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News Forum - Thai government prepares for potential Iran attack on Israel


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The Thai government assured yesterday that contingency plans are in place to safeguard Thai nationals in Israel, should Iran follow through on its threat to attack. This follows the evacuation of approximately 8,000 Thai workers from Israel after the attack initiated by Hamas on October 7 last year. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin revealed that most … …

The story Thai government prepares for potential Iran attack on Israel as seen on Thaiger News.

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Thankfully this didn’t amount to much. Israel claims to have downed 99% of all incoming while Iran claims to have used only discount bin projectiles and that it cost Israel/U.S. $500+ million in AD Missiles. Iran saves face and Israel gets to play the attacked victim again. 

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1 hour ago, Fanta said:

Thankfully this didn’t amount to much. Israel claims to have downed 99% of all incoming while Iran claims to have used only discount bin projectiles and that it cost Israel/U.S. $500+ million in AD Missiles. Iran saves face and Israel gets to play the attacked victim again. 

300+ missiles fired from Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon is an attack such that Israel isn't playing victim. Israel did not down all of the incoming drones, ballistic missiles and rockets. 7 got through.  It was the combined effort of France, the USA, UK and several quiet Arab neighbors that kept Israel from being obliterated. Jordan actively downed Iranian missiles and it is believed that the UAE and KSA were sharing intelligence.  Iran will send more missiles next time.

Israel attacked a legitimate military target in Syria when it targeted an annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus. (The Iranian embassy was not targeted.)  The location was where the senior Quds Force commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, and seven other IRGC officers were meeting with Hezbollah military  in a planning session for attacks on israel. Hezbollah has been firing missiles  at Israel on a daily basis from Syria and Lebanon. The Iranian RG is implicated along with Hezbollah in the deaths of the 550,000+ syrians and the creation of 14 million displaced Syrians, millions of whom are refugees in the west. It is not as if Hezbollah and Iran have not previously targeted Israeli and western consulates and embassies. Iran and Hezbollah set the precedent when they bombed the  the Multinational peacekeeping barracks in Beirut in 1983 that resulted in the deaths of 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel. Iran and Hezbollah then bombed the American  embassy in Beirut killing 63+.

If the Israeli leadership has any brains, it will restrain itself until the Gaza operation is finished. it doesn't need another war on its Lebanon border. Hezbollah is better prepared and will inflict heavy losses on israel if there is an attack. Finish up in Gaza. Secure Rafah and get rid of the tunnels. This Israeli government is disorganized and is all over the place.

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45 minutes ago, Vigo said:

300+ missiles fired from Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon is an attack such that Israel isn't playing victim. Israel did not down all of the incoming drones, ballistic missiles and rockets. 7 got through. 

Ooh.. my apologies. It wasn’t 99%, it was 97.6%. Your guys certainly fed some crazy juice to the crazies and, imo, got off lightly. 

45 minutes ago, Vigo said:

It was the combined effort of France, the USA, UK and several quiet Arab neighbors that kept Israel from being obliterated.

Obliterated? Ha! Exaggerate much? 

45 minutes ago, Vigo said:

Israel attacked a legitimate military target in Syria when it targeted an annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus

You can save that spiel for the gullible and willfully ignorant. It was an attack on embassy grounds. Even Adolf didn’t go that far and he wasn’t shy about pushing the occasional boundary. 

45 minutes ago, Vigo said:

If the Israeli leadership has any brains, it will restrain itself until the Gaza operation is finished. it doesn't need another war on its Lebanon border. Hezbollah is better prepared and will inflict heavy losses on israel if there is an attack. Finish up in Gaza. Secure Rafah and get rid of the tunnels. This Israeli government is disorganized and is all over the place.

Don’t fret. Lasagne brain Biden was woken from his afternoon nap on the beach and trotted out to publicly reaffirm BFF status for Israel. They can continue doing whatever they want and Uncle Sam will be there to help in any way possible. After all, an attack on Israel is an attack on America, right? Right? 

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

Ooh.. my apologies. It wasn’t 99%, it was 97.6%. Your guys certainly fed some crazy juice to the crazies and, imo, got off lightly. 

Obliterated? Ha! Exaggerate much? 

You can save that spiel for the gullible and willfully ignorant. It was an attack on embassy grounds. Even Adolf didn’t go that far and he wasn’t shy about pushing the occasional boundary. 

