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Seed Import

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I know people will say "just bung them in your suitcase and bring them" but what if I want to do things the right way?  I'm told that a licence to bring seeds into Thailand is easy to get but not where and how to get one.

I believe its a customs matter - anybody done it.

I'm only talking about a few packs of seeds but they are ones I like and that I know do well. I haven't tried finding them in Thailand so I'm unaware if they are available - Salvia (Big Blue) and Snapdragon anyone?

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  • 3 months later...

Dear KhaoYai :

 Most common people - including gardeners - didn't notice that the politicians & bureaucrats about three years ago in deep secrecy managed to impose a new 'HORTICULTURAL PROHIBITION LEGISLATION', which - at least, to us European gardeners - suddenly meant that we were unable to introduce the new plant-material which we vitally need to develop our Horticulture.  And the sneaky thing about this new legislation appears to be that...it doesn't actually make it ILLEGAL to attempt to introduce this vitally needed 'New Plant-material'...only, it just makes it TECHNICALLY & ECONOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SO - !

 And in Denmark it then eventually dawned to us gardeners that it is actually our CUSTOMS OFFICERS who are the key to this problem : Our official Min. of Agriculture Phyto-sanitory Officials still insists to tell us that 'Private Citizens Are STILL Legally Allowed To Make Their Private Import Of New Plant-material From Abroad',- but when we private gardeners now try to do so ...THE CUSTOMS OFFICERS REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANYTHING CALLED 'PRIVATE PLANT-IMPORT',- AND THEN INSISTS THAT WE PRIVATE GARDENERS ARE DEMANDED TO REGISTER AS "PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL PLANT & SEED-IMPORTERS", AND NOW HAVE TO PAY EXORBITANT FEES TO DO SO.  And then we also have to 'Be Able To Meet Up With Professional Plant-producer Standards', be aware of 'Professional Legislation & Standards' and have to accept 'Random Visits From Governmental Inspectors'...and then of course...ORDINARY PRIVATE GARDENERS JUST GIVES UP IN DESPAIR - !

Well, I do hope that you haven't yet ended up in the same mess, over in Thailand, KhaoYai,- but I fear that you may suffer from the effects of this new 'Horticultural Prohibition' in Thailand, too ?

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