailand at Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute. King Mongkut's University of Technology; Thonburi. 

And most importantly; only qualified persons should install, or perform maintenance, on the modules.


I contacted the supplier to ask where the paperwork was, and why no packaging. Her reply; paper shortage in Thailand. Send details on email. Not so far.

So there we have it. Get into trees. Paper is the new future.

Got the supplies from the local hardware shop.

Still not finished the big chicken.


Supplies ready for action.


Just needed to get the posts over.


They had been bought when the last solar system was sorted.


And there's Kun doing the bizzo.


Before this though, back in the village, I sorted out the more technical things. Getting the PVC pipework ready. Cut the ends off and glued a female screw PVC on one end and male on t'other.


Rings mark to spots.


Posts in place. Making sure they were upright level at the top to take the steels and square.


And in with the concrete mix.


Nothing special about the mix. Just chuck it in and add water.


All done.


Was that you?



Waiting for the pump to arrive. Should get the steels bearers and solar panels in [lave next week.

There are also other little jobs around the farm to do.

Putting up hammocks.


And watering pipes.

''Now Mrs Snaps. If you want to water the garden, it would be better to get there when the sun is shining. Five in the evening is a bit late.

''What you talking farang. Don't like to water plants in sunlight.''

''But teerak. it's a solar water system.''

''Farang ding dong. Not understand plants.''

I think I'll keep a water tank filled up. I can see some problems coming otherwise.


Mildred caught some really big snails.


And there she is, putting here beauties onto her Tic-Tok.


Put them back in the same pond.

The new village restaurant is nearly open. Is that a customer? Not yet. It's the owner's motor.


The building just along from us is still going great guns.

Most of the rendering is now completed.


At the rear.


Hubby and wife team.


Tractor got stuck on a side road out of the village. Was in a rush so didn't hang about waiting for the rescue.


The critters are doing well. Unfortunately the last lost escaped.


Ones next door still secure,


The leaning tree has had a short back and sides.


Any ideas it had about falling are now gone.


Another busy week coming up. Tomorrow I'm taking Mildred and her two pals to Waterworld in Udon. Should get some nice pics. Never been there before.

So next workday will be Monday.


At last the footy has returned. Peacocks up to second in the Championship. Black Cats top; and could go 3 clear, after their next match against Hull.

Sad about Inverness FC.

In the welsh Cup. The New Saints 16 - Llangollen Town 0


TBH, working away in the hot sun takes it out of me. I reckon the days when I could go 4/5 hours straight, in the heat, are past.

Mildred's birthday today. I got her an Apple ipad Air 5. Waiting for the delivery.

The cats are doing great. Good they get on with the dogs.

Have had a massive clear out. Both inside tand outside the house. Filled the Mazza up with junk twice; and took it to the farm. Gonna burn it all soon. I'm not into dumping stuff like Mrs Snaps wants .

Day of rest. As soon as I've posted I'm gonna listen to Tony Gosling and Martin Summers' last evening's show out of Bristol, England.

It's bloody hot here; even at 4 in the afternoon. Not cooling down one bit.

More to follow. Thanks for visiting.

Sky last night on the way back to the village from the farm.


Firework night. The Mrs is in the pic somewhere. Hhonest.


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Wife and I passed on Udon Water World for the cousins. We found it more fun to go hit up a Hotel with a pool to go swimming. 

However, since Covid they shut it down for folks who aren't actually a guest so we will have to check out Water World after all it seems.

Definitely interested in how it turns out for your Mildred Snaps, please post some photos. I'm curious if you've ever read the Google Maps reviews of the place, or better yet know someone who has actually visited it and gotten their feedback rather than internet hearsay....

  On 10/19/2024 at 8:43 PM, IsaanJeeperCreeper said:

Wife and I passed on Udon Water World for the cousins. We found it more fun to go hit up a Hotel with a pool to go swimming. 

However, since Covid they shut it down for folks who aren't actually a guest so we will have to check out Water World after all it seems.

Definitely interested in how it turns out for your Mildred Snaps, please post some photos. I'm curious if you've ever read the Google Maps reviews of the place, or better yet know someone who has actually visited it and gotten their feedback rather than internet hearsay....


I didn't know about Waterworld until Mildred said she wanted to go there. Had to find it on the map. There are two big water parks in Udon that I know of. Been to both. The one at the back of Tescos is expensive. Another one on the Sakon Nakhon road near Non Han. That's the best one I've been to so far.

