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Visa financial requirements...

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                     Can you have your visa savings account requirement in a International bank such as Citibank?


                                                 Thanks Folks!

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When applying at the Thai Embassy/Consulate in your home-country for a Visa that requires evidence of sufficient funds, then you can do this. 

But when applying for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa at your local Thai Immigration office, or when applying for the 1-year extension of such Visa, the required funds need to be on a personal Thai bank-account.  And for the application (be it for the 90-day Visa or the 1-year extension) you would need:

- A statement issued by the Bank that the account is on your personal name, and the balance that it shows;

- Your updated Bank-account pass-book;

- Some Immigration Offices also require a 'Transactions Overview' statement issued by the Bank, for the required period

And as good as all Thai Immigration Offices require that the Bank-Account statement is issued on the day of application for the Visa/extension.  And that the bank pass-book has been updated same day. 

In practice that means that you always have to go FIRST to the Bank, do a small transaction to update the balance, and then request the Bank to provide you with the required documents.  And once you have these, you then go to your local Imm Office for the application. 

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46 minutes ago, BlueSphinx said:

When applying at the Thai Embassy/Consulate in your home-country for a Visa that requires evidence of sufficient funds, then you can do this. 

But when applying for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa at your local Thai Immigration office, or when applying for the 1-year extension of such Visa, the required funds need to be on a personal Thai bank-account.  And for the application (be it for the 90-day Visa or the 1-year extension) you would need:

- A statement issued by the Bank that the account is on your personal name, and the balance that it shows;

- Your updated Bank-account pass-book;

- Some Immigration Offices also require a 'Transactions Overview' statement issued by the Bank, for the required period

And as good as all Thai Immigration Offices require that the Bank-Account statement is issued on the day of application for the Visa/extension.  And that the bank pass-book has been updated same day. 

In practice that means that you always have to go FIRST to the Bank, do a small transaction to update the balance, and then request the Bank to provide you with the required documents.  And once you have these, you then go to your local Imm Office for the application. 

 Ahem... That was not my question. To expound on said question. Is Citibank considered a "Thai" bank account?

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1 hour ago, BOHICA said:

 Ahem... That was not my question. To expound on said question. Is Citibank considered a "Thai" bank account?

Call them and ask .I would think you would need to set up a Citibank Thai Account . Imop

Call us at Citiphone Banking at 1588 (if dialing within Thailand) or +66-2232-2484 (if dialing from overseas


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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Call them and ask .I would think you would need to set up a Citibank Thai Account . Imop

Call us at Citiphone Banking at 1588 (if dialing within Thailand) or +66-2232-2484 (if dialing from overseas


I called the stateside number where I am now. They said there is no difference in the banks here or there. An account with Citibank is worldwide. But I do need to ask them about the visa.

                     Thanks, I'll call them on Monday.

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52 minutes ago, BOHICA said:

I called the stateside number where I am now. They said there is no difference in the banks here or there. An account with Citibank is worldwide. But I do need to ask them about the visa.

                     Thanks, I'll call them on Monday.

Yes, because Immigration would want to see your Bank-Account pass-book which has to be updated on same day prior to applying for the Visa/extension, 

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/6/2024 at 3:08 PM, BlueSphinx said:

Yes, because Immigration would want to see your Bank-Account pass-book which has to be updated on same day prior to applying for the Visa/extension, 


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On 1/6/2024 at 9:52 AM, BOHICA said:


                     Can you have your visa savings account requirement in a International bank such as Citibank?

                                                 Thanks Folks!

Probably not.

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On 1/6/2024 at 2:14 PM, BOHICA said:

I called the stateside number where I am now. They said there is no difference in the banks here or there. An account with Citibank is worldwide. But I do need to ask them about the visa.

                     Thanks, I'll call them on Monday.

It is not a Thai Bank, so no. My HSBC account is not recognized by Immigration, even though it is not 'off shore' and was opened here.  Again, not a Thai Bank. 

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