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News Forum - Certainties of life: Death, taxes, and ladyboys robbing Indian men of gold in Pattaya


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There are several certainties guaranteed in life, death and taxes, US interference in other countries’ foreign policies, apartheid Israel continuing its ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine, and ladyboys in Pattaya robbing Indian men ostentatiously flaunting their gold. In the vibrant streets of Pattaya, where the night unfolds with many unexpected tales, a recent incident involving … …

The story Certainties of life: Death, taxes, and ladyboys robbing Indian men of gold in Pattaya as seen on Thaiger News.

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39 minutes ago, Ramanathan.P said:

He is lucky that his little brother is still intact safely inside his undersware....

Yep, they did look, but they couldn't find it

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News Media should SEPARATE  News (Facts) from Editorial (Opinion) .

” Apartheid Israel” is an obvious LIE ….. so an extremely BAD & WRONG Opinion. 
FACT: Israel has 1.5 million ( 20%) Arab Citizens with Full Rights. Judges, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers. 
“Apartheid Arab States” (near zero Jews as all driven out …but but Morroco has 2,000 on third class “Dhimmi” status - tolerated ….until not) is clear FACT. 
But NEVER mentioned except by the excellent UN Watch😎👍

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Another nasty misleading post from Thaiger's inhouse bigot. Why does this  prejudiced man insist on linking the USA and Israel to a nonsense opinion piece on Pattaya?  This has absolutely nothing to do with US foreign policy.  Israel is not an apartheid state, no matter how many times he says it. As long as Israeli arabs sit in its parliament, serve in its judicial system, have equal access to social services and education, no comparison can be made to South Africa where apartheid originated. Israeli arabs have freedom of movement and live in cities with non Israeli Arabs. Haifa is an example. Lod and Tel Aviva are other examples.  There is no ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza. It is a military operation against Hamas and to recover the missing 140  israeli hostages. The Gazans remain in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing is what Erdogan and Turkey are doing to the Kurds. Ethnic cleansing is what  went on in Yemen. It is what occurred in Syria with 12 million displaced Syrians and an excess of 1 million. It is what is occurring in the Darfur as Arab muslims slaughter the predominately Christian black Africans.

I am tired of the regurgitation of 1970's era  left wing extremist hate speech. We all get it, Bob Scott hates Israel. He gives us the slogans that were typical of the Corbyn cabal and other miserable elitists who wished to dictate how we live our lives.  He probably  doesn't like jew people either, but is too much of a coward to come right out and say it.

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Another Absolute LIE presented as fact in this wretched excuse for an “ article” is “ Israeli Ethnic Cleansing” .

FACT : Palestinian Arab Population up TEN Times from 1947. Not a normal “ Genocide” outcome 😅😂😏

FACT : 700,000 Jews ( 99%) driven out of All Arab States in 1967, with only the clothes they stood up in. 
Now THATS Ethnic Cleansing / Genocide. Again, never mentioned except by Hillel Neuer UN Watch.

FACT: 700,000 Arabs LEFT West Bank in 1967 when TOLD to by the Arab States just before attacking Israel.

but but , this is our sacred Nahkba ….. we were driven out by Israel (who then did not occupy or control WB)😌😅Another😌 Arab LIE. But no surprise as they Lie like Breathing. And Breed Terrorists like Rats. Especially on Free UN Money for Nothing. Except the Terror Business of course.😡

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15 minutes ago, Vigo said:

Another nasty misleading post from Thaiger's inhouse bigot. Why does this  prejudiced man insist on linking the USA and Israel to a nonsense opinion piece on Pattaya?  This has absolutely nothing to do with US foreign policy.  Israel is not an apartheid state, no matter how many times he says it. As long as Israeli arabs sit in its parliament, serve in its judicial system, have equal access to social services and education, no comparison can be made to South Africa where apartheid originated. Israeli arabs have freedom of movement and live in cities with non Israeli Arabs. Haifa is an example. Lod and Tel Aviva are other examples.  There is no ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza. It is a military operation against Hamas and to recover the missing 140  israeli hostages. The Gazans remain in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing is what Erdogan and Turkey are doing to the Kurds. Ethnic cleansing is what  went on in Yemen. It is what occurred in Syria with 12 million displaced Syrians and an excess of 1 million. It is what is occurring in the Darfur as Arab muslims slaughter the predominately Christian black Africans.

I am tired of the regurgitation of 1970's era  left wing extremist hate speech. We all get it, Bob Scott hates Israel. He gives us the slogans that were typical of the Corbyn cabal and other miserable elitists who wished to dictate how we live our lives.  He probably  doesn't like jew people either, but is too much of a coward to come right out and say it.

