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OMG - They have a special "rule" just for me !


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Rule 16: "In consideration of readers’ time, try hard to limit your posts to 10 lines or less. Some of us have daytime jobs and moderators will edit or remove entries that are too long."

Shoot me now ! Have I made any posts on this forum that have been less than 10 lines ? (Seriously.)

I was actually looking to see if this forum had a "don't screw with another member's post by quoting and altering the text" kind of rule like that "other" forum has. Over "there", rule 16 states:
"16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post."

Can't find any such rule here though. (There is a recent post in a thread where someone quoted a piece of some thing some one else posted and added some text to it so that it looks like the original poster typed it. The original poster wasn't happy about that so I went to find the rule that says people aren't allowed to do things like that and found "Rule 16" instead.

Rule 16 - the "anti-kerryd rule". I mean seriously, how am I supposed to explain space travel and the possibility of alien life on other planets in 10 lines or less with just going "duh - maybe" and "ugg, can't do" and other such masterful phrases ?

Or matters like Climate Change, especially when I have to paste information from other sources (and maybe even links) and then provide context and clarity to such so that the readers understand the issue(s) more clearly.

What I have found though over the years is that people who prefer responses such as "huh  - wrong !" and "prove it" and "agree" generally just scroll past my posts because reading (and comprehension) are hard !
That is, the ones who haven't got me on "ignore", which often happens when I post something and some troll comes along and says something like "My mother-in-law in Isaan knows more about it than you do" and then you show them up by showing the qualifications of the people who actually wrote the research that was used in my post. None of whom were "MiL's in Isaan".

However, there are a few people who actually do read the whole posts, and not just the mods who kind of, sort of have to !

However, I do try to ensure I use (fairly) proper grammar and punctuation, as well as keeping the individual paragraphs short. Unlike some who would post a message similar in length to this one, without a single break between sentences ! (The proverbial "Wall of Text" kind of posts. Very hard to read.)

However, as I must return to the hospital shortly (I am expecting to get my first AZ jab this afternoon all going well), I will end this here. A mere 21(ish) lines ! Hardly my best effort, even if one just considers today's posts !

(Actually it turned out to be 34 lines, 36 counting this one, as the spacing of the actual post is different than this editing window.)

Edited by kerryd
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I actually enjoy reading your posts, as I'm sure many others do. They are long. At times, almost epic. But never verbose.

Perhaps, just for you, our lovely mods can make an exception.

Rule 16b:

Kerryd can write loads, as long as it's not boring.

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20 minutes ago, Faraday said:

I actually enjoy reading your posts, as I'm sure many others do. They are long. At times, almost epic. But never verbose.

Perhaps, just for you, our lovely mods can make an exception.

Rule 16b:

Kerryd can write loads, as long as it's not boring.

Ha ha, yes.

I must say that when I posted a day or two back asking him about a couple of points regarding global warning, nobody could ever claim he gave a 'yes/no' answer.
So far it's always been a very detailed reply. And that wasn't an arse-about way of saying it was too long either.

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2 hours ago, kerryd said:

Rule 16: "In consideration of readers’ time, try hard to limit your posts to 10 lines or less. Some of us have daytime jobs and moderators will edit or remove entries that are too long."

Shoot me now ! Have I made any posts on this forum that have been less than 10 lines ? (Seriously.)

I was actually looking to see if this forum had a "don't screw with another member's post by quoting and altering the text" kind of rule like that "other" forum has. Over "there", rule 16 states:
"16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post."

Can't find any such rule here though. (There is a recent post in a thread where someone quoted a piece of some thing some one else posted and added some text to it so that it looks like the original poster typed it. The original poster wasn't happy about that so I went to find the rule that says people aren't allowed to do things like that and found "Rule 16" instead.

Rule 16 - the "anti-kerryd rule". I mean seriously, how am I supposed to explain space travel and the possibility of alien life on other planets in 10 lines or less with just going "duh - maybe" and "ugg, can't do" and other such masterful phrases ?

Or matters like Climate Change, especially when I have to paste information from other sources (and maybe even links) and then provide context and clarity to such so that the readers understand the issue(s) more clearly.

What I have found though over the years is that people who prefer responses such as "huh  - wrong !" and "prove it" and "agree" generally just scroll past my posts because reading (and comprehension) are hard !
That is, the ones who haven't got me on "ignore", which often happens when I post something and some troll comes along and says something like "My mother-in-law in Isaan knows more about it than you do" and then you show them up by showing the qualifications of the people who actually wrote the research that was used in my post. None of whom were "MiL's in Isaan".

