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Life in the Isaan Boonies.


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6 hours ago, Marc26 said:

Every single thing we do at our eventful house in the village will be with limiting/preventing snake interactions....

I am deadly afraid, I don't even like talking about them now

Although in 20 years going and staying in that village, I've never had or heard of any significant snake encounters

It is 90% rice paddies all year long, I don't know if that makes a difference 

Not often seen snakes in our house area in the village.  But it the farm it was a different story for years.

Right from the start I had a no litter policy. Mrs Snaps thought it was a joke. But even she now stops to pick up any trash. The result being, that no rubbish - especially food containers - meant no rats. No rats mean no snakes.

Can't eliminate them altogether. But I've only seen three at the farm this year, compared with one a week 15 years ago.

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3 hours ago, SnapDragon said:

Not often seen snakes in our house area in the village.  But it the farm it was a different story for years.

Right from the start I had a no litter policy. Mrs Snaps thought it was a joke. But even she now stops to pick up any trash. The result being, that no rubbish - especially food containers - meant no rats. No rats mean no snakes.

Can't eliminate them altogether. But I've only seen three at the farm this year, compared with one a week 15 years ago.

I have a wife with OCD so I get yelled at a lot,  but rubbish is not an issue.....


Now God Forbid I leave a key on the counter....that's an issue 555

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Same here Marc.

I get yelled at and whacked. Had a cat thrown at me one time. Hit me in the chest. Cat dug its claw in. But the Mrs does make a nice cuppa. And that 3 in 1 coffee. She is the nuts as making that. As my mum once told me; never trust a woman who don't wear a vest. Never seen Mrs Snaps with one on. Should have remembered mum's wise words years ago.

The silly thing is; I could pick her up with one hand and throw her into the middle of the pond. But she is confident that I wouldn't do that. She knows I wouldn't scare the fish like that.

Have to take the rough with the smooth.

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On 8/29/2024 at 5:28 PM, SnapDragon said:

Not often seen snakes in our house area in the village.  But it the farm it was a different story for years.

Right from the start I had a no litter policy. Mrs Snaps thought it was a joke. But even she now stops to pick up any trash. The result being, that no rubbish - especially food containers - meant no rats. No rats mean no snakes.

Can't eliminate them altogether. But I've only seen three at the farm this year, compared with one a week 15 years ago.

Years ago we 'refurbished' an old pond in the house we were renting. I could not believe it was left so bad and filled in.  We got fish and frogs etc etc. and it was great.  Big mistake. Snakes came - they love frogs and other things attracted to water, I was told by the local snake catcher.  We filled it back in. 

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14 hours ago, AussieBob said:

Years ago we 'refurbished' an old pond in the house we were renting. I could not believe it was left so bad and filled in.  We got fish and frogs etc etc. and it was great.  Big mistake. Snakes came - they love frogs and other things attracted to water, I was told by the local snake catcher.  We filled it back in. 

Yeah I would not do any water at all near the house 


The mosquitoes alone are enough deterrent 


Then the dreaded snakes


I said on another forum I would love to build these wooden walkways in our village house but I'd fear it would be a snake hiding place





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Tuesday 3rd September.

Snaps in the boonies here. Wow! What a week of activity!!

The best rain of the year. Bringing the life-giving necessities; but also a little mayhem. But what made the week special - not Aveley Village winning their first game of the season in NLS - no, the euca cutters arrived on site. 15 adults and a few kids. Also brought their chickens. I decided to do three posts this week. Such was the activity.


We had three successive nights of quite heavy rain. What has happened to the daytime rain? Some for sure. But not what you might call monsoon rain, starting at 2 and finishing at 5. Maybe not hot enough?

Number 5 pond. Had the contrast set too high with this pic. Grass not usually that bright. 


Looking east from number 5 pond. All the ponds well full.


Ponds one and two.


Pond one. Looking south towards the paddy.


Started to rain. Not hard enough to make me put up me fishing brolly though.


The paddy and pond one have merged.


View back to the other end of pond one. I'm sure some fish swam across to the paddy. I'm sure they will swim back before the water level drops.

And the level will quickly drop. There is a pipe running under the road between the paddy and the palm farm. Although even a 4 incher will take 12 hours or so to drop the water to normal after that rain.


The rain also played havoc with the farm roads. Bursting banks and creating little waterfalls.



Some of the roads were no-goes for motor bikes. Just get too muddy.


Went to the gas station, on the main 2022 road, to get some petrol for Kun's grass cutting. Buffs were everywhere.


