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Officials argue most leaving Sandbox aren’t unhappy


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Nothing shows confidence more than repeatedly shouting “fake news.” But amid growing negative press regarding the Phuket Sandbox, officials find themselves continuously denying rumours that Sandbox arrivals are fleeing the island and going home unhappy. While many have left the Sandbox, more have arrived, and the government’s argument isn’t without merit as those who left the Sandbox have various reasons. Phuket Vice Governor Piyapong Choowong is fighting back against social media posts that claim Sandbox travellers are unhappy with their trip and are leaving as a result. He said the Facebook post claiming this was inaccurate and it has been […]

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I wish this Vice Goivenour Choowong would make up his mind. First he states visitors are not leaving Phuket because they are unhappy, and then states some are leaving because they are unhappy with the enforced quarantine.

The authorities claim fake news.

Regardless they will come a time when more will be leaving than arriving. Some of the arrivals just had to enter Thailand because of family and or business commitments, and once those persons have all arrived, there will be very few more.

I have always believed that the tests for Covid in Thailand are deliberately corrupted to fill quarantine hotels, ensuring the Thai owners make more money. Hard to prove though as there are no independent second tests.

Now, as revealed by Dragonfly, tourists in Portugal have won a case of illegal enforced quarantine, because the Covid tests were judged to be not reliable. 

Knowing that they as tourists' might be subjected to unreliable Covid tests and might have to enter quarantine at three times the price of their booked hotel, will now pursuade the tourists to think again.

Why would they want to have a holiday on Phucket anyway? Most of the place is closed. The taxi mafia appears to be alive and up to their old scams, and attractions will cost them up to four times more than a Thai, simply because they are foreigners.

And that is not fake news.

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I read myself postings from Sandbox tourists and groups in the social media and why they should not be true? Some were not aware about the situation in Phuket and I guess they showed them pics or brochures from Phuket before covid and not the pics of the ghostowns. And why I should believe more the governer if the Tourists are happy or unhappy than the tourists?. So he will tell this unhappy tourists and posting in social media that are frustrated and unhappy or wanna leave it is not true because he or his staff told so? This is really absurd. Surly I will believe the tourists more about their experience than the Govener and his staff!

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Why would you not mind being swabbed to holy high end, tracked on an app that probably back door opens your phone to peekaboo, and then tracked down to make sure you stay at your hotel. Unless you are using it to get back to your home or loved one(s), it seems to me as a negative all the way.

Edited by HolyCowCm
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We arrived on day 2 of the Sandbox Scheme and I firstly wanted to acknowledge how useful the Thaiger was in the complex COE process. In fact insurance was the biggest headache, with most of the Thai insurance companies charging excessive rates, but we made it here.

On the other hand, many of the comments on the chat forums are overly, if not astonishingly negative, so a few comments are worth making from our viewpoint. 

The Phuket economy has been devastated by the pandemic and the Sandbox is an innovative way to get things moving. The requirement for 14 nights in an SHA hotel is a brilliant idea - not simply a money grabbing scheme - because the hotels here are on their knees and they employ a huge number of people. The staff in our hotel were absolutely delighted to see us, and told me that by day 11 the occupancy rate had gone from single-digit figures (unsustainable) to 24% and rising. Similarly, restaurants are opening again and the staff there are just as pleased to see us. We're treated like celebrities.

Moreover, the 14 day SHA scheme gives the health system a means of checking for infections. Our airport swab test result came back by midnight that day, so there was no delay for us in any sense. And I note that the system picked up 2 infected kids at the day 5/6 test who hadn't been vaccinated and who didn't show positive on day 1. So this system can work.

As far as we can see the Sandbox is a fantastic success. It's bringing money in, saving jobs and the guests we've met are having a great time. Arrivals and hotel bookings are up to 600+ a day and, while this won't equate to 100,000 arrivals in Q3, it is a brilliant start. 

It's not without problems. Quarantining 8/9 year old kids is not attractive (and the authorities should be open about their state) and quarantining close contacts of infected arrivals is not good practice either. But on the other hand they know that if infections get out of control the scheme will be closed down (still - better to be open about this possibility in the first place).

So it's great to be back and I just hope that they can continue this system and enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices. If they can get through July without major infection numbers, I suspect that the number arrivals in August will be much greater. The main danger is the Delta variant, with much of the population having had the relatively ineffective Sinovac.


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Hi Cornelius, welcome to the forum and thanks for the insights. The Sandbox is a starting point, and you can argue success or not. Is it the right starting point?....I don't know. I hope that ultimate success is achieved so the Thai people can be helped out with minimal risk to all.

Welcome back to Thailand.