Have to leave the ladies after we get there and go shopping. Need some more cheese.

Mildred's Apple arrived just in time.

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  On 10/20/2024 at 12:38 AM, SnapDragon said:

I didn't know about Waterworld until Mildred said she wanted to go there. Had to find it on the map. There are two big water parks in Udon that I know of. Been to both. The one at the back of Tescos is expensive. Another one on the Sakon Nakhon road near Non Han. That's the best one I've been to so far.

Have to leave the ladies after we get there and go shopping. Need some more cheese.

Mildred's Apple arrived just in time.


Thank you sir. We love cooling off. And even more so if there are slides involved🤣

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lottery day soon. Have two tickets already. One with '2's and '4's and the other with '3's and '7's. I'm sure one of them will do the bizzo and make me considerably richer. Not told the wife I have them. Or they would go walkies.

Such is life in the Isaan Boonies.

Went to Water world, in Udon, as planned. Started the day at 9 and after picking two of Mildred's mates up, the other side of Ban Dung, we pulled into the car park at 11-45.


Not so many people on the site. Maybe 30 or so,

As we walked in, there were super-heroes awaiting. Hulk needs a lick of paint. Well; he is supposed to be green.



First structure, was the huge tower. Any kids wanting to go down the slide had better be fit.


There were a lot of kiddies by the edge of the water. I went to investigate.


Beautiful fish. And of course I had to buy some fish food and feed them. Didn't expect to see shoals of koi carp at Water world.


In days past it was a fishing resort. Around the far side were at least 30 fishing huts.

I hung about near the big slides for a dynamic pic or two.



And down they came. At a fair old speed.


Plenty of other slides for the less brave or fit.







Me and the Mrs went off to do some shopping in Udon. We returned just before 4. The gang had had their fun and were ready to go home. More kids at the place when we arrived to take the children home. Maybe 50 or so,


Mildred said that the speedboat ride was not available on the day. Shame that. Perhaps not enough customers? But just 160 baht for those wishing to get wet. Free for watchers.

On the way home we passed the old Home Hub. It had closed down about 12 months ago. I had been in there a few times, and on a couple of occasions I was the only customer. No wonder it shut up shop, what with the popular DoHome just up the road too.


 The new place is called 'BnB home'. Have to go to the IO for my 12 month visa in November. I'll pop in and have a butchers.

Now the euca cutting team have gone; it's been a big clear out, and clean up.

Mrs Snaps has done a fine job in the farm-house kitchen. A lot of toot had been accumulated of the last few years. Had a big burn up.


Looks much better.



And we have a new farm dog. Mrs Snaps fbinks she is part wolf. Anyway, she is nice enough. I've named her 'Tin Tin'.


The pineapple outside the house is growing like Billy Hoh. The good thing about buying a pineapple, is that you can plant the top and get another. Easy to look after. Just give a drop of water every few days.


Gradually getting there with the solar system. Unlike the times before, I'm doing most of the steels at home. When I get them to the site the steels are already cut to length, and pre-drilled.  Plan to finish the panels tomorrow and Friday and get the whole thing operational on Saturday.


It's been busy.


That draw at Arsenal sent City top. Is this the start of the push for 5 in a row? Black cats are running away with the Championship, Just like the Foxes did last season. My teams; Orient, Aveley and Hornchurch are all struggling.


What a spectacle in Dortmund in the European Darts Championship. Richie Edhouse beat the German guy in the final. Great stuff. All the favorites went out early.

Mildred back at school this week. Done me best to talk her out of it; but?! Think she wanted to see her mates.

Light has gone out in the Foyer. Have to sort that soon. Quite dark in the mornings when i get up.

Got Mildred a new bed mattress. Bought them on Lazada. Two for 600 baht. One for daughter; one for the Mrs.

Someone left the bathroom tap running when we last went to Ban Dung. Flooded the bathroom and the kitchen. Both the outlets were blocked. I got the blame of course.

The car is doing OK. No big problems with it so far. Although Mildred says there is not enough cool air for the back passengers. So the Mrs has sent away for a mobile fan. Runs off a USB. Hope we have one.

No rain at all this month. Not quite as hot in the last couple of days.