Don’t fret. Lasagne brain Biden was woken from his afternoon nap on the beach and trotted out to publicly reaffirm BFF status for Israel. They can continue doing whatever they want and Uncle Sam will be there to help in any way possible. After all, an attack on Israel is an attack on America, right? Right? 

It was not on the embassy grounds. It was in a building adjacent to the embassy. The embassy itself was not attacked. Even the Iranians are not calling the building an embassy. They used the word consulate after the attack for PR purposes.    https://english.aawsat.com/world/4951996-iran-strike-our-damascus-consulate-‘crazy-step’-washington-involved   In any case, the  building was a legitimate military target because it was being used to plan an attack on Israel. The Hezbollah military commanders were not meeting with their IRG masters to exchange hugs and good wishes.  

You are tossing  Hitler's name around again, but ignore the fact that Iran set the precedent when it attacked the peacekeepers and US embassy in Beirut, massacring hundreds. embassies are  targets when they are used for military purposes. Why did you ignore that? Here are some more embassy  bombings where Hezbollah and Iran were responsible;


- The bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina killing twenty-nine people in 1992. Hezbollah operatives boasted of involvement.

- The 1998 United States embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. The US court  found that "...the government of Iran aided, abetted and conspired with Hezbollah, Osama Bin Laden, and al Qaeda to launch large-scale bombing attacks against the United States by utilizing the sophisticated delivery mechanism of powerful suicide truck bombs. ... Prior to their meetings with Iranian officials and agents Bin Laden and al Qaeda did not possess the technical expertise required to carry out the embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam."

Iran and Hezbollah lost the absolute protection of hiding behind in embassies and buildings in close proximity the day they started targeting other countries' embassies and diplomatic personnel. Iran uses its Canadian embassy as its North American spy center to harass and spy on iranian dissidents. It operates its violent attack squads from its consular buildings in Germany and the UK.

Iran is a proxy of the Russian state when it is in Russia's interests and having Iran disrupt at this time benefits Russia as it diverts military aid from Ukraine.  If the Strait of Hormuz is disrupted, oil prices skyrocket and Russia benefits, and boy does it need the money now.  The downside for the Axis of evil is that the Arab nations will be forced to put aside their hate for Israel to address their equally as powerful hate for the shiite state of Iran.

The USA is going to do its utmost to keep the conflict from expanding for many reasons;

- The US economy doesn't need another war, and any conflict increases the price of oil which is bad for the US consumer. 

- A war would negatively impact the  president's re-election, unless he delivered a decisive victory such as turning Iran to  to rubble, but that won't happen. The UK's pakistani and Bangladeshi population would rise up and cause a civil war. The UK doesn't have the capacity to participate. It's military has been underfunded and understaffed for too long. France doesn't want an uprising of its North Africa population who are always looking for a reason to riot and loot.

- Israel would be seriously damaged or even be obliterated. Nothing would stop one of the peace treaty arab nations like Egypt from taking advantage of the war and attacking Israel. The Israeli government is dysfunctional and society is fractured.  Much of the population wants the Gaza conflict to end as soon as Hamas is neutralized.

- Israel's economy is in terrible shape and needs its conflicts to end asap.




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1 hour ago, Vigo said:

It was not on the embassy grounds.

It was in the embassy compound. If you disagree you can always edit the Wikipedia page to claim otherwise and we’ll see if it sticks. 

“On 1 April 2024, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria.” 


1 hour ago, Vigo said:

You are tossing  Hitler's name around again, 

I’ve never previously mentioned Hitler in regards to Israel.


1 hour ago, Vigo said:

but ignore the fact that Iran set the precedent when it attacked the peacekeepers and US embassy in Beirut, massacring hundreds. embassies are  targets when they are used for military purposes. Why did you ignore that?

Israel should be fighting terrorism, not imitating it. 

1 hour ago, Vigo said:

The USA is going to do its utmost to keep the conflict from expanding for many reasons;

And Israel is certainly not helping in that regard. 

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

It was in the embassy compound. If you disagree you can always edit the Wikipedia page to claim otherwise and we’ll see if it sticks. 

“On 1 April 2024, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria.” 


I’ve never previously mentioned Hitler in regards to Israel.


Israel should be fighting terrorism, not imitating it. 

And Israel is certainly not helping in that regard. 

I stated that you were  tossing Hitler's name around again. It is a fact  that you  are fond of using references to Hitler (16X). Your preferred accusatory descriptive word is "nazi" (55X). Please look at the Ukraine thread.  I did not state that you made the use of the term specific to israel. You just have a habit of labeling anyone who doesn't meet your Russian propaganda guidelines as a nazi. (In fairness of the 16 Hitler references you make, you impute the description to third parties 10X. However, you use the term 6X in accusatory statements.)  It's quite over dramatic.

