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News Forum - Pattaya gears up for 600,000 Indian tourists this Year


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At least 600,000 Indian tourists are anticipated to visit Pattaya this year, returning the visitor numbers to levels similar to those prior to the pandemic, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Anoma Vongyai, director of TAT’s Pattaya office, revealed that over 900,000 Indian tourists travelled to Thailand in the year preceding the pandemic, …

The story Pattaya gears up for 600,000 Indian tourists this Year as seen on Thaiger News.

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39 minutes ago, Pinetree said:

Indians, fine, no problem with them at all; Russians and Chinese not so much.

for me it would be from worst to best






And I don't rate Russians as bad, every Russian I've run into has been fine

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12 hours ago, Marc26 said:

for me it would be from worst to best




And I don't rate Russians as bad, every Russian I've run into has been fine

Interesting that you put citizens of a Country, whose  government and Armed Forces are committing genocide in another Sovereign State, in their name, ahead of the Indians. 

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12 hours ago, Marc26 said:

for me it would be from worst to best




And I don't rate Russians as bad, every Russian I've run into has been fine

Gangsters are typically are low key and polite until they undertake their crimes.  

The prison officer corps at Aushwitz were a friendly bunch too going on picnics, and sunbathing together. They must have been a cultured group because they  organized camp orchestras and opera events, ensuring that inmates were serenaded on their way to their special showers.

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10 hours ago, Pinetree said:

Interesting that you put citizens of a Country, whose  government and Armed Forces are committing genocide in another Sovereign State, in their name, ahead of the Indians. 

So the citizens of a country are responsible for what their government does? I guess that makes me a really bad person considering I'm American.
Seems like common sense is lost in these times.

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11 hours ago, Pinetree said:

Interesting that you put citizens of a Country, whose  government and Armed Forces are committing genocide in another Sovereign State, in their name, ahead of the Indians. 

Just going by my personal interaction with them

I am not on the front lines!!  

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10 hours ago, Vigo said:

Gangsters are typically are low key and polite until they undertake their crimes.  

The prison officer corps at Aushwitz were a friendly bunch too going on picnics, and sunbathing together. They must have been a cultured group because they  organized camp orchestras and opera events, ensuring that inmates were serenaded on their way to their special showers.

I wasn't there..............


Russians don't push past me and my wife when walking down the street!

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21 minutes ago, Saunk said:

So the citizens of a country are responsible for what their government does? I guess that makes me a really bad person considering I'm American.
Seems like common sense is lost in these times.

Then who is responsible? Genocide is being carried out in the name of Russia and therefore all Russians. It is that simple. 

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40 minutes ago, Saunk said:

So the citizens of a country are responsible for what their government does? I guess that makes me a really bad person considering I'm American.
Seems like common sense is lost in these times.

I don't think it makes you a bad person but I think you can call a lot of us Americans ignorant, and naively supporting our Govt reckless wars and not doing enough of our own thinking


So I do think it makes a lot of us a bit complicit


And there are still so many gung-ho Americans that would support any American aggression

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A lot of racism here i see. As long as they have the money and not cause any trouble, all are welcome.

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1 hour ago, HiuMak said:

A lot of racism here i see. As long as they have the money and not cause any trouble, all are welcome.

Absolutely but people are also entitled to their opinions 


I don't like how Indians and Chinese behave in public

Not all of them, but a lot of them 


I don't think that is racist to say I don't like being bumped into without any care


I don't think saying I don't like Chinese spitting and hacking up and screaming is racist

You are allowed to not care for other's actions 


Many people bag on Americans

I don't get offended 


I think I act politely so it doesn't bother me what American's perceptions are


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4 hours ago, Marc26 said:

Absolutely but people are also entitled to their opinions 

I don't like how Indians and Chinese behave in public

Not all of them, but a lot of them 

I don't think that is racist to say I don't like being bumped into without any care

I don't think saying I don't like Chinese spitting and hacking up and screaming is racist

You are allowed to not care for other's actions 

Many people bag on Americans

I don't get offended 

I think I act politely so it doesn't bother me what American's perceptions are

I think you're the the most polite of all the Americans I know. 😀

The other two aren't far behind.