The elections soon in the US. What shenanigans lay in wait?

Due to start my fast in two days time. Only for 48 hours.

The Global House construction site in Ban Dung is coming on leaps and bounds.

global house.png

global housee.png

Only one thing left to say. Take care out there.


Mildred's latest painting.



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  • 2 weeks later...

That turtle didn't do so good. Predicting the winning lottery numbers is not so easy as it thought. Said '7's and '8's. I went out and bought any ticket that had both the numbers. They didn't even come up once. Stupid turtle. But! Maybe it got the dates mixed up. So I've plunged in again with the same two numbers. Not quite so confident this time though.


This is SnapDragon. This is life in the boonies.

Solar system number three is up and running. But not before some minor hiccups.

When I originally ordered the cables back in December of last year, both came in 100 metre rolls. That would be enough for the 3 systems; I thought. However; because I'd used more than a third on the first two, the last one was gonna be a little short. I knew this, but thought that the pump going down the well 24 metres would be OK.

But first; get everything to the farm.


I'd already glued on the screw ends.

Three 550 watt panels.


Frame was already prepared.


Me and Kun put on the panels, and with the DeWalt cordless drill, set about securing them. Had two fully charged batteries on hand. Must say the drill performed very well. Easily up to the task of 60 minutes hard drilling.

On Saturday 2nd, me, Kun and Mildred put the pump down the well and wired it all up.


We were going down 24 metres, maybe xlightly less. According to the pump data, it would give a flow of about 2 litres a second, with a strong sun.


With the pump on the go from 9 in the morning, to about 4ish, we were gonna get something like 20k+ litres a day. Sounds a lot, but this pump had to service over 70 trees. And these palms are greedy sods.

Mildred wiring up the control unit.


Turned it on and the water came out faster than we had hoped. Too fast!


I was in no rush to put in the permanent pipework. I wanted to observe the system for a couple of days. And? It didn't go exactly to plan.

The system runs on solar panels. They, linked together, produce about 130 volts. The system pump is rated at 750 watts. Amps are 11ish. So as long as we got a volt reading of about 70 (with sun) the pump would run. The pump works on propellers; driving the water up the 1.5 inch PVC pipe. At maximum volts the propellers run at maximun revolutions.

What was the basis of the problem?

At full sun, and with a voltage reading of over 120 volts, the pump was at maximum output. Getting fantastic flow; but!! After 4 minutes the pump would stop for 5 minutes. This came up as E6 on the control unit. No water. Then start up again. I took the readings over the next few days, and found that when the voltage dropped below 90 volts, the pump didn't stop at all. On Wednesday of last week there was some cloud cover between 12 and 2. The pump didn't stop once.

What to do?

I thought the problem lay with the replenish rate of the water in the deep well. At maximum revs (of the propellers) the water was being pumped out faster than it was being replenished in the pipe. I checked the water table. 8 metres down. The other pump was just 100 metres away. That had never stopped once. I reckoned that there was a layer of permeable rock/stone lower than the 24 metres down where the pump was.


There were two options. One was to adjust the settings on the controller, so that the maximum propeller revs were reduced. That would mean less water being pumped; but no stopping. The reason I thought this, was that under cloudy conditions, there was no stopping. The reason for the stopping was the sensor one metre above the pump, saying there was no water.  That would have been a solution, but I figured that later in the year, when the table went down as low as 15 metres, the problem would come back.

So; the pump unit had to go lower. That was two sets of wires, the holding cable and the PVC pipework to sort out. Decided to splice in a 6 metre section of cable; rather than simply add to the length of the cables. The reason being that I didn't want to disconnect the control box wiring.

On Saturday last, the same three of us, got stuck in. In my wisdom, I also thought I'd put on a protective polyvinyl tube, to protect everything from the blazing sun. This proved to be a challenge, but was eventually mastered. Still not completely happy with the protective coverings though. I'll sort it out this week.


The permanent pipework had also to be fixed up.

Before last Saturday.



After working on the PVC pipes and cables.


This system water delivery, was a different one again.

Ten years ago, when i put in the original underground pipework, the water came from the ponds. One 150 metres away, from pond one, and the other 400 metres away, from pond eight. There were a few very dry years, and during one, pond eight almost went dry. Also the price of nuts had dropped to just over 2 baht, and it was not even worth bothering with. So, as is the way here, it was just left to be reclaimed by nature.