Don't know if they belong to the gas station people, or they just wandered over from a farm at the rear.


Got my petrol and drove off to the farm. Another herd! Approaching fast.


Coming straight for me!!!


Just missed.


Even more buffs having a swim in the pond near the wood.


Not so many. About 4.


Mildred was not quite ready for school, so I went on ahead, and did a pic or two. Oscar wondering where the bus has got to.


A new chicken with two chicks this morning. Not see these before. By Nang's corner shop.


Work still has to continue if it rains.


Who is that? Making use of plastic bags.  Noi's hubby.


The euca cutters spent the evening unpacking. Gonna have a little rest after cutting 100 rai in Sakon Nakhon last month.


Just waiting for a little dryer weather. Reckon when they start they will be cutting for 8 days.


They were very interested about our ponds, and what was in them.  I'm sure they were just inquisitive.


City and Pool top the EPL. Those two, along with Black Cats in Championship, the only 100percenters in the top 7 English Divisions.

Red Bull's wheels have come off.

Sinner, new favorite in US Tennis GS.


The Mrs says my predictions for the Thai Lottery are 'rubbish'. She bought 4 tickets, each with the number 8 in them, and din't win a bean. Simply must do better.


Remember that song by the Italian lass; Sabrina Solerno? Found a vid of her singing her hit song 'Boys, boys boys' in a swimming pool. Mrs Snaps caught me watching it. She said she wasn't annoyed or anything. When I whistled for my coffee a little later, it wasn't as hot as it could been and tasted a tad salty. Couldn't drink it. Can't get me head round it. I usually praise her for here tea and coffee making skills.


Thanks for visiting. More to follow shortly.


Been some great skies recently.



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Good update Snaps. 


We've had a bit of rain down here in Non Thai but nothing great.  We seem to get more threats than actual downpours.  Humidity is pretty high tho. 



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10 minutes ago, NonThaiKiwi said:

Good update Snaps. 

We've had a bit of rain down here in Non Thai but nothing great.  We seem to get more threats than actual downpours.  Humidity is pretty high tho. 


Love that sky.

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5 hours ago, SnapDragon said:

Remember that song by the Italian lass; Sabrina Solerno? Found a vid of her singing her hit song 'Boys, boys boys' in a swimming pool.

I was researching swimming techniques on the www. Found this. Just bounces along.


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Ah, those kwaai, water buffaloes. Beautiful animals.

But as they say round here, no kwaai, no leeches. That's good enough for me.

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Snaps here.

It's Thursday the 5th of September 2024.

The cutting team have certainly made themselves comfortable.



Only one person that spoke any English that I could understand. She told me her job was to wash and cook.




Solar panel for something.


The little panels were for charging mobiles.


Also brought their chickens. Not for eggs I was informed. They are fighting chickens; from Buriram. Lady told me that there are two things in Thailand that Buriram is best at; fighting chickens and football.

And here is the English speaker doing her chores.


Plenty of machinery ready to go.




One of the two trucks. Each can hold 40 tonne of logs.


Let the cutting begin.



Two teams.


The ladies pull the trees down, as the guys cut.


Once felled thay are cut to lenght.



The ladies trim them. The guys stack them ready for picking up and loading them onto the lorry.




Machines take over. Put them in big heaps.


Lorries get loaded, and they are off to the factory.


Sometimes things don't go to plan.


This was yesterday evening.


Gonna pop along shortly to see progress. Might have to take out the logs to lesson the load. 


That's the wet season for ya. Brings life and relief. Sometimes makes things difficult.

Thanks for viewing.

More to follow shortly.



cut trees000.png

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Seeing as most people seem to be judging "happiness in Thailand" on the availability and price of a good steak (another topic on the forum), one can only wonder how you survive there "out in the boonies" !!!!

I am of course joking and this provides a refreshing change from the people who seem to be moving to Thailand and recreating a western life at a cheaper price (of which there seem to be an increasing number).

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Brilliant posts Snaps, and so refreshing compared to some of the nonsense on the other forum - which I often get suckered in to!

I enjoy reading about and looking at your rural life despite the fact that it would drive me nuts living in the boonies - Devon is bad enough for the summer before I head back to Phuket for the winter!

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It's Friday the 6th of September 2024.

Snaps here.

They got the lorry out. By the time I arrived it was all sorted. Had a wander round with me camera.

It has been quite a wet spell. There is mud and water everywhere.



This is the spot where the wheels of the truck went down.



The solar area is very wet.


A lot of this water comes from the paddy next door. They run the water off into our farm. Perfectly acceptable at this time of year.



