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Advice needed on public health consideration in condos

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We moved to a condo 6 months back that is unfortunately infested with cockroaches. It's a modern building, but the scale of the problem is epic. Nothing controls it. We've had a pest control company in, but they're back in a few days. A maid regularly cleans, which includes wiping down the insides of cupboards to eliminate cockroach faeces and eggs and even the roof surfaces and elsewhere in cupboards. But they're back in 3 days. All food and such is kept in sealed containers. The point I'm trying to make is that we're doing everything possible to control the infestation, but nothing works. They come in from outside. There are times when it is possible to see literally dozens of juveniles running around at any time. They're everywhere, even leaping out of clothing in cupboards.

The problem is that the condo management simply doesn't care. We've complained repeatedly. If they can't control the problem in the building, then anything we do is reactive and unlikely to do more than fix the problem for a day or two as it is doing.

We have a 6 month old child. This is a huge health risk for such a young child and so we're going to have to move out and find other lodging. In fact, she was just very ill with a stomach complaint. I can't say for sure it was the cockroach problem that did it, but cockroach faeces are known to be a health risk for salmonella and all sorts of other gastrointestinal bacteria. 

Anyone able to point me in the direction of any legal bills or acts that could compel the landlord to return the deposit in such a situation?


Not sure what deposit you paid. Many complain of not receiving a return of deposit when vacating.
I previously gave sufficient notice and advised them to keep the deposit in lieu of rent.

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