In respect to the target, do you not understand that you are agreeing that the target was not the embassy. As you have written it was a building adjacent to the embassy (and not in the embassy compound). Have a look at the photo. If the Israelis had wanted to flatten the embassy they would have. BTW, Israel has not said it was responsible. Maybe they were not. 🤭

And now, you show your hand, where you acknowledge that the Iranians and Hezbollah are terrorist entities. Thank you. Unfortunately, once a nation goes rogue and engages in unlawful acts, and in particular engages in state sponsored terrorism, such as the murder of the multinational peacekeepers or another nation's embassy, it cannot expect other countries to respect its claims of diplomatic sanctity. There is another important detail that you have overlooked. Hezbollah is a terrorist group at war with israel. Syria is in a state of war with Israel. iran has stated repeatedly that it will destroy Israel and wipe it from the map.  Therefore,  the targeting of a building in a hostile nation, being used by hostile enemies was legal. There was no  diplomatic protection in effect because all 3 entities are at war with israel and the building is in a country at war with israel and was occupied by entities targeting Israel. Had Israel targeted the iranian embassy in Jordan, you would have a point. However, all that was done was that a missile took out the military planners of for 2 enemy entities, while being hosted in a nation at war with israel.


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53 minutes ago, Vigo said:

I stated that you were  tossing Hitler's name around again. It is a fact  that you  are fond of using references to Hitler (16X). Your preferred accusatory descriptive word is "nazi" (55X). Please look at the Ukraine thread.  I did not state that you made the use of the term specific to israel. You just have a habit of labeling anyone who doesn't meet your Russian propaganda guidelines as a nazi. (In fairness of the 16 Hitler references you make, you impute the description to third parties 10X. However, you use the term 6X in accusatory statements.)  It's quite over dramatic.

Oh no! Rather than take the L on your claims you play your usual game of deflection and obfuscation. I did nazi that coming.. 🤪  

57 minutes ago, Vigo said:

In respect to the target, do you not understand that you are agreeing that the target was not the embassy. As you have written it was a building adjacent to the embassy (and not in the embassy compound). Have a look at the photo. If the Israelis had wanted to flatten the embassy they would have. BTW, Israel has not said it was responsible. Maybe they were not. 🤭

So go and edit the Wikipedia page to set the record straight. I dare you. 

57 minutes ago, Vigo said:

And now, you show your hand, where you acknowledge that the Iranians and Hezbollah are terrorist entities. Thank you

No need to thank me. I have always stated they are terroshits and that I am surprised that Israel mimics them. Crazy times. 

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17 hours ago, Fanta said:

Oh no! Rather than take the L on your claims you play your usual game of deflection and obfuscation. I did nazi that coming.. 🤪  

So go and edit the Wikipedia page to set the record straight. I dare you. 

No need to thank me. I have always stated they are terroshits and that I am surprised that Israel mimics them. Crazy times. 

I have neither deflected nor obfuscated. You misrepresented my statement and I corrected you.  The fact is that you frequently spit out nazi and hitler. 

No need to change the wiki page. it states exactly what I wrote.

Israel is not mimicing Iran or Hezbollah. As I have explained, if Israel did indeed target the building, it was a legitimate military target because;

1. Syria, Hezbollah and iran are engaged in hostile military actions against Israel.

2. The building is located in a nation that is in a state of war with Israel and was occupied by parties engaged in hostile military action against Israel. This was not a neutral third party occupancy, but a direct military use by entities who have declared hostile military action on Israel.

3. The building did not enjoy protection because the parties hosting, controlling and using the location were in a state of hostile military action against Israel.

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6 hours ago, Vigo said:

I have neither deflected nor obfuscated. You misrepresented my statement and I corrected you.  The fact is that you frequently spit out nazi and hitler. 

I didn’t misrepresent anything. Your reference to the word Nazi was clearly an attempt to slur a dissenter. Context is important unless your goal is to obfuscate and deflect.

6 hours ago, Vigo said:

No need to change the wiki page. it states exactly what I wrote.

Israel attacked the Iranian embassy. Splitting hairs about where each missile landed is tripe. They also damaged the Canadian Embassy building while violating the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Convention on Consular Relations, and Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter. The fact that Israel won’t even admit to the strike implies they know they have crossed numerous red lines. So it falls to people like you to try to justify the strike and rewrite history. Good luck with that. 