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9 hours ago, HiuMak said:

A lot of racism here i see. As long as they have the money and not cause any trouble, all are welcome.

They should not be 

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Marc26 said:

Absolutely but people are also entitled to their opinions 

I don't like how Indians and Chinese behave in public

Not all of them, but a lot of them 

I don't think that is racist to say I don't like being bumped into without any care

I don't think saying I don't like Chinese spitting and hacking up and screaming is racist

You are allowed to not care for other's actions 

Many people bag on Americans

I don't get offended 

I think I act politely so it doesn't bother me what American's perceptions are

I don't like impolite people, I don't like those who have no social graces, who wonder around as though they own the place, without regard for others.  I don't like drunks, violent people, or drug addled idiots.  I don't care what race, citizenship , colour or sextual preference they have.  Those things are not the issue.  I make an exception for all of the Russians, who should be corralled in their own backward country until they learn some international manners and stop committing genocide.  If that is termed racist, I don't give a toss.

As an aside, among the politest people I have met here in LOS are the American expats. The Brits, of whom I am one, are okay outside Pattaya, inside Pattaya,  not so much. 

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1 hour ago, Pinetree said:

I don't like impolite people, I don't like those who have no social graces, who wonder around as though they own the place, without regard for others.  I don't like drunks, violent people, or drug addled idiots.  I don't care what race, citizenship , colour or sextual preference they have.  Those things are not the issue.  I make an exception for all of the Russians, who should be corralled in their own backward country until they learn some international manners and stop committing genocide.  If that is termed racist, I don't give a toss.

As an aside, among the politest people I have met here in LOS are the American expats. The Brits, of whom I am one, are okay outside Pattaya, inside Pattaya,  not so much. 

I personally don't have an issue with Russians but I can see the argument to travel restrictions 


But as someone pointed out before

Then Iraquis would have had a case in not allowing me to travel, even though I am against American wars 

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On 5/5/2023 at 9:10 PM, Marc26 said:

I don't think it makes you a bad person but I think you can call a lot of us Americans ignorant, and naively supporting our Govt reckless wars and not doing enough of our own thinking

So I do think it makes a lot of us a bit complicit

And there are still so many gung-ho Americans that would support any American aggression

As an American I agree with your comment and would add that we have a lot of media propaganda that adds to those issues.  Funny, I tell my American folks that we also have propaganda and they call me an idiot or unpatriotic.  Many work so many long hours to maintain their standard of living or just surviving and they listen to politicians bs on how they are going to fix whatever the current issue and never take the time to find out what a politician stands for and their track record.  They often vote for the same person over & over again hoping for something different that never happens and they rarely research much on new candidates with different solutions. (Definition of insanity)

It is astonishing on how the US government secretly creates future problems that turn into a war or proxy wars years later to keep the money flowing to the “defense industry complex” $$$$$$ since after WWII.  In the past I tried discussing these topics with my American friends and relatives and sadly they have no idea about this and ignorant on what the American government does and that I am making up s**t.  Many think that America is the only country that has freedom 😂 (American media) and when I tell them many other countries do too, some even more so,  I have receive backlash that I am full of s**t and how could I say that.  Of course all those folks have never been to another foreign country but seem to know they are correct.  My opinion comes from a career in the US Navy (see above I am unpatriotic to some that never served) and later as a defense contractor (so I have no clue on what the US Government does) and for a few decades a world traveler.  I have so far been to 43 countries and lived in 11 and studied a lot of history in high school and college.  I found that when I get away from American media and talk with locals in whatever country I was in about different topic I get a different perspective and more knowledge. All countries have good & bad and none are perfect.

I can’t say I was immune to the American greatness propaganda growing up and as a young adult, but over many decades of viewing the world through a different lens and learned governments everywhere bend information to suite their needs.

