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News Forum - Kratom caper: Thai cops shrimp on illegal juice joint


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The Royal Thai Police (RTP) swooped on an abandoned shrimp warehouse in Samut Sakhon following reports of a man distributing all-you-can-drink kratom juice to immigrant workers. Mueang Samut Sakhon Police Station officers, alongside relevant agencies, responded to complaints from residents about a group of Burmese workers frequently gathering at the warehouse for kratom juice. Signs … …

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Police reports indicate that on May 29, a group of men, donning Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) vests and riding motorbikes, approached a kratom juice store in Mueang Samut Sakhon.

The men claimed to be police officers conducting an inspection, demanding 28,000 baht from the vendor to avoid legal action. They further insisted on a monthly payment of 3,000 baht to keep the store out of trouble."

Of course this sort of extortion could not work if it were not so generally well known that the Royal Thai Police really do have a reputation for shaking down people and demanding 'tea money' to turn a blind eye.


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