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News Forum - US YouTubers face backlash after ‘uneducated Thai & Filipina women’ slur


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The American female guests of an episode from the controversial DailyRagUpCrew YouTube channel are facing a backlash for their condescending attitudes toward foreign women. The boorish women were scathing of women from the Philippines, Thailand, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia, whom they dismiss as “uneducated” and lacking in proficiency in the English language. The DailyRagUpCrew …

The story US YouTubers face backlash after ‘uneducated Thai & Filipina women’ slur as seen on Thaiger News.

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I have to agree on the poor Thai language skills, but that is everyone - even in the tourist oriented section of the hospitality sector English language skills are often very poor. Quite the opposite to the Philippines, where English is widely and generally well spoken.

Everything else - utter bollux.

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3 hours ago, Grumpish said:

I have to agree on the poor Thai language skills, but that is everyone - even in the tourist oriented section of the hospitality sector English language skills are often very poor. Quite the opposite to the Philippines, where English is widely and generally well spoken.

Everything else - utter bollux.

I thought people in Thailand spoke Thai quite well considering. 

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Jealousy is a painful thing. 🤣 Poor western women realizing deep inside that all the propaganda they've been fed through "feminism" were lies.

We don't need you - the world is full of women who aren't broken, aren't as fat, more feminine, and don't require that much maintenance.

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Speaking generally, Thai English skills are almost non-existant, although that is beginning to improve as increasing more people move from rural areas towards the cities, where they hear English being spoken.

Unfortunately, as the vast majority of teachers of English in Thai schools are semi-literate themselves, it's a case of one-eyed teachers leading the blind.

The majority of  students nationally don't want to make the effort to learn English, still believing that it is of no use to them - particularly now, with translation apps so readily to hand on their phones.

Those who do make the effort, manage to pick up a working knowledge of basic English quite quickly. But it's rough, crude and sounds 'pidgin' compared to those nations which use English as their second language. 

Much as Thailand desperately wants to be thought of as a modern, advanced, nation, it'll remain on the back burner internationally, due to not only its stubbon Nationalistic pride, but also its frequently hilarious pantomime-style politics.

Edited by robsamui
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6 hours ago, robsamui said:

Speaking generally, Thai English skills are almost non-existant, although that is beginning to improve as increasing more people move from rural areas towards the cities, where they hear English being spoken.

Unfortunately, as the vast majority of teachers of English in Thai schools are semi-literate themselves, it's a case of one-eyed teachers leading the blind.

The majority of  students nationally don't want to make the effort to learn English, still believing that it is of no use to them - particularly now, with translation apps so readily to hand on their phones.

Those who do make the effort, manage to pick up a working knowledge of basic English quite quickly. But it's rough, crude and sounds 'pidgin' compared to those nations which use English as their second language. 

Much as Thailand desperately wants to be thought of as a modern, advanced, nation, it'll remain on the back burner internationally, due to not only its stubbon Nationalistic pride, but also its frequently hilarious pantomime-style politics.

I have travelled extensively all over and I would rank Thailand up there with being able to get by on English than most countries I have visited.........

Now that is not to say the English is great, many times it is "pidgin English" as you say...........but you can get by


Compared to many places in Latin America and other Asian countries, Thailand was much easier.............

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10 hours ago, Marc26 said:

I have travelled extensively all over and I would rank Thailand up there with being able to get by on English than most countries I have visited.........

Now that is not to say the English is great, many times it is "pidgin English" as you say...........but you can get by

Compared to many places in Latin America and other Asian countries, Thailand was much easier.............

Although I am now fluent in Thai and have no need to use English in Thailand, I agree. English is everywhere in Thailand. On highway signs throughout the country, on billboards and advertisements and on most restaurant menus. Even in multilingual Europe, it amazes me how few restaurants have a bilingual or English language menu. In Thailand, it comes standard. Europe has as many if not more foreigners traveling around, so the lack of an English menu say in Denmark, a country where many residents speak English quite well is quite offensive. Do they expect Germans, Dutchmen, Poles all to understand Danish? 

Other SE Asian countries are similar. You have English language menus, highway signs (though in Malaysia, most signs are only in Malay, probably due to anti-colonial, pro Malay policies) though Thailand has probably gone further than its neighbors in this respect. Even in former British colony Burma, now known as Myanmar, you rarely see English in the countryside either on restaurant menus or highway signs. It's like the military has deliberately tried to distance itself from any vestiges of its former colonial master, in many cases to the detriment of society. Meaning that in rural Myanmar, English language proficiency is probably worse than in rural Thailand. However, despite being held back by the military, you will probably be able to find an English speaker in Myanmar with similar ease to Thailand..meaning someone will be found to help you if it becomes necessary.

So yeah even if Thai English proficiency on the whole isn't great and many Thais speak only "pidgin English", you could be stranded in nakorn nowhere and easily find an English speaker to help you out, if needed. Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are similar. 

