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News Forum - Wave of disapproval: Krabi residents make waves as foreign men scale tsunami tower in unruly act


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Residents in the southern province of Krabi condemned two foreign men for their unruly behaviour after they put their lives in danger to climb a 16-metre tsunami warning tower on Ao Nang Beach. Witnesses speculated that the duo was under the influence of alcohol. A 25 year old Thai woman shared a video of the two … …

The story Wave of disapproval: Krabi residents make waves as foreign men scale tsunami tower in unruly act as seen on Thaiger News.

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Just throw such idiots into one day lock-up in Thai prison so that they will remember everything about Thailand for the rest of their life

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Holy crapiola of who gives a flying rats nard if they climbed the tower. Just some innocent fun that didn’t hurt anyone and the tattle tale should mind her own nosey business. I even looked at one of the towers and considered climbing it even at my age. And that was about a week ago when I was there. But that is also what I did growing up so it isn’t out of my normal. I would be more worried if the don’t work if I was that woman.

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3 hours ago, HolyCowCm said:

Holy crapiola of who gives a flying rats nard if they climbed the tower. Just some innocent fun that didn’t hurt anyone and the tattle tale should mind her own nosey business. I even looked at one of the towers and considered climbing it even at my age. And that was about a week ago when I was there. But that is also what I did growing up so it isn’t out of my normal. I would be more worried if the don’t work if I was that woman.

- Trespass and vandalism is not innocent fun.

- The tsunami warning towers are intended to protect life and property. Hooligans who treat these towers as personal playthings risk damaging the towers and killing people should the towers  be damaged.

- In other countries, teenagers, hobo and other vagrants often trespass on to power utility substations causing damage and putting lives at risk. There are stiff penalties that apply to their activities. I would expect similar to apply to this group.

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9 hours ago, Vigo said:

- Trespass and vandalism is not innocent fun.

- The tsunami warning towers are intended to protect life and property. Hooligans who treat these towers as personal playthings risk damaging the towers and killing people should the towers  be damaged.

- In other countries, teenagers, hobo and other vagrants often trespass on to power utility substations causing damage and putting lives at risk. There are stiff penalties that apply to their activities. I would expect similar to apply to this group.

I know exactly what the towers are for. I was even living in CM when the Tsunami hit. I do understand the gravity of the destruction this tsunami had and will never forget it. Seems that they powers that be forget fast enough because I rememner back some time ago that the actual alert buoys were not functional, and that is the first sign of protection then to alert for the towers to go to emergency loud mode.

I don't think they did any harm just climbing them and having a childish time of their lives, but yes, they should have stayed off them like I had looked at them and said it is probably best to not go up them for a thrill. And it did aboiut 2 week ago enter my mind. But as long as they did not touch any functioning or mechanical item that could break or leave the tower in operable then no harm done.

I cannot recall but I don't think there is any warning sign posted stating do climb, but for me just the feeling of knowing it is a tsunami warning post is enough to deter me from climbing it. But now I do think the officials need to put a big sign in red letters of do not touch and do not climb for penalty of law. But they won't because they red letter and warning sign might effext toursims becasue it might scare people. So yes, in one way I agree with you, but in another way it is nothing rally bad and just some fun of monkeying around on a freddom holiday. In my life I have climbed some serious things that we knew was against the law but just had to do it.

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2 hours ago, Mamachigawa said:

Is the warning system even working?

That is the 99 baht question that I also remember being in the news as some after the years were not up and running. But who knows now but I would not put a wager on all of them working.

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Faux Thai outrage cracks me up. Or perhaps it's faux Asian outrage, as I see these same genre of strories out of other SE Asian countries.

I lived in Japan for five years, didn't notice the same level of social outrage and virtue-signal dogpiling I notice now. Then again, there was no Internet or social media in the late latter 1980s.

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13 minutes ago, RNikoley said:

Faux Thai outrage cracks me up. Or perhaps it's faux Asian outrage, as I see these same genre of strories out of other SE Asian countries.

I lived in Japan for five years, didn't notice the same level of social outrage and virtue-signal dogpiling I notice now. Then again, there was no Internet or social media in the late latter 1980s.

It is almost that these lonely hearts club Thai feel the need to snap any video, post it where th world can see and whine about it for some sort of validation. And how they lump all of the residents of Krabi into the "We are outraged" is purely a crock of poo poo. I don't relly think anyone would care one iotta about it. Now if they tried to climb the mosque there or defecated on a spirit house then perhpas they would have a better position to be offended. Social media in a sense has ruined the world and twisted to warp younger generations. I actually seriously 2 weeks ago was in Aonang and looked at it in view to climbing it but quickly ruled it out as it is inappropriate in a sense as is for the tsunami catastrophe. But yes, my thoughts were also adulterated with some alcohol, but my common sense prevailed. I am here for the long term till passing away and won't let something stupid like this change my course. Although it did look fun to do.

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