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1 hour ago, Cornelius said:

We arrived on day 2 of the Sandbox Scheme and I firstly wanted to acknowledge how useful the Thaiger was in the complex COE process. In fact insurance was the biggest headache, with most of the Thai insurance companies charging excessive rates, but we made it here.

On the other hand, many of the comments on the chat forums are overly, if not astonishingly negative, so a few comments are worth making from our viewpoint. 

The Phuket economy has been devastated by the pandemic and the Sandbox is an innovative way to get things moving. The requirement for 14 nights in an SHA hotel is a brilliant idea - not simply a money grabbing scheme - because the hotels here are on their knees and they employ a huge number of people. The staff in our hotel were absolutely delighted to see us, and told me that by day 11 the occupancy rate had gone from single-digit figures (unsustainable) to 24% and rising. Similarly, restaurants are opening again and the staff there are just as pleased to see us. We're treated like celebrities.

Moreover, the 14 day SHA scheme gives the health system a means of checking for infections. Our airport swab test result came back by midnight that day, so there was no delay for us in any sense. And I note that the system picked up 2 infected kids at the day 5/6 test who hadn't been vaccinated and who didn't show positive on day 1. So this system can work.

As far as we can see the Sandbox is a fantastic success. It's bringing money in, saving jobs and the guests we've met are having a great time. Arrivals and hotel bookings are up to 600+ a day and, while this won't equate to 100,000 arrivals in Q3, it is a brilliant start. 

It's not without problems. Quarantining 8/9 year old kids is not attractive (and the authorities should be open about their state) and quarantining close contacts of infected arrivals is not good practice either. But on the other hand they know that if infections get out of control the scheme will be closed down (still - better to be open about this possibility in the first place).

So it's great to be back and I just hope that they can continue this system and enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices. If they can get through July without major infection numbers, I suspect that the number arrivals in August will be much greater. The main danger is the Delta variant, with much of the population having had the relatively ineffective Sinovac.

So would you regard yourself as a genuine tourist? Someone who will, after a few weeks return home with a sun tan or whatever you want from a holiday. You talk about “making it back” as if this was a challenge you wanted to overcome. Is a challenge part of a holiday experience you look for?  I know these questions may come across as negative, however I am genuinely trying to understand if the “tourist” initiative is being used by genuine tourists or people look to get back in to Thailand?  

The whole world has been economically affected by the pandemic, including hotels, restaurants and the rest of the hospitality industry back home. So I’m wondering if you are a genuine tourist, why you chose the help the unfortunate people of Phuket? 

Thank you.  

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I just can’t see a tourist going through all the restrictions to go for a relaxing holiday but that just my opinion. I have a house and possessions in Thailand and I can’t see giving up my freedom in U S for taking a chance to go to lockdown.  Hoping for October entry without restrictions 

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So let me see if I got this right: DO think critically when it comes to fake news about the reasons why people aren't sticking around in the sandbox, but DON'T think critically about the PM, the government or the botched vaccine rollout.... 

Problem is, once you start asking people to think critically you might find you've opened pandora's box ?

Edited by KaptainRob
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Which one if the government goes in jail with their fake news, they can never admit the true.. fact is  PEOPLE LEAVE BECAUSE THEY UNHAPPY that us the REAL NEWS.. tired if the nonsense talk of the government always trying to show how good everything is in Thailand, fact is it isn't at all 

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We have an apartment here and we have coming here for 5 years now - so we have really missed it. But I still don't mind staying in an SHA+ hotel for 14 nights; it's certainly better than ASQ. I have met others that wanted to get back to Thailand without undergoing ASQ, but there are quite a few genuine tourists here including a fair few families (mainly from the middle  east). 

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3 hours ago, Cornelius said:

We have an apartment here and we have coming here for 5 years now - so we have really missed it. But I still don't mind staying in an SHA+ hotel for 14 nights; it's certainly better than ASQ. I have met others that wanted to get back to Thailand without undergoing ASQ, but there are quite a few genuine tourists here including a fair few families (mainly from the middle  east). 

Ok thanks for the information. I think a fair few people are surprised that people would go through all the hoops to come to Thailand when there are other places with less restrictions. I guess it makes perfect sense for you if you have an apartment in Phuket. Good luck and stay safe. 

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9 hours ago, Thaiger said:

Officials argue most leaving Sandbox aren’t unhappy

"Aren't unhappy" is a double negative that does not mean "happy". This is along the lines of "without quarantine"; a term with much use and no definition.

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 I Expect that the Ones in SHA Hotels are Fine Another Case for the Ones that Forced into ASQ Hotels as for Leaving Wasn't it Just the Myanmar Group that Requested That and Nobody else has Asked to go Home ?