It's a lot more difficult to get by with English in Japan, Korea and China. Forget about Latin America from what I have heard, no one speaks anything other than Spanish (or Portuguese in Brazil). It's like they're deliberately trying not to speak English in those countries. Mexico is better due to the influx of Americans and Canadians though.

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10 hours ago, Marc26 said:

The funny thing about this is so many Black Americans don't speak English well!

Just remember BLM ….. Black Language Matters

For example, “ask” could be pronounced “aks,” or “library” pronounced “libary.” TH-fronting is also a prominent feature of African American Vernacular English. For example, “those” and “doze” can sound nearly identical.

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17 hours ago, robsamui said:

Speaking generally, Thai English skills are almost non-existant, although that is beginning to improve as increasing more people move from rural areas towards the cities, where they hear English being spoken.

Unfortunately, as the vast majority of teachers of English in Thai schools are semi-literate themselves, it's a case of one-eyed teachers leading the blind.

The majority of  students nationally don't want to make the effort to learn English, still believing that it is of no use to them - particularly now, with translation apps so readily to hand on their phones.

Those who do make the effort, manage to pick up a working knowledge of basic English quite quickly. But it's rough, crude and sounds 'pidgin' compared to those nations which use English as their second language. 

Much as Thailand desperately wants to be thought of as a modern, advanced, nation, it'll remain on the back burner internationally, due to not only its stubbon Nationalistic pride, but also its frequently hilarious pantomime-style politics.

That kind of ignorance amazes me, particularly when there are so many foreigners everywhere in Thailand and nearly 25% of the economy is based on tourism. 

What kind of a vacuum do Thai students live in? 

Do they not want to interact with expats and tourists or do they assume they all speak Thai? 

You can't get by holding a conversation with translation apps on your phone though. Such translations are frequently incorrect or inaccurate. Not to mention you do need to have some idea of how the language you're translating to works.

Thailand isn't an advanced nation even if it is moving in that direction. It's becoming increasingly modern and certainly it isn't Laos or Cambodia or God forbid Africa but it's still a far cry from Japan, Europe or America and Thais know this. It is still well behind Malaysia as well. The north-south Lebuhraya or expressway was completed nearly 30 years ago and features a twin tunnel near Ipoh. Meanwhile, the furthest you can drive on an expressway or motorway out of Bangkok is to Ban Chang, just outside of Rayong and about half an hour from Pattaya. Thailand has a long way to go to catch up even to Malaysia. The same can be said for the railway system, which in Malaysia is modern and goes up to 160km/h, covering the trip between Kuala Lumpur and the Thai border town of Padang Besar in no time. Clueless Thai nationalists point to the 160km/h speed of the airport rail link, which is a much shorter, urban line but hasn't had any fast trains since they canned the express service some 8 or 9 years ago now.

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Jealousy is an ugly trait... I find it comical how people from other countries complain about Thai English skills. It's Thailand. They don't have to speak English. It's like if a Thai person went to the US and complained about peoples lack of Thai speaking skills in the US 😂

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What always annoys but also amuses me by this w oke culture of easily getting offended at everything is how those who feel like they've been victimized feel the need the cherry pick examples of why the claim can't possibly be right. "A lot of people in Bangkok speak English". Yes, that isn't surprising, considering the city is home to most of the country's educated workforce, most multinational companies being based in the city, as well as most working expats being here too. Not to mention it's the seat of government, where all the embassies and international organizations are located and the city is one of the world's most visited places so there are lots of tourists around.

However, the claim was American men frequently seek relationships with Thai women, who don't speak English well. We all know what that likely means. Many of these women come from poor rural areas, some are bar girls meaning that they likely didn't have much access to education. 

These American men obviously aren't seeking out well educated Thai men who are business owners and happen to speak perfect English because well, neither of them are gay. Well educated Thai women are often as driven and high maintenance as their counterparts in other countries and often childless as a result. Consequently, they have difficulty finding partners and some of them aren't interested in foreigners either. 

Of course, being more specific wouldn't have helped matters because then all the easily offended Thai social media commentators would have found offense with the idea that Thailand is home to many prostitutes and sex workers and many of them end up in relationships with foreign men.

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5 hours ago, Cabra said:

Jealousy is an ugly trait... I find it comical how people from other countries complain about Thai English skills. It's Thailand. They don't have to speak English. It's like if a Thai person went to the US and complained about peoples lack of Thai speaking skills in the US 😂

It's not like that at all. On the one hand English is the most widely spoken language on the planet, and on the other hand there's Thai, spoken in Thailand. 

Yes, it's Thailand, they don't have to speak English. It's also 2023 and the world is smaller than ever

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15 minutes ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

Yes, it's Thailand, they don't have to speak English. It's also 2023 and the world is smaller than ever

No problem with having to get by with no or very little spoken English out in the sticks, that is all part of the fun of travelling - but not somewhere like a hotel or restaurant in a tourist area where most visitors have English as a first or good second language (I will be generous and include the US as English speaking, although they really do need to work on their spelling).