The cutting was steaming ahead. About 70% of farm one now done. After that it's farm 4, and lastly, the two rows of eucas along the roads; about 150 trees there

View from number eight pond. Looking over to where they are loading the truck; about 200 metres away.


Temporary rest area.


Just cut. 


That's a big un!


Ladies come over to collect up the bits that the cutter team don't want. They will finish up in the little fires as charcoal. Might call these collectors; 'euca tooters'.


The trimming guy.


The tractor brings the logs over from afar, piles them up, and the grabber does the next bit.eucamachines.png.5a6ed4ea24f2c33c6de921c790d85c52.png



First load for the truck's rear compartment. Front is full.


Number 8 pond from the end away from the road. This was our first pond. 12 months before the others were dug out. It was only about 20% of this size originally. Water level goes up and down as the water table dictates; unlike the others.


I was wandering around the ponds and found one of the terrapins that were released a week ago.


Over to Bella's farm to feed the chickens and give Mango and Curley Wurley some dog biscuit.


Neighbor Chai is doing a little walkway into his farm. Gonna be real cute.


All the planted pineapples are doing great.

These 3 in the same pot as the dwarf avocado.


Life goes on in the boonies.

Thanks for visiting. More soon.

Til next time.



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It's Sunday. Snaps in the boonies.

Eighth of September 2024.

I bit late in posting about it; four days ago now. Busy with the farm news. Went to the number 4 Market last Wednesday.

Bought 4 long tail kois, and ordered 200 pinkies for next month.

Two blacks, a platinum and a yellow. Mildred said to put them straight into pond 6. Which we did.


Also bought some floor mats for home. Fed up with tripping over old clothes. And anyway, I told Mrs Snaps to give any she didn't want to poor people. Didn't get a whack for suggesting that. Things are looking up.


Bought six mats for 300 baht.

There was one stall that was particularly busy.


Some very decent clobber on sale for 40/50 baht. Ladies stuff. But there were some bargains for the guys.


Always an unusual animal there.




Spicy sausages for me supper.


Try not to get too near this stall. Can't stand the things. But did buy some pineapples.


At the farm we had a little bit of contention. I wanted three trees to remain. The big one.


And my two favourites. One on the main road and one in number 4 farm. The Mrs took the side of the business. I think I've won. Not been cut down; yet!


I marked the two with old sacks.

cuttreez02.png.9253664bfa4aa67c9e30bf21d2341115.png A couple of the pineapples have been eaten. I put the tops in a ring next to a little lime tree.


Looking forward to seeing them grow. They are so easy to look after. All they need is sun, water and love. Bit like us humans.


The other 5 pineapples are doing great.

When in Ban Dung Wednesday I spotted a little Italian job. First one I've seen in these parts.

What a beast!!


The Ma in Law's house is empty and locked up as she is at her daughter Noi's place; just along the way. So it is left to me and Mildred to look after the cats.


Either me or Mildred gives them food every day. Have six coming round now.



Was looking forward to watching Russia v Thailand. Got cancelled at the last. Both the Highland and Lowland Leagues are smashing in the goals. Both have averaged 5 goals a game this month.

Roll on the footy this week. The Champions League starts mid-week. Come on you Villa.

I was champion of the whole world in last season's predictions. Well; of the 4k who entered the competition. From all over though. Won a luvvely trophy. Should be with me this month.



Went to the farm this afternoon. The cutters are on the home stretch. Started number 4 today. They keep at least two days in front of the loaders cause the trimmers and stackers get stuck in next. Some hefty trees in this next farm. Pics next post.

There have been 7 - not including the one that was half loaded when I got there today - truck-loads. Another 4/5 to go. That will make 12 or 13 loads all told. averaging out at over 25 tonne a load.

The overflow pipe, that runs under the road from the paddy to the palm farm, has been smashed. That's a new job for me and Kun, when the euca cutters have departed. Nine metres of concrete 4 inch pipe to get.

Also want to put stone down where the big wagons have damaged the road. Plenty of work later this month. Next month - October - there is the third solar system to put in. And a fourth the month after that; in November. No rest for the farang or the wicked.


The lounge is filled up. The big bedroom is nearly filled up. Where to put Mildred's art?


Her latest. Called 'Moonhead girl'.




Thanks for visiting.


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On 9/8/2024 at 8:00 PM, SnapDragon said:

Roll on the footy this week. The Champions League starts mid-week. Come on you Villa.

The Champions League (Group stage) starts up next week on the 17th.

Got you all excited for nothing. Sorry everyone. 

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