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10 hours ago, Cornelius said:

and the staff there are just as pleased to see us. We're treated like celebrities.

In my exps living in LOS since 2008, anyone who brings MONEY, will always be treated like celebrity.

Ask them for something out of kindness and instead of profit and see if you are still a celebrity

The entire planet has suffered in some way, im sure there are folks in your home town that would

put up fake smiles and love you too much if you had a pocketful of cash.....not trying to knock LOS

as I am itching to get back as well, but as noted money and whisky always buys friends on Thailand.

*In most cases buy more than friends as well* Hello Hansum Man....dont bite the hand that feeds...

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Could you please find out why people wishing to enter the sandbox programme, can only apply for a COE 1 month before intended travel to Phuket?

a lot of businesses require 1 month notice for employees to submit their leave application.

If i was to enter ASQ, no restrictions on a time frame to apply for a COE.

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11 hours ago, Soidog said:

Ok thanks for the information. I think a fair few people are surprised that people would go through all the hoops to come to Thailand when there are other places with less restrictions. I guess it makes perfect sense for you if you have an apartment in Phuket. Good luck and stay safe. 

In the interests of honesty I have to admit that I'm not here as a 'tourist' - we're here for 3 months as the start of my semi-retirement plan. But I would happily come for say 3 weeks because the COE system, while clunky, is not that bad once you've found an insurance plan that clearly satisfies the health and Covid cover requirements. And living in the UK, it's murder to go on holiday anywhere in Europe because the rules change so frequently and you still have to swab test before and after travel. True, you have to pre-pay for 3 tests in Phuket (and upload proof of payment) but the hotel organises that and the costs are more than covered by the super-cheap deals on offer. The question is whether other would-be tourists are put off, and I guess time will tell.

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2 hours ago, Cornelius said:

In the interests of honesty I have to admit that I'm not here as a 'tourist' - we're here for 3 months as the start of my semi-retirement plan. But I would happily come for say 3 weeks because the COE system, while clunky, is not that bad once you've found an insurance plan that clearly satisfies the health and Covid cover requirements. And living in the UK, it's murder to go on holiday anywhere in Europe because the rules change so frequently and you still have to swab test before and after travel. True, you have to pre-pay for 3 tests in Phuket (and upload proof of payment) but the hotel organises that and the costs are more than covered by the super-cheap deals on offer. The question is whether other would-be tourists are put off, and I guess time will tell.

Thanks for the update. I’ll move you off the real tourist list then ☺️ 

With regards to the U.K. and the ever changing rules, I agree it’s a problem. However, I think the main thing that changes is the likelihood of going to say Spain, thinking all is well, only to find it’s suddenly put on the U.K. Amber list while you are there. This then means on returning to the U.K. you have to self isolate at home for 10 days. I’m looking to return to Thailand in September, but I still think it’s riskier than going to Spain. If there is a problem with a positive test of a person you have been in close contact with, you could find you spend your 14 day holiday locked in a hotel room at best, or in a field hospital at worst. 

Enjoy your time there and hope your retirement plans work out well. I’m assuming if you have come from theUK you are fully jabbed with quality vaccine, but stay safe. 

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No matter what perceptions people have of the "sandbox model" it has to be infinitely better than a mandatory 15 night quarantine in Bangkok or Pattaya. At least there is some freedom in regards to personal movement outside of your accomodation, food options and quality and the bonus of a few relaxing drinks if you so desire. My quarantine experience last year in Bangkok was one which I would not want to repeat and the sandbox addresses the issues that would make me baulk from re-doing a quarantine in Thailand. I have also self quarantined at home a number of times but that was very tolerable as the stay could be tailored to individual needs and comforts.

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2 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

No matter what perceptions people have of the "sandbox model" it has to be infinitely better than a mandatory 15 night quarantine in Bangkok or Pattaya. At least there is some freedom in regards to personal movement outside of your accomodation, food options and quality and the bonus of a few relaxing drinks if you so desire. My quarantine experience last year in Bangkok was one which I would not want to repeat and the sandbox addresses the issues that would make me baulk from re-doing a quarantine in Thailand. I have also self quarantined at home a number of times but that was very tolerable as the stay could be tailored to individual needs and comforts.



I agree 100%. The Sandbox is a stepping stone - and an experiment at seeing what better options (to 15 day quarantine) are possible.

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It is unclear from the article, as to what actually constitutes a “group”.  If one person from the UAE is tested positive for COVID-19, is the “group” considered to be everyone on that inbound flight? This needs to be clarified for travellers, as the risks for a ruined holiday would be much greater if this were the case.

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