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News Forum - RTA threatens to prosecute draft dodging Thai activist monk


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The Royal Thai Army (RTA) announced it will prosecute an activist turned monk if he fails to give a valid reason why he dodged the mandatory conscription process. Phra Netiwit Jaranasampanno faces a court trial and possible compulsory drafting into the army without the benefit of drawing a ballot because of his draft dodging exercise. …

The story RTA threatens to prosecute draft dodging Thai activist monk as seen on Thaiger News.

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so all the young, rude, aggressive russian draft dodgers are welcome but if a thai tries to dodge the draft he will be prosecuted. 

take your standards and make them double. xD Maybe just take a few of these uneducated, rude russians for the army, as thailand love them more than own people as it seems obviously.




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