Apologies for the novel as I haven’t learned ChatGPT yet to be able to express everything in a brief statement and say the same thing.  On my list of things to do 😂

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10 hours ago, Dancbmac said:

As an American I agree with your comment and would add that we have a lot of media propaganda that adds to those issues.  Funny, I tell my American folks that we also have propaganda and they call me an idiot or unpatriotic.  Many work so many long hours to maintain their standard of living or just surviving and they listen to politicians bs on how they are going to fix whatever the current issue and never take the time to find out what a politician stands for and their track record.  They often vote for the same person over & over again hoping for something different that never happens and they rarely research much on new candidates with different solutions. (Definition of insanity)

It is astonishing on how the US government secretly creates future problems that turn into a war or proxy wars years later to keep the money flowing to the “defense industry complex” $$$$$$ since after WWII.  In the past I tried discussing these topics with my American friends and relatives and sadly they have no idea about this and ignorant on what the American government does and that I am making up s**t.  Many think that America is the only country that has freedom 😂 (American media) and when I tell them many other countries do too, some even more so,  I have receive backlash that I am full of s**t and how could I say that.  Of course all those folks have never been to another foreign country but seem to know they are correct.  My opinion comes from a career in the US Navy (see above I am unpatriotic to some that never served) and later as a defense contractor (so I have no clue on what the US Government does) and for a few decades a world traveler.  I have so far been to 43 countries and lived in 11 and studied a lot of history in high school and college.  I found that when I get away from American media and talk with locals in whatever country I was in about different topic I get a different perspective and more knowledge. All countries have good & bad and none are perfect.

I can’t say I was immune to the American greatness propaganda growing up and as a young adult, but over many decades of viewing the world through a different lens and learned governments everywhere bend information to suite their needs.

Apologies for the novel as I haven’t learned ChatGPT yet to be able to express everything in a brief statement and say the same thing.  On my list of things to do 😂

Oh Americans are the most indoctrinated people in the world


The things that come out of their mouth are just absurd


The talk of "freedom" and "no one has the freedom we do"

Just absurd 


Of course the "We are the Greatest Country in the World" while kids get blown away weekly 


My sister is one of those Americans that no nothing

I am going to Dominican Republic next month and she complained "why, you will get killed there"


I replied "you live in a country that kids get blown away at school and people get blown away at shopping "



My other sister was up in arms that I may renounce my US citizenship 

She has zero idea that the US follows me around and taxes me on things that has nothing to do with them



I can't tell you how many times something has occurred in Toronto or Montreal and my idiot American clients will ask me if everything is OK with me

I live in Vancouver across the country


America is the most insular and ignorant country in the Western World 

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10 hours ago, Marc26 said:

 America is the most insular and ignorant country in the Western World 

It has become so because of the people who have their hands stretched out and have a feeling of entitlement... it is still the most sought out country in the world for immigrants... WHY is that?  If it is so bad?

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1 hour ago, Skip said:

It has become so because of the people who have their hands stretched out and have a feeling of entitlement... it is still the most sought out country in the world for immigrants... WHY is that?  If it is so bad?

Every country has good & bad.  Many areas in America still offer better opportunities for immigrants to improve their lives and their families compared to where they come from.  The majority of immigrants to America actually do very well, working hard and also providing for family members back in their home country.  There is a large amount of natural born American citizens that have grown up hearing the rhetoric in American media that many basic things in life should be free and have their hands out.  Many things are insanely too expensive like health care & education (I put two kids through college $$$$😩).  I don’t believe they should be free, but have a happy medium of at least being affordable.  America does have a big illegal immigrant issue, but once those folks actually get into the country they usually keep a very low profile to stay under the radar of law enforcement and work menial jobs trying to raise and get their children a better education than they had.  Rarely any are out in the public protesting and demanding handouts or they risk getting deported if caught.  Congress could fix the immigration issue by reforming the insane laws that have been pieced together the past couple of decades, but refused to and keep it as a political talking point every election cycle. I’ve been trying to get my Thai wife a visa to come over to America to meet my family and we are at a year & a half into the process that has kept getting delayed, with covid-19 most recent excuse, and our immigration lawyers says there are no guarantees she will receive a visa.  She has been denied a tourist visa before we met with no reason given.  Basically everyone is paying for the 9/11 incident in which the (temporary) Patriot Act was formed and is now a permanent fixture making it much harder for many to come to the US. 