Anyway; hooked the whole thing up to the original pipework, and with fingers crossed; run the system.


It all went well. Underground pipework still good.

There are still 132 trees without water supply;  next solar project in January.

Saw a big snake skin on the road at the farm. Not seen any big snakes this year.


The clear-out at home continues. Even more accumulated junk taken to the farm and burnt.


The Mrs was nagging me about having a tidy up. To be fair; she was right. But should I have told he that it was her job? Perhaps I will next time.




Everything looks so different without the euca trees.


The Big Mango lady was frantic! I kid you not.


Some of her critters had escaped.

'Don't just stand there farang; help me catch them before they jump away.'


Soo and his wife are back from Bangkok. They are mum and dad to Bella, who has been  in Singapore for yonks. Not heard anything about her.

He went straight to work trimming the house trees.


There he is.


The kittens are growing fast. Little Jack Wagger, Mimi and Miss Lala. Lovely little things.



Leccy to a farm. Are those posts PVC pipes? Looks like it.


Did a nut cut last week. Not so much; just 775 kilos. The price is going up and up. On the day; 8 baht a kilo. Yea!!



These farm pineapples are not growing as fast as the others.



These ones doing much better. Could it be that the poorer ones are in the blazing sun for much longer?


The avo tree still alive. No fruit yet though.


Found some more ducks in the village. Very untidy gaf.


Buffs on the move.


Where are they off to?


Just wanted to have a cool down.



A bit traumatic for the EPL Champions. Since the last Boonie post they ain't won a game. Pool top. I reckon they will stay there all season now. The Lions doing well in The Championship. Black Cats and Blades equal top. Owls are so, so unpredictable. Great win vs The Canaries. Next match! Hammered at home by The Hornets. To be fair though; they are one of the form teams in that division. Then yet another loss to their neighbors.

Verstappen won the Bazillion F1 from 17th on the grid. That has to be good day. Don't happen that often.

Sad that Raygun has called it a day. The world's number one break-dancer forced out by jealous girls.

A pig's head was chucked onto the pitch in a match between San Paulo and Corinthians in Brazil. People starving in the world. Waste of good food that.

One of those 'orrible International breaks this week end.


A more relaxed week; this one. Just checking and monitoring.

We are gonna grow durians. Honest! Can't stand the things; smell or taste. But the rice growing in our spare two rai seems a nonsense to me. Been researching the smelly things on the www, and it's not easy to grow them up here. The 5/6 month long dry season is just too harsh.  I've nothing against the tree itself. It's just their offspring.

Rice harvesting in full swing. Ours next week.

Party in the village this Friday. Then the usual procession around the village with all the money trees. I'll ask Mildred to go out and capture the magic moments with me camera.

Visa next week. Made an appointment for the IO for Wednesday 20th. I'll visit a couple of places on the day. Be on me own so no yak yakking when I want to stop to take a pic or two.

Now the important thing. How to become 6 million baht richer. It's number seven folks. Don't want no commission. Just buy yer Mrs a new car.

Bitcoin and gold doing well. Pound and dollar US better against the baht at the mo'.

Just been told that the election was last week. Sort of passed us by here. Who won? Not that Thaksin guy again was it? Of course I jest. Trumpey got in with lots to spare. I'm puzzled why 10 million Dem voters didn't bother this time. Perhaps they were not too keen on WW111.

WW111. What? I'm well prepared. Have rope ladders going down the well at the farm. My advice to all; dig a well. Get some stout rope. Yer never know what unpredictable Donald might be thinking..

Only one thing left to say. Take care out there.


Isaan beauty. Seen in Ban Dung.


  • Like 7
  On 11/12/2024 at 11:01 PM, IsaanJeeperCreeper said:

Will be permanantly in Udon Thani next week Mr. Snaps. Maybe we will bump into each other eventually. Until then sir🫡


My meet at the IO, will be a morning job, so I'll be free from about one onwards. That's on Wednesday. Send me a PM bro.

  • Like 1
  On 11/12/2024 at 6:39 AM, SnapDragon said:

That turtle didn't do so good. Predicting the winning lottery numbers is not so easy as it thought. Said '7's and '8's. I went out and bought any ticket that had both the numbers. They didn't even come up once. Stupid turtle. But! Maybe it got the dates mixed up. So I've plunged in again with the same two numbers. Not quite so confident this time though.