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13 hours ago, Fanta said:

I didn’t misrepresent anything. Your reference to the word Nazi was clearly an attempt to slur a dissenter. Context is important unless your goal is to obfuscate and deflect.

Israel attacked the Iranian embassy. Splitting hairs about where each missile landed is tripe. They also damaged the Canadian Embassy building while violating the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Convention on Consular Relations, and Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter. The fact that Israel won’t even admit to the strike implies they know they have crossed numerous red lines. So it falls to people like you to try to justify the strike and rewrite history. Good luck with that. 

No, Israel did not attack  the Iranian embassy. A building described as a consular annex was destroyed. There is a legal difference between a consulate annex and an embassy.  Canada has retained ownership of the building previously used as an embassy and yes some windows were damaged. However, Canada cut diplomatic relations with both Syria and Iran 12+ years ago. There are no designated Canadian diplomats in Syria. Nor does Canada have any diplomatic status in Syria. Hezbollah is on the Canadian terrorism list. Both Syria and Iran are subject to Canadian sanctions. Syria is in a state of war with Israel . War damage is expected.

You cite the Vienna Convention. Perhaps you should take the time to read it. The protections afforded are in respect to the sending and receiving states. This means that the convention only applies to Syria as the receiving state and Iran as the sending state. In this case we have a third party, israel, which is neither a sending nor a receiving state. In addition, there are no diplomatic relations in effect between Iran or Syria or Hezbollah and Israel. Therefore, the Vienna Convention does not apply, nor can it apply.

Your argument has no basis. Using your logic, all that a belligerent party need do is to designate its premises as an embassy or a consulate to afford it protection. The Vienna convention does not extend protection in that circumstance.

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1 hour ago, Vigo said:

No, Israel did not attack  the Iranian embassy. A building described as a consular annex was destroyed. There is a legal difference between a consulate annex and an embass

Both are protected by international law. Israel is not above the law. 

1 hour ago, Vigo said:

You cite the Vienna Convention. Perhaps you should take the time to read it.

Your goal here is solely to protect Israel, defend its actions and put forth your own interpretation of events to achieve that end regardless of the accepted truth of the matter. So go edit the Wikipedia page and show the world it is wrong and you are right. I double dare you. 

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9 hours ago, Fanta said:

Both are protected by international law. Israel is not above the law. 

Your goal here is solely to protect Israel, defend its actions and put forth your own interpretation of events to achieve that end regardless of the accepted truth of the matter. So go edit the Wikipedia page and show the world it is wrong and you are right. I double dare you. 

I am correcting  your misinformation and  incorrect claims. You see the challenge of your intentional misinformation as defending Israel, I see it as countering the doctrine of hate espoused by a defender of the illegal invasion of Ukraine. There is no need for me to change  a wikipedia page because;

1. Wikipedia is not an official documentation and more importantly,

2. Nothing I wrote disagrees with the description of the targeted structure as a consular annex building.

Nice to see that you have not attempted to argue your erroneous interpretation of the Vienna Convention further. The premises was being used for a planning meeting between internationally listed terrorist group Hezbollah and IRG commanders, both of whom are in a declared state of active hostility with Israel and were in a nation that is in a continuing state of war with Israel. using your logic, Ukraine should designate  its ammo depots as consular annexes for various countries to prevent Russia from targeting them.


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26 minutes ago, Vigo said:

I am correcting  your misinformation and  incorrect claims. You see the challenge of your intentional misinformation as defending Israel, I see it as countering the doctrine of hate espoused by a defender of the illegal invasion of Ukraine. There is no need for me to change  a wikipedia page because;

1. Wikipedia is not an official documentation and more importantly,

2. Nothing I wrote disagrees with the description of the targeted structure as a consular annex building.

Nice to see that you have not attempted to argue your erroneous interpretation of the Vienna Convention further. The premises was being used for a planning meeting between internationally listed terrorist group Hezbollah and IRG commanders, both of whom are in a declared state of active hostility with Israel and were in a nation that is in a continuing state of war with Israel. using your logic, Ukraine should designate  its ammo depots as consular annexes for various countries to prevent Russia from targeting them.

Go edit Wikipedia and convince them that your view of events is the correct one. After all, if you are as correct as you so passionately claim to be then your edits will be accepted. Go forth Defender of Israel and write the wrongs (no sic required). Good luck because you’ll need it. 

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