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12 hours ago, Marc26 said:

Oh Americans are the most indoctrinated people in the world

The things that come out of their mouth are just absurd

The talk of "freedom" and "no one has the freedom we do"

Just absurd 

Of course the "We are the Greatest Country in the World" while kids get blown away weekly 

My sister is one of those Americans that no nothing

I am going to Dominican Republic next month and she complained "why, you will get killed there"

I replied "you live in a country that kids get blown away at school and people get blown away at shopping "

My other sister was up in arms that I may renounce my US citizenship 

She has zero idea that the US follows me around and taxes me on things that has nothing to do with them

I can't tell you how many times something has occurred in Toronto or Montreal and my idiot American clients will ask me if everything is OK with me

I live in Vancouver across the country

America is the most insular and ignorant country in the Western World 

A few years ago I lived in Los Vegas and I was flying up to Vancouver when they had that mass shooting and when I got off the plane my phone messages was blown up asking me if I was OK in which I had to check the news & find out why I was getting all the messages.

Don’t lump all Americans brother 😂, but I do agree a large majority, many whom have never been outside the country do not have a clue.  I am also not happy with the US Government tax system as I have worked most of my adult life outside of the US in different countries and had to pay US income taxes, though there is that huge deduction.  I am retired in Thailand now and still have to file & pay income taxes on my retirement 

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8 hours ago, Dancbmac said:

A few years ago I lived in Los Vegas and I was flying up to Vancouver when they had that mass shooting and when I got off the plane my phone messages was blown up asking me if I was OK in which I had to check the news & find out why I was getting all the messages.

Don’t lump all Americans brother 😂, but I do agree a large majority, many whom have never been outside the country do not have a clue.  I am also not happy with the US Government tax system as I have worked most of my adult life outside of the US in different countries and had to pay US income taxes, though there is that huge deduction.  I am retired in Thailand now and still have to file & pay income taxes on my retirement 

The earned foreign income credit is massive though if you make 150-200k though


But believe me, I know

My old boss and other friend started a hedge fund that has done really well and they won't even take my Thai wives money because she is married to an American and the compliance is too onerous


It is like that mafia


It is hard not to lump all Americans because so many are ignorant, and I am talking about a lot of my friends and family, clients


it is the least self aware, insular place in the world

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10 hours ago, Skip said:

It has become so because of the people who have their hands stretched out and have a feeling of entitlement... it is still the most sought out country in the world for immigrants... WHY is that?  If it is so bad?

It is literally one of the country's with the least social asssitance........but yet "people have their hands stretched out"

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8 hours ago, Dancbmac said:

Every country has good & bad.  Many areas in America still offer better opportunities for immigrants to improve their lives and their families compared to where they come from.  The majority of immigrants to America actually do very well, working hard and also providing for family members back in their home country.  There is a large amount of natural born American citizens that have grown up hearing the rhetoric in American media that many basic things in life should be free and have their hands out.  Many things are insanely too expensive like health care & education (I put two kids through college $$$$😩).  I don’t believe they should be free, but have a happy medium of at least being affordable.  America does have a big illegal immigrant issue, but once those folks actually get into the country they usually keep a very low profile to stay under the radar of law enforcement and work menial jobs trying to raise and get their children a better education than they had.  Rarely any are out in the public protesting and demanding handouts or they risk getting deported if caught.  Congress could fix the immigration issue by reforming the insane laws that have been pieced together the past couple of decades, but refused to and keep it as a political talking point every election cycle. I’ve been trying to get my Thai wife a visa to come over to America to meet my family and we are at a year & a half into the process that has kept getting delayed, with covid-19 most recent excuse, and our immigration lawyers says there are no guarantees she will receive a visa.  She has been denied a tourist visa before we met with no reason given.  Basically everyone is paying for the 9/11 incident in which the (temporary) Patriot Act was formed and is now a permanent fixture making it much harder for many to come to the US. 

College tuition is criminal in the US

Education, yes may not should be free, but it is a right that should be affordable


And that's why I blast the US as much as I do...........you can't say you are the Greatest Country in the World and then just shrug your shoulders at the country holding your kids hostage over education


And that is what they do in the US, they shrug their shoulders and do or demand nothing


Kids get blown away at schools......shrug their shoulders

They have a criminal healthcare and education system..........shrug their shoulders

Covid deaths................shrug their shoulders


That's all the US and it's people do

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