This is SnapDragon. This is life in the boonies.

Solar system number three is up and running. But not before some minor hiccups.

When I originally ordered the cables back in December of last year, both came in 100 metre rolls. That would be enough for the 3 systems; I thought. However; because I'd used more than a third on the first two, the last one was gonna be a little short. I knew this, but thought that the pump going down the well 24 metres would be OK.

But first; get everything to the farm.


I'd already glued on the screw ends.

Three 550 watt panels.


Frame was already prepared.


Me and Kun put on the panels, and with the DeWalt cordless drill, set about securing them. Had two fully charged batteries on hand. Must say the drill performed very well. Easily up to the task of 60 minutes hard drilling.

On Saturday 2nd, me, Kun and Mildred put the pump down the well and wired it all up.


We were going down 24 metres, maybe xlightly less. According to the pump data, it would give a flow of about 2 litres a second, with a strong sun.


With the pump on the go from 9 in the morning, to about 4ish, we were gonna get something like 20k+ litres a day. Sounds a lot, but this pump had to service over 70 trees. And these palms are greedy sods.

Mildred wiring up the control unit.


Turned it on and the water came out faster than we had hoped. Too fast!


I was in no rush to put in the permanent pipework. I wanted to observe the system for a couple of days. And? It didn't go exactly to plan.

The system runs on solar panels. They, linked together, produce about 130 volts. The system pump is rated at 750 watts. Amps are 11ish. So as long as we got a volt reading of about 70 (with sun) the pump would run. The pump works on propellers; driving the water up the 1.5 inch PVC pipe. At maximum volts the propellers run at maximun revolutions.

What was the basis of the problem?

At full sun, and with a voltage reading of over 120 volts, the pump was at maximum output. Getting fantastic flow; but!! After 4 minutes the pump would stop for 5 minutes. This came up as E6 on the control unit. No water. Then start up again. I took the readings over the next few days, and found that when the voltage dropped below 90 volts, the pump didn't stop at all. On Wednesday of last week there was some cloud cover between 12 and 2. The pump didn't stop once.

What to do?

I thought the problem lay with the replenish rate of the water in the deep well. At maximum revs (of the propellers) the water was being pumped out faster than it was being replenished in the pipe. I checked the water table. 8 metres down. The other pump was just 100 metres away. That had never stopped once. I reckoned that there was a layer of permeable rock/stone lower than the 24 metres down where the pump was.


There were two options. One was to adjust the settings on the controller, so that the maximum propeller revs were reduced. That would mean less water being pumped; but no stopping. The reason I thought this, was that under cloudy conditions, there was no stopping. The reason for the stopping was the sensor one metre above the pump, saying there was no water.  That would have been a solution, but I figured that later in the year, when the table went down as low as 15 metres, the problem would come back.

So; the pump unit had to go lower. That was two sets of wires, the holding cable and the PVC pipework to sort out. Decided to splice in a 6 metre section of cable; rather than simply add to the length of the cables. The reason being that I didn't want to disconnect the control box wiring.

On Saturday last, the same three of us, got stuck in. In my wisdom, I also thought I'd put on a protective polyvinyl tube, to protect everything from the blazing sun. This proved to be a challenge, but was eventually mastered. Still not completely happy with the protective coverings though. I'll sort it out this week.


The permanent pipework had also to be fixed up.

Before last Saturday.



After working on the PVC pipes and cables.


This system water delivery, was a different one again.

Ten years ago, when i put in the original underground pipework, the water came from the ponds. One 150 metres away, from pond one, and the other 400 metres away, from pond eight. There were a few very dry years, and during one, pond eight almost went dry. Also the price of nuts had dropped to just over 2 baht, and it was not even worth bothering with. So, as is the way here, it was just left to be reclaimed by nature.

Anyway; hooked the whole thing up to the original pipework, and with fingers crossed; run the system.


It all went well. Underground pipework still good.

There are still 132 trees without water supply;  next solar project in January.

Saw a big snake skin on the road at the farm. Not seen any big snakes this year.


The clear-out at home continues. Even more accumulated junk taken to the farm and burnt.


The Mrs was nagging me about having a tidy up. To be fair; she was right. But should I have told he that it was her job? Perhaps I will next time.




Everything looks so different without the euca trees.