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36 minutes ago, Grumpish said:

No problem with having to get by with no or very little spoken English out in the sticks, that is all part of the fun of travelling - but not somewhere like a hotel or restaurant in a tourist area where most visitors have English as a first or good second language (I will be generous and include the US as English speaking, although they really do need to work on their spelling).

I couldn't care less either way who speaks what and where, but to equate Thais not speaking English with Americans not speaking Thai is just disingenuous. 

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18 hours ago, Marc26 said:

The funny thing about this is so many Black Americans don't speak English well!

Even funnier is all Americans don’t speak English well 😉

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These 3 had similar attitudes toward any black dude who has a (sex) fetish for white girls, instead of a strong, beautiful, successful black African Queen, like them.... as they yell over each other dropping F bombs and slurs like hood rats.  🤣

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1 hour ago, TheDirtyDurian said:

I couldn't care less either way who speaks what and where, but to equate Thais not speaking English with Americans not speaking Thai is just disingenuous. 

Sorry, where does Americans not speaking Thai come? That Americans can't speak or spell the King's English is well known, although they are often a little touchy about it.

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On 2/10/2023 at 3:51 PM, Pinga said:

We don't need you - the world is full of women who aren't broken, aren't as fat, more feminine, and don't require that much maintenance.

You pinged it in one. (pun intentional)

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10 hours ago, AdvocatusDiaboli said:

Just remember BLM ….. Black Language Matters

For example, “ask” could be pronounced “aks,” or “library” pronounced “libary.” TH-fronting is also a prominent feature of African American Vernacular English. For example, “those” and “doze” can sound nearly identical.

Have a niece that hung out with wrong crowd in her teen years and was indoctrinated into the gutter slang of the time, very nasal and poor pronunciation, went to Uni has 2 degrees and fails interviews constantly as those gutter language nuances keep coming out unexpectedly in normal conversation. Hence few jobs.

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2 hours ago, Grumpish said:

Sorry, where does Americans not speaking Thai come? That Americans can't speak or spell the King's English is well known, although they are often a little touchy about it.

"Hey, I'm starting to tire of these tires. They just go in random circles, like spurious comments "🤪

Au contraire. Very few would be touchy about it, as the overwhelming preference in most Asian countries, is for Amercian sounding accents and spelling, thru and through".  

The 2 best things to happen were the (1) not so polite nor genteel removal of the English Crown out of the emerging colonies so that the centre of control would, remain at the center, under the founding father's control (unfortunately only for a short period, until the end of the civil war period up until 1913, financially).  (2) Throwing off the shackles of onerous and convoluted spelling tradition for tradition's sake, by modernizing the spelling arrangements to resemble how some words actually sound. Kinda.        George Bush and street babble do not count.   50 Shades of Grey or Gray, it does not matter...as there are far more pressing diversions to get people riled up  about while our freedoms continue being whittled away. Yes, in the U.K.  Yes, in the collapsing trifecta- The insane Left AND Right in the U.S, cuckoo Canada and suicidal Europe.  Yes, in authoritarian Australia and socialist N.Z.  Japa also has no idea how to reverse their economic sleepwalking for 30+ years, except for printing more money and the govt propping everything up, due to being completely corporatist like the U.S and Australia.

God Bless the Constitution. 


* To our esteemed British brothers in Thailand, this was written tongue-in-cheek.   If you get offended at that, you don't any serious problems in your life. Count yourself luckier.  It's all relative.

" You cheeky ........! " 


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12 minutes ago, whyuthinktoomut said:

"Hey, I'm starting to tire of these tires. They just go in random circles, like spurious comments "🤪

Au contraire. Very few would be touchy about it, as the overwhelming preference in most Asian countries, is for Amercian sounding accents and spelling, thru and through".  

The 2 best things to happen were the (1) not so polite nor genteel removal of the English Crown out of the emerging colonies so that the centre of control would, remain at the center, under the founding father's control (unfortunately only for a short period, until the end of the civil war period up until 1913, financially).  (2) Throwing off the shackles of onerous and convoluted spelling tradition for tradition's sake, by modernizing the spelling arrangements to resemble how some words actually sound. Kinda.        George Bush and street babble do not count.   50 Shades of Grey or Gray, it does not matter...as there are far more pressing diversions to get people riled up  about while our freedoms continue being whittled away. Yes, in the U.K.  Yes, in the collapsing trifecta- The U.S, cuckoo Canada and suicidal Europe.                    Yes, in authoritarian Australia and socialist N.Z.  Even Japan, due to being completely corporatist like the U.S and Australia. 

God Bless the Constitution. 

* To our esteemed British brothers in Thailand, this was written tongue-in-cheek.   If you get offended at that, you don't any serious problems in your life. Count yourself luckier.  It's all relative.

" You cheeky ........! " 

Sorry mate. Couldn't understand a word.

Could you repost in English please?

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