Jew Hatred takes every imaginable form. Usually hidden behind blind ideological lefty partisan hate support for the wretched incapable Palestinians whose traitor “ leaders”  have rejected their own Palestinian State FIVE TIMES since 1947, and who uniquely have three generations of “official” UN ( who else ?) refugees despite (until Oct 10 😔)controlling Gaza & certain West Bank towns.😩😡🫣 If this was fiction no rational person could possibly suspend disbelief for five seconds….

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4 hours ago, oldschooler said:

Jew Hatred takes every imaginable form

God’s chosen people have been kicked out of every country they have ever tried to settle in. After a few thousand years of that behavior you’ve really got to wonder who is the one with the problem…. 


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Nice to hear an alternative viewpoint for once, much of the media seems to have forgotten that old maxim - I may diagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it (originally something to do with Voltaire, apparently).

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3 hours ago, Fanta said:

God’s chosen people have been kicked out of every country they have ever tried to settle in. After a few thousand years of that behavior you’ve really got to wonder who is the one with the problem…. 



3 hours ago, Fanta said:

Oh ffs you as well …..chased out of every uncivilized country, not any English or Scandi speaking  country….. well not for 800 years…what “ behaviour” ….law abiding, non- violent, tax paying employers, pillars of society…...hated purely as they are always successful & prosperous …… over represented in high positions……..through intelligence and hard work and yes sticking together…. They have integrated well wherever given the chance.
Any problems are imposed on them, from the envious or for malign purpose, not from them.

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6 hours ago, Fanta said:

God’s chosen people have been kicked out of every country they have ever tried to settle in. After a few thousand years of that behavior you’ve really got to wonder who is the one with the problem…. 


Written like a good Russian, from the land of the pogroms. Russian state sanctioned pogroms didn't just target Jews, but they went after Polish Catholics and Lithuanians too. The culmination of Russian hatred occurred with Russia's alliance with  nazi Germany and invasion of Poland and subsequent slaughter of Poles.   Continental Europe and  the Middle east's ignorance  profited English speaking democracies which welcomed the people you seem to loathe. There were significant advances in science and technology once they moved to countries which offered freedom.  Freedom is a concept that still eludes Russia.  

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4 hours ago, 1000YearVampire said:

Nice to hear an alternative viewpoint for once, much of the media seems to have forgotten that old maxim - I may diagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it (originally something to do with Voltaire, apparently).

How is it an alternative viewpoint?  It was a tired tale of ladyboys and Indians. the story has been done many times.  It is not as if  Indians are not robbed elsewhere in Thailand or that ladyboys are not  present in other cities.  All that Mr. Scott did was recycle an old article, bundling it with hateful stereotypes and his biased commentary.  Mr. Scott leaves the impression that only Indians are the victims of ladyboys, and that Pattaya has an overpopulation of ladyboys who seem to all be criminals. He obviously hasn't seen what goes on in Samui or Chiang Mai or Patong, let alone Bangkok. Maybe we should mount a Go Fund Me campaign to raise money to send Mr. Scott to a journalism school.

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3 minutes ago, Vigo said:

only Indians are the victims of ladyboys,

No, only naïve idiots and those sexually attracted to Ladyboys. The stats seem to bear out that unless they are your 'thing', keeping clear of LBs in Pattaya is a fairly good idea.  Stats also suggest that you keep gold, phones and cash out of harms way and don't flaunt them in the early hours of the morning .     

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16 hours ago, Vigo said:

Another nasty misleading post from Thaiger's inhouse bigot. Why does this  prejudiced man insist on linking the USA and Israel to a nonsense opinion piece on Pattaya?  This has absolutely nothing to do with US foreign policy.  Israel is not an apartheid state, no matter how many times he says it. As long as Israeli arabs sit in its parliament, serve in its judicial system, have equal access to social services and education, no comparison can be made to South Africa where apartheid originated. Israeli arabs have freedom of movement and live in cities with non Israeli Arabs. Haifa is an example. Lod and Tel Aviva are other examples.  There is no ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza. It is a military operation against Hamas and to recover the missing 140  israeli hostages. The Gazans remain in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing is what Erdogan and Turkey are doing to the Kurds. Ethnic cleansing is what  went on in Yemen. It is what occurred in Syria with 12 million displaced Syrians and an excess of 1 million. It is what is occurring in the Darfur as Arab muslims slaughter the predominately Christian black Africans.

I am tired of the regurgitation of 1970's era  left wing extremist hate speech. We all get it, Bob Scott hates Israel. He gives us the slogans that were typical of the Corbyn cabal and other miserable elitists who wished to dictate how we live our lives.  He probably  doesn't like jew people either, but is too much of a coward to come right out and say it.

You answered that question, he is a "Bigot".  Along with some truly wonderful things the internet has brought us, it has come with a hugely destructive downside.  Now, any idiot with a keyboard can reach a world audience from their bedroom and we have no way to turn them off.  The only choice in this case is to leave the publication, it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater but this is the only way to get rid of these people.  Not to worry though, theres a ton of suckers out there that will just eat this trash right up...

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