The Big Mango lady was frantic! I kid you not.


Some of her critters had escaped.

'Don't just stand there farang; help me catch them before they jump away.'


Soo and his wife are back from Bangkok. They are mum and dad to Bella, who has been  in Singapore for yonks. Not heard anything about her.

He went straight to work trimming the house trees.


There he is.


The kittens are growing fast. Little Jack Wagger, Mimi and Miss Lala. Lovely little things.



Leccy to a farm. Are those posts PVC pipes? Looks like it.


Did a nut cut last week. Not so much; just 775 kilos. The price is going up and up. On the day; 8 baht a kilo. Yea!!



These farm pineapples are not growing as fast as the others.



These ones doing much better. Could it be that the poorer ones are in the blazing sun for much longer?


The avo tree still alive. No fruit yet though.


Found some more ducks in the village. Very untidy gaf.


Buffs on the move.


Where are they off to?


Just wanted to have a cool down.



A bit traumatic for the EPL Champions. Since the last Boonie post they ain't won a game. Pool top. I reckon they will stay there all season now. The Lions doing well in The Championship. Black Cats and Blades equal top. Owls are so, so unpredictable. Great win vs The Canaries. Next match! Hammered at home by The Hornets. To be fair though; they are one of the form teams in that division. Then yet another loss to their neighbors.

Verstappen won the Bazillion F1 from 17th on the grid. That has to be good day. Don't happen that often.

Sad that Raygun has called it a day. The world's number one break-dancer forced out by jealous girls.

A pig's head was chucked onto the pitch in a match between San Paulo and Corinthians in Brazil. People starving in the world. Waste of good food that.

One of those 'orrible International breaks this week end.


A more relaxed week; this one. Just checking and monitoring.

We are gonna grow durians. Honest! Can't stand the things; smell or taste. But the rice growing in our spare two rai seems a nonsense to me. Been researching the smelly things on the www, and it's not easy to grow them up here. The 5/6 month long dry season is just too harsh.  I've nothing against the tree itself. It's just their offspring.

Rice harvesting in full swing. Ours next week.

Party in the village this Friday. Then the usual procession around the village with all the money trees. I'll ask Mildred to go out and capture the magic moments with me camera.

Visa next week. Made an appointment for the IO for Wednesday 20th. I'll visit a couple of places on the day. Be on me own so no yak yakking when I want to stop to take a pic or two.

Now the important thing. How to become 6 million baht richer. It's number seven folks. Don't want no commission. Just buy yer Mrs a new car.

Bitcoin and gold doing well. Pound and dollar US better against the baht at the mo'.

Just been told that the election was last week. Sort of passed us by here. Who won? Not that Thaksin guy again was it? Of course I jest. Trumpey got in with lots to spare. I'm puzzled why 10 million Dem voters didn't bother this time. Perhaps they were not too keen on WW111.

WW111. What? I'm well prepared. Have rope ladders going down the well at the farm. My advice to all; dig a well. Get some stout rope. Yer never know what unpredictable Donald might be thinking..

Only one thing left to say. Take care out there.


Isaan beauty. Seen in Ban Dung.



Would durian be any decent from there?

I thought it will be only good from certain regions?

My wife won't touch it(and she LOVES  it) unless it's from just a couple different regions 

My wife made an absolute killing selling durian during the covid lockdown

None of the distributors could get to Bangkok or not many

So she would go down to, I believe Rayong, with her brother and buy 700-800 kilo

Every 5 days or so...

She would just set up outside her house in Samut Prakan and was make 4-5k/day

Her hands were so fxuked from opening and cutting so many

  • Like 3
  On 11/13/2024 at 5:26 AM, Marc26 said:

Would durian be any decent from there?

I thought it will be only good from certain regions?

My wife won't touch it(and she LOVES  it) unless it's from just a couple different regions 

My wife made an absolute killing selling durian during the covid lockdown

None of the distributors could get to Bangkok or not many

So she would go down to, I believe Rayong, with her brother and buy 700-800 kilo

Every 5 days or so...

She would just set up outside her house in Samut Prakan and was make 4-5k/day

Her hands were so fxuked from opening and cutting so many


That is what Thais do very very well. They will seize an opportunity to make money. 

I hope she paid income taxes on all that money 😉

  • Like 1
  • Haha 2
  • 3 weeks later...

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