However, there are a few people who actually do read the whole posts, and not just the mods who kind of, sort of have to !

However, I do try to ensure I use (fairly) proper grammar and punctuation, as well as keeping the individual paragraphs short. Unlike some who would post a message similar in length to this one, without a single break between sentences ! (The proverbial "Wall of Text" kind of posts. Very hard to read.)

However, as I must return to the hospital shortly (I am expecting to get my first AZ jab this afternoon all going well), I will end this here. A mere 21(ish) lines ! Hardly my best effort, even if one just considers today's posts !

(Actually it turned out to be 34 lines, 36 counting this one, as the spacing of the actual post is different than this editing window.)

Do you do any finger push ups to keep them boys in shape?

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Working the clutch and brake levers on the Harley seems to  do the trick ! 

(Oh crap, I really don't want to type a long, wordy response to that question but if I don't my reputation score may take a hit and I could be accused of being a "cheap charlie" when it comes to the "typed word".)

Bah, I'll probably die from the (free) AZ shot I just got at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya an hour ago anyways. At least I hope that's what she stuck me with ! Pretty sure it wasn't a testosterone booster or a liquid form of viagra unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately considering how quickly the virus is spreading around the area right now !

But if I survive today, I only have to wait 84 days until the next (free) shot ! And then I have to figure out what to do as I've also got a Moderna shot scheduled for October but I don't know what date yet (or if they will even have any of that vaccine by then). Not sure how far apart they should be taken, assuming it's OK to get some of each.

And then what do I do if the Pfizer vaccine becomes available ? Get a shot of that as well ? My shoulder will soon resemble a dart board at this rate !

And I will probably be one of the few who gets all the vaccines and still gets infected by the virus !
Damn Murphy and his Law !
Murphy was an Irishman as well, wasn't he ?
Maybe that explains it !

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6 minutes ago, kerryd said:

Working the clutch and brake levers on the Harley seems to  do the trick ! 

(Oh crap, I really don't want to type a long, wordy response to that question but if I don't my reputation score may take a hit and I could be accused of being a "cheap charlie" when it comes to the "typed word".)

Bah, I'll probably die from the (free) AZ shot I just got at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya an hour ago anyways. At least I hope that's what she stuck me with ! Pretty sure it wasn't a testosterone booster or a liquid form of viagra unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately considering how quickly the virus is spreading around the area right now !

But if I survive today, I only have to wait 84 days until the next (free) shot ! And then I have to figure out what to do as I've also got a Moderna shot scheduled for October but I don't know what date yet (or if they will even have any of that vaccine by then). Not sure how far apart they should be taken, assuming it's OK to get some of each.

And then what do I do if the Pfizer vaccine becomes available ? Get a shot of that as well ? My shoulder will soon resemble a dart board at this rate !

And I will probably be one of the few who gets all the vaccines and still gets infected by the virus !
Damn Murphy and his Law !
Murphy was an Irishman as well, wasn't he ?
Maybe that explains it !

How about a paragraph executive summary at the start of the post for those time limited but want the essence of your wisdom !

e.g this post 

Just got first shot AZ vaccine in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. More choices coming up near future will decide then what to have.

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20 hours ago, kerryd said:

However, I do try to ensure I use (fairly) proper grammar and punctuation, as well as keeping the individual paragraphs short. Unlike some who would post a message similar in length to this one, without a single break between sentences ! (The proverbial "Wall of Text" kind of posts. Very hard to read.)

I like the phrase "Wall of Text", it's very descriptive. Yes, short paragraphs and short sentences too.

Warning: multi-line side-track ahead.

In the past I've proofread text for people. One was Canadian English.
I kept having to check various phrases and spelling, during which I came across a Canadian who wrote an article explaining the subject.
I loved his sarcastic summary, which was so true: 'Canadian English follows British English - except when it doesn't.'

I've been proofreading for a non-native English speaker, even though his English is very good. He has a tendency to go for the 'wall of text', including long sentences.
It started as a hundred and twenty pages and has already gone up to a hundred and sixty purely by paragraph spacing and line -breaks.

For a time I wrote articles for an agency supplying content on virtually any subject for their clients. Always five to six hundred words.
It was there I l was told  to write short paragraphs and short sentences, plus spell numbers as long as they weren't huge - then the usual 'exception to the rule' for anything in English grammar applies.

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